How to Download and Install FiveM in 2024 for GTA 5 to Roleplay on PC

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as you can see I have 5m working in 2024 and in this video I'm going to teach you how to download and install 5m so you could already start role playing in GTA 5 in 20124 let's get started with this tutorial the first step for downloading and installing 5m is to click the second link in the description which will bring you to of course a written guide on how to download and install 5m now feel free to read through this guide look at the screenshots and if that helps you hey that's great but I know most of you just want to follow along the video so if you don't want to read and do all that all you have to do is just scroll down and click where it says down download 5m that'll redirect you to the 5m official website where all you have to do now is Click where it says download client that'll bring you over here where you can read through the agreements and we all know you're going to skip this part so all you have to do is Click where it says sure I agree and I'm actually going to move my camera a little bit so you guys could see it right there so where it says sure I agree just go ahead and click on that and that will start the download automatically like you can see here it's asking me where to save it but for you guys it's going to download right away so once you downloaded your file I want you to go ahead and and drag and drop that file to your desktop if you're using Chrome you can find that file here in your recent download history if you're using any other browser well it's your browser I know you'll figure it out but you also could always find this file within your download folder in your computer goad and drag and drop the 5m installation file and you can minimize the browser now don't close this video because you want to know how to finish this so yeah just keep watching all you have to do now to install 5m is simply double click on this 5m. exe file which will open the 5m installer give it a second as you can see it now says updating 5m downloading some files and that is the way it's going to be for most of you as well just give it a second and after a couple seconds 5m is going to ask you to find your installation folder for GTA 5 now don't worry if you don't know where your installation folder is because I'm going to show you some ways to figure out where you install this game no matter if you install the game through Steam epic games or just through the Rockstar launcher I'm going to show you the ways of finding out where the game is and also in the first comment down below I'm going to leave the most common locations for the default installation of GTA 5 depending on where you got the game from so if you got it through Steam I'm going to leave the default location same for epic games and the Rockstar launcher anyways let's say for example that you got the game through epic games like I did all you have to do then is launch epic games where say library head over to library and hor say search just look for GTA 5 in here I'm going to put GTA in here and then GTA is going to come up right and once the game comes up if you already have it in the library go ahead and click on that and then it's going to select the game here by itself right and this is because I have a big library with lots of games that's why I search for it but if you're already have it here in the library you don't got to search for it all you have to do is click on this little three dots click on manage and then click on this little folder that's appears right here to the uninstall button don't uninstall it just click on the folder and that is going to give you the location of your GTA 5 as you can see right here on this string of text right here if you click in the empty space right next to it you select the whole text and that is the location of your GTA 5 through epic games so all you have to do now is Select that and press contrl C to copy it close this you could close the epic game launcher now and you could paste that in here in the 5m directory click on the empty space again right here and then contrl V to paste it and press enter and that is going to find the location of the game for you now if you found the location of GTA all you have to do now is Click GTA 5.exe and click open now if you have the game through Steam instead all you have to do is launch a steam find your GTA 5 in here which I don't have it through Steam but let's act like this is GTA 5 head over to the game click on it click on the manage button right here on the right side go to properties and then right here in properties go to install files and in here you can click on browse and that will redirect you once you click on browse it just open down here it will redirect you to that folder where we have the GTA 5 installation file all you have to do again click on this empty space copy that then once you copi that you come back here to 5m you paste it right here on the top and then you press enter and you will be presented with this page in here with this folder where we're going to select GTA 5.exe if you install the game through Rockstar I'm going to leave in the first pin comment the most common locations for the installations of GTA V so so you don't have to struggle anyways once you found your installation for GTA V all you have to do is select the GTA 5.exe file and click on open give it a second here because 5m is going to start verifying the game content and while 5m is verifying the game content I want to let you guys know that if you want to start a 5m server so you could have your own roleplay server I'm going to leave this first link in the description for zap hosting this is an affiliate link so if you do use it you'll be supporting the channel the reason I'm recommending sap hosing is because they make the process super simple for creating a 5m server and because I have used sap hosing in the past and I know they work properly so I'm going to leave that first link in the description and let's check back with 5m and as we can see 5m is now asking me to update the local game data and once you get this prompt you just have to click on yes and then just keep waiting for 5m to update to install to get everything working so we could finally go ahead on role play while this is happening I want to thank you guys because last year I posted a guide on how to install 5m and that was my most watched video of the year with that video being close to half a million views now while you're installing 5m you might get a little administrator prompt all you have to do is Click click yes that you agree and as you can see it's going to have you sign in with your Rockstar account all you have to do in here is sign in with your Rockstar account so I'm going to do that real quick and once you sign in with your GTA account it's just going to start loading again like you can see in here it says starting 5m and then 5m should just open just like that all you have to do is log in if you don't remember your logins well that's your own fault kind of I'm not going to lie in there you got to you got to keep your logins safe somewhere and now we just got to wait for 5m to start and there we go 5m juice Lounge now you have to click I accept again you can read through the terms and agreements but we're going to skip that just click I accept and wait for five and to loading here now it might ask you to log in here with cfx I have never log in through cfx in my life I always click cancel and don't ask again but if you want to log in through cfx be my guest and do it so you could have an account that you could carry over in case you delete 5m one day and then you reinstall it but I'm going to click cancel and don't ask again and once you have 5m open if you want to join a server all you have to do now is click on play and in here once you try joining a server first of all you might need Discord because most of of these servers need you to have a Discord account and also because some of you have asked me in the past that whenever you try to join a server the firewall pops up while 5m is completely safe and you have to click allow on the firewall if you want this game to connect to the internet and you want to be able to join the servers so don't be afraid if you get that firewall popup all you have to do is Click allow and you're good you're set and you can play I hope you enjoyed this video if you did don't forget to leave a like and a comment now guys before you all go I really want to thank you all because as you can see my video on how to install 5m last year got 473,000 th000 views which is insane and it really helped me boost this channel we reached 10,000 subscribers and that is all due to you and it's this video right here not this one right here that as you can see this guy literally just copied my thumbnail it's literally the same thumbnail I made I put like an hour of work on this thumbnail and this guy just comes and steals my idea steals my file and just puts a different number on it which is funny I guess but yeah really want to thank you all because you really push this channel you really really help me get to 10,000 subscribers and that is all because of you guys so really really thank you and also and also I'm going to leave you this guide in the description on how to download and install R shade for GTA 5 in case some of you want to play GTA V using shaders R shade is totally allowed to be used on role play on 5m so you will be able to install this with 5m and your GTA 5 will look a little bit better this is just a little bonus in there this is free to install it's super super simple I'm going to leave that guide in the description and let me know if you would like me to make a video on how to install Reade on M specifically so you could role play using shaders and you know have a much much better experience this really improves your game and if you scroll down you will also see other guides that I have here for GTA 5 specifically like installing natural vision evolved and multiple other things like visual V all to improve your game and to improve your quality when playing but but yeah that was it for me guys just really wanted to thank you all for supporting the channel and taking it to the point where it is right now and yeah just have a great year I will try to push as much GTA 5 content as I can for you guys I do unboxing I do for other games but I'm still going to try and push out as much GTA content as I can now that has been everything from me and as always bye-bye
Channel: itzCuba
Views: 4,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install fivem, how to download fivem, how to install fivem on pc, fivem download, how to install fivem gta 5 2024, how to install fivem 2024, fivem roleplay, how to download fivem 2024, how to download fivem on pc, how to install fivem reborn, five m, fivem install, fivem tutorial, download fivem gta 5, install fivem gta 5, install fivem gta 5 epic games, install fivem gta 5 steam, fivem gta 5 download, fivem gta 5 install, fivem rp, fivem gta 5, gta 5 five m, fivem
Id: FQHDE6zS1gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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