Top 20 Unanswered How I Met Your Mother Questions

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as it isn't my destiny to win the belt it is my destiny to help my friend Win It welcome to Ms Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 unanswered How I Met Your Mother questions what happened next did you do it it doesn't seem right to talk about it for this list we'll be looking at story lines that were left open-ended or we never got an answer to throughout the show's nine seasons and deleted scenes that answer these lingering questions need not apply because we'll be discussing pivotal points in the show a spoiler alert is in effect did you see something that you wish you would have gotten an answer to let us know in the comments number 20 where did that final blue french horn come from in the pilot Ted steals a blue french horn from the restaurant for Robin when they go on a date uh pull it right here I gotta do something excuse me pardon me enjoy your coffee hey later Ted and Robin are forced to return the horn to the restaurant as they decide they're on different paths so with a controversial final move by Ted he gets back with Robin and brings her a blue french horn to represent the start of their new Love Story symbolism we see you [Music] will always go remember [Music] but where did Ted get the horn the restaurant kept theirs locked up after the incident did Ted buy and paint one or did he have one hanging around for when he decided to go for it I guess we'll need yet another spin-off to find out number 19. what happened to Lily's debt how do you afford all of these expensive clothes I shot the sales they were in the closet when we moved in the steel I'm a criminal remember that time Lily was a Shopaholic with massive credit card debt neither do Carter Bayes and Craig Thomas apparently back in season three we learned that Lily secretly Harbors a compulsive spending problem and the unpaid bills to back it up this became a particular complication when she and Marshall needed a loan for their extravagant Dosa tripla apartment it's fine Disney for trying to get an education and build a career but I will not let you deprive my beautiful wife of her dream home just because I'm okay actually it's because of your wife's credit card debt but the show never explains when how or if these Hefty dues are ever paid we know that they both go on to have successful careers but they also exorbitantly live abroad and raise three children considering the gravity of this conflict when it was introduced it seems like a huge oversight that this potentially life-changing issue was never resolved 10 bucks says I can do it backwards so Lillian Marshall decided to make the best of a bad situation number 18 what happened to Bernice Bernice is the older woman who sits next to Ted at the train station on the night he meets his future wife you look like you're coming from a wedding was it a nice one uh it's a long story she hears Ted talk about the dreamy bass player from the wedding before she points out that the girl he's describing is standing just a few feet from them she's more excited about the two of them meeting than Ted is saying she'll sing at their wedding and hoping that said wedding is a big one so talk to her oh and it'll all be because of me and how singing at your wedding you are gonna have a big wedding right she encourages Ted to go meet her and the rest is history so did she end up singing at their wedding did they ever track her down and thank her for helping bring them together we need Justice for Bernice number 17 did Marshall get the security deposit back Ted since we're clearly not getting our security deposit back I thought maybe you could reimburse me for my half wait a second why should I have to pay more than you because you treated this apartment the way John bottom treated his central nervous system throughout the many years that the gang lived in the apartment above McLarens there were a number of mishaps that left the place in less than pristine condition in a season 4 episode Marshall and Ted reminisce about how everything got damaged including Barney punching a hole in the wall and Ted's bookshelf giving and ripping the wall apart Ted initially volunteers to pay for the damage deposit when they all move out but plans change and it's actually Lily and Marshall who finally turn into to the apartment many years later love your place thanks there's a total score we got it from this old married couple who posted it on the Wesleyan alumni group even gotten to leave their swords did they get their deposit back since almost every member of the gang caused damage did they at least split the cost number 16. did Super Freakonomics make it big the mother of Ted's children had her own band called super Freakonomics where she was the bass player and also did some singing I really wanted to meet you I'm a huge fan of your band's super Freakonomics oh my gosh really really her ex-roommate Cindy even told Ted that they were the greatest wedding band in the tri-state area so what happened to the band after Barney and Robin's wedding Tracy goes on to be a successful author in the field of Economics but nothing is said about what happened to her band and it's going to be everyone congratulating you on your book saying this is a revelation you're gonna end poverty in our time this is the greatest book anyone's ever written in any genre did they eventually disband even though they finally got rid of Darren did they still play occasional gigs or were they a huge success let's be real we are given a criminally low amount of information about the titular mother and we need answers number 15 why is future Ted Bob Saget Ted is in his late 20s at the start of the show which means he's already well into his adult life so why is another actor voicing him in the future there's a 25-year age gap between the start of the show and when he he's telling the story back to his kids but his voice couldn't have changed that much I thought this said Mom will you relax I'm getting to it like I said it's a long story We Love Bob Saget and his voice and demeanor are fitting to Ted's personality but why couldn't Ted himself have been the narrator like Peter Griffin pointed out he's not going to grow up to be Bob Saget which we saw in the finale as the Ted we know ended up narrating the final moments so what was that about what's really weird to me is why is the voice of a guy from the future Bob sagin I mean the guy on the show he's already an adult you know so it's not like he's gonna grow into Bob Saget number 14. did Ted ride the tricycle Ted tells his kids that there are some stories you tell and some you don't but we got to know the answer to this one when Barney and Marshall refuse to join Ted at the bar he meets up with his previous hookup from the pineapple incident Trudy and her former sorority sister Rachel funny I think Ted is funny really I think Ted is hilarious luckily for Ted not only are they both into him they are both very competitive with one another there are lots of obstacles that prevent Ted from riding the tricycle thanks to his friends and also his own fear and we never find out if he does it or not Barney even tries to tempt him with the three-way belt but Ted leaves this question unanswered forever did you did you what did you did didn't tell me please number 13 what happened to Robin's friends in the first episode Ted Falls for Robin at McLaren's where she reveals that she's hanging out with her friends after one of them got dumped oh your friends don't seem too happy yeah it's either one in the middle just got dumped by her boyfriend so tonight every guy is the enemy you know if it'll make your friend feel better you could throw a drink in my face I don't mind but when she starts hanging out with Marshall Ted Lily and Barney she doesn't seem to hang out with anyone else she gets jealous when Lily hangs out with co-workers no one shows up to her bachelorette party and when she tries to make friends with other women she struggles that's my 14 year old daughter foreign nice bangs so what was up with that group of gal Pals we saw in the pilot if she ditched them that fast for this new gang of Pals it's no wonder she had a hard time holding on to friends number 12. how did Robin become a bull fighter but she did become a famous journalist a successful businesswoman a world Traveler she was even briefly a bull fighter that's a funny story I'll get to that one later future Ted loves to tease some future storylines through his narration while he always seems to Circle back to these four Shadows there's one that never got an explanation when Ted tries to cheer Robin up he puts on a Christmas light show for her in their apartment during the festive display Ted narrates how Robin goes on to do great things in her life and one of the things he mentions is how she was briefly a bull fighter but this never gets brought up again yes a deleted scene from the finale and a conversation during Robin's Cameo on How I Met Your Father do include conversations about it but the core show seemed to have forgotten about this seriously it was so badass it was bad for my ass the ER Dawkins Seville spent six hours tweezing bullhorn fragments from my left butt cheek number 11. who was Ted's perfect match Ted is nothing if not a romantic and his journey to find his soul mate is equal parts exhausting and inspiring so so when he finds out that the dating website he signed up for got him a perfect match we thought he had finally found the one your favorite food was lasagna her favorite book was Love in the Time of Cholera her favorite singer was Otis Redding and she wanted two kids a boy and a girl all right fine set it up she checks every box including her age favorite book and desire to have two kids but when Ted realizes that he'd rather have Robin than any seemingly perfect girl he stands her up because of this we never get to learn who Ted's perfect match was and we're disappointed that this never got brought up in a storyline later in the show I want Robin oh God not this again Ted it's a mistake Maybe but it's a mistake I have to make number 10 how did Marshall save the world Barney Marshall didn't quit his last soul sucking corporate job just to go work in a bank he's gonna be an environmental lawyer since Marshall was a kid he dreamed of becoming an Environmental Lawyer and saving the world but when he finally did become an environmental lawyer it wasn't exactly what he expected look at what's happening to the environment and we're here doing the limbo I mean we should be ashamed of ourselves his own boss was discouraged and accepted minuscule Court settlements that is until Marshall inspired him to fight the good fight again after a major win over an evil Corporation Marshall says that they're going to save the planet and future Ted assures us that they did We're Gonna Save the Planet and kids as we now know they did yet throughout the rest of Marshall's career he goes back and forth between corporate and environmental law though he eventually becomes a judge we never get to see exactly what Marshall did that saved the world judging Queens is retiring so I'm going to be a judge number nine does the gang keep in touch regularly wow a genuine trevasky siding out in nature at this point that's like seeing Sasquatch future Ted has admitted that as the gang Grew Older they drifted a bit whenever he's talking to his kids though he still calls them all aunts and uncles so they obviously still see each other on holidays birthdays and of course slaps giving but there was also a huge portion of the finale dedicated to Robin disappearing from the group and they barely saw her here we are again another big moment for us and Robin's missing it however at Ted and Tracy's wedding everyone seems to be okay with each other again you rsvp'd know I did but someone pretty persuasive talked me into it so even though they may not speak daily anymore hopefully that means at least every now and then the gang reunites and closes down McLarens number eight did the mother have a doppelganger it's a long-running joke throughout the series that every member of the Gang has a doppelganger there was lesbian Robin Marshall and of course stripper Lily in fact finding stripper Lily Mexican wrestler Ted and Barney's Dr John stangle all happened at very crucial times in their lives wow it is like looking into a poorly dressed mirror this begs the question did the mother have a doppelganger when she became an official member of the gang it only stands to reason that they might be in search of her doppelganger I guess I'm old-fashioned I believe that each of us only gets one and I got mine already there have been entire episodes and story arcs around finding the doppelgangers but even just a quick flash forward to meeting the mothers would have been awesome or maybe she was just one of a kind hear me and life will always be number seven what happened in Rome all right we're going to Italy see in the final season we got to see quite a bit into the gang's future but we never got to see what happened in Rome throughout the show we saw most of the characters grow in their lives and careers so we feel a little cheated that we never saw Lily Thrive when she finally got her dream job in some short clips Lily obviously did well we just wish we got to see a bit more of her Roman Adventure Mickey also what did Marshall end up doing in Rome Lily was working their parents were looking after the kids did Marshall just sit around all day eating Funyuns we want to know Gina number six who was number 31. congratulations papa stop it this is a disaster it seems like the show's finale arguably raised way more questions than it answered while the long-held secret of the mother of Ted's kids was finally over a new mystery mother was introduced in an effort to one-up his perfect week Barney beat his record with a perfect month but then girl number 31 got pregnant and Barney became a father that last girl number 31. oh that's a pretty name what is that French she's pregnant in true Barney fashion he never spoke her name aloud and we have no idea who she is number 31 won't let me in the delivery room we're gonna need a name eventually we got a short glimpse of her in a deleted scene from the finale but considering how much the birth of his daughter touched Barney's heart we feel we should have gotten the chance to meet the mother you are the love of my life number five why did Ted and Tracy wait so long to get married Ted proposed to Tracy twice once at the Lighthouse and again five years later after the birth of their daughter will you marry me on Thursday I called your office you got nothing on Thursday will you marry me on Thursday yes for a guy so desperate to get married he's waited a long time before actually tying the knot it's just comfortable living in sin someone's gotten a bit judgy we got the irony of how Ted sort of went backwards in his life first he bought the house then had a baby then got married but this doesn't really match with his personality which begs the question did something specific happen to push off their wedding we'll get around to it it's just you know with life and jobs and kids plus this one's still insisting on getting married in a French castle maybe like Marcel and Lily having a baby they were waiting to meet the mother's doppelganger as a sign that it was finally time we'll never know I can't believe it it's Ted Mosby's wedding day after only seven years and two kids guys am I rushing into this number four mugger or monkey all right look the reason that I don't have any money on me is because I got mugged getting mugged in New York is no laughing matter except maybe when you're mugged by a monkey when Marshall arrived at the bar with a harrowing story of how he got mugged in Central Park Lily decided to buy a gun for safety so Marshall changed his story to him actually being mugged by a monkey from the zoo watch it don't get any closer oh that's cool it's cool naturally when the rest of the gang heard this version of the story they ruthlessly made fun of him I got mugged by a monkey Marshall flip-flopped between both stories driving the gang and all of us crazy over which story is fact or fiction I wasn't mugged by a monkey he never gave us the answer Ted you've known him the longest is he telling the truth [Music] I can't tell number three what disease did the mother have this Nine Season epic was in theory the tale of how Ted met the mother of his children but when we finally did meet her we only spent such little time with her and apparently so did Ted I mean come on of course she showed up but mother is going to miss her daughter's wedding in a wildly controversial twist it was revealed that the mother developed some sort of disease that ended tragically in her death right from the moment I met your mom I knew I have to love this woman as much as I can for as long as I can and I can never stop loving her not even for a second however we never found out which ill egally had the natural assumption might be cancer but since it's never said in the show we can't know for sure even then in what can only be called the worst of times all I could do was thank God number two what was the kakamouse oh my God it's the Cocker Mouse is it a cockroach is it a mouse is it some sort of hybrid species of the two how can it fly so many questions left unanswered an early episode brought us one of the Show's first and best Unsolved Mysteries one day in the apartment Marshall and Lily came across the meanest looking Mouse you've ever seen or was it a cockroach according to Marshall and Lily it was a cockamouse a whole new species the Kaka Mouse and it's the size of a potato they eventually came out on top in a battle for the apartment when after attempts to kill it proved futile they threw it out the window in a later episode it's revealed that the kakama survived and bred should we be terrified it used to live in our apartment in it it must have settled here and oh look it had babies good for it before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you'll have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one where did Ted get the pineapple of course the infamous pineapple incident after getting blackout drunk Ted wakes up with no memory a sprained ankle a woman in his bed and a pineapple there's a girl in your bed and a pineapple am I the only one who's curious about the pineapple as he pieces together what happened all of these questions are answered except the most pressing one the pineapple even Trudy is no help with this one damn it Trudy what about the pineapple sorry but like Ted says some stories are better left Untold especially if we're to accept the contrived answer to the pineapple incident revealed in a deleted scene thankfully it never aired so we're still calling this one of the greatest unanswered questions oh and we never found out where that pineapple came from but it was delicious do do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from Ms Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music] [Music]
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 170,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #31, Comedy, Sitcom, Streaming, TV, bernice, blue french horn, bob saget, cockamouse, doppelganger, himym, himym questions, how i met your mother, how i met your mother questions, list, mojo, msmojo, mystery, pineapple, questions, superfreakonomics, ted's perfect match, the mother, top 10, tricycle, unanswered, unanswered himym questions, unanswered how i met your mother questions, watch mojo, watchmojo
Id: crCyrA9v2a0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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