20% Dividend Yield - Retire Early With These Companies

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hey you come here what if i told you that there's a way that you could retire on the beach sipping mojitos by doing absolutely nothing except for that you have to start investing into dividend stocks today i'm zeke and welcome to the dream green show in this episode i'm going to show you guys my plan on retiring before the age of 60 way before the age of 60 by investing into dividend stocks dividend stocks are by far the easiest way of creating passive income by investing into these companies they pay back their investors through the form of dividends just from investing into their company they do it either monthly quarterly or semi-annually and today i'm going to show you guys three different stocks on how you can retire in a whole nother country somewhere on the beach and join the rest of your life by investing into these three different dividend stocks i'm going to give you guys three different situations to show you guys about how much you need in these three different companies in order to retire before you turn 60. but before we dive into it this video is brought to you by weeble sign up now by clicking the link down in the description deposit 100 and now you can receive two free stocks valued up to eighteen hundred and fifty dollars with those two free stocks you could keep them inside the platform and decide to use it or you could sell those two free stocks and withdraw all of your money it's literally free money also i left a link down in the description to coinbase that is by far the easiest way to buy and sell cryptocurrency but enough talking let's go ahead and dive straight into this video welcome back dreamers here we are inside my robin hood account i'm centering around 58 000 and over the last year i'm up 22 that's around 10 670 so yes i have been reinvesting my dividends back into these dividend paying companies in order for me to generate more passive income that is called the compound effect or as we like to call it the snowball effect so let me show you guys what three companies we're going to use in order for us to retire early just from using dividends and then we're going to go through the whole situation on this this cool concept that i found in order for me to retire on the be somewhere so the first company we're going to look at is agnc i'm actually already investing into them i have 100 shares agnc is a monthly paying dividend stock that means they pay out every single month in their dividends and i have a pretty high dividend yield i have 102 shares by the way worth around 2 000 ish dollars i'm up 454 dollars but i probably made a lot more than that from dividends they have a dividend yield right here of 7.7 that mean over the course of a year you should regain around like 7.7 worth of dividends of whatever you have invested into their stock so just keep in mind the stock market usually goes up around six to eight percent every single year and they have a dividend yield of seven point seven percent so you're going to be collecting uh the dividend yield seven percent plus any growth from this company now it's not going to have any major growth because it is a real estate reit that means they pay out most of their taxable income uh their profits back to their investors that's why real estate reits pay so much so um let's go over to the second stock we're going to take a look at and that's coca-cola they have a a smaller dividend yield but their growth for that company is pretty well known everyone knows coca-cola here we are on coca-cola i'm up four percent on coca-cola they have a dividend yield which is a lot lower it's 2.96 but that is pretty high when it comes to fortune 500 companies um 2.96 percent is a is an awesome dividend yield and remember you're going to be making this over the course of a year by doing absolutely nothing and when i'm retiring on the beach i don't want to look at the market i don't have to do any technical analysis i just want to i just want to collect this dividends every single month or every quarter um coca-cola is a quarterly paying dividend stock that means they pay off four times a year every three months so um coca-cola growth over the last five years of course after the pandemic before the pandemic that was up 32 percent over the last five years and then right after the pandemic they're still up but not as much that of 23 so they've been growing around five-ish percent every single year over the last five years it's coca-cola they're not going anywhere guys and then the last one we're going to look at is a more risky stock but their dividend yield is through the roof is frontline their oil and tanking company they ship their orioles i'll read it to you in a bit but they have a crazy dividend yield of 19.86 percent it is insane guys um right now over the last five years they're down so you could be buying it on the dip as you would call it at one point of time front line was a 100 stock 200 stock but you guys all know how oil and gas have been playing in the future of earth so oil and gas have been on the decline but right now when it comes to electricity you still need oil gas in order to produce electricity even if there's still building facilities you're going to use oil gas to to build these electric facilities so oil gas is probably not going to go anywhere our lifetime but eventually it's going to fade out but hey while i still here we ought to make some money so here it goes frontline is an international shipping company which engages in ownership and the operation of oil and product tankers so hey so hey if we're trying to retire early we're going to yellow with this 19 dividend yield so let's go ahead and pull up the exact location of where i'm going to retire and how much we need invested in any of these stocks in order to retire before the age of 60. welcome back dreamers here we are on the medium income by country now the trick is is that the cost of living in america is actually pretty high so what we want to do we want to retire somewhere we want to take as many as vacations as we can find a place that we really love that's actually cheaper to live every single year than it is to live in america some places in america you have to live off a 70 000 income inside of new york uh other places like texas all you really need is around forty thousand dollars but the average medium in america let's take a quick look at it right quick if we scroll down these are the top most expensive places to live um norway's up at the top of 51 000 every single year while america is at 43 000 um every single year to live now give or take is the difference in between living in texas and a different in between living in l.a and new york city so but the average medium across the united states is forty three thousand dollars now you will have to have millions of dollars invested into the stock market invest into dividend paying companies in order to retire in america and live comfortable with forty three thousand dollars you would have to have um with um forty three thousand dollars in dividends every single year you have to have millions of dollars invested so what i did um i took i've been all around the world guys and one place that i really fell in love with that i absolutely love visiting is cabo mexico so let's scroll all the way down and see how much does it cost to live in cabo mexico um just scrolling down we're going to look at mexico right quick and you guys can find any place that you want to live portugal has been an amazing one i'm not sure if you can have dual citizenship in portugal but they do speak a lot of english in portugal so a lot of fire of the fire movement people are retiring portugal and portugal because all you need is around 16 000 every single year but let's look for mexico in mexico all we need is around 11 680 right every single year that is the median income for mexico but you know mexico is just like the united states every city is different to live so i zoomed in a little bit more and went to cobb the expenses to live the expenses to live in um cabo mexico cabo san lucas um this place is just awesome guys if you haven't been there go check it out uh the beaches are amazing the food is great the drinks is whoo give me one of them uh my sky mules my ketos i'm telling you the tequila in mexico is completely different than the tequila in the united states and you could get that pure white hennessy you guys know what i'm talking about alright so let's scroll down and look at the living expenses for cabo san lucas all right so here we go to live in cabo san lucas you need for a three bedroom duplex um fifteen hundred dollars a month seventy five dollars in utilities blah blah blah blah blah so your monthly expensive on the low end is gonna be one thousand uh fifty six dollars every single month but if we're retiring living on the beach we we don't want to just barely squeak by all right we want to enjoy our retirement so on the high end it's going to be around 2737 every single month so over the course of the year in dividends we will have to make around twelve thousand six hundred dollars on the low end and on the high end we'll have to make around thirty thousand dollars in dividends every single year so what we're going to do we're going to take the dividend yield of agnc 7.7 we're going to take the dividend a year of coca-cola of 2.96 and we're going to take the dividend yield if our old front line of 19.86 and see how exactly how much do we need invested into these three companies in order to retire in capo san lucas drinking tequila living off our dividends getting paid by doing absolutely nothing how much do we need invested and the answer might surprise you i'm telling you guys if you guys really focus in on this investing journey you can do anything that you want to do it might not be in the city or state that you want to be in but hey retiring on the beach is a lot of people dreams if you want to retire and on a farm somewhere i'm pretty sure there's somewhere on earth that you could retire in and live your dream so let's go ahead and pull up exactly how much we need invested all right here we go on my handy dandy calculator the first one we're going to take a look at is agnc so on the low end we need around 12 dollars agmc has the dividend yield of seven point seven percent so we're gonna divide that by seven by point zero seven seven seven point seven percent hit enter and on the low end to retire in mexico and to retire in cabo we need around 163 000 now to live like a king in cabo let's see exactly how much we need remember we need around 30 000 to live like a king in cabo we're going to divide that by 0.077 and this is the number we're really shooting for guys this number right here we need around 389 000 invested into agnc which is a monthly paying dividend stock in order to retire in combo and live off our dividends by doing absolutely nothing i can tell you guys right now with the stock market going up six to eight percent every single year and with ajnc having a dividend yield of seven point seven percent um it'll take around two hundred dollars invested into the stock market every single week for around the next 12 to 15 years in order for your account to reach um 389 000 guys i've been doing it i'm already i've been doing it for what four years and i'm already around i'm closing in on sixty thousand dollars so um the exponential curve will grow even faster as i get more stocks accumulated inside my stock market but it's definitely achievable you don't have to slave yourself for the next 40 to 45 years of working in order for you to just retire in the same home you've been working out of for the last 45 years so uh 389 k is not impossible so let's take a look at coca-cola and see how that turns out um coca-cola on the low end of living on twelve thousand six hundred dollars we're gonna divide that by coca-cola dividend yield which is point zero which is two point nine six percent two nine six and in order to retire in mexico and in order to retire in cabo on the low end and coca-cola you'll need around 425 thousand dollars invested to just live off your dividends but coca-cola do grow a lot faster than agnc do so you so you would have made more money um through capital gain from coca-cola going up but you just won't have as much in dividends so so you could collect your dividends and sell off shares of coca-cola if you since you made so much profit over the last 10 15 20 years and you could do that as well but just to live off your dividends you need around 425 000 and on the high end this is going to blow you guys minds right here 0.0296 um you'll need around 1 million dollars i know i typed it in wrong let me do it one more time 0.0296 yeah you'll need around 1 million dollars in order to um live like a king in cabo and just live off your dividends so let's take a look at the last one front line that has the highest dividend yield of 19.86 percent um 1200 um 12 600 times no divided by 0.1986 you'll need around 63 000 to live on the low end uh with the high dividend yield of 19.86 percent you'll need around 63k in order to retire in cabo and just you know enjoy your life but once again i'm almost there i'm almost at 60k so if i was to sell all my stocks put it into the front line hey man i could just go and live my dream right now like i was telling you guys it's not impossible frontline is a little bit more risky because their dividend yield is so high that they're um they're probably they're in fact they have cut their dividends more over the they've increased their dividends but they're cut their dividends more um than coca-cola coca-cola is a dividend king i mean they increase their dividend payments every single year for the last 50 years that's where the dividend king is now frontline they cut their dividends twice over the last five years and they raised their dividends twice over the last five years so it's a little inconsistent but if hey if you're trying to yolo and just live off the dividends front line is looking like a winner and to live like a king over in cabo san lucas point 1986 you'll need around 151 000 invested into um the stock market into front line collecting dividends at 20 in order to live like a king over in cabo san lucas and there you go guys that is by far the easiest way to retire early is to just pack your stuff get up and move all right yeah i mean we've been living in a site a lot of us have been living in the same place we grew up in our whole lives that we wanted is to spend our entire lives in just one place or do we want to get up and travel invite your family over to another country have thanksgiving in cabo have christmas in cabo anywhere in thailand in tulum let me know down in the comment section what is one place that you retire don't say ant article or something like that you guys ain't retiring article and if you got if elon come come in on this video you better not say you want to retire on mars because it ain't happening but but let me know down in the comment section where would you like to retire look it up and let me know what medium income it is over there in order to retire in that country guys i i really want i'm really interested to see what you guys say a lot of you guys might say hey i'm born in the states i'm a dying state so i ain't moving out to states and a lot of you guys might just move to um south africa a whole completely different country i'm very interested to see what you guys have to say but before we get off this video make sure you guys pick up your two free stocks by signing up for weeble the link is down in the description deposit 100 get your two free stocks it's free money guys but other than that i'm zeke bring you the dream green show and i'm out peace
Channel: The Dream Green Show
Views: 54,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robinhood dividend stocks, high dividend stocks, how to use robinhood app, grow your account, robinhood app, how to use robinhood, how to save money on phone, how to use acorns app, how to save money on acorns, make money on acorns app, monthly dividends, best stocks 2020, dividend stocks 2020, top dividend stocks 2020, dream green show, best investing app, real estate, real estate investing, buy a house, passive income, stocks, dividends, Fire
Id: lEwjjFfN1Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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