Top 5 Best Fivem Servers Non Whitelisted and Free!

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hello guys in this video I'll show you five GTA RP servers they're going to be pretty different from each other so let's get into it so first up we have a server called Ground RP it is a very big very huge server it's not on 5m this is the only server on this list that's going to be on rage andp platform and in some ways it's a better platform so pretty much Gr RP has about 1,000 active players playing at the same time I'm playing on gr RP server number two they have I think three English servers so second one is the best trust me and today I'll show you how I got accepted to a gang in the server which in this server they have really interesting gang system it's pretty much called families and when you join one of the gangs you can use their cars you can use their guns you can use all of that so joining a gang in the city is really important I think if you want to you know go into like criminal role play I was asking a few people to join their gang but they didn't seem to be interested and they told me to leave and that they're not really interested in talking to me so I was roaming around I found a few guys and I asked them if they're looking for new members and these people were wagos gang and they told me to go to HQ to talk with you know some of the higher ups and they can do an interview I went to their hood or their HQ uh I found a few people they told me to speak with another guy with another guy and this other guy gave me an interview basically he asked me some of the rules some of the rules I didn't really know the answer but I kind of used my logic and did it overall I did really good in the interview and they invited me to join their faction after after some time I was just wandering around our gang had a meeting or some [ __ ] and they invited us to do a a raid basically so we went to a military base and we pretty much raided it uh we had to work together we had to turn off the electricity to turn off the alarms and stuff and we actually raided the military base which I got some cool items that I will be able to sell on a black market so pretty much if you have a gang it's way easier to make money so it was pretty fun I like how it's a lot of people doing stuff you know sometimes you can be like 40 versus 40 people fighting running away escaping whatever if you want to join the server click the first link in the description select English flag number two enter your details and create yourself an account after that you need to download Rage MP platform go to the rmp platform uh search for Grand RP number two join the server enter the details you made your account with and enjoy the game if you want to meet me join the vagos as well moving up we have another server it's not going to be an RP it's going to be a PVP server more or less the goal of this game mode is you have three teams and each team needs to take one objective and pretty much hold it like just like in headquarters or whatever the name of the game mode is called in Call of Duty and yeah it's military team you have military weapons you have leveling up system the more you play the more kills you get the more XP you get the better guns you unlocked better cars better stuff to get or have really cool game mode it's fun to play around I definitely recommend it I've been playing on the server for I don't know like 2 three years now from time to time it's cool server to you know play around as well next up we have a server called cops and robbers and this is is another interesting project so this is not an RP server it has some RP um elements to it but it's not like actual RP server but nevertheless it's pretty fun to mess around cuz for example you can you know just do anything it's it's basically like GTA 5 but a little bit more complexed and a little bit more fun because you deal with other real players as well so for example there are wanted levels and are real uh police and they will be chasing you around and trying to arrest you just like you see I was getting chased by a police officer I got tased I got handcuffed I got sent into jail it's pretty much just fast Adrenaline Rush type of game mode you just go everywhere you just do everything you know you fight the cops you shoot at the cops um you still cannot kill anyone just randomly because you might get banned for that but nevertheless it's a a fun game mode you know just to go in level up play with your friends me and my friends actually play this a lot and it's pretty just fun thing to mess around pretty cool I definitely recommend this one as well and yeah pretty cool stuff another server we have is called the woods it's pretty popular server it's pretty busy most of the times it's not a serious RP it's it's it's very chaotic I would say and usually at don't really like these kind of servers um I'm more of a serious RP player but here sometimes you can just mess around and have fun so sometimes I just like to go on it you know have some fun have a laugh and not to be too serious about it it's nothing too much it's it's not really a server where I would say invest your time in it's more of a server where you can just you know get on laugh you know I guess troll kind of uh I know there are a few big content creators that play on the server and they do like scamming videos and stuff like that um it's pretty much just one big gang server you know where you just mess around and stuff like that if you're a serious player then don't look this way and the last server we have is PVP we3 it's very popular server as well it has over 100 players playing it always basically even in the down times I see a lot of players on the server and this is a really good ser server if you want to train your aim if you want to train how to shoot if you want to participate in Battle Royale and like freefor alls and like gun games and stuff like that this is a really good server to do so and I think it's pretty fun you know it's pretty fun for what it is because I don't think there are a lot of good PVP servers in the market and this is one of the servers that I just like to go in just to go into to Arena do some on V ones I don't know I just think it's fun I I enjoyed it and definitely if you want to learn how to shoot if you want to get better at GTA um shooting mechanics this is a good one to just test it out so that's going to be it for today's video if you have any serious roleplay servers that you want to recommend that are pretty popular uh let me know as well I'm looking for like actual serious servers not just you know servers where they say they're serious but they're not serious at all but yeah other than that thank you for watching this video uh leave a like And subscribe if you want to see more videos um I try to find underrated uh or unknown servers and showcase them to you so maybe you find your favorite server where you can you know spend time and play with your friends it was fancy and hopefully I'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: King Fancy
Views: 2,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gta, top 5 best fivem servers, gta rp, gta roleplay, best fivem, servers, top 5, top 5 fivem servers, roleplaying, best fivem servers, server, best fivem server, top 5 servers for beginners, guide, starters, for, 2024, semi serious rp, serious rp, non rp servers, best
Id: mMh8Fy99ywc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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