Top 4 Free LiDAR apps for your iPhone12 or iPad | Live Demo

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welcome back to the channel guys my name is fernando herrera and today i'm going to talk to you about my favorite lidar applications that i found so stick around and learn more in just a moment [Music] so the iphone 12 and ipad pro the new ipad pro has lighter sensors and let me tell you this they're pretty much useless if you don't have an application for them so today i'm going to go over some of the applications that i like the most and how they work now before we begin guys please please i would ask you just this one favor hit that like button and subscribe if you haven't already and if you have been subscribed thank you so much for watching now let's begin so number one we're gonna go ahead and use 3d scanner so 3d scanner seems to be the most popular choice in the app store so because you know i do see that it has more reviews than all the other apps and it seems to work very well with larger items so for example a couch a room a sofa a chair all these things work really well with this application however if you're trying to do some sort of 3d modeling on smaller items such as my airpods it's going to be really bad because it's not going to really detect the quality and the texture of these devices the benefits of this app is that it's free and it's pretty much free i mean you don't have to pay anything you also do have some features where you can crop and smooth out the actual item that you've already pretty much took an image of and then the whole point of the application is really to actually scan an actual item and then you can actually place it with the exact same dimensions into another room so for example if you're thinking of changing this specific chair or this tv or this furniture to into another room then you can definitely scan it with this app and you can pretty much go into the other room and use ar which is augmented reality and just paste that tv and that furniture there to see how it would look you can actually look around you can actually see it it's actually very cool and very impressive so this application does have an augmented reality integration which allows you to pretty much put the item that you just scanned into any where you want and you could see it the next application is called polycam i personally like this application it's just a slightly tiny bit more simply because it's faster so when you actually render and copy and record the rooms or the object it's actually better than 3d scanner but it does come at a cost since polycam does not have the augmented reality feature or at least i couldn't find it and that's very important because again you could scan some items but then again you cannot just pretty much paste them somewhere else now this is really good and convenient if you're going to be let's say selling a house or selling something that you want people to see an image of in a more 3d way this application is absolutely the one to go because it's easy as fast and it renders everything in a very smooth and professional way but it has the same problem as the previous app mentioned which means uh if you're doing it on smaller items it's actually really bad for example i did a scan on my xbox controller and it just looks like a bump like a black bump there's no there's no detail at all also for some reason even though there are some bigger things that should be detected it does not detect like thinner items so for example my tripod for my camera it did not detect that so the legs wasn't no one they weren't able to detect the legs and i don't know if this is more of the lidar sensor issue or if it's something that is the software itself the next application is going to be scandi pro skinny pro honestly was one of the apps that i least like based on all the application i tested and the reason is because it was slower and it wasn't that good of a quality or the detail so apparently the application itself does not process the light or as efficient as the other applications would and so that's why i would probably not recommend this one the reason though it did make it on my list is because it actually seems that it records in a much better quality so um you know if you do have the time and the patience then probably this application might be good if you want a room that's going to be in a better quality way or a lot more detail also it does not have the augmented reality integration which means you also cannot just scan a couch and put it on another room to see how it would look like it's more of a map design kind of drawing kind of format the last application i do want to talk about is clone and this application is actually one of my favorite ones because this one is intended for smaller items and it's very interesting because not only do they let you use your lighter scanner on your iphone or ipad but they actually give you some sort of tools that you have to work with in order to achieve a better and greater quality result and scanning mechanism so in other words they'll actually give you this right here and you will place your item right here pretty much on top of this thing right which is just seems to look like a qr code and so what it will do it will actually measure the item based on the qr code and the application itself will tell you where you still need to record and scan and i mean the level of detail that this application can record smaller items is amazing it looks like professional it looks legit and this application does have the augmented reality feature which is actually very nice they have a little demo about an elephant which i'm going to put right here for you guys so you can see i have an elephant around my house and so you can actually record these things on your iphone and then just simply again paste them in a website perhaps put them in another room or you could see how it would look like so it's actually a very very efficient way of scanning um items the only disadvantage about this application is that it's extremely time consuming just to scan one single item and that was my airpods pros it literally took me maybe five to ten minutes uh you know kind of going around the required angles that the application asks you to do not to mention you're pretty much limited to the size of this actual qr code so i have been thinking maybe if i were to design a banner with this exact same qr code the application would also be able to read and i would be able to put a larger item but i have yet to tested this so don't quote me on that with that being said guys pretty much this concludes my top four picks of the best lidar scanning augmented reality applications that i really liked really if you were just undecisive of which application to use i would say just download all of them and pretty much try them out for yourself you know see which one works best for you for me personally i'm going to keep the 3d scanner one and definitely i'm going to be keeping clone so again thank you so much for watching if you haven't already please hit that like button and subscribe i do reviews on multiple things and i also for example list my cars on tour invest on stock market and i love tesla so if any of these things interest you please go ahead and subscribe and i'll see you guys on the next video [Music] my
Channel: Fernando Herrera
Views: 61,798
Rating: 4.8412213 out of 5
Keywords: Top 4 Free LiDAR Apps, Top lidar apps for iphone, best lidar apps for iphone pro, best lidar apps for ipad pro, best lidar apps for iphone 12 pro max, best lidar apps iphone 12, best lidar apps ipad, best lidar apps for 12 pro max, lidar scanner, lidar scanner iphone 12 pro, lidar apps, lidar mapping, lidar technology, applecritics, all things tech, UAE Tech Support, New 2020 apple ipad pro lidar scanner in action
Id: gP_Y_4sC22E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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