Top 15 Rides at Story Land

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Story Land is one of the best theme parks  in the world for kids. Located in Glen,   New Hampshire in the heart of the White Mountains,  this park was built by the Morrell family in the   1950s and it has continued to grow under  the ownership of Palace Entertainment.   Now it offers nearly two dozen rides, most of  which are geared towards kids and families.   So in this video, I will rank this  park’s top 15 rides and attractions.   Two notes before starting. First, the park used to have   a very unique dark ride known as Voyage to the  Moon, but it was removed during my childhood.   This ride featured a series of colorful  characters and some impressive physical sets, but   it was sadly removed due to awful  capacity and increasing maintenance costs.   This would have likely placed in the  top 3 had it still been operating.   Second, the park has a big area with nursery  rhymes brought to life through a series of   exhibits and displays. I don’t think it’s  fair to rate this area against the park’s   mechanical rides, but I wanted to note it’s an  important part of any visit to Story Land.   15) Rap-Tour Safari- It pains me to put this ride  this low. In its original form as Slipshod Safari   Tours, it would have placed in the top 5. It was  a narrated tram ride through the woods past some   animal statues and displays. It felt like a  discount Jungle Cruise. But a few years ago,   the ride was shortened and rethemed to  the Rap-Tour Safari. The old theming was   gutted. Now you have a few dinosaurs sparsely  scattered about and some automated audio.   14) Alice’s Tea Cups- This is a rarer  variant on the traditional tea cup ride.   This is a PTC Crazy Daisy where the  cups travel in a figure 8 pattern.   You get some cool near-misses, but you  cannot control how much your cup spins,   so it’s not as dizzying as other installations. 13) Crazy Barn- This is a unique flat ride from   Preston & Barbieri. A barn raises a few  stories into the air and twirls around.   You don’t rotate particularly fast, but the tilt  and elevation yields some interesting visuals.   12) Buccaneer Pirate Ship- This is a slow-moving  boat ride through the park’s lagoon. Riders are   given fake oars to “control” the boat. How good  your experience is depends on your captain.   Some really get the crew pumped up and heckle  bystanders. Others are more laid back and fairly   quiet. Just watch out on a hot day. You will bake  in the sun as you float along the ride’s course.   This ride used to share the same  lagoon as the Story Land Queen,   but that ride has since been decommissioned. 11) Farm Tractors- This is a cute track-guided   car ride. You have some pockets of theming as you  pass some colorful produce and even pass through a   barn. It does move at a slow pace, but that’s fine  so you have more time to take in the visuals.   10) Antique Cars- This is a more traditional  track-guided car ride. The course is very   well-landscaped and includes a fun bridge midway  through the layout. It’s one of the best examples   of this type of ride in my opinion and  it’s an absolute favorite with kids.   9) Turtle Twirl- This is an  above average tilt-a-whirl.   For whatever reason, this one seems to  spin more than others. So you can chain   a series of forceful rotations in a row if  you throw your weight around strategically.   8) Antique German Carousel- This is a unique  merry-go-round. Rather than the horses   automatically jumping up-and-down, riders manually  rock their horses back-and-forth. This was tricky   for me as a kid, but as an adult, I can get these  rocking at a fairly fast clip. And the music the   ride uses suits the overall area quite nice too. 7) Splash Battle: Pharaoh’s Reign-   This is a good splash battle ride. The layout is  compact, but it has two things going for it. One,   there’s some Egyptian theming along  the course and in the immediate area.   Two and more importantly, there is a ton of  interactivity. Kids have no qualms getting wet, so   there are some fierce water fights. Most seats and  guns adjacent to the attraction will be manned.   6) Los Bravos Silver Mine Tour- This is a neat  walkthrough attraction the park’s Mexican area.   It’s a guided tour that starts in a crooked house.  Then you take a sketchy elevator down into a mine.   You have decent theming and scenes  down there, but your experience is   very dependent on the quality of your guide  and how invested the other guests get.   5) Polar Coaster- This is a nostalgic ride for  me. This Hopkins creation was one of my first   roller coasters. You have awesome walrus themed  cars that wind their way down the hillside. It’s   not too wild, consisting of some small dips and  turns, but you finally get some speed for the   final helix. I have an entire review if you  want more in-depth thoughts on this ride.   4) Cuckoo Clockenspiel- This is the  world’s best tubs of fun ride. For one,   the vehicles are exceedingly easy to spin.  If you go full-tilt like me, you won’t be   able to walk straight afterwards. Two, you have  incredible theming. The ride takes place inside a   giant cuckoo clock. The detail is remarkable for a  flat ride, especially with all the moving parts.   3) Bamboo Chutes- This is a small but  enjoyable log flume from Hopkins. First off,   I love the theming. The logs are themed to look  like they were made of bamboo and you have these   adorable panda faces on the front. Then you  also have a custom musical score in the area.   Second, the course is scenic. The first half  passes a dragon animatronic, which will spray   you out his nose, and then the second half  climbs up a hill. Then the experience ends with   a short but zippy drop and a refreshing splash. 2) Dr. Geyser’s Remarkable Raft Ride- This is a   very different take on the river rapids ride, but  I like it. You barely have any rapids. Instead,   this attraction uses themed water features to get  you wet. You have thing such as a rain machine,   characters holding hoses, and a holey water tower.  But the wettest part of all are the geysers.   There are a handful of these blasting giant  jets of water into the air. They were timed   better when I was a kid to soak you, but there’s  a spinning one towards the end with the ability to   drench you depending when it goes off. See  my review for more, but this is one of my   favorite rides of this type for its uniqueness. 1) Roar-O-Saurus- Do not be fooled by this little   wood coaster. It’s just 4 stories tall, but it  has a serious punch. This Gravity Group creation   is jam-packed with airtime. That’s no surprise  if you’ve ridden any of their other small scale   woodies, but this one has more power. Every single  hill launches you from your seat. And the airtime   seems to get wilder as it goes. The finale has  4 rapid and intense ejector pops reminiscent of   an RMC. The one downside with the coaster is  that the tight turns have some jackhammering,   but the overall experience is very tolerable with  those uber comfortable Timberliner trains. See my   review for more, but this is the perfect signature  ride for this park. It’s not too tall to scare   kids away, but it’s a feisty experience that can  satisfy even the most jaded coaster enthusiast.   So that is how I would rank the top 15  rides at Story Land in Glen, New Hampshire.   Many people also like to visit the nearby  Santa’s Village. That’s a great park on its own,   but I think Story Land has the better rides.  What are your favorite rides at this children’s   park? Let me know down in the comments. If you  enjoyed this countdown, I’d appreciate it if you   gave this video a like and you considered  subscribing since there will be a lot   more roller coaster and amusement park videos  here at Canobie Coaster. Thanks for watching!
Channel: Canobie Coaster
Views: 10,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Story, Land, Storybook, Storyland, Santa, Santas, Santa's, Village, NH, New, Hampshire, White, Mountains, Conway, Glen, England, Children, Kids, Kid, Family, Amusement, Theme, Themed, Theming, Park, Ride, Rides, Attraction, Attractions, Roller, Coaster, Coasters, Water, Flat, Flats, Castle, Cinderella, Disney, Tour, Overview, Roar-O-Saurus, Animal, Review, Reviewed, Rank, Ranked, Ranking, Rate, Rated, Rating, Thoughts, Wood, Wooden, Polar, Bamboo, Chutes, Dark, Dr., Geyser's, Raft, Top, Countdown, List, Lists, Listed, Ranks, Rankings, Ratings, 10, 15, 20, 25, Guide
Id: qm_zQuSEvDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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