Top 3 Easy Money Activities in Star Citizen

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there are a lot of ships in Star Citizen and as it stands the ships are the only real money sync that motivates the majority of players to accumulate wealth and game but it can get a bit tedious grinding bunkers grinding bounties and dare I say it running kygo all with the end goal of getting rich citizens my name's bit of Oz and today I've put together my three favorite non-cargo money making activities in Star Citizen in one video enjoy ever since the combat assist beacons were updated and expanded in 3.17 they've been one of the most popular methods of making a bit of Fast Cash when they work they work well and you can earn enough credits at a decent pace to get you out of your Starship in a reasonable amount of time when they first dropped they were the hot ticket easy money maker with very little effort for large payouts and the missions that were actually challenging gave out close to 300 000 Alpha UEC over the last year they've undergone cigs balancing resulting in a much more sedate flow of cash and while not as ludicrous as they once were still something worthy of your time found in the general tab of missions combat assist beacons occupy their own space alongside the sporadic medical rescue beacons thrown up by unfortunate citizens that have been on the receiving end of violence or wind if you haven't done one already or if your account has recently received a reputation wipe you'll likely see just the low-level threat combat assist beacons pop up egg the mission and don't forget to accept Call to Arms you should always have called arms active even if you aren't specifically running combat oriented missions it's lazy money should you kill hostile ai go to the beacon location and once you arrive the AI calling for help will greet you with a thank God and then the Hostile ships will populate illuminate them all and the mission will now complete now I don't know if this is still a thing but in the early days of these beacons the reputation gain was broken and would only increase if you gave the mission Giver a good rating when prompted for all I know it's not required anymore but I do it out of habit even to this day when your combat assist reputation increases you'll see higher value low threat beacons and eventually moderate level threat beacons will appear as well the moderate missions start around the 12 000 hour UEC Mark and if you're running in a starter ship or lightly armored versal these will start proving to be mildly challenging unless you're an ace pilot which I'm not if you do find that these are proving too much for your ship you can always rent a constellation Andromeda for the extra Firepower once you've ranked up you'll gain access to the higher threats and after that the critical threats which are very challenging and best suited for group play If you happen to let the AI that called for help be killed the mission will fail but don't let the threat of that stop you from trying unlike other Mission givers the combat assist beacons do not currently reduce your reputation with a failed Mission so give it a go now I will go ahead and say that for the last six months these missions have been rather inconsistent and I'm not sure if it's the mission module itself or server Health that causes this but some days you may go for hours without seeing one pop up and others you'll have a laundry list of AI that need help if you find yourself in the situation where nothing pops up you can try one of two things that I'll try when the beacons are showing me no love the first is best used when you've seen beacons pop up but they seem to have disappeared as most of these beacons seem to populate nearer to the moons of a planetary region jumping to a Moon instead of hanging near the planet or orbital station May refresh your listing and have them appear for you if that doesn't work and you see almost no beacons at all try a server hop to a different region I'll often try jumping to the Asian service from the Australian servers with some success either way hopefully this is something that cig are addressing and will be fine-tuned with future updates before I get on to the next one I just wanted to say thank you I've been playing Star Citizen for a year and a half now and making videos about it for almost just as long and while the game might have slow patches and support and feedback from the community is just as strong as ever so if you could do me a favor like the video and leave a comment telling me how long you've been a backup and a player we're getting closer to 8 000 subscribers every day so if you do like the content hit the Subscribe button too this little Tech demo we find ourselves in gets a little better every year and I can't wait to see you all lining up the jump point when we finally get to go to pyro together alright let's get back into it v890 jump boarding missions have been around for a while and have been a popular romping ground for FPS players offering a location other than the copy pasted bunkers found on the surfaces of planets and moons located in Microtech and art Corp these missions are found in the mercenary tab of general and will have only one running at a time in each of the two planetary areas so if it's been a while and you haven't seen it pop up you can bet another player is running it right now these missions pay out forty five thousand our UEC for the completion of the mission with a time sensitive 5000 also up for grabs taking the mission will direct you to the emergency beacon in the planet's orbit and on approach there's a 50 50 chance there will be two pirate ships ready to pounce if you're up for a bit of dog fighting you can take these two out but if you're not the most combat capable vegetable you can fly away from the mission area with the Pirates on your tail leading them away once you're over 20 kilometers from the 890 you can Quantum back to the beacon marker leaving the befuddled AI behind and once you're free and clear approach the ship and park up near one of the docking collars located in the sides near the rear of the yacht now as I mentioned this is primarily an FPS Mission so coming equipped with armor and weaponry is advised but don't let me tell you how to live your life in all there are 20 pirates on board as well as up to 10 security Personnel dressed in white armor don't shoot these guys unless you want a crime stat and a failed emission the Pirates however deserve Swift Justice upon entry to the ship you'll receive an update to the mission of a Time bonus for the prevention of a data upload this is a hacking pad attached your display in one of several possible locations the bonus is again 5 000 credits so whether or not you want to rush on account of that is up to you kill the pirates complete the mission and get paid for those of you unfamiliar with the layout of the 890 jump there is a medical Bay down the corridor from the hangar Bay for if you're wounded or just thirsty so keep that in mind if things start to look dire while the payout on this Mission isn't groundbreaking it's a simple and consistent activity that doesn't require hours of grinding to get to this level and if you happen to be a fan of the part themed armor even better Luton scoot not to mention if you're a vulture pilot you can drop the shields on the 890 and scrape the ship speaking of the vulture and hole scraping this is my third favorite money making method while it's true at the time of recording this video the vulture is currently only available as a pled ship with 320 soon TM this vehicle will be available for purchase when it reaches the Pu we don't currently know how much it will cost in game or if it will be rentable like the prospector but many theorize will be similar in price to its mining counterpart either way I adore this ship and it has to be one of the best and most relaxing ways of making money in the verse firstly it essentially makes money out of nothing it doesn't require you to invest like cargo hauling does and it doesn't require payments for refining like mining you whole scrape you sell at the tdd and you've got money it's too easy a full grid of RMC will pay out 92 000 Alpha UEC at the trade development divisions and if you're like most salvages and fill up the entire cargo area you're looking closer to 150 000 Alpha UEC per run you can find panels Galore in the asteroid ring around yellow and in some LaGrange points too I'm particularly fond of the yellow ring run though some days I'll have to bring along a crate from a box mission to Mark where I was so that I can return to the next set of panel clusters only three kilometers away this situation works well with friends also as you can just load up their cargo ship and they can sell it directly to the Grim hex admin there will be a drop in payout per SCU it's true but until cig makes it so that party members can sell cargo scraped by another this is the fastest turnaround that I have come across and that's before I even mention the Salvage missions that are available and more on their way in the 320 lineup this ship allows players a sedate method of earning Alpha UEC and opens the door to the risky Salvage missions that currently pay out rather consistently if you'd like more information on those missions be sure to check out this video here I go over the recent changes to it stay safe in the verse citizens and I'll catch you all next time foreign
Channel: BeardofOz
Views: 8,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star citizen easy money, star citizen fast money, star citizen money making, star citizen auec, star citizen 3.19.1, star citizen 3.10, star citizen combat assist beacons, star citizen fps, star citizen bounty hunting, star citizen salvage, star citizen vulture, star citizen 890 jump, squadron 42, starfield, star citizen beginners guide
Id: brg8HFcMpms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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