Top 3 Moral Stories for Kids | Tia & Tofu | Bed Time Stories | Best Stories for Kids

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join kids hat family [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey tofu what are you up to huh nothing much just watching tv oh cool are you done with your homework already ah we didn't have much homework today we just have a research assignment hmm i'm impressed so you finished your research work so soon oh no i haven't it's a big assignment so we have to do it in pairs [Music] my partner is kate she's really good with research so i passed it all off to her she will write the paper and bring it tomorrow i don't know what to say tofu you can say which game you want to play how about i tell you a story instead oh i love your stories please tell me one this one is about the horse and the donkey where the horse doesn't bother to help the donkey [Music] [Music] once upon a time there was a poor washerman [Music] all he had was a donkey and a horse [Music] he would use the donkey to carry the load of clothes from the village to the river and back while he would use the horse for himself to go wherever he needed to [Music] the horse enjoyed an easy life carrying only his master while the poor donkey did all the hard work [Music] one day the washerman went to the village to collect clothes from people [Music] hello are there any clothes you want to give for washing today yes yes i have [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] hello how are you today i am good thank you do you have any clothes for washing yes i am glad you came we have too many guests today and excess laundry too [Music] don't worry i will have them back in time thank you and so the washerman went from dough to dough collecting clothes for washing [Music] [Applause] then he loaded everything onto his donkey [Music] we have a big job in front of us today [Music] we have more clothes to wash than every other day we'll have to hurry up [Music] as soon as he got the donkey loaded up they started moving towards the river the washerman decided to walk besides the horse and the donkey [Music] but the load was too much for the donkey to carry so he got very tired when they were halfway through to the river the washerman decided to stop to get some rest he too was tired having walked all the way instead of riding the horse as usual [Music] that's when the donkey decided to talk to the horse [Music] horse can you please help me this load is too heavy to carry since the master is walking today and you have no burden to carry can you take some of my i am here to serve my master not you it's not my job to carry the load it's yours and you alone must do it [Music] the donkey had no choice but to carry the burden of the clothes all alone so he continued walking slowly when they resumed their journey but after some time the weight became too much for him and he collapsed [Music] he tried to get up again but just couldn't oh no what's wrong with my donkey let me get his weight off him first [Music] the caring washerman removed the bags and bundles of clothes from the donkey [Music] oh these bags are very very heavy it was wrong of me to put them on the donkey alone [Music] now he is very tired he will not be able to carry this burden anymore [Music] i will put everything on the horse saying so he put all the bags and bundles on the back of the horse [Music] let's give the donkey some rest today [Music] they started walking again towards the river as they walked the horse realized what a mistake he had made this is so heavy i wish i had not been so selfish earlier if i had shared the donkey's load when he asked me to i wouldn't have to carry all this by myself from now on i will always share the burden [Music] so you see tofu it's always more sensible to share the burden than do not help others yes i agree with you tia in fact if i help kate out we will be able to finish the work faster as well and both will be free soon that's right tofu so you see sharing the burden of work has many advantages you must go and help kate out [Music] tofu what in the world are you trying to do i am trying to plug those juicy fruits from this tree but do you think you will be able to plug them they are so high oh i wish i could fly and pluck those fruits i so wish i had wings wish is not bad but one should be conscious about the consequences come i'll tell you a story [Music] the tortoise and the eagle [Music] a young tortoise was lazing around the riverbank looking at the birds flying in the sky [Music] he stared at them and started thinking out aloud i wish i could fly like those birds up high in the sky and watch the beautiful sceneries and beauty of the world from top of the world oh i so wish that nearby an eagle was sitting on a stone listening to what the tortoise was thinking out loud and couldn't resist but ask why do you want to fly you should be happy with what you are gifted with i wish i could fly with no trouble of crawling on the ground so say that you want to fly because you don't want to crawl not because you wish to see the world from the sky anyway what will i get in return for making you fly in the sky i'll give you the riches of gold from the red sea [Music] so the eagle grabbed the tortoise in its claws and sawed up high in the sky [Music] making him see all the beautiful sceneries of the world flying higher in the clouds and closer to the stars it was indeed a mesmerizing moment for the tortoise [Music] while the eagle was flying over the riverbank the rest of the tortoise were basking in the sun suddenly the tortoise flying high up in the sky said i wish my friends could watch me flying so high in the sky i am sure they would get jealous watching me what why would you want your friends to get jealous of you i want them to see that i can fly and they can not it's such a nice feeling what an evil friend this tortoise is thought the eagle with this the eagle dropped him on the ground and asked for his treasure now give me my reward there is no reward i was just kidding about the gold so that you could take me for a ride and with this the tortoise left the eagle couldn't tolerate his insult and decided to teach him a lesson [Music] so the next day the eagle went to the tortoise and said hey would you like to go for a sky ride again yes sure i would love to [Music] the eagle once again picked him up and clenched him in his claws the tortoise while enjoying the ride said to the eagle why did you bring me again for the ride even though i dishonored my promise of rewarding you that's because tortoise you wish to make your friends jealous but at my cost and now i'll let you enjoy the free fall the eagle lets his claws loose and the tortoise went falling down screaming for help and flying no longer he crashed on the ground with a thud thanks to his shell he didn't get injured soon his old friend surrounded him and said hey our young friend you wanted to see the world from high up in the sky to dream big is not a sin but to dream it at the cost of others is just not justifiable i have learnt my lesson now i should be thankful to god for what i am blessed with it was my shell only that saved my life i should be happy with what i have and also should not use others for my selfish reasons i surely have learned my lesson tia now i know what you are trying to say i learned to listen too one should think about the consequences before one wishes for something i should be happy with what i am blessed with i should rather look for an alternative to pluck those fruits wait i'll get a ladder tofu you learn things quite fast [Music] hey tofu oh hey tia your friends didn't stay oh no they were just talking about how much fun they had today pulling ken's leg ken isn't he the new boy who joined school yes he the smallest amongst all everybody is taller than him so it is easy to pick on him hmm just like the ant is it the ant yes the elephant and the ant [Music] once upon a time they lived a huge elephant in a jungle [Music] [Music] because he was so much bigger than all the other animals he always troubled them in the same jungle there lived a family of ants [Music] they were a hard-working family who always kept to themselves [Music] in the day they would go to gather food [Music] one day as they were going the big mean elephant threw water on them hey what's the matter with you why do you keep troubling others oh shut up you tiny aunt one more word out of you and i will walk all over you and kill you the little ant had no choice it kept quiet and went on its way [Music] [Applause] [Music] you shouldn't pick a fight with the elephant he is very ill-tempered and very very strong he could crush you [Music] something needs to be done about it [Music] the next day when the ants were going to work [Music] the tiny aunt decided to teach the elephant a lesson [Music] she quietly climbed onto the elephant and made its way to the elephant's trunk [Music] and entered it once inside she started biting the elephant [Music] oh that hurts the elephant tried everything but it couldn't get the ant to stop biting him or come out of its trunk such a big elephant became useless in front of the tiny ant please stop ah stop it now [Music] well i hope now you know how others feel when you hurt them yes i do please please stop now very well then and so the ant stopped biting the elephant and came out of its trunk i am sorry i have understood how bad i made others feel i promise i will never ever do it again [Music] oh oh what tofu [Music] i understand what we were doing wrong you do yes we shouldn't make fun of ken just because he's smaller than us all i'm glad you realized that tofu yes and i am going to apologize to ken the first thing tomorrow and get others to do the same too thank you tia for teaching me this [Music] for your favorite rhymes stories and more join kids hat family subscribe here [Music]
Channel: T-Series Kids Hut
Views: 14,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: T Series, Stories for kids, bedtime stories, kids stories, bedtime stories for kids, story for kids, short stories for kids, stories for children, kids story, kids hut, moral stories for kids, song with lyrics, Top 3 Moral Stories for Kids, best stories for kids, Lion stories, Best songs for kids
Id: plhrjH7r63k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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