Top 5 Beginner Raspberry Pi Projects: A Beginner's Guide to Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

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builds builds builds welcome back everybody to another episode of tying gig builds it's just ty here today and i'm going to explain to you some beginner raspberry pi projects i think are very important to learn or start if you're just going to introduce the raspberry pi and really don't know how to get started so with that let's get started builds just another day at the builds office so primarily on tying gig builds we do a lot of build videos we do a lot of projects they involve a lot of different things arduinos raspberry pi and woodworking mainly typically we don't produce videos like this where we list off things that are good for beginners to do or just you know in general projects that are good to do because that's not our style but i think this video is very important because i've looked at a lot of videos like this and i've got a lot of questions from people about what projects to start if you want to do raspberry pi projects and i looked myself and i couldn't find anything that i liked out there there wasn't really anything good a lot of them are kind of countdowns and say this is good you know just do it they don't really explain why so i'm gonna try my best to explain some of the top five projects that i think you should start if you're considering getting into raspberry pi or if you do have a raspberry pi already and dab a little bit maybe you should do if you want to hone your skills some of these projects will be primarily beginners and there will be some intermediaries in there i'll try to do my best to explain why you should be doing these projects and why they're so cool so one of the main reasons i think these videos are not as helpful as i'd like them to be is because they don't really explain kind of the three areas that i see are you know big steps to tackle if you're trying to get into raspberry pi projects the first one i would say is the linux op based operating system with the raspberry pi basically the raspberry pi is a little mini computer and it has an operating system in it it could be you know raspbian it could be jesse it could be retropie it doesn't matter there's a lot of different operating system raspberry pi but the big issue has a probably it's linux based and not a lot of people are very familiar with linux unless they're very tech savvy and they used it before now linux is super super good to learn i highly recommend it but if you're new to linux it can be very intimidating and what comes with learning linux is a lot of networking skills a lot of computer commands to remember and a lot of different uh structures and different maybe concepts you're not used to now the the second thing you probably need to worry about if you're getting into raspberry pi is the actual application software in this case it's the programming language you probably need to know how to program in some cases if you want to use a raspberry pi project and that could be you know python mainly i've seen with raspberry pi is kind of like the go-to language but it could be anything because it is linux based you could use any programming language with it that is supported by linux i'm sure there's some exceptions to that but that's that's the main concept there so you do have to have some programming knowledge here or there to kind of get by with some of the projects some not so much and we'll get into those but for some of them you do have to know programming language and that's a little intimidating if you haven't gotten into that the third and last issue is probably the biggest thing to tackle and i still myself haven't mastered it yet and i've been doing this for a very long time is the gpio pins the circuitry and the hardware basically you can hook up lots of hardware to the riser the beautiful thing about the raspberry pi is that it allows you to integrate with other pieces of hardware so touch screens uh led light strips you know a lot of different motors anything anal anything with circuits anything and to know how to do certain things like that you're going to need to know how to do certain types of electronical circular circuits and other things like that that might not be firsthand if you're not into that field those are kind of the big three things that involve the raspberry pi and why it's so difficult to get into and i think it's a high barrier entry but i think there are five projects i can mention now to maybe get your feet a little wet dip your feet in the pool a little bit kind of maybe do one of these and you'll you'll be a little less intimidated and i think anyone can do these projects the first project that i think anyone should ever do when they start doing raspberry pi projects is controlling a ws 2812b led strip if you know why i'm laughing it's because i do so many projects with these led strips with raspberry pi you don't necessarily need a raspberry pi just to do these types of strips you can use an arduino or an esp8266 a lot of different micro controllers that aren't raspberry pi based are great for controlling ws 2012 strips but if you're trying to just get used to the raspberry pi and get used to some of the commands and maybe program a little bit it's a great start it requires little knowledge of the os you know a basic knowledge of installing packages it's a great intro to that programming wise very simplistic you can get a lot of demo code out there you can base your code off of that if you want to write new code to see how to do certain things on the strip it's great for starting programming gpio wise electronic wise it's a very simple circuit there's really not much to it there's a lot of documentation out there how to do this in raspberry pi so if you get lost there's a lot of references you can google and it's a great starting project i really highly recommend it the second project i'd recommend doing is very utilitarian project very functional very useful is the pie hole pie hole basically blocks every ad that's coming to you from mobile devices streaming you know from your wi-fi your laptops things like that you're basically using the pi hole to block ads that coming into your router so every mobile device gets ad blocked it's very beginner friendly in terms of os and it's a very good step to learn a little bit more about networking and how the pi networks with other computer devices and things like that there's little to no programming and there's also no gpa open so it's a great beginner project very useful for the house so the third project i'd probably start if you're doing raspberry pi or considering doing it is installing retropie and using it to emulate you know classic video games if you don't know what rich or pie is it's basically an os that allows you to play different video games you know back the n64 game boy different arcade games just psp and playstation games and it's very fun and you know ness sony old old sega games it's actually very useful you know it's like a video game console that does everything in that case you probably want the raspberry pi 4 to have that extra performance boost a little bit to knowledge to know about the os installing os aside from that you know it's very basic beginner knowledge programming there's none and hardware is just kind of what comes in the kit i'll link everything in the description people go crazy with these things i mean they make mini arcades out of them i don't recommend going that route if you're a beginner um if go ahead if you feel like it but i recommend probably starting with just the controllers and then work your way up to like an arcade cabin or something like that the fourth project's a little bit more abstract and kind of up to you but i recommend probably for number four if you're doing a raspberry pi or just starting out you know either one of the first few is setting up a web server um and this is a little bit you know of track because you could start out with ruby on rails python you know java php there's a lot of different programming languages i love ruby on rails but that's just me if you google setting up a local web server on raspberry pi with x programming language i'm sure there's a lot of resources i know there's a lot of resources it's a great start to get really familiar with the os and it's a great start to understand how to start the program and kind of web services and all those different types of things i highly recommend it there's a lot of documentation out there so you shouldn't get lost the hardware aspect of it there shouldn't be any you can integrate it you know any way you'd like i we've done a lot of different integrations with web servers on this channel um so check those out if you want you know some inspiration but this is something that i highly recommend doing with the raspberry pi if you're just getting into it and you want to kind of start our project to start out with so for the last one it's a little bit of a loaded project here because it's not necessarily a beginner project i mean it pretty it is pretty simple but it's a little bit more with setup involved in terms of you know building things in terms of building a case or something like that but i definitely recommend trying out building a magic mirror it's basically a smart mirror that you act as a mirror it also tells you know the weather date and time you know things like that notifications all you really have to do is kind of set up the os and then configure it to the preferences you'd like and so it's a really basic one in terms of os understanding linux it's a basic one in terms of programming you don't really have to know how to program much and there's a little bit of hardware involved not much so it's a great beginner project there's a little bit of a barrier to entry in terms of building the structure to have it and kind of making the mirror itself but aside from that the actual you know oh the actual raspberry pi stuff is very pretty beginner friendly and i highly recommend doing it so those are my top five beginner raspberry pi projects i know there's a lot more out there but i thought these for me in my opinion are the most important they give you a good base on all those three categories we talked about of course if you don't like those or you have some other ideas you can look back at our videos and make a ton of raspberry pi projects we also do arduino projects and woodworking if you're interested i suggest you take a look and with that we'll end it with saying follow us on instagram for live updates throughout the week we'll see you next time builds
Channel: Ty and Gig Builds
Views: 340,006
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Keywords: best beginner raspberry pi projects, top beginner raspberry pi projects, raspberry pi projects for beginners, top raspberry pi projects, raspberry pi projects, best raspberry pi projects, best raspberry pi projects for beginners, top raspberry pi projects for beginners, beginner raspberry pi project ideas, raspberry pi project ideas, beginning raspberry pi, learn raspberry pi, getting started with raspberry pi, raspberry pi getting started, best projects for raspberry pi, pi
Id: _snMNl5dplc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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