Top 20 Unexpected Myths Confirmed on MythBusters

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oh dude we are lifting a car with nothing but a single vacuum welcome to watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 unexpected myths confirmed on mythbusters i can't believe this is not actually bad i'm i'm shocked this one's confirmed you can run a car on moonshine faulty wiring hey for this list we're looking at the most outlandish myths that were discovered to be true what's your favorite mythbusters test be sure to let us know in the comments number 20 cheese as cannonball stop eating the ammunition come on i'm pregnant as the story goes a 19th century naval commander fired cheese slabs from his ship's cannons after his ship ran out of cannonballs it obviously sounds like absolute nonsense and even if it were true cheese balls would never actually work right wrong it just bounced right off the sail the build team got to work assembling a period accurate canvas sale and firing three types of cheese at it adam gouda and garacha while the first two failed to make an impact the garage punched a hole clear through the canvas sail proving that cheese can indeed be fired from a cannon and cause significant damage to a ship so yes the edom failed yes the gouda failed but finally we found a cheese that was hard enough to stay intact and make it through the sale number 19 right hand turns go go go we got packages people are always looking for inventive new ways to increase fuel efficiency and as it turns out driving a route and taking all the right turns is actually more fuel efficient than taking left-hand turns last delivery sure would be easier if we could take a left the build team went on a grand adventure throughout san francisco delivering packages in a truck they drove the same route only taking left-hand turns in one test and all right-hand turns in the next 72.9 pounds that means we consumed 2.8 pounds less on the right hand route and while the right hand route took longer it proved 3 percent more fuel efficient most of the change stems from idling as left turns require more waiting for traffic and stop lights this myth is confirmed if your delivery truck driver in an urban environment you're definitely gonna want to plan a right hand route number 18 modern cars can run on moonshine oh my god oh my god here we go they say moonshine can put hair on your chest we're not sure about the science behind that but it can make your car run in an episode devoted to moonshine myths the mythbusters tested to see if moonshine could blow up a shack it can while the build team tested the cars three two one that was a good start they filled three cars with 192 proof moonshine one from the 70s one from the 90s and one from the 2010s almost feeling like it might die in trouble with the idol carrie's 2010s car was the only one to complete a full three laps on the course though acceleration did suffer i can't believe this is not actually bad i'm i'm shocked not only will it run but a car running on moonshine can go from zero to 60 in nine seconds the moonshine powered car actually outperformed the gas car on both performance and longevity tests number 17 a bed sheet can thwart a motion sensor ever tried sneaking past a motion detector impossible right well not for the mythbusters at first they tried to sneak past an ultrasonic motion sensor in thick padded clothing hoping it would absorb the ultrasonic waves but it didn't it's an alarmingly good start but then this chicken's a jailbird next they tried using a bed sheet to cover themselves and to everyone's surprise it worked the sheet managed to absorb the ultrasonic waves and as far as the sensor was concerned there was nothing there it's just stupid this i there's you know when you get that list of myths and you're like come on this this was on the the list of all right let's just get it over with and fail it so we can move on to something that actually might work interestingly you can also bamboozle the sensor by walking past it incredibly slowly as carrie demonstrates however it takes about 20 minutes to walk 8 feet number 16 a human voice can shatter glass [Music] we've all seen footage of people singing or yelling in such a high pitch that they shatter a wine glass but is it really that easy surely there's some type of trick involved right apparently not the mythbusters proved that all you need is a good voice adam tried the trick himself and was able to shatter the glass by amplifying his voice but wanting more concrete proof they brought in vocal coach jamie vendera his voice was measured at the equivalent of 120 decibels at one meter and it was more than enough to shatter the wine glass [Applause] as vendera's voice was not amplified or modified in any way the myth was easily confirmed however unlikely it may have initially seemed number 15. you can slap sense into someone you see it all the time in movies a character is going a bit off the rails so someone slaps them in the face and brings them back to reality i'll take care of this guy calm down do you want another phone everything's gonna be full that's not a movie trope that actually happens grant underwent a series of tests at baseline impaired and impaired with a follow-up slap to become impaired he sat in an ice truck for 30 minutes his impaired test proved the worst but he performed significantly better after getting slapped that said it was nowhere near his baseline performance carrie and tory later performed a series of shooting tests and they too performed better after getting slapped turns out you can slap some sense into a person just don't expect them to be a hundred percent number fourteen a lava lamp can kill a person this myth is a really recent one actually comes from 2004 where apparently a guy killed himself with a lava lamp a lava lamp can help you calm down soothe your thoughts make your bedroom look groovier and according to mythbusters kill you there's a bunch of warnings that come with lava lamps one of which is overheating which the mythbusters put to the test placing a safety capped lamp on a stove didn't result in anything major but a bottle capped one oh boy a buildup of pressure resulted in an explosion with shards of glass being fired everywhere including into a ballistics dummy the guys took things a step further with a jumbo lava lamp and the result was an extremely violent and deadly explosion oh god that was so cool wow the pieces that came off that were definitely like spears they were huge yikes newton's cradle anyone number 13 the exhaust of a 747 can flip a school bus the idea that the jet wash of a boeing 747 can flip a school bus may sound far-fetched but the guys quickly found out that it is far from fiction building up to a bus the team tried it out with a taxi and it didn't survive for long your friendly mythbusters flight crew is about to find out if a taxi got caught behind a jet as it's about to take off would it be blown into oblivion once it crossed the path of the jets it was thrown into the air and ripped to pieces the school bus didn't fare much better with its high sides making for the perfect boat like sail it was launched as if by a tornado i can't believe what i just saw it was probably one of the coolest things i've seen in a long time and we see a lot of cool things here on mythbusters the bus got lipped probably about six or eight feet off the ground that's probably one of the coolest things i've ever seen in my life anyone want to carpool instead number 12. overusing bug bombs can cause an explosion bug bombs are no joke faulty wiring hey more properly known as foggers bug bombs are often touted as a cheaper and user-friendly alternative to professional pest control three two one you simply let her rip and the house fills with pyrethroid and or pyrethrin killing all cockroaches fleas and the like however the aerosol fog may also contain flammable gases that can ignite and even blow up a house if too many bombs are used michigan places everybody make sure you're out of range this actually happened to a family in san diego and the mythbusters easily proved it themselves in a test it just takes a spark from something like the pilot light in an appliance if you're going to use bug bombs be very careful and be sure to follow the instructions so always read the label and don't try this at home if you still want to have a home to go to number 11 a tree can be cut down with a mini gun as long as it's a dylan gatling totally confirmed surely every lumberjack company has a minigun laying around for just such an emergency to test if pine trees can be felled with machine gun fire the build team tested three weapons a thompson submachine gun a mini gun and the fittingly named saw also known as squad atomic weapon the 45 caliber bullets from the thompson were far too inaccurate and the nato rounds from the saw didn't deliver quite enough damage i hate to tell you this but the tree's still standing however the mini gun that fired 57.62 millimeter nato rounds per second tore down the tree in under a minute [Applause] nice job you cut it down it also made quick work of the thicker mesquite tree trunk easily confirming the myth number 10 water can slow a bullet to non-lethal speeds this method may not be as cool as dodging bullets but diving into some water to escape bad guy gunfire is still pretty badass and according to the mythbusters it totally works the myth is that you're being shot at you dive underwater the water protects you from the bullets legend has it that if you hide underwater bullets fired at you will slow down rapidly and become harmless putting it to the test using a range of weapons from a handgun to a 50 caliber rifle with armor-piercing rounds the guys quickly discovered that survival is just a few feet away when submerged underwater in fact depending on what angle the gun is fired from as little as three feet could slow the bullet to a complete stop what do you got i got a bunch of stuff it expended all of its energy within three feet and became totally non-lethal if someone's shooting at you though we still suggest you swim away number nine a standard vacuum cleaner can lift a car vacuum cleaners are powerful so powerful in fact that they can generate enough suction to lift an entire car off the ground okay so that's just barely enough to hold on to that five pounds it is a standard vacuum cleaner with a standard attachment can only lift about five pounds but the power increases with the size and surface area of the attachment for example when adam built an 8-inch suction cup the vacuum lifted 50 pounds to test the car myth the mythbusters built three plywood boxes with a combined area of four thousand square inches and sealed them to a car with a rubber gasket yes stop the ground this freaking car is off the ground using a single vacuum cleaner the boxes were able to lift a car completely off the ground judging by the cursing adam was just as surprised as the rest of us that is freaking awesome number eight super glue can stick furniture to the ceiling ever glue your fingers together by accident what about your bed ever glue it to the ceiling well the mythbusters have i have so much faith in this glue i really do think this car is going to go up off the ground with only seven drops after testing out the strength of super glue on some weights and a car they set about gluing a room full of furniture to the ceiling giving themselves a six hour time limit with the help of a mechanism that's used to lift up drywall sheets they managed to do it even with super absorbent materials like sheets and pillows super glue can really do anything even turn you into spider-man if you're a chair this is so psychedelic isn't this crazy well looks like you can turn a room upside down with glue number seven cursing helps with pain this one might seem pretty obvious especially if you've ever stubbed your toe but it's amazing to see that experimentally it's actually true dipping their hands into ice cold water the team tried at first to deal with the pain using non-curse words like fudge and fish fish fudge they then tried the same mini torture experiment and were allowed to use proper curse words and found that overall there was a 30 increase in how long they could keep their hands submerged and is swearing really a cure or just a curse oh next time someone tells you off for cussing just tell them it's for science number six a car can skip over water there are much easier ways to test newton's third law but you've got to admit this one's got style who said tv's not glamorous [Music] now is this car gonna skip like that rock you know what testing the theory that a car can skip over water like a stone as seen in the movies the guys set up a 100 foot lake a runway and a modded car fitted with nitrous oxide and they let her rip it seems like it could have gone either way but the car managed to skip twice on the water awkwardly crashed down on the other side and still even drove off grant builds up the speed then presses the go baby go button here goes to nitrous the car surges forward and then when it reaches the edge of the lake physics takes over half dukes of hazard half fast and furious number five jack could have been saved the ending of the titanic is among the most talked about in movie history but could the door really have supported both rose and jack yes actually but with some caveats okay rose i mean jamie sorry every test adam and jamie undertook proved the movie correct all right all right baby step baby steps in nearly every case the door doesn't support both characters and jack dies however the mythbusters did something the movie characters didn't and that's ty rose's life jacket to the bottom of the door and it's the macgyver style tweak that really puts the nail in this myth's coffin the additional buoyancy has made a massive difference by doing this the door remained buoyant and both characters survived 80 of my body is out of the water and in the air yeah same here while the myth that jack could have been saved was confirmed it was at the cost of going against the movie's narrative therefore the myth was technically only deemed plausible with all we've learned i think jack's death was needless number four axes are better than guns in a zombie apocalypse in one of the most controversial rulings in mythbusters history the team declared that an axe is a more efficient weapon in the zombie apocalypse than a gun dead dead adam averaged 14 kills with a foam axe while jaime only averaged seven with a pistol and shotgun and the legion of brain-eating zombies wins the results earned some ire from the fan base and both adam and jamie recognized limitations within the test the myth was brought back from the dead and retested under stricter parameters like adam needing to generate enough force to kill a zombie rather than simply touching the axe to its head like film folklore the undead start by coming through one by one in both tests adam performed better than jamie reconfirming the myth and seemingly putting it to bed once and for all you would think that this would be like shooting fish in a barrel but these guns are more complex than something like an axe they have to be reloaded they can jam and a second or two is enough to make everything go haywire number three a rock kicked up by a lawnmower is as lethal as a bullet we know a lethal lawnmower rock sounds like something from final destination right the idea that a rock hit by a lawnmower blade could have deadly implications is one of those strange myths you'd just assume is not plausible so you're almost done you're close to the driveway where there's some rocks on the lawn and your lawnmower goes over one of those rocks kicks it across the street kill somebody and that's exactly how the guys felt going into this this myth states that a lawnmower can propel a rock so that it has the same deadliness as a 357 handgun bullet that is more energy from the rocks than from a bullet from a 357. and terrifyingly it turned out to be true in fact they proved that a rock could have even more power than a 357 bullet better stick to cutting your lawn with a pair of scissors number two you can stick your hand in molten lead and be okay ah yes the popular frat party activity not with a rumor going around that you could dip your hand into molten lead and not be hurt adam and jaime felt the need to put their hands on the line for science which leaves just one question i'm game you game the theory goes that if you dip your hand into water and then plunge it into molten lead something called the leidenfrost effect will protect you initially succeeding with a sausage the guys seemed happy to make themselves the test subjects and thankfully they came out unscathed ladies and gentlemen one human hand and molten metal [Music] so if you drop your keys down a gutter filled with molten lead you should probably just get a new set of keys before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you'll have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one a faulty water heater can shoot through the roof the idea that a faulty water heater could somehow erupt and explode out of the roof of your house sounds like movie madness at first the mythbusters experiments made this one look pretty busted with their 6 gallon water heater rupturing but certainly not taking flight suddenly his fever breaks that's a failure but that's not an explosion as always they took things a step further boosting their 6 gallon water heater to a 30 gallon unit and then eventually a 52 gallon one the result was disastrous in the best way you get 85 and a half thousand pounds of pressure let me say that again 85 and a half thousand pounds of pressure pushing against the bottom of the heater you would fail too 335. after waiting and waiting and waiting the thing finally went off blasting through a two-story house and launching itself into the air and the thud that comes out of it is so deeply guttural and still kind of done we'd say call a plumber but what's the point do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from watchmojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest [Music] videos
Views: 1,519,860
Rating: 4.9057398 out of 5
Keywords: unexpected myths confirmed on mythbusters, myths confirmed on mythbusters, mythbusters tests, mythbusters myths, mythbusters water heater, mythbusters lead, mythbusters lawnmower, mythbusters zombies, mythbusters titanic, mythbusters car water, mythbusters cursing, mythbusters glue, mythbusters vacuum, mythbusters bullet, mythbusters minigun, mythbusters, adam savage, jamie hyneman, TV, reality shows, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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