Top 20 Worst Product Fails of All Time

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sometimes big launches do not go as planned welcome to Burt wente the dmc-12 this one may come as a surprise considering it has unending popularity a rabid fan base and pop-culture cred courtesy of its use and back to the future [Music] but marty mcfly saddled up in 1985 by which point the car had been deemed an abject failure beautifully crafted for long life the DeLorean is one of the most awaited automobiles in automotive history on the market for scant three model years before DMC was shuttered amid multiple forms of controversy the DeLorean as it later came to be known never performed as well as it looked disappointing drivers and turning off would-be owners the first production car was completed in January of 81 but by December of 82 the game was over with DMC itself following suit soon after number 19 Apple Maps let's just do a show of hands does anyone watching this video use Apple maps ok can't actually see you but let's assume there aren't many of you yes despite the fact that it is the default on the company's devices Google Maps has always been the superior navigational system Tim Cook even issued a public apology for all of the problems the application had some of these problems included misspelled place names and locations being placed miles from where they actually were we admit Apple Maps has come a long way since it was launched in 2012 and was riddled with issues but its poor reputation has remained don't tell me this is Zune bed I'm sorry Gavin a couple Maps pad number 18 segue this is the world's first self balancing human transporter unlike many of the other products on this list the Segway is actually still in production but it has certainly fallen from grace since it was first introduced back in 2001 to the excitement of local dads and mall cops everywhere the problem was the astronomical hopes of the segways creator the intention was to have the product completely revolutionize how humans got around in urban areas but there was just something undeniably dorky about it and it wasn't adopted nearly as fervently as its producer had hoped in an unfortunate turn of events the products viability died with the company owner Jimmy Hazelden who was killed when he fell off a cliff while riding his Segway scooter through the English countryside number 17 Colgate kitchen entrees in the 1980s frozen meals were popular and prevalent so that's perhaps why Colgate best known for their line of toothpastes decided to get into the market because why not but there's something distinctly unappetizing about the name Colgate kitchen entrees no one wants to be slumming it without half frozen half overcooked plate of gruel and be reminded of fluoride enhanced mint flavored grit cream anyone who's ever had a glass of OJ after brushing their teeth knows toothpaste and food do not mix sorry but we will pass on this one number 16 Korres Rocky Mountains sparkling water you will start to notice a trend on our list that many of the entries involve companies leaving their comfort zones in an attempt to branch out into new markets Cora's rocky mountain sparkling water is a prime example of this in 1990 when the product was released Coors was one of the most successful brewing companies in America and while their beer was popular across many demographics one thing we're not hitting was the sparkling water crowd but people didn't want to drink bubbly water that perhaps tasted like ultralight beer and the trademark expired a few years after launch number 15 Virtual Boy in the mid-90s Nintendo was thriving their Super Nintendo released in 1990 was a massive success but a few short years later they delivered a serious flop the Virtual Boy was marketed as the first 3d gaming console and there were many issues in development causing it to be released before it was properly finished I know they're really really bad for your eyes so you could only play him 20 minutes at a time the company had decided to shift its focus on to their next idea the n64 and they were right to do so the Virtual Boy was a big disappointment with poor 3d effects and a big price tag not to mention concerns of it affecting the health of users number fourteen Microsoft Bob back in 1995 the masses weren't exactly computer savvy so we can understand the thinking behind the launch of the Microsoft Bob this was an operating system interface that made your desktop look like a house with each application corresponding to a regular household item the whole point is that you don't have to find the clock application somewhere in your computer you can just think Hey look there's a clock click on it the idea wasn't a terrible one but it used a ton of processing power which most home computers didn't have in excess in 1995 he was discontinued shortly after launch to make matters even worse it gave the world Clippy and perhaps worse still Comic Sans was actually invented for use in Microsoft Bob even though they didn't end up using it on the interface number 13 HD DVD remember back in the late when people had to decide whether to commit to HD DVDs or blu-ray there was a race to replace or at least improve upon the DVD and toshiba threw their hat into the ring with the HD DVD high-def DVD is is really an improvement over old DVD it's the same technology that's why didn't change the name there wasn't anything wrong with the HD DVD per se but it simply lost the war against blu-ray and two years after its release it was discontinued unfortunately for consumers many had invested in HD DVD players which were essentially made obsolete or at least of limited use although some may now say the same about physical media in general so is there a real winner here number 12 the arch deluxe over the years McDonald's has introduced dozens of new menu items summer hits and some are definite misses the arch deluxe was marketed as a burger with a grown-up taste and the ad campaign focused on getting adults with sophisticated palates to try it the soft comforting potato roll I'm in his own all layered together in one symphony of taste the company spent over 300 million dollars on development and marketing for the arch deluxe and yet it didn't meet sales expectations there was nothing in particular wrong with the burger which was pretty standard with additions like peppered bacon leaf lettuce and a special mayo and mustard sauce there the new arch deluxe yeah I was gonna say that but consumers just weren't biting and the arch deluxe went make a bye bye soon after number 11 soon back in the mid arts it was tough to compete with Apple's hugely successful iPod but some companies tried anyway to varying results Microsoft produced its own mp3 player called the Zune which was released in 2006 and managed to stick around until 2012 though in the latter years it was definitely not selling much the performance of the Zune never quite matched up to that of its competitors and in an embarrassing instance in 2008 most of the 30 gigabytes UN's completely stopped working on New Year's Eve because they forgot to account for the extra day in the leap year I stood in front of a case of iPods and I bought a zoo what's a Zune yep exactly number 10 easy squirt colored ketchup kids historically love ketchup so it makes sense that Heinz the world's best-known maker of ketchup decided to market ketchup directly to children with its easy squirt line the squeezable containers were easy for kids to use but not only that the product was made available in a variety of fun and dare we say it rad colors other than the standard red who wouldn't want to squirt something purple and toxic looking onto their french fries while the novel idea may have had some kids begging their parents to put it in their grocery carts by 2006 production was stopped number nine Cheetos lip balm some products on this list were good ideas that just weren't well executed or didn't catch on but this is absolutely not one of them sure we all loved soda flavored chapstick but when frito-lay introduced Cheetos flavored lip balm it was obviously a step too far we acknowledge that Cheetos are incredible but not every snack food belongs in our makeup case we can't even imagine what the marketing pitch was for this product and we wouldn't be surprised if someone was fired for creating this monstrosity number eight the Newton the Apple Newton was the product for which the term personal digital assistant was created and at the time of its release in 1993 it seemed like the height of new technology Newton is the first product of Apple to have a button labeled assist tap it and you open a whole new world of possibilities but the price of the product was very steep making it a difficult sell for consumers another factor in its failure was that the highly anticipated handwriting feature ended up being a disappointment at least if you didn't want to eat up Martha take a memo on your Newton BF Martin the Palm Pilot ended up overtaking it and when Steve Jobs came back to Apple in 1997 he ordered the Newton line to be discontinued I just point this to another Newton and zap the information is transferred no wires or anything it's really cool it's way cool huh number seven the galaxy note seven one of the more recent flops will be discussing was one of the most explosive launches in tech history but in all seriousness the samsung galaxy note 7 started litter catching on fire shortly after its release this phablet was actually pretty well reviewed when it first launched in August of 2016 but those positive critiques didn't count for much when the phones began smoking and setting a flame through measurement and observation it was found that the negative electrode were damaged because the design of the cell pouch did not provide enough room in one much-publicised instance this even happened on a flight which had to be evacuated prompting airlines to ban the note 7 Samsung discontinued the phone in October of 2016 and reportedly lost billions of dollars because of the debacle I call it exploding because this did shoot pieces of whatever it was inside the phone out number 6 Betamax remember VHS meet its older brother released in 1975 just a year before the VHS tape came out the Betamax arguably had better technology than its competitor the resolution and sound were considered to be superior to those of the VHS but because Sony made a major misstep with its licensing VHS soared past it to quickly grab a larger market share providing more consumer options and lower price points that is why 90's kids will all remember having their Disney movies on VHS and not Betamax everything you want in home video from those organize so many people who's a clever little Sony there I am number 5 Google glass in so many works of science fiction that imagine the future of humanity we had wearable technology that looked a whole lot like Google glass in fact theoretically it seemed like an incredibly futuristic invention that could completely change the way we viewed the world you can tap on any card to see more swipe down anywhere to go back to the timeline but despite its lofty goals Google glass was mired with criticism and was prohibitively expensive for many chief among the concerns were issues of privacy because the glass could easily record people without their consent as well as safety number four Wow chips consumers should probably be smart enough to be wary of low-fat potato chips but when Wow chips were released by Lay's in 1998 no one could have imagined the fallout you see they were made with a fat alternative called olestra which caused let's just say gastrointestinal distress that is visits to the bathroom it seems the folks who make Crisco had come up with a lean in oil that fries up snacks without adding any fat or calories how this was not discovered during the development phase we'll never know but the end result was that Lay's was forced to put a warning on all bags reading this product contains olestra olestra may cause abdominal cramping and loose stools now that is not exactly great marketing material number three premier smokeless cigarettes long before peeps were vaping or using e-cigarettes companies were trying to come up with a safer way to smoke in 1988 for tobacco company r.j. Reynolds this meant introducing a line of smokeless cigarettes the problem was smoke crews didn't get the same satisfaction from it because of the lack of actual smoke not to mention there was a chemical taste associated with it that didn't improve things in the end the non-smoking smokes were only around for a few months before they were removed from the market and after r.j. Reynolds invested hundreds of millions of dollars into them number two Edsel the most memorable product failures are usually the ones that were the most heavily hyped this is true now and it was true all the way back in the 1950s as well that's right driving the xix looking like the Ford Motor Company came out with the Etzel after a year-long marketing campaign leading up to its release which branded it as the car of the future with so much anticipation it was almost destined to fall short of what people had expected like this speedometer that glows red when you exceed the safe maximum speed you said it poor but this was an even more colossal failure than anyone could have imagined people thought they were too expensive ugly and suffered from being overhyped in short the Edsel never picked up traction I gotta say I personally have an affinity for a few of these products obviously the DeLorean and I don't know if you ever had the arch deluxe from McDonald's but I gotta say it was delicious even though I was in no way the intended market for it anyway I never had the chance to personally test our topic but it was pretty much unanimously derided as a huge fail by a huge company so let's look at some honorable or dishonorable mentions and then see if you've correctly guessed the biggest product flop of all time from the latest in sports news fantasy information and highlights from your favorite is TN chose hang on I just got a mobile Sports alert video alerts right on my phone up to the second scores [Music] legendary harley-davidson otaku on Oh shame before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one New Coke if it ain't broke don't fix it this was a lesson that the coca-cola company clearly did not internalize when they came up with the idea for new coke in the 80s it tastes like the 80s we're not sure why they decided to mess with a good thing but when they reformulated their popular Cola beverage to more closely aligned with popular tastes at the time the reaction was overwhelmingly negative several years later Pepsi tried a similar tactic with Crystal Pepsi which was clear and caffeine free and was similarly unsuccessful curious parties and late comers got a second chance to try new coke in 2019 however when it was re-released as a cross-promotion with stranger things late do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from WatchMojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music]
Views: 1,037,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worst product flops of all time, product flops, failed product launches, worst products, failed launches, failed endeavors, memorable product failures, apple maps, the dmc-12, segway, colgate kitchen entrees, coors rocky mountain sparkling water, virtual boy, microsoft bob, hd dvd, arch deluxe, zune, cheetos lip balm, betamax, galaxy note 7, google glass, edsel, new coke, ez squirt colored ketchup, Business, Entrepreneur, History, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
Id: z8xh_AjPEEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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