Top 20 2D Beat 'em Up Games (3rd Anniversary Special)

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[Music] growing up as a kid in the late 9s and early 2000s the arcades was a place that I go often every weekend most of my gaming preference as an adult were heavily influenced from what I've played in the arcades you got fighting games such as Tekken 3 Street Fighter Alpha 3 Marvel superheroes and virtuala Fighter 2 to name a few then you got rail Shooters such as Time Crisis 3 virtual Cop 2 and The House of the Dead 2 which were some of my favorites and last but not least the main topic of today's video classic 2D beat him up games I started this channel playing a 2d beatm up game sweets of Rage 4 my first discussion video was about how sweets of rid remake is a better game than sweets of Rage 4 it's a controversial opinion I must say but it was something that I was really passionate about when I decided to start this channel as of today that video is the best performing video for this channel I would like to thank all of you who watched that video whether you agree with it or not this video is to celebrate the third anniversary of this channel as I said previously 2D beat them up is one of my favorite game genres of all time so what better way to celebrate the third anniversary than to talk about the genre that started it all for this channel in terms of game design 2D beat him up games are very simplistic you play a character go over a linear stage from start to finish beat up a lot of enemies on the way fight a boss at the end of the stage proceed to the next stage and do it all over again although these games are the same design-wise but different games usually provide different features to add more layers of death for example some games provide a more in-depth combat where you can perform insane combos other games pro provide branching path story lines to enhance the replay value basically there are a lot of things developers can add to enhance a fairly simplistic game the 2D beat them up genre is also a reason why I really like the muso style hacken slash games the passion I have for games such as the sangoku basara series were mainly because of my interest with classic 2D beat him up games in terms of the format sangoku basar is basically a classic beat him up game but in 3D and some influence of Devil May Cry combat as the title suggests we are going to talk about my top 20 2D beatm up games this is going to be heavily subjective since there are a lot of 2D beat up games out there that I have not played it's based on what I enjoyed the most this is going to be the biggest video I have done so far on this channel ladies and gentlemen without further Ado here are the top 20 2D beatm up games [Music] starting the list we have a very underrated beat him up game for the Sega Genesis there are multiple Mighty morphan Power Rangers games back in the 90s branching from different genres one of the best Power Rangers games was Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the movie for the Sega Genesis the game follows the traditional formula of a 2d sidescrolling beat them up games such as sweets of r and final fight you pick one out of the six Power Rangers battling your way to save Angel Grove from the evil Ivan ooze you can also play as the four different Zords depending on which level you are in in total the game has six stages where four of them has a Megazord boss fight the Sega Genesis miny Morphin Power Rangers the Movie game was developed by Sims and published by B Presto in 1995 Sims also developed both Mighty Morphin Power Rangers games for the Sega Game Gear some of their most popular games are Shadow Dancer outrun 2019 and tail Sky Patrol the game also has a really good 16 beat Sega Genesis arrangement of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers series soundtrack composed by Ron werman the arrangement was done by a former Sega music composer Hashimoto hioshi some of his most popular Works include racing hero AB cop and Pat Riley basketball there are some flaws in this game I wished all of the Rangers have completely different move sets everyone has the same attacks but different weapon finishes and charge attacks I get that the Power Rangers have similar outfits with each other but variety should still be a thing this game has what I call the Dynasty Warriors clone problem long before Dynasty Warriors exists regardless as a Power Rangers Fan this has always been the game that I come back to and also the game that I always wanted the classic 2D be up style just fits so well with Power Rangers and I still want to have more games for Power Rangers just like this you pick a Ranger fight enemies have a Megazord boss battle at the end and that's [Music] [Applause] [Music] it it wouldn't be a beat him up list without mentioning any Konami games back in the '90s Konami and Capcom were like the kings of arcade games no exception to beat them UPS of course let's go back to a time when Konami used to make video games instead of a glorified gambling Machine Factory enter July 1991 introducing Vendetta also known as crime fighter 2 in Japan this is a sequel to the classic 1989 Konami arcade game crime Fighters as the title of the game the premise is self-explanatory you play as a crime fighter beating up criminals in a crime infested City the plot follows four Heroes fighting their way in a criminal City called Dead End City in order to save a girl named Kate you play as four different characters who heavily resemble early '90s action heroes blood who resembles Wesley Snipes Hawk who resembles Hulk Hogan Boomer who resembles jeanclaude vanam and sledge who resembles Mr T control- wise the game is very simplistic instead of attack and jump like most Beed them up games you have punch and kick you can also grab weapons in this game one takeaway I have with this game is that the game is really short you can beat the game in about 30 minutes as it only consists of Five Short stages it's also unfortunate that this game never had a console Port though you can play this game using arcade emulators such as M even so Vendetta is a really fun game that's worth trying the game will give you the best 30 minute experience especially in a four-player co-op [Music] game [Music] [Applause] [Music] there have been more good movie- based video games than good video game based movies one of my favorite movie based video games is another '90s Konami classic Batman Returns for the Super Nintendo Batman Returns for the Super Nintendo is a sides scrolling beat him up game based on the 1992 Tim Burton movie of the same name the game plays very similar to that of final fight games where you have attack and jump you can perform a cape sweep by pressing attack and jump together you can even use Batman artilleries such as bat ranks grappling hooks and also bad test tubes one thing I really like about this game is environment interaction you can grab a clown and slam him to the foreground wall you can even grab two clowns and smack their heads to each other it's always a good time to play Batman beating up clowns in Gotham City there are three different sessions between seven stages of the game you have your basic sides scrolling beat them up session you also have a 2d linear shoot them up session where Batman can only throw bat ranks as an attack you also have one stage where you drive the Batmobile the game also has an amazing 16-bit SNES rearrangement of Denny elfman's Batman return soundtracks the music was rearranged by fahashi Jun who is most known to compose music for Yu-Gi-Oh and Frogger games for obvious reasons the game doesn't have a co-op gameplay however I highly recommend playing this game to people who love classic beat him up games and also to people who love the Batman Returns movie this is one of the best beat them up games for the Super [Music] Nintendo it wouldn't be respectful for a top 20 list of beat him up games without mentioning capcom's classic final fight the first final fight game is considered as not only one of the best best games in the genre but also one of the fathers of arcade beatum up games a little interesting fact about final fight originally Capcom wanted this to be the sequel of the 1987 arcade fighting game Street Fighter before we actually got Capcom Street Fighter 2 in 1991 final fight was meant to be called Street Fighter 89 which was the year that the game was released however Capcom decided to switch genre in order to compete with the success of Tao's Double Dragon you plays three characters in the game Hagar the mayor of Metro City Cody the street brawler and Guy the Martyr ninja you are in a mission to rescue mayor Hagar's daughter from the criminal organization called the matad gear gang you'll notice that most 80s arcade beat them up games followed the story of rescuing a girl from a criminal gang whether it's konami's crime Fighters titos Double Dragon or capcom's final fight you can play up to two players in this game this game has two action buttons jump and attack you can do special attacks by pressing jump and attack at the same time at the cost of your health point this game may be the first to apply this type of controls which became the basic controls of most beat them up games that we got in the future this game has two ports for the Super Nintendo the first Port is called final fight released in 1990 you can only pick one of two characters Hagar and Cody the game also removed two player mode so you can only play solo the second part is called final fight guy released in 1992 instead of hagger and Cody you play as Hager and Guy the game also does not have a two-player mode if you want to experience an instant classic beat him up game I highly recommend playing the arcade version of final fight although the game is low on my list but it still deserves all the respect in the world for bringing one of my all-time favorite video game genres since I mentioned Double Dragon in my previous entry so a double dragon game is indeed on this list now to be honest I didn't grow up with a lot of Double Dragon games and I wasn't too invested with the series however there was one Double Dragon game that I grew up playing and sometimes I go back to the game is Double Dragon advance for the Game Boy Advance released in 2003 by Atlas Double Dragon Advance is a remake of the 1987 original arcade game by Tao Double Dragon like the original you play as the two martial arts Brothers Billy Lee and Jimmy Lee Billy is the brown-haired guy wearing blue and Jimmy is the blond-haired guy wearing red I always considered Billy and Jimmy to be the original Ryu Ken before I talk about the gameplay I want to show this amazing cover art for the game the cover art is a homage to Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris from the 197 two movie way of the Dragon Billy being Bruce Lee and Jimmy being Chuck Norris control- wise you have three action buttons you can punch you can kick and you can jump you can even perform different combos with different combinations of punches and kicks you can also use weapons in this game some weapons actually have weapon combos instead of just smacking them on your enemy this game also offers a really good co-op experience it was a really amazing experience back in the day to play a beat him up game co-op on the Game Boy Adventure not to mention this game looks visually impressive for its console as well if you want to experience a very underrated handheld Bea up game with an amazing Co-op experience then look no further than double dragon [Music] Advance it wouldn't be a list of best beat him up game without mentioning TMNT Turtles in Time this Konami arcade classic is adored by both TMNT and beat him up fans through the decades this game has been a gold standard of beat him up games and for a good reason I mean how can you not love a game where you can throw an enemy towards the screen the arcade version of turtles in time came out in March 1991 based on the'80s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Series in this version you play as four Ninja Turtles up to four players like most standard beat them up games you have action buttons jump and attack you fight through eight different stages ranging from different time periods this game has a Super Nintendo Port that came out in 1992 the Super Nintendo version is called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4 Turtles in Time this is the version that I played the most back in the day now unlike the arcade version this one can only play up to two players however Konami added more features to this version to compensate the absence of four player co-op for start this game has one extra stage called Technodrome let's kick shell the sest version also has different color palettes for the turtles that you can select the game also provides other modes such as versus mode and time trial mode it's a solid arcade to SES sport in my opinion in fact I consider the SES version to be the superior version there is a lot I would like to say about turtles in time that wouldn't fit in this one video alone it's a classic game that I highly recommend people to try it out regardless of what age you are I would recommend the S Nest version more than the arcade version either way turtles in time will always be a Timeless [Music] classic I love a good full metal Madness Robot action so to speak there's nothing more enjoyable than to watch giant robots beat the hell out of each other which is why this Capcom classic armored Warriors is on the the list armored Warriors or in the cooler Japanese name powered gear strategic variant armor equipment God damn it that sounds cool is a mecha themed sidescrolling beat him up game by Capcom released in 1994 the game lets you play as four different robots blooda repos gin and 40 each with their own strengths and weaknesses what I find most interesting about this game is the in battle customization system during battle you can actually switch multiple parts of your robot these parts are dropped by enemies when you defeated them robot Parts include arms legs and handheld weapons different parts can give you different types of powerups however you are not completely Invincible enemies can actually damage you to the point where you can actually lose your robot Parts enemies can destroy your arm part where later you must fight only with one arm handheld weapons are also limited with ammunitions personally the ability to switch robot parts to gain different abilities made a fairly simplistic beat him up game a lot more in- depth it's a fairly unique concept and I admire Capcom for its creativity one thing I don't like about this game and it's a fairly minor one for a game with four playable characters you can only play up to three players I wish the game has four players but probably Capcom wasn't able to do so because of the Sprites being too big this game also has a fighting game spin-off called cyberbots Full Metal Madness and it's one of the most underrated 2D fighting games ever a beat them up game with a good fighting game spin-off how I wish Capcom could have done well for final fight overall armored Warriors is an excellent Capcom beat him up classic I definitely recommend people to not miss this [Music] one before Marvel Mar became mainstream with the Marvel Cinematic Universe I was a fan of Marvel back in the late '90s and early 2000s my introduction to Marvel was in video game form which was capcom's Marvel Superheroes now when it comes to the beat him up games the first Marvel game for me was konami's X-Men the arcade game X-Men the arcade game came out in March 1992 this game was revolutionary at the time unlike most arcade games let alone a beat him up game this game allows you to play up to six players playing up to six players can be a really fun and chaotic game time with friends Konami really know how to sell a game back in the day in order to compete with its competitors of the same genre you play as six X-Men in this game Cyclops Colossus Wolverine storm Nightcrawler and dazzler the objective of this game is to stop Magneto and his army from terrorizing human civilization on Earth you will will fight your way fighting enemies such as Sentinels and lizards in spandex you will also encounter recognizable X-Men villains as bosses like pyro blob wendigo Juggernaut and Mystique this game is also home to one of the greatest villain lines in history X-Men welcome to time the music in this game was done by a team one of the team members was takeno Yuji he is well known to be the music composer of Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake and Mystic Warriors he is also the sound designer for a lot of souls games such as Demon Souls Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2 takoi son and his team really did a good job with the X-Men arcade game soundtrack it really hits you hard even after 30 years unfortunately just like most Konami arcade beat them up games this game never actually had a console Port during the fourth generation it wasn't until 2010 where the game finally got console ports for the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 by backbone entertainment if you are a Marvel fan and want to play an absolute chaotic fun game with five different homies xman the arcade game is just the game for [Music] you you might notice by now that I'm covering Konami and Capcom games back to back often as I said previously Konami and Capcom were like the kings of beat them up games back in the '90s most of the best classic beat up games came from them now how about a game that's named after Capcom itself introducing Captain Commando a Capcom arcade beat him up released in 1991 the title of the game itself was named after the company that developed it the cap is for Captain and the Comm is for Commando quite the interesting name if you if you ask me the game takes place in a futuristic city where a group of four superheroes must fight crime the four characters that you play are Captain Commando Mac the knife Ginsu the ninja and baby head captain Commando was the first Capcom meum up game that lets you play up to four players the game play is similar to that of final fight where you have an attack and jump button commands you can press attack and jump together to perform a special attack that cost your HP for an arcade game that came out in 1991 this game was quite brutal in graphic some of the characters that you play brutally murder your opponent Ginsu the Ninja can cut his enemies in half and Mac the knife can melt his enemies into nothing but bones I'm actually surprised that this didn't get as much attention back in the day in regards to violent video games considering this came out before Mortal Kombat regardless Captain Commando is a must play Instant classic the game was the most successful arcade cabinet in Japan as of December 1991 beating Street Fighter 2 and WWF wrestlefest with that achievement and being the first Capcom beat him up game with four players the game is welld deserving to be on the [Music] list anime based games get a lot of flack amongst the mainstream Gaming Community mainly because of the constant Reliance of Arena Fighters since Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm series while I do somewhat agree that some anime games are mediocre calling all anime games bad because of Arena Fighters is a bit of a stretch there are a lot of good anime based games like the one I'm talking right now gear Fighter dendo for the PlayStation 1 gear fighter dendo is a 2d sight scrolling beat him up game based on the anime series of the same name now let's talk about the anime for a bit before I talk about the game the anime is about two school boys Ginga and hokuto who are tasked to Pilot a robot named dendo to fight evil alien robots from outer space the anime was created by yatate Hajime who is most famous for creating the Beloved 9s classic cowboy bbop for the PS1 Game Gear fighter dendo was developed by natsume and published by Band in 2001 considering it was developed by the same team this game plays very similar to that of the Ninja Warriors for the SNES in this game you play as dendo fighting your way against enemy robots you have a normal attack where you perform your strings if you hold the attack button you perform your gear attack the gear attack can also act as a defense mechanism however your gear attack will deplete your battery the more time you use it the the game has nine stages and every end of a stage you fight a boss once you defeat the boss the game becomes a 3D fighting game where you go one-on-one against night gear ogre you will unlock a gear machine once you have beaten ogre the gear machines act as super attacks during the beat him up section of the game while they act as weapons during your one-on-one against ogre gear fighter dendo is one of the most underrated beat him up and Anime based games ever it's a shame that this game was a Japanese exclusive for the PS1 however with emulators that we have right now I highly recommend anyone to play this game especially if you are a fan of the Ninja [Music] Warriors now this is a game that is often overlooked and worse downplayed by a lot of mainstream Gamers Final Fight 3 is the third final fight game from cap released exclusively for the SNES this game has a bad reputation amongst critics because it did too little in the way of expanding and improving upon the original final fight what so doing minor improvements on a sequel from an already good predecessor is a bad thing I don't think Final Fight 3 needed an extreme overhaul from the previous two games in fact having minor imp improvements from the previous two final fight games is a really good thing Capcom took whatever worked from the previous games and made it better in this game also off topic why are people so allergic with the number three in beat them up games both Final Fight 3 and Street of Rage 3 got a lot of unfair hit in my opinion honestly we'll get to Street of Rage a little bit later by the way let's talk about the combat first the game play is pretty much the same as the original final fight however this game applied some Street Fighter mechanics you can perform some special attacks by pressing certain direction on the d-pad plus the attack button you can also perform a Super Attack when your super bar is full the input for the Super Attack is very similar to how you input them in Street Fighter games such as Street Fighter Alpha Series I do like this addition in Final Fight 3 however I don't really like how they are implemented when it comes to big super attacks in a beat them up game you shouldn't have a fighting game like inputs considering the are of different playe fields in terms of the combat Super Attack should just be a one button command it's basically like the baser attacks in seasa luckily future beat him up games have applied this mechanic such as TMNT shredders revenge and suits of Rage 4 one thing I do like about this game is the branching path gameplay the game has six stages in total with different Pathways you can take along the way the game will have different endings depend on the character that you pick and the path path taken to reach the ending you have four characters to play as hagger and guy made a return from the first final fight two new characters were introduced Dean who is an electromancer fighting to avenge the murder of his family and Lucia the hot badass cop with the deadly kicks there's also an option to have CPU as a partner basically you play two players but the second player is a CPU I do think it's a nice touch to have a CPU as a friend to play well at least to some degree Final Fight 3 is a solid minim up game in my opinion though I admit that some features they add in the game were not implemented perfectly but it doesn't take away the quality of the game itself I still consider Final Fight 3 very highly among beat up games for that I put this game on my number [Music] 10 I have covered an underrated beat him up game a year ago called The Ninja Warriors I didn't grow up playing the game on the SNES and only rather recently that I got into the game the SNES game got a remake 25 years later after its release called The Ninja savior's Return of the Warriors I find the game to be rather interesting because this is one of the few remakes of a classic 2D beat him up games that I know of if you know a bit of the history of the game this game is not only a remake of the Ninja Warriors for the SNES but this is a re remake of the original Ninja Warriors for the arcade the game was developed by natsume Atari and published by inan games in 2019 natsume Atari who was previously known as natsume developed the original SNES game along with so many classic SNES action games such as miny Morphin Power Rangers and wild guns the music in this game was composed by by one of my favorites and one of the most underrated video game composers iwatsuki hiroyuki he's the genius Behind the Music of classic natsume games including my number 11 entry gear Fighter dendo for the PS1 the ninja savior Return of the Warriors plays very similar to the original with some additions for start all of the Sprites and backgrounds have been redrawn and the field of view has been enlarged for a 16x9 aspect ratio you play as five different Ro robot ninjas in which two of them are new characters for this remake the three original robot ninjas are Ki the female Android wearing a red ninja gear and to kunai as weapons ninja yes that's his name who is the PowerHouse robot wielding nunchuk and Kam Itachi the Mantis likee robot Assassin Two new characters for this game are yaka the small Android wearing a white ghee with extendable arms and Ryden the giant Samurai like Mech with the heavy Arsenal one of the best things about this remake is the addition of Co-op unlike most 2D beop games on this list when you play co-op in this game you share one life bar together some might consider this as a negative but I look at this as the game encourages players to work together as a team this is very similar to that of Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks where you have a shared life bar for two players all in all the ninja savior Return of the Warriors is an excellent remake and an excellent game in general the game also got a steam release recently and I highly recommend people to play it especially if you are a fan of classic 2D beat him up [Music] [Music] games of all the games that are on this list this is the only game that is not your typical arcade style beat him up regardless this game is still a 2d beat him up game I considered this game to be one of the best anime games and one of the best Game Boy advanced games ever made Dragon Ball Advanced Adventure is a sides scrolling beat him up game for the Game Boy Advance instead of an arcade style beat him up this game is more of an action platformer the game was developed by dims in 2005 the game covers the story of the original Dragon Ball series from Goku's meeting with buma all the way until Goku's fight with King Piccolo like most beat him up games you have jump and attack as Your Action commands in this game Goku can do two different special moves if you press L on the GBA controller Goku will perform a big helicopter spin with his power pole if you press r on the GBA controller Goku will perform a Kamehameha you can hold the R button and enhance the Kamehameha the longer you hold the R button the stronger the Kamehameha will be the game also has a turnament mode where you go one-on-one with an opponent although you don't have a lot of attack buttons to be a solid ID fighting game but to my surprise and for what it is the combat has a level of depth as a one-on-one fighting game let alone just as side mode the Sprite Works in this game was done fantastically personally dims never fails when it comes to designing 2D Sprites for anime characters it was to be expected as well considering dims as a studio was founded by SNK employers including the two co-creators of fatal Fury nisham mat Takashi and Matsumoto Hiroshi Hiroshi son worked as the lead planner and developer for this game Dragon Ball Advanced Adventure is a game that I highly recommend I sometimes consider this game as quite a sleeper considering most of the popular dragon ball games are adapted from Dragon Ball Z this is one of the few really good games adapted from the original Dragon Ball series and it's definitely worth giving it a [Music] chance the 2020s has been a decade of nostalgia and comebacks we have so many remakes from the last 3 years and so many retro comebacks as well classic arcade beatm up games also had a Resurgence since 2020 with the release of Streets of Rage 4 and many other more of all the games that are on this list this entry is the newest release introducing Jitsu Squad a Kickstarter project developed by Tanuki creative studio and published by indan games in 2022 the reason why I put this game in my top 10 is because I love what Jitsu Squad brings to the table for a start Jitsu Squad in my opinion has one of the most in-depth combat mechanics in an arcade beat him up game the combat is pretty much Devil May Cry in 2D form there is a lot of crazy combos you can do in the game I mean look at the command list right here this is very similar to that of Devil May Cry you play as four characters in the game each with their own unique move set characters can also earn secondary weap weapons which act also as secondary move sets each character has three unique secondary weapons that you can change during combat therefore everyone has one main move set and three interchangeable secondary move sets it's a nice addition and adds to the depth of the combat the game also has guest characters that you can summon such as maximilan dude and ukulele I do like the idea of having assist characters in a beanum up game the music in this game was composed by Sebastian Romero he took a lot of inspiration from the 9s such as cps2 arcade style music and Saturday morning cartoon style music some of the soundtracks that have vocals were sung by Crush 40's lead vocalist Johnny gioli who is most famous for Sonic the Hedgehog music Jitsu Squad is a good example of how classic arcade games can adapt in modern times for that it's welld deserved to be on my top 10 and I recommend people to not skip this game imagine a beat him up game with the combat of fighting games and the character progression of RPGs we have something like that back in the '90s and it's called Guardian Heroes for the Sega Saturn Guardian Heroes is considered to be a fighting RPG by its developers treasure released in 1996 as a Sega Saturn exclusive title this game is a cult classic amongst the fans of the genre and for good reasons this game was able to apply the in- depth combat of fighting games for a beat him up game one reason why the game was able to do this is because you move strictly in a 2d plane field in most arcade beat him up games such as final fight you move on a 3D plane field where you can move up and down in Guardian Heroes you have three 2D plane Fields where you can jump from one to the other so having fighting game like super moves work better in this game than in something like Final Fight 3 the idea of having multiple 2D playe field Feld was actually taken from a natsume game for the SNES Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the movie as you progress to this game you can unlock experience points to upgrade your character stats such as strength agility and vitality not a lot of beat him up games at the time applied an RPG like character progressions the way it was handled in the game actually inspired modern 2D beat up games such as Castle Crashers the game also has an insane branching path storyline players of this game can choose where they will go and what they do after every level different paths can lead to different levels bosses and endings pause here if you want to see the story flowchart of Guardian Heroes it is quite complex honestly you can also unlock characters in this game ranging from enemies to bosses the game honestly spoils players with a lot of content all in all Guardian Heroes is truly an amazing game of the genra had I played this growing up as a kid and given more time I would probably put this game higher on the list list with that being said it deserves all of the highest praise to be on my number six hey at least I don't put it too low right OG [Music] son are you really surprised that a Streets of Rage game makes it in the top five you guys already know by now that Streets of Rage is not only my all-time favorite beat up series but one of my all-time favorite video game series as well I even said once in my older videos that the first series of R game was one of my first video games that I ever played for my number five entry I'm putting the gold standard of beat up games amongst the community sweets of Rage 2 this game is welld deserved to receive the highest praise that it has for its time sweets of Rage 2 is not only the best looking beat up game but also the most in-depth in terms of the combat mechanics Sega wanted to to make sweets of reach 2 a bigger and better sequel than the first game in order to realize this at the time Sega actually went all the way to improve the specifications of the Sega Mega Drive cartridge so not only did Street of reach to improve the series but it also improve the Sega Mega Drive or Sega Genesis as a console you have four characters to choose from axle Blaze skate and Max each character has their own uniqueness in terms of stats and move sets the game plays like a typical beat him up where you have three main commands jump attack and special you can also perform a blitz attack by double pressing the forward button and attack this can make for some really cool combos s of reach to being one of the best beat them up games of all time is honestly self-explanatory I understand completely why people regard this game very highly in this genre however you might be surprised in my next entry of the list [Music] I said it before that somehow people are allergic with a number three in beat them up games however I often considered the third entry as the best of the trilogy this is no exception to my number four entry Streets of Rage 3 I've made a video 2 years ago where I ranked the Streets of Rage games and I put Streets of Rage 3 above Streets of Rage 2 my has not changed as of today I still believe that sweets of Rage 3 or at the very least the Japanese version of the game be knuckle 3 is a better game than sweets of Rage 2 sweets of Rage 3 enhanced the combat of an already good one from sweets of Rage 2 for a start I really like the fact that this game introduced running and Sid scrolling the small addition of running and side scrolling really enhanced the game for me A lot of times in sweets of R 2 running could have been very useful another Improvement in sweets of r 3 is the star system on the side of your health bar you have the Stars if you earn a star you can enhance the blitz or Dash attack of your character you can collect up to three stars the more stars you earned the better the dash attack you'll receive the game also has a dash attack with weapons which also can be enhanced with the number of stars you collect the game also has a branching path story line that no other sweets of R game has you have three different endings you unlock different endings depending on what you rescue the General in stage six I do like this addition because personally this enhanced the replay value of a game to a certain degree one of the few downsides of ss of Rage 3 in my opinion is the music although the music is quite underwhelming for koshiro yuzo standards but I don't think it's that bad the somewhat underwhelming music doesn't ruin the game overall in fact if I'm being honest I think the music in this game actually fits well with the darker tone of sweets of R3 I can go over more on why I think Streets of Rage 3 is an amazing game but this video is already too long as it is if you want to get into Streets of Rage 3 I will recommend you to play the Japanese version a lot more bare knuckle 3 if you are a fan of be up games and Streets of Rage as a series I will recommend you all to please give this game another chance there are a lot of good aspects of the game that shouldn't be overlooked [Music] [Applause] [Music] there are some games where no matter how many times I play it I will always come back to and never get bored of it it comes down to two certain factors for me the game itself is really good from a quality standpoint and my personal bias towards the game what game am I talking about here I'm talking about Panzer Bandit for the PS1 Panzer Bandit is a sidescrolling beat him up game developed by Phil in Cafe and published by Bon Presto in 1997 the game felt like a spiritual successor and PlayStation's answer to the Sega Saturn's Guardian Heroes if you are familiar with Guardian Heroes then you are good to go with Panzer Bandit the combat system in this game is more or less the same with Guardian Heroes the difference is that this game has only two 2D playing fields instead of three there is an interesting history in regards to the development of Pazer Bandit the developer Studio fill in Cafe F was founded by former employers of treasure Panzer Bandit was indeed inspired by Guardian Heroes but there's more to that Guardian Heroes was actually inspired by Matt stalker Full Medal fourth a game developed by fil and Cafe in 1994 in short Panzer Bandit was inspired by a game that was inspired by another game of the same developer of Panzer Bandit now I will admit that objectively speaking Guardian Heroes has more advanc ages than Panzer Bandit compared to the former the later has less to offer in terms of content and presentation Panzer Bandit doesn't have a branching path storyline this game also removed the RPG like mechanics of Guardian Heroes and went for a more classic arcade style approach the reason why I put Panzer Bandit so high on this list is mostly subjective I personally believe the combat in Panzer bit is a bit more in-depth than Guardian Heroes not to mention it's one of the four beat him up games that I spent the most hours into another reason why I like Panzer Bandit more than Guardian Heroes is that I like the music better I can't get enough of Panzer Bandit's amazing soundtracks there are more I would love to say about Panzer Bandit but couldn't fit in this video in conclusion Panzer Bandit is an excellent beat him up game and a very underrated one if you like Guardian Heroes I would definitely and strongly recommend this one to [Music] you [Music] I said it before that we have seen a Resurgence of arcade be up games in the 2020s if you have been following my channel then you know how much I love playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredder's revenge there is no doubt in my mind that I'm putting this game in my number two list this game has everything that I wanted in an excellent beat him up game it has a solid high-paced combat a modernized retro style visual a six player co-op and of course Banger soundtracks I cannot stop playing this game because of how amazing it is the game was developed by tribute games and published by do U in 2022 there's an interesting development story for this game with the success of do emu streets of rid 4 game Nickelodeon actually approached them in hopes of making a retro Style game with one of their IPs do U agreed to the project with niod but they wanted to act as a publisher for this instead do emu headed the development project to Tribute games who were most famous to develop Scott bgri versus the world in 2010 according to Tribute Game CEO Jean franois major Nickelodeon had other IP in mind instead of TMNT however major pitched the idea to create a TMNT retro style beat up game based of the80s TMNT series considering how Beloved the classic arcade game TMNT turtles in time is Major felt like it was the right time to bring back something similar to that especially with how successful The Comeback of s of Rage was Nickelodeon agreed to it thus TMNT Shredder's revenge became a reality I like to call this game a 2d muso game mainly because how similar the gameplay mechanics are you have the normal attack with square button you have the charge attack by holding the square button and you have a super attack with the triangle button to do the super attack you need need to fill in the super meter on the right side of your health bar the music was done by T Lopez who is most famous for his work in Sonic Mania the game soundtracks are really good to the point where I often listen to them while I'm working at my job for brr noises to keep me company the game became a commercial success selling 1 million copies in just one week of the game's release with the outstanding achievement and quality of the game TMNT Shredder revenge is definitely a deserved runner up for this list [Music] I just cannot get enough of Streets of Rage 4 this is without any doubt the best Streets of Rage game in the quadrilogy I have spent more than 200 hours in this game it is just insanely good swits of Rage 4 is a 2d beatm up game developed by three developers do emu lizard Cube and guard Crush games released in 20 20 the game is a sequel to sweets of rid 3 that came out 26 years prior now originally U wanted to make a remake of Streets of Rage but decided to go with a sequel instead Streets of Rage 4 is probably one of the prettiest looking 2D beatm up games I have played character's animation looks very smooth the character's design and animation were mainly done by lizard Cube each playable character in this game has approximately 1,000 frames of animation while enemies have about 300 to 500 frames each the amount of effort put in this game is impressive the game also reworked the combat from the previous original trilogy of sweets of RA the game has a new combo system where you can juggle your enemies the more combos you perform the higher your score as well there are a lot of players that have performed and showcase insane combos you can do in this game the game also introduced the star ultimate move you can perform this based on the number number of stars that you have the game also brought back all of the characters from previous Street of Rage games this game was definitely a big love letter to the street of Rage series the game is also the first Streets of Rage game to have a four-player co-op I'm really glad that Streets of Rage finally has a four-player co-op unfortunately you cannot play online with four players since the game only allows two players online it doesn't diminish the game whatsoever honestly the music was done primarily by a French composer Olivier der rier who is most famous for his Works in horror games such as alone in the dark and obscure the game also features additional music compositions from other great composers in the gaming industry such as Koshi yuzo T Lopez Fuji harumi and Shima muray Yoko s of R 4 is a fantastic beat up game the game was able to sell over 2.5 million copies worldwide as of April 2021 the game is proof that the arcade beom up genre can adapt perfectly with the modern world of video games for that streets of R 4 is truly deserving to be in the number [Music] [Music] one woohoo there you go ladies and gentlemen my top 20 2D beat up games this has been a long list of here comes a new [Music] Challenger I have covered this game three times already in this channel to the point where I don't need to explain to too much on why I really really love sweets of Rage remake this game is not only the definitive sweets of Rage game but to me this is the best beat him up game ever made first of all I am fully aware that this is not an official game some people have told me that it's not fair to compare or even put a fan-made game in a top 10 list of games I completely understand that but you know what this is my channel and this is my list if I want to put a fan-made game here I'm putting it here that's why Streets of Rage remake is at number zero I'm not going to repeat too much on why I think Streets of Rage remake is an amazing fan-made game if you want to see more of my coverage of Streets of Rage remake watch these three videos I have made links to these videos are in the description below I'll make it short and simple here Streets of Rage remake was able to combine all of the good aspects of the original Streets of Rage Trilogy the combat system works very similar to that of St of Rage 3 with the addition of police backup from the first first Streets of Rage game this game also has every versions of the Streets of Rage characters just like in Streets of Rage 4 the main difference bomber games the developer of this game actually reworked all of the characters from Streets of Rage 1 and Streets of Rage 2 to have the combat mechanics of streets of R 3 the character sprites were redesigned to make them consistent with the game's visuals not only that a lot of positive aspects of beat them up games that I mentioned in this list are present in Streets of Rage remake from branching path story lines to customizations this game has it all for a fan-made game Streets of Rage remake really spoils you with a lot of replay value despite not being an official game I strongly urge everyone to not overlook this game I suggest you play the game yourself since it's a free game as well you can download the game from the link in the description below my stance in regards to Streets of Rage remake has not changed until this day to me this is still the best streets of rage game and the best 2D beat him up [Music] game wo so that's it ladies and gentlemen my top 202d up games this video took a while to make and it is by far the longest video I have made on this channel this has been a passion project that I wanted to do for some time now I've been making content on YouTube for 3 years now and it has been quite the amazing journey for the last 3 years I was able to meet a lot of new people in multiple communities and I also had the opportunity to create a community of my own unlike some other smaller content creators in this platform the growth of this channel is rather slow I I haven't even reached the 1,000 subscribers Milestone even after 3 years but regardless of how the channel is growing the channel grows still I intend to go on this journey no matter how slow or fast it is and I have all of you lovely people to thank for that so that's it for my third anniversary special what do you guys think what is your list of best beatum up games let me know in the comment section below with that being said this is me profar thank you so much for 3 years and I'm looking forward for all the years to come don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you guys in the next [Music] [Music] video there me you got the I will make a change illuminate theow I have inside BL your [Music] mind
Channel: Profar
Views: 17,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JwDwn9lf9Lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 23sec (3203 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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