Top 13 Disney Villain Deaths

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you know what's always satisfying watching a good story where the hero finally gets to take down the villain it's a tale as old as time to witness good conquering evil and if there's one place nowadays that you could find some of the most popular and beloved takes of that payoff it's the wonderful world of disney as kids it's always great to get on board with the adventure and finally see the bad guy get defeated but when you are older and get to revisit those classic films have you ever thought to yourself i know they deserve it but did disney have to go that savage when killing off their villains yes more than any other animated film the ones by disney seem to never hold back in terms of how their antagonists meet their demise they don't just die they go through some of the most brutal executions that could debatably be worse than anything they've done on screen seriously they could be so merciless that regardless of how bad they are their deaths can make anyone wince and that's exactly what this list is all about to highlight some of the nastiest most gruesome and some of the most horrific ways to die that the villains from both disney and pixar went through and to really spice this list up i won't be counting just 10 of them i'm bumping that number up to 13 to emphasize how unlucky these characters were during their final moments i'm anna matt and these are the top 13 disney villain deaths [Music] now let's begin with one of the first things that people think of when someone says disney fireworks what could be more disney than seeing fireworks ignite behind a beautiful castle rather it be with their movie logo or at night at the disney parks but have you ever thought about how they could be used as a weapon to destroy your enemies in a spectacular way as sadistic as it sounds literally blowing up the villain is what many would love to see to ensure that they are gone for good however they nearly never happen in these family friendly films because well they can be quite messy and i don't think either a g or a pg movie can get away with suddenly having the room be decorated with blood and organs but even if we don't see the aftermath we can imagine how it would feel when not just one big firework blows up in shanyu's face but being hurled into a box full of fireworks and have them all ignite to cause even more explosions that will guarantee that this will be the last we'll ever see of him and you know what's funny about his death it's the kind that very few will actually notice even if he was in front of a large crowd nobody's gonna pay attention to the bad guy in danger of getting blown up they're too occupied with watching the pretty colors in the sky not to mention the fact that shenyu is not a memorable villain and is debatably the weakest part of the movie so even if what happens to him was on display for everyone to see people would still not notice because he's just that forgettable keep in mind that we're just getting started and already we're seeing villains going out with a bang [Music] what is often considered to be one of the greatest highlights in disney animation is the epic battle between prince philip and maleficent in her dragon form as the two fighted out on a dangerous cliff and maleficent just had the upper hand the three good fairy stepped in and made philip win by cheating that evil die and good endure [Music] at first it doesn't really seem all that much with just a sword in the chest but it's by looking closely where you see the real damage sleeping beauty is noted to be the first if not one of the first disney movies to show blood in a non-educated way sure it's not gushing out like some anime but with that blood coming out from where the sword hit especially for a movie released in walt disney's time it's quite a shocker to see how it went that extra length to suddenly have violence it's not just a sword in the chest it's deep in there and it is doing damage and if that wasn't enough when maleficent fell after that stab she fell hard in a way the fall was debatably more painful than the stab especially when her sheer size felt like she was shaking the earth when she hit the ground by the way i'd also like to mention another death she technically went through in the nighttime show phantasmic where mickey plays with some water and then electrocutes her again not as hard-hitting but it's the fact that it's happening in front of your face is what makes it so amazing to see but regardless of how she went down the mistress of evil ultimately met a cruel fate [Music] okay i'll admit that this one is a very unconventional situation this is not a death that's like the rest where it happened at the end of the climax in fact it's quite the opposite where the death happen in the first six minutes of the picture however this does technically count because it is a villain that dies in an unexpected way even if he appears later in the film to show his true villainy so with that said let's talk about ernesto de la cruz from coco when he was alive he was able to get away with stealing his former music partner songs and went on to become a legend but then that fateful day when he put on a concert at an epic scale little did people know that it was going to be his last until 1942 when he was crushed by a giant bell now having the bad guy get crushed by a large object as the final blow to them does happen regularly in these movies whether it be something man-made or directly from nature but in the case of what happened to de la cruz what adds to the viciousness here is not only how it suddenly happened before your very eyes but it's also how his demise can be considered ironic this is a grand stage that was supposed to reflect his great achievements and his admired career and this celebration of his life turned out to be what caused his death in a way the true pain is not from the big bell but from the irony of where it took place and that alone is worth remembering more than his sham career [Music] [Applause] [Music] so i'll admit that i'm kind of stretching this one because this is not from a fully animated feature from either disney animation or pixar however considering that this is a weapon meant to be used against cartoons it can make an exception especially with the way that it ultimately killed off the villain [Music] [Applause] throughout who frame roger rabbit the movie keeps building up this chemical that is said to be a solution to permanently kill off cartoon characters doom found the way turpentine acetone benzene he calls it the dip on a side note it helped a lot to keep the tension of the picture high to set as a reminder that lives including those of wacky tombs like roger are on the line but back onto the dip we actually had a taste of what the dip can do with that shoe and that alone was quite gruesome to watch even if we only met that thing less than a minute ago [Music] but this is not about the dip itself this is about what it did to judge doom after revealing that he's a psychotic tune himself that indirectly means that he can be vulnerable to the dip as well and once he had his own creation fire right back at him it results in the greatest melting of a movie villain since the wicked witch of the west screaming in agony as he slowly goes down in the green goon [Applause] [Music] again i know some may say that i'm cheating by including this one but in a list that's all about evil tune deaths why wouldn't i include a victim of the dip ha ha i wonder who he really wants i'll tell you one thing doc [Music] oh what could be a more unfortunate fate than to become food for someone else admittedly this is a rarer form of death in these kinds of films but when they happen they can be a frightful sight even if it is the villain that's being eaten this is exactly what happened to two particular bad guys where one had his legion of hyenas turn against him no you don't understand no i didn't mean the other got to meet the children of a mama bird while their fate may be similar as they end up torn to shreds and inside stomachs there is a difference in the feel of what happened to them scar has the additional case of his hyenas returning the betrayal back at him after scar tried to talk his way out of simba's wrath friends i thought he said we were the enemy yeah that's what i heard as for hopper his is more straightforward where he fell victim to the animal food chain also i love the contrast of the sheer horror of the situation and how adorable the chicks look when jumping for their food oh look at the little chickies that are gonna violently tear the bad guy from limb to limb i'll say now that as gruesome as their fate may be we technically don't really see what happens to them we may get a small hint with scar shadow but the only thing the movie gives us is the implication of what will happen not really showing us the feast that would occur but still it doesn't change that no matter how cruel you are getting eaten alive is a terrible fate that no one wants to end up with no i didn't mean [Music] well this one has to be brought up eventually so let's talk about what is the most common death among disney villains falling down yes we've all seen movies where the climax is set in a very high altitude and the villain gets defeated by falling from that great height where you know that nobody can ever survive a fall like that while it can be effective in its own right it's the kind of death that's been repeated a lot especially in disney films where we see the villain fall again and again and again and again and again that's why falling alone isn't really enough to make a villain's death feel special you need to add something extra with that fall like go um i don't know a big rock [Music] as you can see not only did nature decide to screw the evil queen over just when she was about to win but the boulder is like a guarantee that she will never be heard from again almost like it wanted to help out the doris by saying the boulder will ensure that she is gone for good but what sells the death the most is not just the addition of getting crushed by a rock but it's also what happened right after [Music] no music no extra dialogue just the deafening sound of silence and everyone's reaction to her literal downfall a moment to just fully sink in what happened to her there is no denying that her death was quite brutal but with the addition of that time to reflect it makes the evil queen's death more powerful than most other villains who just fell down and that is why this list would never be complete without the death that started it all [Music] when it comes to many of these deaths what makes them brutal to watch is the fact that you could see how they got killed off but sometimes less can be more and it can be so much more horrifying when you don't see what will happen to them [Music] throughout this whole thing nobody knows what is on the other side or what would end up happening to dr facilier the only thing the movie is showing us is a freaky voodoo show the one clue that hints us that this is bad and what sells the death in this scene is the fear that facility is expressing what is it that he knows that we don't does he even know what's on the other side whatever it is he wants nothing to do with it and the most we could gather is that this is his punishment for not paying his debt as he literally pleads and screams out his final words not to mention that we're entering in supernatural territory here in the princess and the frog dr faciliers voodoo magic is able to transform people summon shadow spirits and cast illusions so it's safe to say that if the magic could kill someone it wouldn't do it in a regular way and before anyone asked yes this is considered a disney villain death because after all that we are faced with a tombstone that literally has both his face and his name on it if that doesn't symbolically say that he is dead then i don't know what the fridge can it may not be at number one but this does count as the most spectacular and one of the scariest with the unknown from the other side [Music] so now that we got facility out of the way let's go completely 180 and instead of talking about a death where we don't see what happens to the villain we have a death where we debatably see too much of what happens [Music] sure some could argue about how weird it is regarding the absence of any blood or gore during the process but still that doesn't change that we are watching an entire body being ripped apart into the black cauldron it doesn't swallow the horn king hole in one big gulp it took him bit by bit where his skin gets shredded out of his body like a loaf of bread right until there is nothing left but a skeleton and the skeleton gets sucked in too now i know that this is technically not the worst death that could have happened in the black cauldron maybe it is in the final picture but there were plans for much more horrific slaughters when the cauldron born army was summoned they originally would have been seen killing off some of the horned king's guards including the infamous shot of one of them being disintegrated and reduced to a skeleton only a few frames are available to the public but from what these images show this probably would have been the nastiest death disney has ever presented to the public however that one doesn't count because one that's not in the movie we have today and two he's not even the villain of the film anyways but regardless of what the cauldron-born army could have done to people that doesn't change how what happened to the horned king was still scary to watch in itself and that his death showed us much more than we probably needed to he's gone he's gone he's gone [Music] we still remember the evil queen's death right where she not only fell down from a cliff but she also got crushed by a boulder the fact that there are several elements going on is quite brutal in itself but what if we add more to it not just having the villain fall from an incredible height not just having a giant rock crush them but while falling down with all that they land on a massive fire pit among all the disney villains or even all the villains in movie history frullo possibly has the greatest falling down death because this one has so much going on and all perfectly themed just for him first he falls from the top of notre dame cathedral which if you don't know is a very very tall building next there is the giant rock that will crush him when he lands which in this case is a gargoyle that frightens him actually come to think of it do all the gorgeous come to life in notre dame i mean we know these guys are hopping around and frollo clearly sees that gargoyle making that scary face at him so is every rock connected to the cathedral with a beast face alive nah i don't know maybe i'm just reading too much into it i see and what are your friends made of quasimodo stone can stone talk no it can't but then there is the one extra component that really made this the perfect death for frollo and makes it go that extra mile to ensure his doom remember what he said just before he was about to kill esmerelda and he shall smite the wicked and plunge them into the fairy pit well ironically that is exactly what happened in fact it also makes it quite symbolic because with all the christian theming going around this can be interpreted that he's going in hell i mean to be fair that is what he gets for suppressing his horniness there are worse sins than committing adultery like um you know trying to burn down all of paris and strive to kill anyone that's in your way some people just need to get laid that's all i'm saying but if this is the case that frollo is going straight down to hell then what better way to do so than with an admirable combination of several villain death tactics into one [Music] i know that some are probably not that impressed with maleficent's death where she bled from that magical sword i mean that's it a little sword is what did you win come on if you're gonna go big then you have to die big not just have a sword go partially inside you have something even bigger that will go right through you now this is how maleficent should have gone down this ain't just a sword that was used it was a whole godforsaken boat that even if she became a husky giant octopus lady monster that thing was able to go from one end of her to the other and as ursula's crazy sister said it best now now what was it oh yes you all shushed about her i'd also like to add that the electricity does add to the effect of her demise looking like she's being electrocuted and even seeing a bit of her skeleton as she goes down not necessarily the main cause of her death but it is a nice touch also it's worth noting that her minions flotsam and jetsam also face some pretty nasty deaths where they were zapped by the trident some have even argued that what they face was worse than ursula because look they literally come down in chunks afterwards it's not every day when you see the bad guys literally in pieces so indulge in the moment while you can and maybe in some of those pieces too because have you ever tasted eel seriously they're surprisingly good that or maybe even the thought of it will go right through you and make you feel a pain in your stomach just like how that boat went right through ursula [Music] out of all the villain deaths on this list this one is often considered to be the darkest and while it's not necessarily the most elaborate or the most bombastic here it still has that strong ability to shock people with what happened let me ask you this how many kids movies do you know where the bad guys ultimately get hanged in the end in fact how many kids movies are there where you see anyone in general get hanged you don't it's not pretty to look at no matter who gets hanged and even if you don't see clayton's body dangling around the implications are very clear as to how he died almost like the vines set themselves up to make sure that he is no longer tarzan's problem and yet he's the one that acts all beastly and tries to cut his way out of the vines all tarzan had to do was just left him act in his own accord and see him fall where he will never land and after going through that entire climax tarzan is left with clayton's machete on the ground and this shadow the shadow of what disney will allow the most to show to its audience what a freshly hanged body looks like to this day this shadow has mortified people knowing that not even in the world of disney are people safe from getting hanged by the neck it's crazy how compared to some of the depths we went through this one didn't make a whole spectacle of itself or even the kind that would mess up the body so badly and yet this is the one where many would say that disney might have gone too far with how they killed off their villain all with just a bit of conveniently placed vines and a height that's just enough to be taller than the vines themselves it just goes to show that even some of the simplest deaths can be the most gruesome [Music] now let's talk about one of disney's lesser-known animated movies oliver and company this animals in new york themed adaptation of oliver twist has sometimes been considered to be one of their more underrated films and for me personally i don't really agree i mean i don't hate it but i think at best it's just okay the story is okay the animation is actually more than okay the characters are okay and the songs are okay it's definitely not bad but i wouldn't say it's really memorable enough to count it as underrated but you know one thing that i can't agree with that statement is that oliver and company has the most underrated disney villain death holy crap alright we need a step-by-step replay because there is a lot of layers happening at the same time here that we need to cover okay initially sykes is driving right towards an oncoming train so the collision alone is enough to finish him off in quite a merciless way but the collision alone wasn't enough right on impact his car completely explodes so it's a guarantee that whatever is over here is now mangled up and destroyed and whatever is left remaining ultimately gets thrown off the brooklyn bridge and down into the hudson river all three separately can be considered cataclysmic deaths in their own right but sikes managed to get the full package deal and have them all happen at the exact same time by the way on a side note sykes dogs roscoe and desoto also got their own brutal deaths while going after the company as they ended up fully electrocuted on the subway tracks that alone could have been a great contender for this list but i will say that this one was a real quick death almost like blink and you'll miss it but when you do see it it is a symphony of a major takedown of a disney villain that takes the elements of new york and turned them into the tools from one of the nastiest fates that a villain had to face now before we get into the ultimate disney villain death i'd like to have a few honorable mentions originally when i started making this list it was going to be about villain deaths in all animated films not just disney however when doing research on the other animated villain deaths and how they got killed off i find that they're almost all kind of i mean maybe there are a few that can be effective but there's none that i could really find that either did something that was different than what disney already did or any that could even be on par for the most part they're just rehashing the same deaths but they feel more watered down and less effective there was just too many of those villain deaths that uninterest me to the point that i just gave up on them and made this list disney exclusive however there is one exception that i will say has some pretty creative and extreme villain deaths that can be on par with disney's and all you have to say to make those baddies gone is skadoosh [Music] yes kung fu panda supplies some villain deaths that can be both amazing and quite brutal and i don't mean just in the first movie i mean in all the films the villains go down real hard you got the first where tai lung gets to face the wrath of the wushi finger hold [Music] there's kai in the third film where he explodes into a ball of light because post chi was too much for him [Music] and finally the biggest and most brutal death of them all lord shen from the second where he gets crushed by his own giant cannon and it then explodes [Music] also i gotta point out how lord shen just accepts it when he saw his demise most villains would try to escape and obviously fail but shane just sees that and he's like okay of course as an action-packed kung fu movie the films have to do their best to make the action scenes intense and engaging as possible and if they're going to kill off their villains then they have to give the finale to their climax something that could match the scale of what they've established and there is no denying that their lives had an incredible finish they may not be from disney but no bad guy would ever want to face the wrath of master poe [Music] now at this point it's hard to imagine anything that could top psych's death what can be the ultimate disney villain death that is even more brutal crazier and more of a sight to behold well all you have to do is just simply look up in a way what syndrome went through is quite similar to sites they were both involved with involuntary vehicular manslaughter and there was an explosion that occurred while that was happening the big difference however is that syndrome had his death high up in the sky and the scale is even bigger than sikes instead of running onto a train syndrome gets hit by a car that's thrown right at him and then gets sucked into a jet engine the kind of thing that makes people scared to even get close to a moving plane when they're outside and here is syndrome living the nightmare and if that wasn't enough right after he gets sucked in his manta ray looking jet blows up entirely to make sure that any and all traces of his physical existence is just gone even giving the movie a literal explosive finale but you know what really makes this the most savage disney villain death and what is truly responsible for killing him it's not the explosion it's not the throne car and it's not even the engine that did it syndrome died because he wore a cape if you watch the incredibles then you know about edna mode's rule about capes metaman express elevator dyna guy snag on takeoff splashdown sucked into a vortex knuckles on that list alone there were some pretty harsh deaths that occurred that could debatably be considered worse than some of the deaths on this list however with house syndrome was so desperate to be a real superhero his true downfall is by sticking with the stereotypical image of a super including keeping that problematic cape and because of that oversight it became a self-fulfilling prophecy where his death may be quite spectacular with the engine and the epic explosion but the source of it all came from inferior costume design resulting in the most unforgettable ruthless and greatest disney death of all time well at least we'll never hear from them again [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was totally wicked
Channel: ElectricDragon505
Views: 211,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AniMat, ElectricDragon505, Animation, Top 13 disney villain deaths, Disney villains, Disney villain death, villain deaths, movie villain deaths, movie villains, Disney villain, movie villain, pixar villain, pixar villains, pixar villain deaths, Disney villain defeats, movie villain defeats, pixar villain defeats
Id: dwMVnC5XJ30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 57sec (2097 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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