Top 3 Differences Army Vs. Marines

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so i can understand why everyone is interested in knowing who would win in a fight the army or the marine corps [Music] i think that's the wrong question to ask i mean don't get me wrong those kinds of hypotheticals are fun but to me the real question is what are the differences in equipment training and the purposes on the battlefield we want to know why these branches are separate when they kind of do jobs that appear similar on the surface the army and the marines entire purpose is to cover down on each other's blind spots within combined ops first and foremost we have the cultural differences just like how google has a very different culture than working at ibm it's also way different to work for the marines intense fighters hardcore partiers they work and they play hard the stereotypes include them being dumb even though they have higher standards for joining you need a high school diploma while the army accepts geds the marines do intense pt they do intense discipline the marines have a scrappy culture of getting things done with less money and less resources even when they deal with budget cuts the army culture is more like staying at your cool uncle's apartment for the weekend he lets you do whatever you want until you touch his motorcycle and he flips out the army would say in response to the marine culture that they choose to fight smart not hard here are some main reasons as to why the branches have different cultures i think the main reason is the alert status of the marine corps when you're in an organization like the army which is meant to sustain operations for a long period of time you're going to have a more chill culture i think the army is tasked with creating and maintaining logistics supply lines communications security helping local populations with humanitarian aid they're set up to be able to accomplish these missions across a long period of time their medium speed medium drag organization if you want to think of it that way the marines have a military culture focused on discipline their gear needs to be packed and ready to go they can't be disorganized or a bunch of ship eggs because if they were they would lose their one main advantage and then they'd lose all their funding for years you've all heard the stereotype of how the marines just get this hand-me-down equipment and guns from the army but it looks like that isn't true anymore the tables have turned the marines now get new and improved heckler and koch m27 iar rifles to replace their old m4s they got suppressors for all their weapons like high-speed special forces the regular army doesn't get that but this came at a cost the marine corps is getting rid of seven different jobs among those cuts is the main battle tank mos they're also cutting the military police officer mos the second major difference is they organize their infantry companies completely different the marines throw all their heavy machine guns rocket launchers sniper assets into a one big platoon and they pull those elements from there depending on what a specific mission calls for the marine corps is testing out adding four extra marines to each squad the new 15-man squad is almost twice the size of the nine-man army squad in this experimental setup each marine squad will now have an assistant squad leader that looks after coms and helps direct fire these updates are meant to accommodate the growing number of technologies that each squad has to keep track of each marine infantry squad will now be assigned a drone an ipad and this is all so they can keep track of the gps location of each marine they will now have anti-tank measures organic to the squad 15 marines per squad might sound like too many but the reason i think it's gonna work for the marines here is because they break the squad down into three separate fire teams so they're able to maintain command and control that way the army on the other hand has four squads in each platoon but each squad only has nine soldiers each squad is broken down into two fire teams led by a team leader who's often a specialist so you might be wondering who is the extra fourth squad in the army platoon herein lies one of the biggest differences between the branch platoon organization the army has their heavy weapons organic to each platoon they have their 240 limas and assistant gunners and javelin anti-tank system that makes up most of fourth squad the army and the marine corps will always fight in the same wars yes but they will often be given different tasks in those wars the army will have the responsibility for the easy area of operations in country as well as putting elite forces in the difficult areas the marine corps though will almost exclusively be given those dangerous difficult areas of operation so you'll see them fighting in fallujah in iraq and in hamad afghanistan the missions that marines are tasked with will often include staying out in remote areas with less supplies the army has its own set of nightmares to worry about though because they have to often figure out all the logistics for keeping massive areas of land secure there have been several times when the marine corps was nearly cut completely by the pentagon they see the marines performing many of the same operations that the army does in iraq and they think they can save money by completely cutting them the marines are able to justify their role because they perform a function that the army cannot they're always ready to deploy anywhere in the world almost immediately here's a quote from the current marine general david berger the central role of the marine corps is to be a ready force the 9-1-1 force the force that has to be the most ready when the nation is least ready both branches have a long history of being effective on the battlefield if nothing else the competitive spirit will always push each branch to try to be better than the other one
Channel: Task & Purpose
Views: 530,714
Rating: 4.8800573 out of 5
Keywords: who would win army or marines, army vs marines, differences between the army and marines, military news, task and purpose, task and gear, chris cappy, devil dogs, jarhead, semper fi, hooah, hoorah, us army whats it like, marine corps culture, new marine corps, new us army, different military branch, department of defense, pentagon, combined operations, military humor, military satire
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 48sec (348 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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