the scariest genre of horror

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if someone were to ask me what my favorite genre film would be one would probably expect to say action movies sci-fi movies comedy movies and yes even romance movies however I would honestly have to answer with horror psychological horror to be specific I would actually argue that psychological horror movies are extremely underrated for how effective these movies can be if well crafted think about it like this what our movie is supposed to do well they're supposed to tell a compelling story keep the viewer interested but most importantly the movie's supposed to leave the viewer walking out of the theater feeling something successful movies in general are supposed to convey emotion and suck the audience in enough to where the filmmaker is able to make the audience feel exactly the way they want you to feel and what a better way to do that but if the movie is able to borderline emotionally disturb the viewer leaving them laying in bed at night questioning reality and what they just saw but what we need to really ask ourselves is why do people like horror movies in general from psychologists guy whose name I'm not going to even try and pronounce he states that by watching horror films one can have a sense of control over both the situation or the viewing experience and over the feeling of fear watching a scary film may possibly also function as a distraction from other feelings what caught my attention was the last line that it can serve as a distraction from other feelings I've noticed that whenever it is late at night and I'm feeling depressed I will actively seek to find a fresh horror movie to calm my nerves garnering an opposite reaction as to what would be expected and since I like to find the best of the best I will seek up a psychological horse and so specialize in taking the fear out of the hands on the filmmakers and into yours what is scary to you a scene like this I can still hear that voice what or something like this the majority probably going to pick the scene where literally nothing happened that is because scenes like the one in insidious build up the tension and then allow it to release by form of jump-scare or showing you the monster however when nothing happens the tension never goes away and sticks with you until the very end of the movie you never get the sigh of relief when the moment you fear it finally comes and you can have a reset we have films like the babadook where there isn't a single jump scare we have our mother character and the child character pan right off the bat something feels off every shot in their home is very great with little to no color we've seen movies tackle mental illness but nothing like this where it takes the mothers emotions and form into a physical creature haunting her a creature you see for what I believe to be only two scenes when it's not shown in the book this movie relies on having masterful writing and it takes extra skill on the directors part because the audience needs to be invested in a movie we're barely anything happens and you need the viewer to connect with the characters and just watch them live out their life some movies have it easy where they can just show you some cool action or make something look semi scary and throw it out the screen followed by a loud noise one of my favorite shots in the movie would have to go to this one it's a continuous shot of her just on the phone she hangs up the phone and the camera just sits staring at an unfocused shot of the living room why is that scary well for starters the movie has already done its job and making the setting of the movie its own character every shot in the house it's like one of those unnerving images and being forced to just sit and watch a still shot of one of the rooms starts to make your mind wander the mind gets bored when nothing is happening and starts to create things that aren't there you start to think this is a setup for a jump scare or something is about to pop up and scare the out of me which is when you tense up in fear of what could happen next and then just the phone rings again and she goes back to answer it granted with a creepy voice on the other line but still probably not as grand as you were expecting which is why you will probably be still left tense even after the scene is over and we've moved on this movies budget was only 2 million dollars and with that low of a budget creating an effective movie takes an incredibly creative director now when the advertisement came out for the movie hereditary I was very worried he was being hyped as the next Exorcist which come on it was never going to be that and while it wasn't the next Exorcist it certainly left a staple in horror movies hereditary z' runtime is marked at 2 hours and 7 minutes two hours of that runtime is nothing but talking and that's because the director wasn't looking to just make a horror movie he was looking to make a family drama where horror situations started to occur to them most of it scares don't include something otherworldly or loud it's just scenes like this don't you raise your voice with me I am your mother do you understand all I do is worry and slave and defend you and all I get back face on your face oh what a waste because nobody admits anything they've done the effectiveness of the scene depends on the viewer - your average Joe they would probably sit and just feel uncomfortable and may have a bit attention to them but there are people who have sat through this in their own lives and to them this scene is scary these movies have a way of making you think what if I was in this situation and that mere idea scares you it is when your own thoughts are able to frighten you more than the movie itself the idea that this could happen to anyone hereditary takes the threat more away from the ghosts and more into the hands of what can happen to a person who has dealt with feelings of grief and loss or who have been raised in poor families the babadook takes a feeling most people deal with and turn it into its villain setting up examples of what not to be or else something like this is entirely possible to not let emotions bottle up until they manifest into something worse or that there are better ways to handle the feelings of tragic loss than to let it consume you or lashing out at the people closest to you presenting the other people close to you because of it and being able to see what succumbing to that can do to a person and how real a movie is able to make it feel is truly scary we have the babadook that deals with the importance of not allowing grief to overcome your way of life and define ways to let go hereditary deals with how your upbringing doesn't define who you are unless you let it and then I realize I am to blame know that I'm to blame 'but i am blamed we have a movie i hear many mixed feelings about and that would be the witch which in the simplest of terms deals with paranoia the fear that someone in your family means to do harm to everyone else the premise of the witch takes us into the eyes of a family from the 1630s in New England where everyone in the family thinks the other is a witch mostly the mother having suspicions the daughter is one however the focal point isn't on the mother suspicion it's on how the daughter is affected by having her mom treat her differently because of her paranoia how easily it is to let the fear of what could be take over and tear apart a family not knowing if there's ever really a witch hiding within the crowd now we have an outlier a movie that breaks this formula of how we shouldn't let emotions overcrowd judgment and sanity and that movie would be midsummer I won't go too in depth about this movie because honestly you need to see for yourself we have our main character who has a tragic event occur in her life and she's trying to find ways to cope with it you see her slip a little bit and go into being paranoid stricken with grief and hallucinate and you see her treat the people around her differently because she fears the same could happen to her okay now we're into heavy spoilers so click away if you want to see the movie yourself which you should or my character gets her happy ending by the end of the movie she has found a way to forget about what has happened to her and the movie ends with a smile on her face pleased and in a better mood which is good right well if by good you mean she joined a cult and killed the boyfriend by sticking him in a bear costume paralyzing him and setting him on fire all these movies I mentioned before is about people who get taken over by their overwhelming feelings and because of that do bad thinks however in this movie our main character doesn't get taken over she lets everything out recovers and lives in a way that she is accepting leaving people even more terrified because it shows their main character who throughout the movie was always questioning the intentions of the cult eventually joining in and becoming the leader of it I know it looks extreme but we I don't know why I'm here I don't know why you invited us I don't know I don't know why I don't know please please sit down the way these movies can take deep into a person's psyche and show it on screen is truly unaccomplished and it's a feature I don't see in any other genre to see a person go from saying to insane has always fascinated me which is what all these movies have in common and what makes these movies scarier than most is that they don't do anything to normally scare you they leave the fears up to you because what you are able to come up with in your own head is yours and it's what is scary to you and only you know what scares you not the filmmakers so why would they even try the only person that can scare you better than anyone else is you and the filmmakers know that and use it to their advantage which is why psychological horror is truly the best genre of film I've probably ever seen
Channel: 4 Plus
Views: 2,044,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Horror Movies, Horror, Scary, Horror is the best, Best movie genre, Video Essay, Horror Video Essay, The Babadook, Hereditary, The Witch, Midsommar, Ari Aster, A24, Jennifer Kent, Psychological horror video essay, Psychology, Psychological Horror, film analysis, horror films, silent hill, writing tips, screenwriting tips, how to write psychological horror, best psychological horror movies, writing psychological horror
Id: 9PBoIOiq_B8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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