Top 5 AI Music Generator for FREE | Text to Music

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foreign music and singing songs like real artists yeah no kidding and I must tell you it's so creative and advanced that the new possibilities are going to change the game for all content creators out there I'm talking about tools that can craft entire songs with just text prompts you can create Melodies beats or any music player requirements and even vocals with ease I mean imagine all the struggles to find suitable music and the worst nightmare of getting copyright Clips you can say goodbye to all that because in this video I'll count down the top 5 AI music tools that'll up your game in the content world so stick around and I'm Brandt from website Learners let's get started so the first tool we are going to see is music 10. this tool lets you create copyright free music in any stereo team you want you just have to describe the music you want and the tool created for you so let's see how it works here just describe the kind of music you want and click generate and there you go I like how it captured the mood I described now you can also give inputs like the kind of instrument you want the tempo the precautions Etc and it will create the exact music so let's say I enter drum and bass beat with intense percussion click generate [Music] wow that sounds great all right let's say you have some reference music and you want to create something similar to that or try different styles so to do that we have an option here to upload the audio so you can just upload your audio or describe the output you want so let's try it out I'm going to upload this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes it's the famous music from Harry Potter so let's drag it and drop it here now I'm going to ask you to create an Indian version of the theme now let's play it [Music] it was really amazing you can download it by clicking here all right next on the list we have Sandra dot IO this one has a wide collection of genres moods and themes you can just select the kind of music you want and it will create it for you let me show you how it works here you can select the length of the music you want to create then select the tempo I want a fast tempo so let me deselect these now here you can see different genres moods and themes you can select the one you want and there you go it has created a set of tracks so let's play some music sounds good right so you can check the rest of it and choose the one you want and if you want to download it you can just click here all right moving on next we have vocal remover if you're a content creator or you just love music you'll definitely like this tool this one lets you separate vocals and instrumentals in a song and it gives you two separate tracks of just voice and the background music interesting right say you want to make a song cover or do a karaoke session you can just take the music from any song You Love or say you want to listen to your favorite singer's voice and just melt in it let me show you how to use it just click on remove vocals and upload any song you want I'm going to upload this one [Music] so let's drag it and drop it and click separate now there you go it has separated the background music and the vocals so let's check it out [Music] here we got the music so let's play this one this night is cold in the Kingdom I can feel you fade away wow the voice is so clear amazing right now if you want to download the tracks you can do it by clicking here okay coming up next we have gravity right this is an AI powered content writing tool that can help you write lyrics for your songs you know writing lyrics can take a lot of time but with this tool you just have to describe the kind of song you want and it will write Beautiful lyrics for you let me show you just go to and sign up for free now go to music tools and select lyrics generator now here describe the concept or the idea for your song enter in genre enter the number of verses you want and then mention the mood or emotion you want for the song to convey now click create content and there you go the Linux is ready now what if I told you that you can convert these lyrics into a song to just a click check this out [Music] amazing right so the last tool on our list is song R this tool can create an entire song with just a text input you can either say what kind of song you want and it will create it or if you already have the lyrics you can enter it to make your song let's see how it works you can choose a genre from here and then either enter the kind of song you want to create or if you already have the lyrics for your song you can click here and enter your lyrics so let me just copy and paste the lyrics We got from Gravity right and click render there you go we got the song [Music] wasn't that awesome now if you click download you can download the song as a video or an audio alright guys so that's all for this video I've given you the links to all the tools in the description below just give it a try and let me know in the comment section which one is your favorite tool now if you're a YouTuber you can watch this video where I'll show you some more interesting AI tools that will change the way you make videos if you found this video helpful make sure you click the like button and don't forget to hit the Subscribe button to get more videos like this one so thanks for watching I'll see you guys in the next video Until then take care bye bye
Channel: Website Learners
Views: 102,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai music, free music generators, music creation, innovation in sound, top 5 AI music generator, free AI music generator, AI music generator, music production, music composition, free music, free music software, free music apps, music technology, innovation in music, Text to Music, Music tools, ai tools, SongR, Music Gen, SoundDraw, ocal Remover, Gravity Write, Free ai tools
Id: XlPLL1y6koU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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