Top 20 Most Re-Watched Horror Movie Scenes of All Time

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[Music] hey welcome to watch Mojo I'm Eduardo Sanchez the co-director of The Blair Witch Project and we're about to watch the 20 most rewatched horror scenes and it's the 20th anniversary of Blair Witch so I'm wondering if Blair Witch is going to make the cut let's take a look for this list we're ranking the most memorable sequences in the horror genre that fans love to watch over and over whether for the special effects the dialogue an Easter egg or something else all that matters is that these scenes have taken on a life of their own within their respective films please note there will be spoilers ahead number 20 sinking into the floor get out how do you feel now I can't move you can't move I get I move Jordan peele's horror hit get out has a lot going for it a unique premise strong performances and a great visual style an example of the latter was this fan favorite scene which occurs late in the film's first act when Missy Armitage puts our hero Chris Washington under hypnosis deep under hypnosis we do use focal points sometimes to guide someone into a state of heightened suggestibility the dialogue between them is is is just beautiful and the performances and just the the look on his face when he's like I can't move like it's just you know gives me chills you know so yeah it definitely deserves to be on the list sink into the floor wait wait wait wait wait wait [Music] sink first of all it's shot so beautifully it's like a perfect effect and it's a it's like a special effect that you only see like in you know science fiction movies or whatever but for some somehow he made it work number 19 red face comes out of nowhere Insidious I saw something today why do we love being scared we suspect it has a whole lot to do with the adrenaline rush fans of the Insidious franchise just can't get enough of this scene from the first film in which Joseph bashar's red-faced demon appears behind Patrick Wilson I can still hear that voice yes that is a great jump scare and actually I've seen I've rewatched that scene you know plenty of times because James Juan is like you know a master uh horror filmmaker and you learn learn you know a lot from watching his scenes but you know you can see like the you know the the sound from this is very minimal and it's almost completely silent and then you hear this little clicking and you're like what the hell is that and then they cut to that shot and they only hold it for like you know maybe a second um but he does this a lot in in this movie and actually in The Conjuring too like where there's these like little moments of just you know it's it's like a it's a perfect little horror movie its strength lies in the way it plays on our expectations we expect to see something scary at the end of a dark Corridor at night but not in a brightly lit dining room and that's what gives this jump scare enduring appeal you know you know something's coming and it just freaks you out you know and it's just done so well he's the he's I think he's the best at it number 18 Subway tunnel miscarriage possession it's as if the two sisters were too exhausted to fight anymore you know these women wrestling in an arena of M the Twisted 1981 film possession may not be a household name but cult horror fans are likely quite familiar with this notably disturbing scene Isabelle aani delivers an incredibly physical performance during what can only be described as a descent into madness for her character during a horrifying miscarriage the scene of aani whirling about and pushing herself to the absolute physical limits May at first seem over the top perhaps even humorous in execution that is until the character starts to leak and exude fluids from her body as she slumps in the corner of a filthy Subway it's clear that the mental M and physically exhausted Anna has forever Been Changed by the experience it's difficult viewing but nonetheless mesmerizing what I miscarried there was sister Faith and what was left is Sister chance number 17 satellite drop Cloverfield admit it you are going to miss me a little bit right oh yeah will see blink and you will miss it even DieHard fans of the Cloverfield franchise can be forgiven for missing this Easter egg which occurs is near the end of the film we can see some sort of object fall from the sky during Rob's flashback footage from Coney Island something that lands into the ocean below fans who followed the film's viral marketing and backstory learned that the object was actually a satellite that somehow connected to the destructive events that occur in the film it's necessary to rewatch The Scene carefully in order to catch this tantalizing extra people are going to want to know how it all went down number 16 Jason jumpscare Friday the 13th his name was Jason I was working the day that it happened preparing meals so I mean Friday the 13th is like you know the classic uh slasher movie and uh I actually didn't like do not like slasher movies cuz they just creeping they just are really uncomfortable for me but you know you got to watch Friday the 13th is the classic Alice is drifting in a boat mentally exhausted from her fight with Pamela Vorhees then with a truly unpredictable leadin the deformed body of Jason lur is up from the water pulling her [Music] [Applause] [Music] under the way the sound it's just like very uh innocent music um and the way the camera kind of drifts in it's the perfect it's not really like a jump scare like the Insidious scene it's just it's an incredibly effective jump scare for being slow motion I mean jump scares are usually you know they want you want to be in your people's faces immediately you know like the the Insidious one you cut to to it and it's there the fact that they did it this way is just so it's genius you know and it just put like the perfect little beat there at that part of the movie number 15 the Chucky reveal Child's Play hi I'm Chucky W to play it's easy to forget given how far this franchise has run that the original Child's Play is actually quite restrained at first with its Chucky effects I said talk to me damn it when Chucky finally does come alive in Karen Barkley's hands it's not only an effective shock it's also a payoff for all the tension that's been built up beforehand plus Chucky voice actor Brad dorf is just so good at being menacing and threatening even in tiny doll form I just recently rewatched this movie and it's still pretty effective you know like um you know a lot of horror movies kind of age badly but this one is is still works pretty well and it's because of all the performances and the the the puppetry was just enough uh you know it's tough bringing something that's not alive you know to film and make it look realistic but they did a perfect job on that and obviously they did such a great job that it spawned you know countless uh sequels so uh you know just classic number 14 stair crawl Jon and The Grudge the world of Japanese horror is known for many things not the least of which is their propensity for truly terrifying [Music] visuals [Music] case in point this Supernatural scene from the influential 2002 film Jon The Grudge which is something of a j horror classic here a mixture of tension building first-person camera work squishy sound design and dedicated physical acting all come together in a perfect [Music] storm in fact the versions found in both the original J on The Grudge and its 2004 American remake are superbly effective even today serving as a perfect jumping off point for those seeking to explore a new world of fright number 13 Man in the Mirror repulsion oh come on fill us in with the gripping details early in his career Roman palansky was a master of psychological horror and achieved an absolute classic with this his first English language film repulsion may not be your typical hack slh horror fair but this journey into the mind of a disturbed young woman takes a startling turn with this otherwise subtle jump scare sequence Katherine Den's Carol is all alone in the flat she shares with her sister or at least she thinks she's alone it's brief but we can see a mysterious man in a reflection of a mirror who appears when Carol opens her sister's closet the question is is he really there or is he a product of Carol's increasingly unhinge imagination I wouldn't have minded saying it feel free anytime number 12 she's a boy sleep away camp let's go swimming now it's one of those unpredictable no way anyone was expecting that kind of moments that can only happen in the world of horror the ending of the 1983 slasher classic Sleepaway Camp not only revealed that the shy and troubled Angela Baker was killing off kids and counselors at camp arak but that she was actually a boy all along the image of actress felissa Rose growling with a horrifying expression on her face superimposed upon some very graphic male nudity was something absolutely no one was anticipating back in the early ' 80s and truthfully will not see coming today that is if you don't spoil it for them yes I've always dreamed of a little girl just like you number 11 mind the door The Exorcist 3 what's the difference what the that got to do with this well you mentioned that exorcism this jump scare can also be counted among the all-time greats this is due to the timing of the shot and how it's never quite telegraphed to the audience exactly when it's going to occur this underrated sequel to The Exorcist is an occult crime procedural following a string of murders that appear to be committed by the long dead Gemini killer this is impossible one of these attacks occurs in a hospital as a nurse is checking doors on her floor the scene is shot quietly and at a distance ramping up the tension to a Delirious degree then without any warning the camera zooms into the Gemini attacking the nurse simultaneously giving viewers a hard attack number 10 Trophy Room Predator 2 Jesus Christ before Crossovers and mega franchises were a common occurrence 1990s Predator 2 gave audiences a massive tease during the final confrontation against the titular alien Hunter Danny Glover's Lieutenant haragan wanders into the Predator's Trophy Room the wall is adorned with various momentos from other hunts including xenomorph skull from the alien franchise in hindsight this was probably meant as more of a reference or an Easter egg than a full-blown crossover but at the time fans were watching this scene over and over again for confirmation and more hints number nine mind blown scanners I know that you've all been prepared for this but I thought I just remind you just the same speaking of practical effects is there any other horror head explosion that's as satisfying or insanely over the top as this one from David cronenberg's scanners horror fans just loved rewinding this scene when a scanner cronenberg's word for someone with intense mental abilities is put to the ultimate test by one of his own Daryl revik the psychokinetic abilities of Michael ironside's revik are so strong that they caused the other scanner head to explode in a gratuitously awesome way of course the effect was achieved by blasting a shotgun through a dummy's head filled with among other things old hamburgers resulting in a messy yet surprisingly realistic sequence it's just as much fun to watch today I want you to come with me I didn't do anything I said I want you to come with me number eight werewolf Agogo An American Werewolf in London there have been many effective werewolf transformation scenes over the years from Joe Dante's the howling to dog soldiers and the company of wolves there's one that nonetheless trumps them all however and it's from John landis's Immortal and American Werewolf in London fans Not only recoiled at just how visceral and painful turning into a werewolf seem to be for poor David Kesler they also studied the scene frame by frame to see how it was filmed me Rick Baker's game-changing effects were the star of the show inspiring the next generation of makeup and visual effects [Music] artists number seven monster freefor all the cabin in the woods Jos Weeden and Drew goddard's The Cabin in the Woods was simultaneously a great send up of and a love letter to Classic horror movie tropes the Virgin me virgin we work with what we have as such the film was chalk full of Easter eggs and homages to other characters in franchises let's get this party started one particularly great scene sets up a whole bunch of movie monsters for the ult ultimate murderous Mash of Carnage beasts of all shapes and sizes terrorize the underground compound which sits below the titler cabin from a merman to a certain shall we say pin heades tribute to the Hellraiser series you've really got to watch the scene again and again to catch them [Music] all number six it's time for my closeup The Blair Witch Project I am so so sorry I think this scene should have been number one honestly but uh you know six is a good number and it's actually a good place for it uh you know it's it's just one of these scenes that I remember watching it for the first time in the editing room when we were watching just the raw footage and like my jaw just you know dropping it's a testament to like what you know her ability and also just her her um you know her bravery because that's not really a flattering angle you know what I mean and the fact that she just went with it and just continued with it um is an amazing performance and I've said this before but like you know I would put her performance up against anybody's I think gwenneth palro won the Oscar that year and I would definitely put her performance in this movie uh I think definitely Compares it's comparable to that but you know horror movies don't usually get a lot of Oscar love so let's face it not much happens on screen during The Blair Witch Project so when the camera cuts to an uncomfortable and unflattering angle of Heather's face we are caught off guard I insisted on everything so on this list so far we've seen you know jump scares a lot of practical effects and this one I think the scene is is probably rewatched because of the acting and also because of the snot and the scene original scene was like 12 minutes um and we edited down but you know it was just the most vulnerable uh piece of acting I've you know I've seen in any of my films and it just an amazing piece of work Donna Hugh's fear is palpable as she delivers her lines in a trembling and tearful voice and it's here where the Blair Witch Project truly grabbed hold of its audience and their imaginations and it's all because of me that we're here now hungry and cold and hunted number five Hammers and hooks The Texas Chainsaw Massacre this scene has sparked Decades of debate and review Toby Hooper's The Texas Chainsaw Massacre isn't really bloody by modern standards but achieves its scares via atmosphere and unbelievable tension there's just something wrong with this movie like there's something something that um was captured I think just because of the I think they shot it on 16 mm and you know it was relatively low budget and just Toby Hooper's technique and just like that scene like you see the chicken and all the bones and it's just such a like you can almost smell it you can almost smell that room like how you know uh you know and it's just it's just a it's a beautifully shot you know hell still this didn't stop fans from swearing they saw poor Pam and paled straight through on a meat hook by Leatherface this was how powerful Hooper's subliminal Terror was upon movie goers as we never see the hooks emerge through Pam's chest just like we don't actually see Leatherface grind up Kirk after he brutally assaults him with a hammer it's all in our minds which was probably exactly what Hooper wanted in the first place hey you see those buildings there that's where they kill him they bash him in the head with a big Sledge hand number four morbid symbolism hereditary it's okay Charlie we're to the hospital okay there's no denying that the death of Charlie early on in hereditary comes as a complete shock to the audience however the reasoning behind our next entry isn't necessarily due to the scene's troubling violence but rather a small minute detail that you can only see upon further viewings the occult symbol of King payon is actually em blazent upon the telephone poll that decapitates Charlie leading the viewer to believe that all of the film's events have been pre-ordained leading up to Peter's demonic coronation you are payman one of the eight Kings of hell it's quick and only really noticeable if you pause the frame but it adds yet another layer of death to one of 2018s most frightening films number three here's Johnny The Shining Wendy I'm home all right well the you know it's the here's Johnny scene from The Shining I mean of course it's going to be uh you know in the top five um I've watched this 50 times probably I've watched the movie probably 50 times okay sure Stephen King himself self may have disliked what Cinema Maverick Stanley curi did with his big screen adaptation of The Shining but there's no denying this scene's place in the pantheon of horror Cinema Jack Nicholson is in full unhinged mode at this point in the film with his character Jack Torrance having seemingly lost all grip on reality then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in the image of Nicholson bursting through a bathroom door as he stalks his wife Wendy became the stuff of which nightmares were made rewatched and quoted endlessly by Legions of horror fans around the world here's Johnny number two intro scream why do you want to know my name cuz I want to know who I'm looking at what did you say the opening scene for 1996's scream perfectly encapsulates the entire slasher film genre hitting on all the big cliches teens in danger MK killer and of course making viewers everywhere afraid to be home alone is this some kind of joke more of a game really can you handle that Blondie in it a helpless teen played by Drew Barrymore is stocked and harassed by a voice on the telephone the scene slowly but steadily builds from creepy discomfort to full-blown horror and excitement oh God I wouldn't do that if I were you the whole thing is basically a microcosm for the entire movie and fans of the series cannot watch it enough before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one Michael unmasked the Halloween franchise there were few ways to uncover a horror movie mystery in the pre- interet age oh look look where Die Hard fans looking for answers turned to magazines like fangoria for The Latest Scoop from the set but what if you wanted to know what was really behind the mask of someone like Michael Myers well you paused watched and rewatched those scenes that offered a tantalizing Glimpse behind those Devil's eyes the first film has probably the most satisfying of these unmasking scenes specifically during the final confrontation in the doyle house Tony Moran's face is fleeting but for fans of a certain age revisiting these few seconds was the only way to get a personal Glimpse at pure evil these you know the original Halloween came out there was no video Market you know like you the only time you were able to watch a movie is in the theater this whole list is kind of a testament to like the power of Home Video you know that uh that it has made these classic scenes rewatchable because now we can actually watch them and then that scene with Mike Myers it's like you know you always was interested to see what his face looked like and uh anytime you can catch a glimpse you would be basically pausing the VCR on those frames just to get that you know little bit of of uh you know to see what it was contaminating his soul it was pure evil do you agree with our pics check out this other recent clip from watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music]
Views: 1,668,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best horror movie scenes, rewatched horror movie scenes, horror movies, scary movies, best scary movie scenes, best jump scares, best horror movies, top horror movie scenes, most paused horror movie scenes, most watchable horror movie scenes, horror movie moments, best horror moments, best horror movie moments, halloween, eduardo sanchez, top 20, top 10, breaks down, expert breaks down, expert reacts, watchmojo
Id: UFpCzmNOu58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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