How To Clear Your Crime Stat In Star Citizen

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all right so you went and got yourself a crime stat it's okay I'm gonna show you exactly what to do to get rid of it here's my suggestion go to Grim hacks it's going to have everything you need to get going on your crime stat clearance as well as not be hostile to you uh at least the station itself won't be so so there's one thing we absolutely need when clearing our crime stat and we're going to find it down in the main Concourse as well as all the other things while some of the other things that we're going to need so go down to the main Concourse of grim hex we're going to go get ourselves a tiger claw Tiger Claws what's going to allow us to hack into the security consoles we're going this way by the way just follow my uh follow my footsteps past the admin thank you space ghost for telling me where this is all this arrow down here and it's in this door to the right they're gonna go in here and the Tiger Claws are all look at that all in this little display case so make sure you buy yourself a tiger claw looks like we have a customer in here already I already have one but what I'm going to do is buy multiple because sometimes they do fail so make sure you have multiple you can also get Tiger Claws from uh bunker missions from PVE missions throughout the verse but this is an easier way to do it because they will always be here and it's kind of Hit or Miss whether or not you can find them in a bunker so okay now we need armor and guns if you don't know where to find those in Grim hex it's it's I'll show you how to get there I'll remind you how we got here right these are the elevators okay so you're walking walking up the stairs you're gonna turn to your left past the Tiger Claws which are right there up the stairs and through this door don't mind him he's just uh taking the rest all right walk through these doors into this area and it's on your right and it's this place is where all the good stuff is so when you're clearing your crime stat you will be on foot and vulnerable to bounty hunters who are going to come into the station or security Depot after you so you're going to want to buy some armor if you don't have any if you do not have the funds to buy armor buy a gun okay the gun is more important than armor because armor will only delay your inevitable death whereas a gun you might be able to get some lucky shots off you don't need to go crazy on the armor here we just need something I don't want to have the armor because heavy armor makes it so that you run uh way slower and I like a little bit of movement I'm a fan of this dust up core here because it's a it's a medium so you can have a medium backpack so here's the thing right you want to have a backpack on wherever you go because it will allow you hold all the things that you need and it will allow you to pick up all the things that you find on your adventure so even just having a small one like this I tend to keep one on me at all times because because the more you pick up on your adventure the less you have to buy later right uh when you're buying a gun at Grim hex I would suggest not buying a shotgun I would buy an SMG here they don't have the P4 unfortunately which is one of the better assault rifles so to speak in the game uh but that's okay the Lumen is good so buy the Lumen buy like 10 mags and we'll be good to go the other good thing about having a backpack is that it's the proper way to carry your guns instead of having them directly on your back I just find that having a set of armor in a backpack will increase my chances of not running into like bugs involving carrying things because especially if you're down at a bunker or a new station things can get weird remember what you need to do when you equip your weapon you will have to load a magazine into it and you need to have your magazines equipped to your armor core and you do that like this you just drag it over put it in a slot and then you're good we're done in the gun shop what we need to do is go back up to the lobby and grab a med gun from the pharmacy all right back to the uh the Aesop terminals go into the medical area you don't have to worry about setting your spawn point you will either go to prison or come back here when you die so it's all fine the pharmacy has the paramed medical device who you want one of those I like to keep this on me at all times oh they put it in my backpack how nice are them so just stick it there on your leg and you're good all right we now have everything that we need to go clear our crime stat you could be more prepared than this you could have another gun so that instead of reloading your first weapon you swap to your other one um feel free to do that you can have Med pens instead of the med gun because they're faster but the med gun does a more uh Health repair at the cost of a slower kind of regen speed or I should say a slower deploy speed but this is the bare minimum that you need to clear your crime stat armor backpack gun Med gun ammo and most importantly crypto key in other words Tiger Claw so be aware when you're in Grim hacks your crime stat will not show in the top right like it normally does because Grim hex does not care if you're a criminal or not that's the whole reason you are here so we're going to call our ship and we're going to head over to uh security post Correa which which is orbiting the nearby Moon of Selen in the Crusader system what the which is where we are okay so this is where it's about to get real for you once you exit this Hangar you are are incredibly vulnerable two attacks from other players especially if your crime stat like mine is a three or above because at that point you're you are on the bounty board you are in here available for people to pick you up as a contract and hunt you down they can see your location at all times or at least an approximate location so just be aware that you may be being hunted as you go about your business here which is why we are fully prepared for combat security post Correa is one of the more dangerous places to do your to clear your crime stat but I figure it will serve as a good example because it is more dangerous and if you can do this one you can do any of them all right you can clear your crime stat at pretty much any security post that exists in the verse so the reason spk is a little more dangerous is one Crusader in itself is more dangerous than the other systems because of its tolerance for Crime so I'm just going to ignore this dude who's trying to kill me he might have my bounty he might not who knows you can engage normally I would engage but I'm trying to show you guys how to do this real quick so I'm ignoring him there's my crime stat pops up in the top right because now we are in range of a uh what do you call it a little satellite thing you know what you know what I'm talking about so as I was saying security post Correa is more dangerous because this is where they expect you to go even more importantly it is more dangerous simply because the amount of entrances to the room in which we are going to clear our stat are many and you cannot physically watch all of them at once amount of entrances to the room in which we are going to clear our stat are many amount of entrances are many making it almost impossible to be 100 percent um you know secure in your area okay so what you want to do is come in here limit your speed so you don't crash don't be afraid to use your Boost and you have to park underneath the uh the pads here so you don't get shot by the turrets they will start shooting you that's fine normal hour Shields if you want I'm gonna Nestle up in here oh God that was a little too far all right we're good when they stop shooting at you and they're not shooting at you for a good amount of time we're gonna go ahead and get out of our ship I'm gonna leave it on because there's no sense leaving it off and this is when you are at your most vulnerable by far because anyone could just pull up like I have done in the past and just shoot you on the pad so get inside quick there's something to be said for just stopping and waiting in your ship for people to chase you down but I prefer just running in because the longer I wait the higher the chances someone will show up and try to kill me this is when we have to be careful no one should be in here because there was no ship outside but that doesn't necessarily mean no one's in here their ship could have died it could have you know they could have claimed someone could have claimed it somewhere else could have been stolen okay so here's what we're gonna do rabbit stick it in your hand stick it in your hand and then it'll show up there and you have to have it in your hand then what we need to do is stick it in here insert and then it will start doing things and that's how you know you have succeeded now we have to wait until this thing is done well it's going to happen this bar will increase and when normally it sometimes it's off out of sync but it will get to its next stopping point and it will ask you to continue the process so until that happens we have to defend ourselves and the best way I've found to do it is to keep moving these two entrances are going to be the most common for people to come in by right those two entrances there's also entrances back there back there there's also an entrance back here where I've killed someone coming in on me before and then up in here all the way through this people can be up there so checking this okay it hasn't told us yet what what you can do is sit right here like this is a pretty safe spot in here the problem is you cannot see any of your other entrances so if someone gets on you from the other direction they're going to be on you on you I like to keep moving and also it allows me to be here instantly when this thing needs me to be um so it doesn't take too long so I like to do this you know yeah it's very tedious but it works for me uh there are spots like in this corner over here where you can be and have like kind of your back to the wall this is a safer spot but again you're doing a solo you need to be available or this thing the best thing you can do is listen for footsteps it is possible for a mission to be spawned in here where nine tails will be wandering about and it's happened to me before where it's caught me off guard and a couple nine tails came running in here you have to shoot them um just so you're aware it probably won't happen to you but it's possible whatever you do I would just recommend not sitting still unless you are in that back corner because the more you're moving the more you give desync a chance for you to escape someone's spray whereas if you're sitting still they're just going to hit all your shots and you're going to die at least if you're moving they'll hit some of the shots but you may be able to turn around and and shoot them before they kill you completely now I'm not getting any continuation message here oh there it is so normally there's a lot of these they just press continue and I keep my gun out this entire time because I want to be able to respond to a threat instantly and so you see what I mean about uh there being a billion entrances to this place many a Time have I had to kill someone who's come in here after me but I've always succeeded hopefully I'm not jinxing it now hopefully I'm not jinxing it now and sometimes you won't hear them at all sometimes they will be just crouching like this throughout through the hallway so that's why I look at every entrance and not just sit here and listen okay system access granted you're going to press exit crypto key and then it's going to come up with all your crimes that you've committed and you're going to have to clear them one by one all right so assaulting security dismiss give a reason mental incompetence that's that's my reason uh you choose your own you know and we do not let our guard down because I am being hunted luckily most bounty hunters do not carry FPS Gear with them but when that's done just keep clearing until your whole list is over and then you'll be done your crime stat will be gone you'll see it disappear I don't hear anything is it dude oh see that's a nine tails right so someone has spawned a mission here which means if someone spawned the mission here then someone is coming here to complete this mission this is an extremely uh unfortunate situation hopefully for the person coming to complete the mission and no it's unfortunate for me I don't know who killed me okay it was a player yep there he is and that's just what happens sometimes at Korea you know there's nothing you can do about it it's just the way it happens and we'll probably be in prison so oh yeah yeah we're in prison you know what that's this is one way to clear your uh crime stat right so this is you this is the main problem with doing it at Korea right I he was probably crouching around up in the top of the it was probably in the second floor and just crouched up to the very point where he could shoot me and then just shot me in the head there's nothing I can do about it that's just the way it is you know and it all comes down to this right here if you are clearing your crime stat you want to do it with other people it's the only way you can guarantee your safety there's plenty of times I've gotten away with it doing it by myself but but sometimes it's just it's just not possible Right the timing he showed up where I wasn't looking at the moment I wasn't looking there and uh he got the drop so nonetheless that's how you do it uh just keep clearing your crimes until there's no more and you'll be able to log out at the end of it and your crime stat will be clear that guy just fell off the platform I didn't do I will link in the description my last live stream in which I do a complete clearing my crime stat at security post Correa successfully and that way you guys can see the full process and and just you know the final step to it which there's really not much more it's pretty much it it's just you know that way you guys can see what happens when you don't get shot in the back of the head anyway I'm gonna serve out my sentence uh in clutcher definitely not gonna escape and uh hopefully that helps you guys join the Discord join the community have fun playing with other people join an org you know doesn't matter which one just uh find some people to play with as you can see it will definitely help you unlike me again welcome to the verse and I hope you're having a fantastic time I'll see you guys later [Music] thank you
Channel: Average Ardvark
Views: 27,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gzF_TjQc238
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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