Top 3 Dividend Stocks That Will Pay Your $1,000 Bills

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hey what's up youtube i'm zeke and welcome to the dream green show in the last episode i showed you guys the top dividend stocks to buy in 2021. well the problem with that was if you was trying to live off your dividends and pay your monthly rent of around one thousand dollars some of those dividends was paying out quarterly or semi-annually and that's just not how money works you have to pay your bills every single month so i was moving way too fast in that video to where you guys have asked me a ton of questions and in this video i'm going to answer all of those questions like what are dividend stocks a dividend is a distribution of some of the company's earnings to a class of its shareholders as determined by the company's board of directors basically dividends are payments made out by publicly trading companies as a reward to investors for investing into their venture so now that we know what dividend stocks are dividends are paid out either monthly quarterly semi-annually or only and that video just was not going to get the job done if you are trying to pay your bills out every single month so in this video i'm going to give you three different real estate stocks which are called reits we are focusing on these because they usually have the highest dividend yield a dividend yield determines how much a company is going to pay you out per share and we're focusing on reits reach stands for real estate investment trust and by law they have to pay out 90 of their taxable income back out in the form of dividends to their investors so they usually have high dividend yields especially if they're a good read company so i'm gonna give you three different real estate reits in this video to help you pay off your one thousand dollar monthly bill i'm going to tell you guys exactly how much money you need in order to pay off your bills but before we dive into it this video is brought to you by weeble sign up now by clicking the link down in the description deposit one hundred dollars and now you can receive two free stocks valued up to eighteen hundred and fifty dollars with those two free stocks you could keep them inside the platform and decide to use it or you can sell those two free stocks and withdraw all of your money it's literally free money also i left a link to coinbase down in the description that is by far the easiest way to buy and sell cryptocurrency but enough talking let's go ahead and dive straight into this video [Music] welcome back dreamers before we get started i want you guys to go ahead hit the subscribe button and hit the notification bell because right now youtube is acting real funny with my channel and not really pushing my videos and a lot of my subscribers are saying that i'm not even showing up on their feed so in order to solve that go ahead and hit that notification button after you hit the subscribe button but our first read that we're going to look at is agnc right now this year at the time of the recording of this video agmc is up 38 and a half 8 so 38.5 in a single year agmc has a high dividend yield of 8.02 usually companies have a dividend yield anywhere from half a percent to percent just like apple apple has a dividend yield of 0.6 so when you see a real estate read like agency that has a high dividend yield of 8.02 you know that you're going to get paid out some pretty nice yields in your dividends agmc is a real estate reit the company invests in residential mortgage pass-through securities and collateralized mortgage obligations for which the principles in the interest payments are guaranteed by the united states government sponsored enterprise or by the united states government agency guaranteed by the government guys so you you know they gone you know they're gonna get their money it funds its investments primarily through collateralized borrowing structures as reproduce agreements so the reason i like agnc because with them working with the government leasing out to the government they know that they're going to get that money back because it is guaranteed so with agnc working closely with the government and having a high dividend yield of eight percent and they also pay out every single month that is why agnc is so high on my radar and it's inside of my portfolio performing very very well to where it made the top three list of this video make sure you stay to the end of this video because i'm going to tell you guys exactly how much you need in order to make a thousand dollars every single month from these three dividends the next one is prospect capital p-sec ticket symbol p-s-e-c this one is at eight dollars and 11 cents and over the last year they're up 83.79 so they did a pretty good job recovering from the economy and they have a high dividend yield of 8.81 guys so it's even higher than agnc prospect capital provide financing to middle market companies its portfolio is mostly debt based with 80 percent of investment in first-line loans and other seniors secured debts it's also well diverse as its portfolio is spread across more than 120 different companies in 39 industries prospect capital tends to be a little more aggressive in this dividend policy rather than managing the payout with semi-annually special dividends prospect choose to simply pay a higher regularly monthly dividend although this have got the company in trouble a few times the last decade it had to cut his dividends once during the pandemic and another time in the last 10 years he had to cut his dividends so that's the risk you take investing into companies that have such large dividends but it seems to be working out for them as well because once they recover they rise their dividend yield right back up to its high percentage growth the another reason i like p-sec is because of their ceo their ceo is john barry and he had he's a serial buyer of the shares inside of pc he has bought over 144 million dollars worth of shares in his own company so you can't say that he don't have any skin in the game so a ceo like him that actually believing to the company makes me want to believe into it as well and go ahead and collect some sweet dividends every single month from this company as it continues to grow and that's going to move us over to stock number three stag ticker symbol s-t-a-g now at the time of the recording of this video stag is at 36.47 and over the last year they're up 37.76 percent stag has a dividend yield of 4.8 percent it's not as high as the other two real estate reads but there's something special about stag that i'm very attracted to that makes me want to invest into this company now stack their real estate portfolio focuses on distribution centers if you haven't caught on yet 40 of their portfolio focuses on e-commerce and they work very close with amazon so yes as long as amazon is doing well stag is going to continue to do well because because all of their facilities is being used by amazon so you know they're going to have a cash flow every single month so with them having a dividend yield 4.8 percent which is a little lower than the other reits they're able to grow their company a little bit faster because of the growth revenue that they're going to get in from all of the e-commerce websites like amazon stack has a long runway for growth even after a messy jump in 2020 due to the pandemic only about 16 of all retail sales are from e-commerce and the logistics space is highly fragmented stacks management estimates the value of that market at around 1 trillion now this isn't a stock that you'll get rich quick owning if you're looking for a safe real estate read to own for the next couple of decades stag could be one of the best real estate stocks for 2021. there we go guys we have three real estate stocks that's gonna pay you wild dividends every single month so we don't have to wait every quarter we don't have to wait every three months we don't have to wait every year to receive these dividends these high dividend year real estate reits is going to be able to pay us out every single month to pay off our 1 000 bills in the formula to find out exactly how much money you need invested to make one thousand dollars every single month is really really simple so the average dividend yield of all of these stocks combined is 7.2 percent so you take all of the percent yields and you divided by three they get you 7.2 percent and then you want to take your 1 000 every month and it's 12 months in a year so we're trying to make 12 000 a year we're going to take the 12 000 and divide it by the dividend yield of 7.2 percent and that's going to get us 166 000 166 666 000 that is a little what's his name that's some little noise x numbers right there it's too many sixes for me but yeah guys you'll need 166 000 invested in order to make 1 000 every single month with a 7.2 dividend yield now i know what you're saying that you need yes you're going to need a lot of money in order to live rent free guys but it's not impossible to get there and in fact if you was to invest 500 every single month with a 10 annual return over the next 13 years you will be able to live rent free and if you increase that to 1 000 invested every single month with a 10 annualized return you'll be able to get 166 000 in under 10 years so yes it's possible you have to consistently reinvest inside the stock market consistently reinvest your dividends and pretty soon the compound effect will start to take place itself and your portfolio will start to grow even faster then you could reinvest into it but yeah guys if you made it to the end of this video remember to hit the thumbs up button it helps out this channel more than you can even imagine and make sure you hit that notification bell because youtube be acting funny sometimes and i think i know why but go ahead and hit that notification bell it helps me out and also don't forget to pick up your two free stocks by clicking the link down in the description for weeble but other than that i'm zeke bringing you the dream green show and i'm out peace
Channel: The Dream Green Show
Views: 178,797
Rating: 4.9446158 out of 5
Keywords: robinhood dividend stocks, high dividend stocks, how to use robinhood app, grow your account, robinhood app, how to use robinhood, how to save money on phone, how to use acorns app, how to save money on acorns, make money on acorns app, monthly dividends, best stocks 2020, dividend stocks 2020, top dividend stocks 2020, dream green show, best investing app, buy a house, passive income, stocks, dividends, Fire, REITS, investing, agnc, stag, psec
Id: yrp_SGzbD_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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