Top 20 Celebrities Who Regret Their Plastic Surgery

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what things have you actually done I'm not sure if I can remember everything welcome to miss Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the most notable celebrities who have openly admitted to regretting their decision to undergo plastic surgeries and or other cosmetic procedures you look different well you know you see a movie Once no I saw it a few times 10 years ago no I saw it again just last month oh on television I saw a huge Revival I sat right next to the screen J number 20 Joan Rivers Joan River's affinity for plastic surgery was no secret the legendary comedian openly discussed and poked fun at her fondness for cosmetic procedures which she first had during her college Years I'm never without a bandage the chap the chapter with asteris h means you had it done so uh there's asteris asteris asteris asteris asteris asteris throughout her life at Rivers underwent multiple surgeries including alterations to her lips nose eyes arms and breasts most of which she remained comfortable with however she did apparently express some dissatisfaction with the results of her lipos suction saying that she faed to verify the doctor's skills beforehand and the result wasn't smooth additionally despite receiving numerous Botox injections Rivers ultimately decided to discontinue them quipping that Betty White's bowels move more than my face where's the famous ovsky neck Freckle you had it removed oh please after five my faceless it's on my forehead number 19 Black China having gained popularity as a reality TV star and rapper Black China was renowned for her striking features some of which were surgically enhanced however feeling disconnected from her authentic self she turned to religion and later expressed regret over her numerous cosmetic procedures I told myself I'm going to focus on three things so I put in my mindset work out sobriety and the Bible that's it so with those three things combined that's where I think everything starts to Trinkle down by early 2023 she announced her decision to reverse some of these enhancements including dissolving her dermal fillers as well as removing butt injections and breast implants she also advised fans Not to emulate her citing her own crazy facial appearance as a cautionary tale later that year Black China shared multiple pictures to her Instagram showing a dramatic transformation from her previous look so will you ever do any more surgery any more fillers you're done I'm done with a Y you're done I'm done I'm okay number 18 Katy Price many individuals opt for plastic surgery to enhance their physical appearance and boost their self-confidence however even after several procedures Katy Price has admitted to still not feeling beautiful enough the British model and TV personality got her first operation at 18 a decision she now deeply regrets believing that individuals under 21 should refrain from such procedures to be honest there was a lot of people around me who were like yes people but my mom was always the one what are you doing to yourself and I admit I look back at them and it's shocking absolute sh ugly it's not even attractive in 2021 price accepted a free breast enlargement surgery in Turkey only to regret it profoundly deeming it the worst thing she's ever done the botched procedure left her with no choice but to seek additional surgery to correct it despite her harrowing experience price seems unwilling to get off the plastic surgery train anytime soon 10 days ago I had lios suction from here all the way up here all the up my your KN up to your waist and then I had my own fat put in my bum you could call it a Brazilian bum lift but I haven't had implants and I haven't gone that big number 17 Gwyneth paltro Hollywood actress and controversial lifestyle entrepreneur gwynth paltro attributes her youthful appearance to a balanced diet rigorous exercise routine oh and the occasional assistance from her doctor indeed paltro has been fairly open about undergoing multiple cos IC procedures such as chemical injections and laser treatments sometimes people will say oh that's controversial and then 6 months later 2 years later everybody's kind of widely adopted what we talked about a long time ago so I think it's kind of fun however among all of these patro most regrets her decision to get BOTOX according to the actress she was left feeling displeased with the results even likening her appearance to that of Joan Rivers that's not to say palro won't be getting any plastic surgery in the future just that for her Botox seems to be firmly off the table for a little bit of extra help you know I've been I'm the global Ambassador for Ms Aesthetics they have a little you know anti- wrinkle injection that for right between the eyes so that helps as well number 16 Jessica Simpson in her 2020 Memoir open book singer and fashion entrepreneur Jessica Simpson shared her experience with a cosmetic procedure that nearly cost her her life what part of your Journey was you got in the music industry as a teenager and there was a pressure to have a perfect body and you've been body shamed for what feels like your entire career so cruel following the birth of her son in 2013 Simpson decided to undergo a tummy tuck to eliminate the excess skin which had left her feeling insecure despite her doctor's warnings about potential liver issues Simpson proceeded with the operation predictably she later regretted this decision Simpson suffered severe complications as a result of the surgery and spent 9 days in the hospital fighting for her life luckily she made a full recovery but we guess she'll likely think twice before considering another Tummy Tub I mean even though I had to work really hard to get the weight off like I did it and I committed and I think if you're disciplined it can come up number 15 Victoria Beckham Victoria Beckham reportedly got her first breast implant in the late 1990s just as she Rose to Global Fame as a member of the Spice Girls she went on to have a few additional operations before finally deciding to remove her implants in [Music] 2014 this decision was driven by a growing sense of regret and a desire to encourage her young daughter to embrace her natural features since then she has been outspoken about her feelings regarding plastic surgery even pening a letter to her younger self in British Vogue advising against altering her appearance if only she could turn back the hand of time out of the way girls what are you doing fasten your seat belts number 14 Mickey Ro early in his career Mickey Rock was renowned for his dashing good looks however in the 1990s his appearance began to change after he took a break from acting to pursue boxing professionally although he achieved notable success in this new Endeavor it came at a price he took a few punches to the face that's for sure like he was like a great looking tough guy and then he just got really weird and creepy Rog endured severe facial injuries which required extensive reconstructive surgery to rectify unfortunately these procedures left him nearly unrecognizable and significantly affected his acting career reflecting on his dramatic change in appearance Rock admitted that he went to the wrong guy to put his face back together fortunately he later staged a Hollywood comeback portraying a character whose Journey ironically mirrored his own he's finished he's a loser he's all through you know what the only ones you're going to tell me when I'm through doing my thing is you people here number 13 Pamela Anderson Pamela Anderson became an international sensation in the early 1990s through her role on the hit series Baywatch Anderson's Barbie doll figure apparently sparked a surge in the Cosmetic Surgery industry with patients even using her as a model for their ideal look oh please what are you talking about CJ you have modeled before okay well if they don't want to blond but they'll probably see you and pick you anyway Anderson herself got breast implants early in her career but grew disillusioned with them as she began having children and Desir to return to her natural figure consequently she had the implants removed however for some reason Anderson reversed course and got another breast augmentation surgery years later more recently though she has expressed contentment with her appearance stating that she now looks forward to seeing herself age you got to just accept it's going to happen no matter what we're going to get old so I want to embrace it I feel like it's kind of an experiment it's kind of funny number 12 Linda Evangelista the name Linda Evangelista commands profound respect in the fashion industry throughout the late 1980s and '90s Evangelista walked runways around the world becoming one of the five original supermodels her career enjoyed well into the 21st century until she suddenly withdrew from the public eye in the late 2010s this was because Evangelista had undergone a fat freezing procedure aiming to reduce her body fat it was going to Contour areas of the body that as I age you know I have some fat deposits and I UND understood cool sculpting would take care of that however this led to a rare side effect that instead caused her to gain weight and become unrecognizable the aftermath that plunged Evangelista into severe depression prompting her to live as a recluse she later filed a lawsuit against the founders of the procedure resulting in an outof Court settlement had having gone through this which is affecting her livelihood or beauty it can have profound effects on the psychosocial aspects of her life and that's kind of what she's relaying number 11 share referred to by some as the poster girl of plastic surgery Sher has never been one to shy away from her cosmetic enhancements the iconic singer has openly admitted to getting multiple procedures done including face lifts nose jobs and breast augmentation I could accept getting older but I I don't plan to disintegrate we all we all will in the end though well I mean and you know when I'm in the Box who cares though generally satisfied with these changes Sher acknowledges that not all of the procedures have yielded the desired results notably she has expressed a deep disappointment with her breast augmentation which she described as a nightmare and botched in every way while she realizes her public public status Sher maintains that what she chooses to do with her body remains nobody's business but her own and if people don't like me because of that well then that's I mean this is America number 10 Khloe Kardashian socialite model and TV personality Khloe Kardashian best known for her time on the reality TV series Keeping Up with the Kardashians has never shied away from discussions related to her image and while she admits to having some work done it appears she wasn't entirely satisfied with the result once remarking that her facial fillers looked crazy my face was so to go and get this whole thing that's a bum like dissolved it was a bump so now I'm like afraid to do it again in 2017 the youngest Kardashian sister began helping others overcome their body image issues as the host of the reality series Revenge body with Khloe Kardashian which ran for three seasons number nine read youing it's found its place cuz baby baby I just want to do you do you reeding made us laugh as Haley's on again off again boyfriend Dylan on Modern Family for years but we bet you didn't know that he's had to cope with body dysmorphia for much of his life in fact the Affliction drove him to undergo multiple surgeries including cheek implants and a chin implant before the age of 21 I think at one point I took a photo and I remember looking at that photo and that was the moment where I said I had to get you know cosmetic surgery because like no one was allowed to be that ugly he spoke candidly about his experiences in a piece for huff post going into detail about his procedures and the mental and physical toll they took on him regret barely scratches the surface as Ying once confessed I wish I could go back and undo all the surgeries I wish I could just you know um talk to my younger self and tell him just don't go through with it you really don't need it you look fine it's just not necessary you know it's not it's not going to make your life happier or better number eight Tory spelling spelling Rose to fame playing Donna Martin on the '90s teen drama series Beverly Hills 90210 and while that would ultimately prove to be her most enduring character she has appeared in dozens of films and TV shows throughout the years it was during her time on 90210 that she got breast implants unfortunately this would be something that she would come to regret as she later remarked if I had known it would or could possibly impact production of breast milk I would never have had them done spelling who is a mother of five was clearly speaking from experience they always say it takes a village but I literally have a village so I I put them to good use number seven Priscilla Presley in 2003 Priscilla Presley the ex-wife of the legendary singer Elis received cosmetic injections from a man she thought was a plastic surgeon this individual attracted a a roster of high-profile clientele by claiming that his treatments were better than Botox however it later emerged that he was a fraud who wasn't even a registered doctor and had been injecting his clients with industrial lowgrade silicone a substance similar to car lubricant a lot of those things again are warning signs be careful you don't necessarily want to have a doctor come to your house if you don't know who they are don't know their education don't know what they're injecting your face all of these things are warning sides being red flagged said maybe you shouldn't be doing this as a result of the botched procedure Presley was left with deformities in her face that required corrective surgery The Imposter doctor was later sentenced to prison after pleading guilty to conspiracy smuggling and use of unapproved drugs that a lot of these patients came back with you know lumps and hard rocks in their face holes in their face and then worst of all it's very hard to get the silicone out of the face once it's injected number six Nicole Kidman Academy Award winning actress Nicole Kidman has been a Hollywood Mainstay for a better part of the past few decades however she too has dabbled with cosmetic procedures candidly admitting in 2013 I did try Botox unfortunately but I got out of it and now I can finally move my face again based on that quote it's painstakingly clear that Kidman's experiences were less than positive when asked how she managed to maintain a youthful appearance over the years the actress attributed it to wearing sunscreen not smoking and generally taking care of herself you just have to wait and see won't you number five terara Reed perhaps the most infamous case of celebrity plastic surgery gone wrong terara Reed's experiences under the knife have been well documented the actress has admitted to undergoing numerous operations many of them corrective due to complications with her 2004 breast implant surgery Reed was forced to undergo a number of other procedures which ultimately resulted in more problems does it ever get to you when when people say things or are negative about you or or your body or anything when people are critical yeah of course it does I'm human like if you cut me I bleed I'm just like everyone else she later admitted that the whole thing was a big mistake and that she lost a lot of work because of it it's stories like this that make a person think twice before getting any work done I mean the body shaming that's going on right now is just to a degree that it's so bad number four Courtney Cox I just saw his daughter last week said he was fine her on the other hand watch Botox the former friend star has had some work done plain and simple and over the years it didn't yield the most graceful results this isn't something that has gone unnoticed by Cox who has expressed regret over her numerous fillers and injections quite frequently in recent years all it takes is one look at her from back in her friend's days to notice that her face has changed dramatically after coming to the conclusion that things just did not look right Cox opted to have all the fillers dissolved while she remains open to less invasive procedures Cox says she is now learning to be more comfortable with her natural appearance I have done things that I you know regret and luckily they're things that dissolve and go away so um that's good because it's not always been my best luck number three Kathy Griffin I've been very open about what I call my dental work you know I'm not going to lie to you about that I've got Staples in my head right now the of much controversy in recent years Kathy Griffin has experienced the trials and tribulations of plastic surgery firsthand the comedian and actress who has often used plastic surgery as a talking point in her standup routines has had numerous procedures done over the years including a nose job and liposuction the latter went horribly wrong with Griffin claiming that it was life-threatening she later published pictures of the botched procedure to teach other women about the pitfalls of plastic surgery and what can happen when it's done incorrectly cuz they're up to here she's got them up to the chin you could put a beer can collection on there maybe store sweaters or your Nancy Drew or Hardy Boy books I don't know number two Heidi Montag it was night and day after longtime reality TV star Heidi Montag decided to get some work done in 2009 and by some we mean she got 10 procedures done in the same day but you have to realize what I've been through and you have to realize that I've been through so much pain and coming here the laundry list of surgeries included a breast enhancement her second rhina plasty also her second brow lifts and a chin reduction just to name a few I had um my back scooped and I had a mini eyebrow lift and I had lifp injections and then I had my chin saw down and then I had lifeo section and then I had implants and then I've had two nose jobs and breast reduction recently and and arm surgery last year to add to it she eventually admitted that the whole thing was a big mistake and in a maab statement revealed people have fewer scars from car accidents than I have on my body yikes is that vanity worth harming potentially harming yourself and for me the answer is no before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one Jennifer Gray nobody puts baby in a corner back in the 1980s Jennifer Gray was one of Hollywood's hottest actresses with roles in hit films like Ferris bu's day off and of course Dirty Dancing gray appeared poised for a lengthy career in the entertainment business but seemingly out of nowhere she began to fade away so what happened well in 1990 she had two rhinoplasty procedures that left her with a face that was unrecognizable to not just fans but to even her own friends you're like my oldest friend in the world except for maybe Lori schaer who I don't talk to anymore cuz she's all bit now that she lost the weight and it turns out she doesn't have a pretty face to say she regrets the procedures is an understatement as she once remarked I went into the operating room a celebrity and came out Anonymous plastic surgery's gone wrong don't get much worse than this what other celebrities do you think shouldn't have altered their looks let us know in the comments below if I want to put my on my back it's nobody's business but my own do you agree with our piics check out this other recent clip from M Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the 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Channel: MsMojo
Views: 53,796
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Keywords: celebrities who had plastic surgery, celebrities who regret their plastic surgery, celebrity plastic surgery, cher, cher plastic surgery, courteney cox, dirty dancing, failed plastic surgery, friends, gwyneth paltrow, jennifer grey, jennifer grey nose job, khloe kardashian, list, modern family, mojo, nicole kidman, plastic surgery, reid ewing, top 10, victoria beckham, watch mojo, watchMojo
Id: JwNlshiAL0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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