Top 3 Locations to build in Sons of the Forest

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stupid Cy I'm trying to do the video anyway b g c [Music] r b g c r what is up dudes it's serger from bgcr AKA gri tuot you're probably wondering why I'm flying uh well I'm here to show you guys our top three bases for Sons of the forest now this is for us what we think is the three top bases might not be for you but for us it is it keeps us away from the cannibals aka the cannies and the mutants the muties strategically where we place them we actually have four bases but we're only going to show three one of them on the high mountain that took forever to build but we're going to take a quick stop to our next base it's on the rim of the island or Peninsula pretty much every YouTuber is out there talking about the Strategic value of each base is created for us it's just we don't want to get killed or we want to survive our first stop is going to be our water base it's made out of stone took forever to bank especially because it's in the water here in this area why don't we go ahead and uh zoom in a little bit and it's strategically there so that no cannies can come towards us anybody that plays this game knows that the cannies won't go too deep into the water sometimes the muties will but why don't we go ahead and uh land this bad boy happy Landing that was graceful not really real life I would have probably broke my legs but we're walking up to our beautiful Rock cabin or stone cabin it's just stilted up above the water right behind this base is the floating tent with the gun in it the pistol along with that menacing shark so it's kind of cool you look out the window and you see the shark from time to time sometimes it gets close uh I think the AI kind of Senses you're there so it kind of tries to get close to the cabin can get a little exciting sometimes so those are the first two bedrooms it's pretty good siiz cabin uh there's a little storage area or another bedroom then here's uh another bedroom this was kind of outfitted as you can tell this is really not lived in too much we kind of use this more as an outpost if we're going to go on this side of the peninsula let's head on up to the roof so the roof has some strategic value as you can see a little further out usually when we come up here at night there's cannies at the beach staring at us and we'll shoot them from afar either with a rifle or the bow so let's head on over to our next one it's going to be in this quadrant specific specifically here now this is at the rim of this small island and they're basically tree houses and it's like a Channel of tree houses this place is actually pretty awesome if you could build something similar to this in this area it's actually pretty cool as you can see out to the left it's a cluster of homes pretty much tree houses the only thing we have experienced from canny's attacking is they'll climb onto the cabins and pretty much get up on the bridges that we built all right why don't we switch this to night so you can see exactly how crazy this place looks at night all right so here is the main entrance to this base uh you climb up the rope and it's kind of like a faux cabin no one really stays in here uh only in case of emergencies there's a bed and some light not much to look at go up the bridge you got two ways you go left or right this time we're going to go left so over here more channels of platforms and bridges to get you connected to the other homes this home was kind of attacked by some cannies the doors messed up not much in here whoever wants to live in here can there's no bed nothing so whatever ever head back out make a left go down some more bridges there's a house to the right similar to the one we just went to Candy's kind of attacked this one too this one actually has a bed so yeah anybody can stay in there as well all right why don't we go ahead and look at my cabin my cabin's pretty rad if I don't say so myself um got a fire going this is the first first floor how you get to the second floor similar to the others is a rope come up here the sleeping quarters with the nice stick bed good for your back you know so you don't have to go to the chiropractor nice and cozy all right let's we're going to head on out and the next house belongs to one of the dudes on bgcr which is Steven it's his modern Lookout uh Homeless looking thing you can see out in this Abyss you can look out to nothing why don't we switch to day so you can see how this thing looks so this is how it looks in the day looks pretty cool kind of like uh Endor from from Star Wars kind of cool and this is the awesome Sunset we get the views are nice let's go to the next one so our next Base is located in this region let's zoom in a little bit and it it's going to be here now strategically people like to choose the other island in the pond or lake this one we decided on this Lake because it's bigger gives us more room more real estate to build it's like this giant Fortress you'll see what I'm talking about you know as soon as we get there um so I'm looking at my uh GPS here looks like we're almost there you know hopefully we don't get attacked while we're trying to do this but let's go and climb up this rock here uh let's Oh Oh that's oh nope not that way can't I don't think let's try it nope okay that didn't work uh let's go this way all right this looks like it's doable yeah it's doable let's just go up here climbing climbing all right now we're almost there we're coming up on the lake where we built our pesta resistance look look how cool it looks and it changed to Autumn all of a sudden sorry but this is the Fortress this is the lake that we chose to go on you're probably wondering how the hell did you do that well you have to wait wait for this mfer to freeze and you can start building now there's a problem with that while you're doing that the cannies and muties can get on the ice as well the first thing they're going to do is attack your building so you need to have a second party to go ahead and protect what you're doing look at this thing it looks massive it's a fortress on the lake any muty or canny that looks upon it is going to tremble in their you know their little cloth thing that they cover their no no zone so let's go ahead and uh move on in to our Fortress here I'm not even going to call it a CET or a base this is a fortress dude like seriously so take a look at it it's beautiful scenery we got a bird house here never seen a bird go in there I don't know if the devs are going to write that in or whatever so this is the Fortress let's head on over to the to the right a bench some chairs our first bedrooms down here on the first floor huge bedrooms by the way not furnished no one lives in it yet our little kitchen and dining area try to make it feel at home even if we're getting attacked let's head on up to the second floor we have another bedroom over here on the left this is my quarters you can see I have a bed and some rugs that's all I pretty much have all right let's head on to the other side other side we have two bedrooms nothing crazy nothing too special they're just good siiz bedrooms feels like I'm a realtor for Sons of the forest I guess I am but as you can see this last bedroom good size well lit uh there's so many things you could do with it eventually we're going to make some holes in the walls uh to protect if we need to protect while we're inside still debating on that because the mechanics on on snow are still iffy but let's head to the roof this is the roof as you can see we have our solar panels up there to power this entire Fortress it also doubles as our defense quarters as well we could shoot cannies from up here with our bow and arrows or your guns you know if you want to use those beautiful views even if you want to come up here with a nice little camping chair and just kick back enjoy it especially during this time there's no ice on the lake so candies can't get to you so in close oh look there's Kevin we call him Kevin not Kelvin cuz Kevin sounds funnier but this is our Fortress uh this is our top tier one that we made oh I almost forgot let's look at this thing at night looks menacing right kind of kind of scary what can you would want to come up to this the thing well anyway that's the end of the video I got to go got a blast I guess uh I'll come back when we have other bases or maybe we'll do some of the story or fight cannies well thanks for watching catch you guys later
Channel: BGCR
Views: 37,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sons of the forest, survival game, gaming, youtube gaming, the forest, horror gaming, suspense gaming, building in games, building, cannibals, surviving cannibals, sons of the forest video game, building log cabins, building a fortress
Id: g9NPISlLxA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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