So you gonna kiss me now? | Anyone But You Ending Scene

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And you and Bea. She said you were just "situational." [pensive music playing] She said that? [laughing] [music turns poignant] Yeah. Are you good? Yeah. We know it's been a tough weekend for you. [sighs] I don't know. And these last few days really made me realize how much I miss you. Why don't you just go for a walk, clear your head? - Yeah. We'll go with you. - No, we won't. No. I love you, but this is our wedding, so... Are you sure? - Yeah. - Yeah. I might go and do some people-watching. Just not... these people. Thank you. Bye. - [sighs] - Wow. Ben. ["Lancaster Nights" fades in] I wanted this for so long. <i>♪ And you're there... ♪</i> But I think I'm just holding on to a memory. And, also, I-- [poignant music playing] I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. [poignant music continues] - [Halle] Never seen Bea like this before. - [Claudia] Really? You were the one who said there's a thin line between love and hate. I wasn't the first person to say that, but, yeah. I know it sounds crazy, but even when they were yapping at each other, I've never seen Bea happier. [Claudia] Same with Ben. Hey, stepfather. May I have a word? Yes, but make it quick, son. I promised my lady a dance. But don't tell your mother. [laughs] - [lilting music playing] - Ha-ha-ha. You're so clever. You know who's also clever? Ben. You know who else would be perfect for Ben? That mumbly girl who always looks like she's got a secret. - You know her name is Bea! - That was a callback! - Will you stop? - [music stops] - Stop. - Ah! How ya going, mate? How ya going, Ben? - [Ben] And you too. - What? Just enough with the loud talking and the overhearing. Just stop. - We didn't know you were standing there. - We didn't know you were listening. We did. - Squarely a performance for one. - And we nailed it too. What is with you people? This entire weekend, I have been lied to and manipulated and puppeteered. I don't know what is real and what is not. Mate, I know you're a little blurry, but I meant what I said up there about love. It's too precious a resource to be wasted. I haven't seen her. Is she, uh...? She went on a walk a while ago. After she saw you kissing Margaret. What? No, I didn't kiss Margaret. Margaret kissed me. I backed up. - I don't wanna be with Margaret. - Just stop it. You gorgeous idiot. Run. Don't wait on love. Fight for it. [Roger] And don't worry about the age difference. I'm 29. [scoffs] Honey, no one's 29. Do you know where she went? She said she wanted to walk around, do some people-watching. That's what she said? People-watching? I think it was more of a euphemism for crying alone. - No. It's not. - [hopeful music playing] I think I know where she might be. Then good God, man, go get her. Scour the city, block by block. Scan the grid. First north-south, then east-west. - Leo, I know exactly where she is. - Oh, that makes it a lot easier. [Ben] I just need to find my moving train. What's going on here? - Is that coffee? - Uh, yeah. Okay. - Oh. - Wha--? [Ben] Call Harbour Rescue! [all exclaim] Ben! Oh, my God! ["Bottle Rocket" playing] - Nose to toes. - What? No! - Oh, God. - Are you crazy? <i>♪ Hit me where it hurts</i> <i>Please do make me feel it ♪</i> <i>♪ Oh, oh ♪</i> <i>♪ Yeah, I stole from you</i> <i>But I kept all your secrets ♪</i> <i>♪ Oh, oh ♪</i> <i>♪ And I was sixteen</i> <i>Feeling like I can't be stopped ♪</i> <i>♪ I was a bottle rocket</i> <i>Shooting for the stars ♪</i> <i>♪ For the stars ♪</i> I need to ask you a favor. <i>♪ You make me want to rip my head off... ♪</i> Whoo! <i>♪ I am unwritten </i>♪ ["Bottle Rocket" continues] <i>♪ We were lightning in a soda can ♪</i> <i>♪ Cramped up in that '98 ♪</i> <i>♪ The world was everything around us ♪</i> <i>♪ When we got us, that's all it takes ♪</i> <i>♪ And that dorm room we stayed in</i> <i>Is a sore thumb to me ♪</i> <i>♪ But it forced me to say how I feel... ♪</i> Why don't you just pick people up by boat? Just go get the girl. Thank you. <i>♪ You make me want to rip my head off ♪</i> <i>♪ And you make me want to scream... ♪</i> Excuse me! Excuse me! <i>♪ It wasn't much</i> <i>But it meant everything to me ♪</i> I didn't kiss Margaret. She kissed me. I know that's a bullshit excuse, but it's true. [song fades] I couldn't find a moving train. Sorry, it's the best I could do. Are you out of your mind? Yeah. Because it's been two years since we met and I haven't spent every single day with you. - That's the sign of a crazy person. - [tender music playing] I hated you. I didn't really give you a choice. I definitely didn't hate you. Even though you called me a bitch. I said you were acting like a bitch. No, I was a bitch. The way I handled everything. The way I handled the first night. The way I handled last night. Yeah, it wasn't really awesome. Why did you leave? I thought you were gonna regret it. And I couldn't face the idea of losing someone else that I... I really loved. Last night was the first thing I haven't regretted in a long time. I love the way we fight. I love how smart you are. I love the weird way you stick your hands down my pants. And I love how you know what you don't want. And if it's not me... if I don't check all your boxes, if I'm not the one, I get it. But that would really, really fucking suck. So you gonna kiss me now? Yeah. I am. [music intensifies]
Channel: Boxoffice Movie Scenes
Views: 134,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anyone But You, Sydney Sweeney, Glen Powell
Id: SCfazKhjTsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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