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join kids hat family hey Tia what are you doing I'm meeting the new school principal tomorrow so just putting my things in order oh you want to impress him is it I'm not sure about that but I don't want to disappoint him either maybe you should tell him that you're the best in class and also tell him that you're a champion swimmer and always come first in all the sports activities and that you always win all the debates and a locutions tofu I can't do that not all of that is true yes but most of it is oh boy you're acting like the Miller the Miller who is that come let me tell you a story Rumplestiltskin once upon a time the king calls the village Miller to the coat the Miller went there with a mind to impress the King by any means possible and so when he was presented in front of the King he lied that his daughter who was an excellent spinner could spin gold from straw oh that's impressive i order you to bring her to the castle tomorrow and she will spend gold for me [Music] the Miller goes back home and tells his daughter what he'd done Oh No what have you done father I cannot spin gold I don't think anyone can I know and I am sorry my child but there is no way out of it now you must go to the goat tomorrow and spend the best you can oh yes Father and so the girl went to the coat the next day [Music] your father tells me that you can spin gold out of straw in that room there is bale of straw I give you till tomorrow morning you must spin it into gold by then or you will lose your life the miller's daughter had no choice but to do as told she went into the room and locked herself in as the night wore on she didn't know what to do there was no way she could spin gold afraid that her father's live would get her punished by the king she started crying just then a strange little man appeared in the room I know what bothers you do you yes and I can help you I can spin the straw into gold for you oh oh please do it then I beg of you what will you give me in return I can give you this necklace of mine okay I will spin for you and so the little man got to the spinning wheel and started spinning [Music] within an hour he had converted all the straw into gold he then took the necklace from the miller's daughter and went out of the window [Music] the next morning the king came into the room [Music] is my goal Freddie yes your majesty [Music] very good now I have another test for you the castles barn is full of straw you will spend all that straw into gold till tomorrow morning the miller's daughter was taken to the barn once alone she was again surrounded by worries she didn't know what to do soon it was night afraid of the Kings reaction she started crying [Music] you've got a barn full of straw for yourself today the girl looked up to see the strange man from the night before [Music] yes and the King needs it to be spun into gold by tomorrow morning hmm what will you give me in exchange for it now I don't have much but I can I can give you this ring off my finger [Music] the man took the ring from her and started spinning the straw into gold [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the next morning when the King saw the shining gold his greed increased very well the castle has yet another bond bigger than this one if you value your life you will spin all the straw in it into gold by tomorrow morning if you succeed I will marry you and make you the queen and if you fail off with your head I'll ha once again the king had left the girl was taken into another barn it was bigger than any room that the girl had ever seen and so full of straws she broke down as soon as the king's men had left she knew she was surely doomed now [Music] when night fell the little man appeared again need my help again is it yes please please spin the straw into gold and save me well I could do that but what will you give me now I have nothing left to give you now you could give it to me when you have it yes I will tell me what can I give you your first born child the girl gasped but thought who knows what may happen in the future it was wiser to save her present so she agreed okay I will give you my firstborn child the strange man happily got to spinning the straw when the king came in the next morning the whole van was full of glistening gold happy he announced his marriage with the miller's daughter soon a year passed and the new queen gave birth to a baby boy the boy was only a day old when the strange little man appeared in her room once again it is time to secondly our debt the boy is mine Oh No can't you forget this debt never please there has to be some way I will give you gold fortunes whatever you want I only want the boy but I will give you three days to guess my name if at the end of the third day you can guess it right I will leave you and this boy alone if you've got the boy will be mine as soon as the man had left her room the Queen called her trusted soldier and ordered him to gather every name he can find in the kingdom the soldier sat on his mission immediately [Music] the next evening he came and gave the Queen a list of names when night fell the little man visited the Queen again do you know my name uh is it James or Jack well is it Richard or Kenny she continued with all the names she knew and the names that the soldier had brought back from the village no no no these are not my names [Music] but the little man said no to every name [Music] that is not my name I leave you now with two days left to find what it is [Music] the Queen sent her man out yet again to go to the farthest corners of the kingdom til then she read all the books she could find hoping that one of them might give her the man's name the next night when the man came back she gave him the names her soldier had brought back and the ones she had collected from the books is your name Caspar Sheepshanks Toman none of them I leave you again I will come back tomorrow to take away the boy because you won't be able to guess my name once again the Queen implored the soldier to go out in the kingdom and find her a name the next evening before the little man would come the soldier returned to the queen with some news [Music] my lady a loss I could not find any new names in the kingdom and its neighbors however last night after I left the castle I came upon a clearing in the forest where I saw a strange little man danced around the fire he sang the strange song to she can search the land she can search the sky but a name like mine she will never come by Rumpelstiltskin that's me the moment the Queen heard the name she knew it was the one she happily waited for the strange man to come visit her have you found my name yet oh no I can only wonder what it can be is it apple tree my real or maybe Rumplestiltskin how can that be this is some sort of sorcery how did you know my name [Music] the moment the strange man heard his name he became very angry he shouted and stomped around the room in his anger he stomped so hard that there became a big hole in the ground and he fell into it two words his death I wonder if the Queen ever told her father about all this we will never know but we do know that trying to impress people may get us into big trouble oh yes that lesson I've learnt today and I don't think I will ever forget it thanks dear for this wonderful story [Music] that is not nice tofu what if your friends find out they will stop talking to you Volpe oh no I am so clever they won't find out ever let me tell you the story of another clever boy called Don SIA [Music] Tom Sawyer left with his aunt Bonnie and half-brother sick he was an extremely clever boy who loved mischief but Tom also had a very good luck which always helped him get away with the mischief he did one day his Aunt Polly was looking for him Tom Tom where are you she looked everywhere she looked outside in the yard inside in the house and the kitchen she looked in her room too but he was nowhere she went back to his room and called to him so stop hiding and come out now but there was no answer suddenly Aunt Polly saw something move under Tom's bed she thought it was stone she bent down and swiftly pulled the bed cover a cat that dome had hidden there sprung out at Aunt Polly surprised looking at this she shouted oh dear where did Tom get the cat wait till I find that boy [Music] justice Aunt Polly was showing the cat out of the handle she felt someone behind her it was Tom trying to escape from the room [Music] he had been hiding in the cupboard Aunt Polly got him by the collar Sam what were you doing hiding in the cupboard you ate all the charm didn't you no Aunt Polly I haven't even touched the jam it must have been SID don't you lie to me young man I can see the jam all over your face Tom quickly tried to wipe his face but it was too late today I am going to beat you with a stick you have become too mischievous Aunt Polly look behind you Aunt Polly turned to see but there was no one it was just one of Tom's tricks and this time he used it to get away from Aunt Polly because when she turned around again he wasn't there oh this boy one of these days I am going to punish him Don was so happy with himself for fooling Aunt Polly again that he decided to take the day off from school instead he went to the river and bathed in it [Music] [Applause] at large time he went into a nearby farm stone fruits from there and ran out there with the owner chasing behind him just as he was running he bumped into Sid Sid saw Tom's wet hair and clothes and the fruits in his hands and understood that Tom hadn't gone to school but he didn't say anything when Tom reached home Aunt Polly was waiting for him and she was angry Tom understood that Sid had told her everything Tom did you skip school again ah no Aunt Polly said is lying how did you know Sid said anything to me well for once Dom had got himself into trouble he had no answer for aunt Polly's question tomorrow is Saturday you don't have school you will not go anywhere instead you will whitewash the fence the entire fence yes the entire fence that is your punishment Tom had no choice he couldn't argue with Aunt Polly he didn't want to make her angrier but he was angry too the fence would take up his whole Saturday he went into the yard and kicked out the dust just then he saw said coming in he quickly made a mud ball and swung it at him why did you have to tell anything to Aunt Polly Tom flung a few more mud balls at Sid and then jumped over the fence and ran away he knew he was already punished so nothing worse could happen now next morning when Tom came down for breakfast he was greeted with a pail of paint and paintbrushes [Music] Aunt Polly had been serious about his punishment so Tom ate his breakfast and went into the yard to whitewash the fence [Music] [Applause] [Applause] painstakingly he finished a bit of it that's when his friend Joe came up to him hey Tom why are you working on a Saturday morning working who said anything about working well why are you painting the fence then I'm doing it because it is art haven't you heard of hot job well I have but I have never done it is it fun oh yes it is why else would I do it Joe thought about it it was true Tom Sawyer would never do anything that wasn't fun he asked Tom if he could also try it Tom agreed to let Joe do only a small portion of it in exchange of three marbles Joe thought three marbles was too much but agreed he wanted to try art a little while later their friend Jim came he saw Tom resting under the tree and Joe painting the fence he went to Joe what are you doing Joe it is art I paint Tom three marbles - let me do it three models is it that good yes very good Jim dashed to Tom immediately and asked if an exchange of his fishbook he too could whitewash the fence Tom paint some reluctance but agreed and so it went on [Music] other friends of Tom came and believed that painting the fence was fun the paid tom in collectors cards candies and even a catapult to get a chance to paint the fence by noon the entire fence was painted and tom was a rich boy he hid his treasures and went to his aunt it's done what unbelievable let me see Aunt Polly took Tom with her to see the fence indeed it was done and it was done very nicely how did he do it anyway his punishment is over now I will have to let him go I hope he does not create more mischief but as always when Aunt Polly turned around to tell Tom that his punishment was over he was already gone the next day was Sunday and Tom went to Sunday school when he reached there he saw a new girl and was smitten by her he desperately wanted to impress her he thought of a way he could prove himself better than the other boys he went to one of the smartest boys in the class and bought from him all his yellow tickets in exchange of the treasure he had earned from his friends yesterday the yellow tickets were awarded only to those boys who had learned all the verses of the Bible usually only all the boys were able to get the yellow tickets when you had enough yellow tickets you could exchange them for a Bible the minister asked the class does anyone have enough yellow tickets for a Bible nobody had so many tickets except Tom who raised his hand everybody including the minister was surprised tom was the most naughty boy they knew how could he have learned all the verses of the Bible the minister understood this was one of Tom's tricks and he decided to test him worried well done Tom please come here and collect your Bible also as is tradition when you earn your Bible you get to recite any three of your favorite verses from it tom was stumped three verses he didn't even know one he fumbled the whole class laughed at him as they understood that mischievous Tom had got into a big soup this time do you still think you will never get caught oh no Atia I have to go and tell my friends the truth and apologize to them right away [Music] hey there you are hey tofu wait up what's wrong with you I have been waiting for you for so long and here you are just walking past me without even saying hi I'm sorry dear I didn't mean to be rude to you sometimes I just can't understand my friends okay calm down and tell me what happened you know my friend Megan yes the shy one with the curly hair right the one who's always helping you out with class notes and assignments yes isn't she wonderful I think you should also help her out sometimes well that's just what I did here and she is so upset with me now [Music] she forgot her English assignment at home so I did some of it for her and asked her to complete it and submit it that's it she got so offended she hasn't said a word to me since then and she won't answer me if I say something to her oh that's strange but I don't think she is the only one who is uncomfortable with people try to help what do you mean let me tell you the story of the shoemaker and the elves [Music] once upon a time there lived an old shoemaker he was an honest man but with very limited money he made really nice shoes but could not earn enough for himself and his wife one night he was in his workshop when his wife came to him [Music] what are you doing dear I have this last piece of leather left I am just cutting it out we'll make a pair of shoes out of it tomorrow is it the last piece now what will we do there are no cranes in the cupboard no wood for the fire and now no more leather don't worry my darling something will work out the old couple finished their housework and before they went to sleep the shoemaker puts the leather on his workbench [Music] [Music] the next morning he got up early to make a pair of shoes out of the leather he had kept to his surprise instead of the leather they lay a beautiful pair of shoes he picked them up and observed them closely they were made out of the same leather that he had put out the night before he called his wife dear dear come see this [Music] what a lovely pair of shoes they are just perfect yes look at the stitches they are so tiny and spaced so perfectly but I didn't make them you did then who did I don't know why would someone help us like this I can't even think of anyone who can make such good shoes you make the best shoes I have ever seen and these are better than yours - I agree anyway let us not get carried away let us put them in the display window and hope that we can get some money for them just a few minutes after the shoemaker had put the shoes on the display a wealthy merchant stopped outside his door [Music] he paid a good sound for the shoes and bought them [Music] the shoemaker was very happy he went and bought food for the house with the remaining money he bought two pieces of leather when it was night his wife called out to him what are you doing it's time for us to sleep yes dear I am just cutting out these leather pieces so I can stitch them into shoes tomorrow [Music] the next morning when the shoemaker and his wife came down to the workshop they were surprised to see two new pairs of shoes on the table where he had kept the leather pieces would you look at that these shoes are even more beautiful than the first pair let me put them up for sale and thank whoever's helping us out soon after the shoemaker had put up the two pairs of shoes for sale other wealthy men of the town came and bought them they paid a hefty price for them [Music] the shoemaker bought more food supplies and leather from the money he got again that night he cut the leather and kept it to stitch it in the morning the next morning he saw that the leather had been laid into shoes again and as soon as he put them up for sale they were bought an exchange of good money this went on from many days the shoemaker started doing well his business prospered and his shop would always be full with customers one night as they were closing the shop the shoemaker had an idea I do not stop painting about those who help us why don't we hide behind the cupboard tonight and see who it is yes that's a brilliant idea let's hide and check out [Music] after sometime they saw two elves enter the workshop through the crack in the window they headed to the workbench and started making shoes from the leather kept there although they were making these lovely shoes for the shoemaker they had no shoes on they worked on shirts and very thin tights they did their work carefully [Music] and left through the window again oh dear goodness such kind Elves they are we must repay them yes when you go to the market tomorrow get me some nice cloth I will make clothes for a little helpers the next day the shoemaker got many fancy cloths and good leather while his wife be beautiful clothes for the else he made soft shoes for them when night fell they placed the gifts for the elves on the table they also laid out delicious food and treats for them then they hid behind the cupboard again and waited for the elves to return when the elves came they were overjoyed to see the gifts and the delicious food before the new clothes [Music] it's stomachful and went on to make shoes for the shoemaker once they were done they slipped out of the wind one I'm so happy to see our little helpers happy yes and they looked so wonderful in the new clothes didn't they tonight let's keep some more dinner ready for them what do you think yes dear [Music] that night the shoemaker and his wife again kept dinner for the else but tonight they did not hide behind the cupboard instead they went to sleep the next morning when they came to the workshop the shoemaker and his wife were disappointed to see that the dinner plates remained untouched even the leather that the shoemaker had cut out and put on the table remained as it is I wonder what happened to them maybe they will come tonight yes let's hope so the shoemaker and his wife again kept the food for the elves but were disappointed in the morning as the elves did not show up in the night they waited for the elves many nights but they never returned do you think they overheard us perhaps they did elves are very shy creatures they usually like to be left alone what will happen to the shop now oh it will be fine I will miss my little helpers but I will manage the shoemaker went back to making the shoes himself his shop continued to prosper but he and his wife always remember the elves and remain thankful to them for their help so you see tofu some people are willing to help but I do shy to take help from others yes dear I understand now also it doesn't mean that you have to be angry with them you can be thankful to them in your heart Thank You TIA if you wouldn't have shared this with me I think I would have lost a very good friend now when Meagan tells me she doesn't want my help I will respect that more good to know that now let's go home I am very hungry [Music] [Applause] [Music] dear today Jim and I had a fight oh that's bad what happened I thought Jim is your friend he was but today he did not support me on the poster competition concept I wanted to present to my teacher he thought that it might be too easy he is my friend he should have agreed with me instead of behaving like Tom and Ben who are always mean was he right yes he was the idea was too easy but still he should have agreed with what I was saying Oh Emperor tofu that is very bad why are you calling me Emperor because you are behaving like this Emperor from my story [Music] once upon a time they lived an emperor he was not particularly smart or intelligent but because he was the Emperor people feared him and always agreed with whatever he said they used flattery to avoid his wrath and win his trust your majesty as always you are right your majesty you have made the wisest decision possible because the emperor was so foolish he never understood the difference between an honest compliment and flattery he thought that his public loved him and that he was the best he lived in his ego and vanity one day his head minister who was truly a wise man disagreed with him in open court Your Majesty it is my humble suggestion that you hear the public's troubles before increasing the tax burden further doing so will make you a more beloved King what are you saying head minister do you mean that a wise king is not good enough the foolish king who was blinded by all the flattery and not used to people disagreeing with him also agreed yes head minister how dare you doubt my decision as a punishment I remove you from the position of head minister [Music] [Music] disgraced by the events of the day the head Minister went home sad when he reached home he saw that his nephew who was a tailor had come to visit him from another town just like his uncle the nephew was a wise man the head minister told him what had happened in coat don't worry uncle once a Emperor's vanity shall crash the next day the nephew went to see the king he pretended to hold a piece of garment in his hand and said to the Emperor Your Majesty I have just returned from my travels around the world when I was in Old Market of Persia I saw this beautiful piece of cloth and immediately thought of you I have brought it with me to make a new robe for you it is the most beautiful clock ever made the emperor could not see the clock but his ego did not allow him to confess it he looked at the remaining ministers and asked them what they think of the clock The ministers couldn't see the clock either but decided to lie to the Emperor again it is very beautiful sir yes I agree it will look fantastic on you though the King could not see the clock he thought that since his ministers thought that it would look very nice on him he would go ahead and order for it yes it is beautiful indeed go ahead tailor make the most beautiful robe that you have ever made I will wear it for my birthday parade which is ten days from now yes your majesty you will have it on your birthday and so the fateful day came it was the Emperor's birthday the tailor went to the palace early morning pretending to hold a rope in his hand throughout he behaved like he was carrying something beautiful and delicate here is your role since it is a delicate material it is best not to wear anything under it the Emperor agreed and took off his under clothes the left view went on to pretend as if he was helping the Emperor wear the rope just then the Kings two favorite ministers came into his chambers they were shocked to see the Emperor stand like that without any clothes on how does my robe look ministers you look so handsome your majesty Majesty you are looking very nice still unable to see the robe himself the King believed what his ministers had told him and ordered the parade to start the whole kingdom had gathered for the Emperor's birthday and had lined up on the streets to see his new robe but just as the king of feared in public without any clothes on the crowd fell silent everybody was wondering what had happened to the Emperor but no one dared to say a thing they just stared at him as he made a complete fool of himself [Music] till one small child call out to his mother the Empress not wearing any clothes no longer able to contain itself that entire crowd burst into peals of laughter they held their stomach and pointed at the Emperor as they made fun of him the Emperor looked at the guilty faces of his ministers and sad face of his head minister who was upset to see the king being made fun of the Emperor understood how foolish he had been and what his mistake had been he fired the two ministers [Music] and reinstated the head minister from then on when anyone gave him a compliment he humbly listened to it and absorbed it only if it was genuine with the honest guidance of his head Minister he went on to become a truly great Emperor for his people out dere I think had become the egoistic Emperor I owe an apology to my friend Jim what do you think yes and you also need to learn to accept feedback and not get carried away by compliments yes dear but I must wish you good night for now good night tofu [Music] did you have a good birthday tofu yes very much and look at all the lovely gifts you've got yes why what's wrong nothing is wrong but I just thought grandmom could have got me a better gift than the single rose flower tofu that's not a nice thing to say you didn't notice her love for you that made her fly all the way across the country to be with you today now but that's not a gift maybe you'll think differently once you hear the story of The Snow Queen [Music] The Snow Queen once upon a time in a small village lived two neighbors in four best friends tune their names for Gerda and Kay [Music] they loved each other a lot as a symbol of the friendship and love one day they both planted a rose plant each in their front yards every morning they would get together and water their plants and take care of them [Music] when winters gain Gerda invited Kay why don't you come over in the afternoon Mike Ranma has promised to make us a cup of hot chocolate and tell us a story okay Gerda I will come over after finishing my chores [Music] as promised k went to Gerda's home in the afternoon tell us the story of The Snow Queen grandmama bah there is no Snow Queen do you still believe in such stories little did he know that the Snow Queen did exist and she had a magic mirror with which she could look at anybody and right at that moment she was looking into girders living room where they sad doesn't believe in me does he I will send him my ice arrows that will turn him cold all the love will be gone from his eyes and his heart will freeze over and The Snow Queen sent her ice arrows two words came as soon as they entered Gerda's home they went straight for Kay's eyes and heart ouch my eyes what's happening they hurt what is wrong key ouch my heart it hurts too okay what's wrong are you okay suddenly Kay's whole behavior changed towards Gerda oh stop being such a wimp Gerda nothing is wrong get away from me saying so he shoved Gerda aside and went home [Music] over the next few days he would give cold mean looks to Gerda and would never talk to her nicely he wouldn't even come to tend to the roses that they had planted one morning when Gerda was watering the plants she saw Gabe get into a carriage with the lady who was wearing a white gown she had skin like diamonds and her hair was silver white Gerda immediately knew that it was the Snow Queen [Music] she decided to follow her but the cherub just vanished into thin air so she went to her grandmama sure take this hand Mira and follow what it tells you the mirror only tells you the truth Gerda took the mirror from her grandma and looked into it the mirror told her to find the flower garden so Gerda went looking for it [Music] meanwhile once the snow queen reached the palace she told Kate to make it his home from now on this is your home now you will never leave here and once your heart freezes over he will be mine forever back in the village Gerda found the flower garden and entered it [Music] the garden was full of the most beautiful flowers Gerda had ever seen she fell in love with them immediately but there was no smell of the flowers surprised Gerda bent down and touched one of the flowers to understand if they were real as soon as she touched one flower the fragrances of all flowers returned and the flower lady appeared in front of her thank you you have returned the fragrance of my flowers who are you I am the owner of this bottle I am the flower lady can you help me have you seen my friend Kay pass through here it has been taken by The Snow Queen oh no the snow queen she is one who had taken away the fragrance of my flowers I did not seek a cross from him but you should try the river outside the village Gerda thanked the flower lady and went to the river [Music] there she saw a boat waiting for her she climbed into the boat and it took her to the pirate ship aboard the ship Gerdes on many pirates including a girl pirate hello can you help me I am looking for my friend game The Snow Queen has taken him I don't know any cape and even if I did I wouldn't tell you because once about the pirate ship you can't go anywhere you have to be here no please you have to let me go geez my friend I have to save him friend you say yeah well I have never had a friend okay I will help you if you promise to be my friend yes of course I would love to be your friend okay then take my reindeer he is the fastest reindeer in the world and she knows where the snow Queen's palace is Gerda tanked the pirate girl and climbed on the back of the reindeer just as the pirate girl had promised the reindeer had Gerda outside the snow Queen's palace in no time [Music] get out cut off the reindeer and went inside the palace okay okay are you in here [Music] what are you doing here I am here to take my friend back with me your friend doesn't exist anymore look at him standing there in the corner just in a few minutes his heart will freeze over and then he will be mine forever Gerda turn to see where the Snow Queen had pointed in the corner stood King his lips were blue and eyes were steely cold [Music] good I rushed to him okay it's me your friend when Kay didn't reply she reached out for his hand his old friends touch returns the color in Kay's eyes [Music] encouraged by this change Gerda pushed on remember all the times we had fun at home Anna roses that we have in the front yard there is no point in all this his heart was free through curing this Gerda broke down and started crying as she was crying her tears rolled down from her eyes and on to the hands of gay as soon as that happened Kay looked up at Gerda and smiled Gerda my friend you came for me this is impossible nothing can ever turn my cars over she tried to pull further away from game and that's when grandma's mirror they're out of Gerda's pockets when the Queen looked into it it spoke to her Snow Queen you will have been mistaken there is one power stronger than yuccas and it is the power of love curing this truth the snow cream started crime and soon dissolve in a pool of her old tears whoa now I feel so terrible dia I think I have not been fair to grandma well you still have time to make things better tofu yeah you're right dear I will go to her and apologize right away don't forget to give her a kiss and a big hug [Music] for your favorite times stories and more join hip-hop family subscribe here [Music]
Channel: T-Series Kids Hut
Views: 1,016,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: T Series, Stories for kids, bedtime stories, kids stories, bedtime stories for kids, story for kids, short stories for kids, stories for children, kids story, kids hut, moral stories for kids, song with lyrics, KIDS STORIES - BEDTIME STORIES FOR KIDS, Rumpelstilskin, Tom Sawyer, The Shoemaker and The Elves, The Emperor's New Cloths, The Snow Queen, bEDTIME AND fAIRY TALES FOR KIDS
Id: CmxL4oc7K6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 41sec (4241 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2018
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