Top 5 BEST and WORST Warhammer 40k Character Models

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hey guys jay here welcome to eons of battle  a little while ago i talked about my five   favorite 40k models and the five worst but  i left out characters now i think it's time   to deep dive into the bowels of 40k and make  a new list and this time oops all characters one thing that really drives my level 40k is  the role-playing element a big part is that   i find myself identifying with the heroes the  leaders it is particularly satisfying when you   get your commander in a position and absolutely  wreck your enemy and it is doubly disappointing   when they are removed from the battlefield as  a casualty in the heat of dice rolling i am   the general heroically leading my troops making  genius tactical decisions that lead to victory   or committing blunder after blunder and getting  swept turn 2. when i was first getting into 40k   and collecting necrons i always steered clear  of hqs i thought they were cool but i did not   have the skills to paint them and they were  so expensive for one model that i would rather   save up just a little more money and get a  tank or a whole squad of infantry instead   now that i have a full necron army and a  few others too i find that i only buy hqs   i think that they're more interesting to paint  and allow me to really stretch my artistic muscles   and it makes for a gorgeous cherry on top of a  finished 40k army so that's what i think of hq's   let's get down to my top five none of these models  i own sometimes it's easier to drool over the   things you don't have rather than appreciate what  you do number one inquisitor karamazov this guy   is a legend and not just because of how hilarious  he is in the wonderful show if the emperor had a   text-to-speech device by bruva alphaboosa grimdark  is a mostly meaningless phrase but for me this   is grim dark gothic sci-fi i also love when  something feels like it exists in the universe   and having his throne built out of a dreadnought  body is wonderful theodore karmazov sitting atop   a porcelain throne of judgement with a sword he  could not possibly be using is amazing flanked   by a triple-barreled melta and a servitor writing  down his less than heroic deeds is just fantastic   i also like when a character looks like they are  a monster on the table top usually characters fall   into two categories an or a bubble battery  to give troops a plus one or a re-roll or   is a one-punch knockout close combat monster but  this guy actually reads like he could cause some   serious damage also his throne's feet are shaped  like little inquisitor symbols and that's fun   number two keros fate weaver this model is a  really fun burb i love all the greater demon   models they are such monstrous monsters and  physically impressive on the tabletop i love   flagship models the thing that lives in the back  of your mind that you are always continuously   building towards for all the years it takes  you to put together an army as you buy a box   of brimstones you know in the back of your mind  that when you are awesome and experienced and   have watched every youtube video on the planet you  will get that model and your godlike hobby powers   will bring it to life in all its zincian glory the  model is eight or nine inches tall and an absolute   titan on the battlefield all the greater demons  are the best but this double-headed bird is the   best of the lot also his loincloth that covers  his bird junk has feathers and leads me to the   suspect that it is part of his body so that's fun  number three the swarmlord i don't know if any   model looks like more of an absolute badass the  tyranid swarmlord is a master duelist step aside   general grievous this monster has you beat four  swords try five swords the fifth one is attached   to his face when i think of 40k this model is on  top of the list among models like orc boys eldar   guardians and of course primary space marines few  models look quite as unstoppable as the swarmlord   even when it is built as the flying hive tyrant  it does not feel like such an immovable object   as the mighty ball of blades that is the  swarmlord configuration he is absolutely   dense i can only imagine what horrible poisonous  fumes spew out of his chimneys and inside his   head lurks the full might of the tyranid hive mind  while he is mopping the floor with a pleb like you   he is orchestrating the invasion of several worlds  i would love to see the tyranids get a revamp some   of their models are looking their age but the  swarmlord is perfection it can also be equipped   with a fleshy super soaker and that's fun number  four adrax agatone the newest model on this list   is my favorite of the new primaris captain supply  drops after a bit of a weak sauce first round of   primaries characters games workshop has corrected  the ship and given us some immaculate space marine   models i also love when there is a system and most  of the popular space marine chapters are getting   their unique heroes and it's awesome although  games workshop where is my black templar marshall   get on it while the first few primaris captains  look like weak kit bashes this model is inspired   his pose tells the story of the artist going all  out on him the slightly elevated bass the cape   blowing in the wind the fire turning into a ribbon  that draws the attention right down to his face   this model is 99 perfection and the only reason i  hold back one percent is it does not come with a   helmeted head i like his head but i get that  not everyone prefers to paint a face and a   custom salamander's helmet would have been dope  i also like that he has a tiny toy hammer that   hangs off his crotch that's fun and number 5 the  jackal alphys this isn't the most jaw-dropping or   over-the-top model but when i look at it it just  works for me the badass slightly futuristic bike   the cobble together bolt action sniper rifle or  the fact that it all fits on a tiny 60 millimeter   oval base which is just a stretch 32 millimeter it  is tiny this model lives in a more normal reality   than most of 40k sure it's a tyranid infected  human hybrid but it's basically just a guy   and that's really neat i like that the jean sailor  cult are the underdogs of whatever fight they're   in they make up for it with dirty tricks and  aliens spunk even though the model is more normal   than a space marine or eldar he still is dripping  with practical details like a jerry can he uses if   he runs out of fuel a couple sticks of dynamite  for some recreational blasting or some kind of   long-range walkie-talkie no high-tech ospecs or  vox channel here just one step above two cans on   a string i hope he's got 5g also his sack lunch is  tied up with bungee cords and i think that's fun   those were my top five favorite character models  in 40k now on to the five that i think are a bit   crap this list was difficult to put together  there are a lot of models where i can see the   merit i can see why they're cool they're just not  for me but i did find five models i don't like   at all and in addition to fun lists like this  we make wargaming tutorials each and every week   and if you want more the best way to support us  is over on patreon over there we get to vote on   what i paint live on youtube some behind the  scenes and other exclusive contents number one   tour gyaradon i wanna like this guy i really do  but everything is a bit wrong and i think most of   it can be chalked up to his massive power fist now  power fists have always been too big usually about   the same size or bigger than the torso of the  marine wielding it but it's always looked kind of   all right-ish on the old squatty marine body now  updated to sit on the primer's frame the old power   fist has never looked so awkward it looks like he  is taking all his effort just to lift the thing up   and i seriously doubt that he could throw a good  punch with it this model has a lot wrong with   it but perhaps this is a bad model that i might  actually buy this is the marine to get if you want   a character with some absolute chunk maybe with  a head swap get rid of the grav gun get rid of   the power fist get rid of everything and maybe it  can make a decent captain in gravis armor also his   face is obviously chip hazard from the movie small  soldiers so that's funny i guess number 2 oricon   the diviner now don't get me wrong i adore oricon  the character the infinite and the divine is my   favorite black library book but this model is not  oricon his face is alright and his staff sure has   five points but why does he have a weird little  monkey body he is hunched over the top of a small   rock and he looks more like gollum from lord of  the rings than the most powerful chronomancer in   the entire necron race also the necrons were the  biggest loser when it came to failcast they are   a mess of sprue gates thrown right over important  details and it takes a master sculpture just to   get one of those good enough quality to put  paint on i want to see him get a hot revamp   maybe a double box with tracy in the infinite  effernel stern and kyganel got a double box the   two crankiest necrons in the galaxy deserve some  love oricon is obsessed with achieving immortality   and becoming a god perhaps a levitating crisscross  applesauce meditation pose or have a sitting pose   for regular oricon and an extra model for oricon  empowered basically a hulked out necron also he   sculpted in a permanent jump but the sculptures  called it a day when they left the bottoms of   his feet completely flat no texture so really good  job number three inquisitor eisenhorn we're taking   the hobbits to eisenhorn i read the eisenhorn  trilogy and i thought it was fine i thought the   least interesting character was eisenhorn he's  cool i guess and it's an interesting introduction   to the world of the imperium but he's just some  guy and this model doesn't do anything for me his   pose is awkward he's looking down at the ground  his arms are stretched out at his sides and his   legs are in a weird middle of the walk cycle like  he was photographed right between taking steps   these might be nitpicks but for me i just can't  find anything to latch onto with this model   he's just a fella absolutely decked out with  decorations it's not quite an action pose it's not   quite a meditation pose it's not a thinking pose  it's just whatever also if you look closely at his   legs you can see the bottom of a coat underneath  his coat that he's wearing underneath his coat   he must be a chilly fella number four anva master  of the undying spirits i hate to pick an old   model because it's mean old models just look worse  because of time but these guys are bad not just in   a poorly sculpted half-assed paint job kind of way  these guys are conceptually bad to me i think if   when games work shopping makes this kit they will  re-imagine it because the old towel on a rascal   scooter flanked by two scrawny tail bodyguards  is just weird those two tau hunks look like they   would get their butts kicked by an unusually  tough grot are those two twigs really going to   stop an orc war boss or a tyranted hive tyrant  from stomping their leader of the whole tao race   probably not if i were in charge of the  reimagining i would have him in a silent   king kind of setup with an absolute swarm of  shield drones instead of these two tau meatheads   he should be flanked by some tau strategic  geniuses masters of the tau technology who   can take his sage advice and manipulate the tau  technology on the fly to turn the tide of battle   i also like that his throne is parked on a  convenient rock makes for a very majestic model   number five blood angel primaris lieutenant  tolmaron the fifth slot includes this guy and   basically all the early primaries characters  games workshop just did not know how to make   these guys look interesting in the beginning all  of them primaries lieutenant zechariah primaris   lieutenants with power sword even the original  primaris captain they were so plain and uninspired   and what i mean with uninspired is that their  decoration does not function it does not add to   the pose i suspect that games workshop intended  us to pick the one we liked enough and then   kit-bashed them into a proper captain but it's  just not how it works you can't fix bland with   bling it just makes for a well-decorated turd all  the new primaris captains on the other hand are   awesome i already talked about adrax agatone  he is perfection but also dark angel's master   lazarus is amazing just a straight up redo of  zechariah cara cerro khan is unbelievably good   and iron father pharos is outstanding and every  single character from indominus is top notch   games were trapped didn't know how to make  him back then but hopefully we have seen   the end of vanilla primera's captains what a  sorry list of characters now i'm in a bad mood   so let's end with some honorable mentions to bring  me back up and these honorable mentions are in   no particular order the judiciar this guy is a  straight-up anime character and i love it he is   strutting down the street with his executioner  sword and his hourglass counting down the time   you have left i love the idea of young chaplains  during the most dangerous assignments looking   to prove themselves before they transition into  grizzled old veteran chaplains junith aroweda it's   a floating pulpit with a double flamethrower this  model is perfection i love the idea of an adeptus   sauritus screaming prayers to the emperor while  burning away the filth and heretical in her way   mephiston i've said it before mephiston lord of  death is a perfect model and a perfect rework of   an old model it's the perfect blend of old and  new and the little horn skulls that have been   on sagar since rogue trader have been lovingly  copy pasted to his collar and the avatar of kane   now obviously this guy isn't winning any beauty  pageants although he was legit 20 years ago i love   him because one day games workshop will drop the  most amazing the most impressive avatar of kane   god model on us and that day will be glorious well  those were my top 5 best and worst 40k character   models games workshop really knows how to make  them it was a tough task to find 5 that i really   disliked but i made it happen let me know in the  comments how wrong all my picks were and tell me   what your favorite models are i hope you enjoyed  the video and as always thanks for watching
Channel: EonsOfBattle
Views: 139,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eonsofbattle, eons, of, battle, warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer 4000, 40k, video, game, play, fun, paint, learn, tutorial, diorama, painting, design, base, basing
Id: Pmst2jrJDhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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