Top 20 Stars You Forgot Appeared on Supernatural

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look snooky can I call you Snookie no it's Nicole now welcome to miss Mojo and today we're counting down our piics for the famous faces whose appearances ons Supernatural may have slipped your mind like anything off of Dean andala we're excluding anyone with a major recurring role like Lauren Cohan in season 3 since those are generally pretty memorable though a couple appearances or minor cameos is fine collecting early oh please white gloves I don't get my hands dirty number 20 Paris Hilton yes really the infamous reality TV star actress model appears as herself UNS Supernatural sort of I'm so glad you're awake for this this is going to be huge several fans of Paris Hilton are shocked to encounter her and become even more so when she kidnaps one of them as it turns out she's actually a forest God called alushi who takes on the appearance of its victim's Idols to to ens snare them and feed on their deaths it also takes the form of mahat mandhi and Abraham Lincoln is that Gandhi yeah dude is squirly the lushi is finally killed by being decapitated by Sam that's not hot number 19 Gary Cole Gary Cole is famously one of the ultimate Hollywood character actors that everyone recognizes yet whom not everyone can name yeah if you could just go ahead make sure you do that from now on that would be great and uh I'll go ahead and make sure you get another copy of that memo okay yeah Cole appears as Brad reading a producer on the set of a horror movie in season 2 the veteran actor plays a perfectly smug ignorant Hollywood executive making ignorant suggestions to those in charge and even mistaking Dean for a production assistant you get me a uh smoothie from crafty you want a what from who you are a PA this is what you do however while the initial thing that brings Sam and Dean to the set turns out to have been a hoax reading is killed by a ghost for real on set guess reading ended up making the film more colorful after all number 18 Trisha Hur an actress who's no stranger to genre Parts Trisha Hur is best known for appearing in Battle Star Galactica her role in Supernatural is a bit more down toe though still uncanny heler plays Molly mcamera a woman who gets into a car wreck with her husband only to awaken to find him missing Molly Molly McNamara Molly look I think maybe you should come with us we'll take you back into town I can't I have to find David he might have gone back to the car she's terrorized by a man named Jonah gley and after turning to Sam and Dean for help she discovers that he's a ghost after laying gy to rest though Molly discovers that she's dead too what are you saying we're saying that there isn't just one Spirit haunting Highway 41 there are two Jonah grey and you heer perfectly portrays her heartbreak at realizing her husband has moved on and her own decision to do the same number 17 Amber Benson Amber Benson plays Lenor a vampire who resists her kind's urges to feed on humans Benson is best known for playing Tera on Buffy the Vampire Slayer so this part is definitely in her Wheelhouse in her first first appearance Lenor is revealed as a vamp who feeds on cow blood instead of humans once you have the send you'll keep tracking us it doesn't matter where we go Hunters will find us so you're asking us not to follow you we have a right to live we're not hurting anyone however she is tempted and tortured by a sadistic Hunter Gordon Walker the boys free her after she successfully proves she still has some Humanity left tragically her second appearance is also her last as Leno's vampire instincts return along with the progenitor of monsters Eve and she requests to be put down I'll do it again I can't stop not anymore you have to please number 16 Charisma Carpenter speaking of Buffy alums Charisma Carpenter also shows up on Supernatural alongside another cast member James Marsters the duo play a married couple Maggie and Don who are going through a rough patch after Don apparently has an affair oh boohoo Mr big shot Mr I got to put my name on every Public Works in town there was three of us in this marriage me you and your ego that was the problem Dawn the only trouble is that both of them are powerful witches and the people of their Town suffer for it when Maggie starts taking out her rage on the town's people after Sam and Dean intervene and maybe try to kill Maggie the pair of probably Immortal magic users eventually patch things up I've been crushing on you since forever you're a woman I want to never grow old with I could never murder you either Don honestly with carpenters and Mar's record in the Buffy verse this is downright healthy by comparison number 15 Sierra McCormick don't you want to be here don't you love me well sure I do we all do honey we all love you so much don't be mean to me Daddy before her breakout role on the Disney Channel sitcom Ant Farm Sierra McCormack first debuted on TV screens in a fictional role via Supernatural mccormic plays Zoe Fremont a young girl who is possessed by the demon Lilith as well as Lilith herself Lilith terrorizes Zoe's family all in a bid to manipulate Sam into killing her as Lilith McCormick is surprisingly terrifying she's so scary that it's no wonder Dean is haunted by hallucinations of her in an episode The Following Season what's the matter Jean don't you remember all the fun you had down there you do remember 4 months is like 40 years in Hell the fact that it was her acting debut only makes the terror she inspires that much more impressive number 14 Julie Benz oh you thought there were no more Buffy verse stars on Supernatural than again Julie Benz got her big break on Buffy and Angel but also had a notable role on Dexter in this season 1 appearance Ben plays Lila a woman with terminal cancer she meets Sam and Dean while visiting a faith healer Lea what's wrong I have this thing it's a brain tumor it's inoperable despite Dean's cynicism and her unwavering Faith the two of them form a bond unfortunately the faith healer Lila hopes can save her is unwittingly trading one life for another mother with a help from a Reaper controlled by the man's wife Sam and Dean put a stop to the reaper leaving Lea still dying Ben's performance in her final scene with Dean still gets to us guess if you're going to have faith you can't just have it when the miracles happen you have to have it when they don't number 13 Caleb worthy famous for his role as Quirky dope Dez on Austin and Ally Caleb worthy had a considerably less Charming role on Supernatural worthy play a young man named Denny who like several other residents of a town see their wishes come true Denny's wish is that he becomes invisible so he can spy on women we're pretty sure that kind of behavior would be a no-go on the show that made him famous considering it aired on the familyfriendly Disney Channel put on some pants and stay visible oh number 12 Marie aeropolis more known these days for having been on another CW Show than one 100 as Octavia Blake Marie AV doropoulos had a small part in the fourth season of Supernatural hi Taylor how was your weekend fine I guess you didn't go to the rodeo that's my spot her character is Taylor a popular girl who finds herself ridiculed after rumors of her alleged romantic exploits make the rounds at school after a less than it girl tries to comfort her Taylor rebuffs and insults her prompting the second girl to brutally murder ABD drops' character after being possessed and leading to the Winchester investigating the killing thankfully the actress gains better survival skills in her later show what are you doing get away from him number 11 Dylan manette the star of 13 Reasons Why Dylan manette played a role in Supernatural that also sees him reaching out to a troubled girl manette plays Danny Carter a young boy whose new home appears to be haunted hello it's [Music] okay I'm Danny however far from the usual sort of vengeful Spirit the Winchesters run into this girl is actually still alive and has been living Behind the Walls for years making it a rare episode without Supernatural events like on the Netflix show manette's character is too late to prevent the girl's death as she's too far gone or at least too murderous to be saved number 10 Adrien I'm proud of you and you're going to knock him dead on Monday and you're going to get that full ride I know it what would I do without you crash and burn Adrien paky plays Jessica Sam's girlfriend whose murder at the hands of a demon motivates Sam into returning to the life of a hunter now we can practically hear all of the Diehard Supernatural fans typing who could forget about Jessica to which we can only say look Supernatural is it's a long show okay despite her pivotal part only reappears a couple of times throughout the series in cameos dream sequences and being impersonated by the devil there is Reason for Hope no Sam there isn't so it's understandable that some of the more casual fans forgot that the actress who went on to Greater Fame on Friday Night Lights Agents of Shield and the Orville also appeared in this crucial Supernatural role number nine Alden aronri what Young Han Solo himself was in Supernatural yep a long long time ago in a season far far away the first one in fact Alden aronri appeared in the second episode of the series The solo actor appeared as Ben Collins whose older brother goes missing in the woods after being targeted by a wendigo they went this way together with the Winchesters Ben searches for and eventually rescues his brother making for a reunion that was probably more satisfying than Solo's performance at the box office number eight Candice aka before she gained recognition on another Supernatural CW Show The Vampire Diaries Candace AKA also known as Candace King appeared on Supernatural in a flashback she plays Amanda a girl who briefly dates Dean at one of the many high schools the Winchesters attend in the midnight screening of I Spit on Your Grave at the Cinedome I can't I have a curfew at 11: after catching Dean cheating on her she gives him a piece of her mind while also ruining his chances for popularity among the student body you spend so much time trying to convince people that you're cool but it's just an act we both know that you're just a sad lonely little kid Candace's popularity as an actress has only risen since she appeared on the show though number seven Cory Monte dude you're cheating no you just suck this late actor best known for his role on Gia Finn is another star who appeared way back in supernatural's second episode Monte portrayed Gary a young man who also went on the ill- fated camping trip that was attacked by a wendigo Gary is one of those who does not make it out alive though as he's brutally killed off screen by the creature after being hung up in its Lair despite the small part we're positively gleeful to get to see any more of The Departed actor's work number six Ashley Benson most known for playing the surprisingly nice queen bee Hannah on Pretty Little Liars Ashley Benson played a far less Kind part on Supernatural Benson guest start as Tracy an immortal witch trying to resurrect a demon by murdering sacrificing people in bizarre ways while masquerading as a high school student even being willing to kill her own brother to accomplish her goal did you see what he was doing did you hear him how sloppy his incantation was my brother always was little dim the G Benson's witchy character gets her comeuppence when the demon promptly kills her after its summoning and the part likely prepared her well for portraying a pretty little liar number five Robert England Dean Winchester you must be Dr Robert Robert England is among the most famous icons in horror but you still might not recognize him at least without the makeup England is best known as Freddy Krueger the sadistic villain of a Nightmare on Elm Street franchise in Supernatural England plays a far more benevolent role even if his character does kill Dean don't worry he asks for it England's character Dr Robert helps Dean die for several minutes so that he can speak to death are we ready you got three minutes we can't help but wonder what Freddy would have to say about this probably something quippy about leaving the job half done number four Finn wolfard one of the young stars of stranger things Finn wolfhard encountered some pretty bizarre and upsetting occurrences on Supernatural prior to the 80s sci-fi Show's Premiere wolfard plays Jordy a boy whose parents are both murdered by his babysitter who has had her soul removed you all right give me a sec wolfard only has a few scenes but he does a great job playing a range of emotions from relief to fear to complete shock at the loss of his parents demonstrating the young actor's talents which we'd go want to see even more of later on you're going to survive this people are going to help you they're saying Kathy she comes at Christmas number three Nicole Snookie pizzy best known from her time on the reality series Jersey Shore Nico PA pizzy often known by her nickname Snookie makes a brief yet hilarious Cameo on Supernatural when Sam and Dean need to track down the king of hell they summon a Crossroads demon and who should appear but a demon possessing pizzy [Music] Winchesters is that uh well that explains a lot the snicky demon reluctantly helps the Winchesters out and points them in Crowley's Direction however the boys exercise The Entity from piz's body instead of setting her free given how cutrow Show Business can be we're not sure whether removing the demon would have hurt or helped her career seriously an exorcism we had a deal see you Snooks number two Linda Blair Linda Blair is another horror icon best known for playing the possessed girl rean from The Exorcist films her role here is considerably less creepy though Blair plays Diana Ballard a police detective who along with her partner Peter Sheridan arrests Sam and Dean for murder your father's whereabouts are unknown and then there's the case of your brother Dean whose demise was well just a little bit exaggerated feel free to jump in whenever you like the boes claims that the killer may have been a ghost at first seems ridiculous but then Ballard sees a ghost in a mirror eventually she pieces together that her partner actually committed the crime and is trying to pin the killings on the Winchesters with the ghost warning them about about the real Killer's identity anyone else craving pea soup nice lady for cup does she look familiar to you no why I don't know anyway are you hungry no hey for some reason I could really go for some pea soup before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one Leslie Odum Jr he's Aaron Burr sir before making it big on Broadway Leslie Odum junor also appeared on Supernatural the Hamilton actor plays guy who first appears to be a party planner who also gives Becky a love potion however in truth guy is a Crossroads demon okay you want me to pay fine do you accept personal checks no but I will take your soul guy like the rest of of his kind is fond of making deals with dire consequences however this demon finds a loophole that lets him break his deals by having another demon kill his clients it's called a loophole you yes when a person Bargains away his soul he gets a decade technically but accidents happen but when the Winchesters and worst gu boss Crowley the king of Hell finds out what he's doing well it's the end of guy scheme and probably guy too odm junr is clearly having a ball with the part and we are with watching him too is there a forgotten or obscure Supernatural guest we somehow forgot carry on about your favorites in the comments that's why it's important to have a capable intern do you agree with 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Channel: MsMojo
Views: 90,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alden ehrenreich, dean winchester, list, mojo, sam and dean, sam wichester, stars you forgot appeared on supernatural, supernatural cory monteith, supernatural finn wolfhard, supernatural guest appearances, supernatural guest stars, supernatural leslie odom jr, supernatural snooki, supernatural wendigo episode, the winchesters, top 10, watch mojo, watchMojo, watchmojo supernatural, watchmojo actors
Id: 5sZkX1uv8ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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