Top 12 TF2 plays of the class: Sniper

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[Music] yeah what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome to a special edition of what we're calling the top 12 plays of the class this is a collection of sniper clips lucky luke has been hoarding basically these are all from January 2017 onward we did set aside a few special clips for use later which you guys might be able to detect but number 12 starting us off is Nate represent for the team super fans a junior playing out of Germany now this was ETF two l 9v and nine men start things off with a nice snipe on the devil man uber is now people ready to get the sniper in the back line though gets the engineer as well brown ringlets oh and look at that as he is air blasts off with the roller he gets a sick headshot on that pyro getting the revenge kill before he even had something to revenge number 11 going to go to dinner playing on the Wunderland that is vitae before the team Wonderland playing out of the Wonderland that that is Poland and this was from December nice snipe on the medic was a fully charged shot when I got the drop though as Rhett trying to cut out here at the point gets the devil man as well with a nice head shot body shot on the soldier must have had a communication or you know he's lost his teammate but this town is gonna clean up Jake and sinner big Knights number 10 going to go to carpi playing the teen cottage in pull it out of Finland big shout out to Finland and all those talented eSports players such a great country for eSports and now if that meant I fully charged shot going to get him down looking for that soldier kind of lost track of them get the head shot on the shoulder scout trying to get away will not do so soldier behind SMG is out thoughts yeah I get to supercharged oh my gosh and hits two incredibly nasty head shots right after that and that was just number ten number nine gonna go to beat playing for the team Jemaine out of Australia this was a serious game gets a sniper on the Demoman their soldiers and is gonna get him down so they're coming in on the other side doesn't get that shot but as the soldier still jump around it's pumped up and beep going to bop him on the head the little help from his soldier setting that up and we're gonna have that fast-forward button a little bit here as our man beat is holding it down but not a lot happening at the moment as time slows down again though the soul in his face again doesn't quite hit that if the first incoming shop it has this little jump and gets him picked off and gonna resume his spot on the rock but that's it for that clip still strong plays from him number eight gonna go to comb Angley uh playing for the no tilt squad this was an ESEA match way back win and July 2017 and put some damage on that one soldier to start things off looking for more action here as blue super charged now starting to fade out does get the kill on Triple H look back over hits the Demoman hope he'll plot toss get that medic thought that was maybe an opposing soldiers we scoped him because his teammate came out of scope moving forward aggressively here come Anglia and team going to get the point really just home Anglia but as a team creating speed report oh my scar is gonna remember that one comb Anglia looking around unclear whether he actually scratched him there's my butt good Justin get xxx and the devil man Slim Jim oh man okay so right on top of him he's gonna get to keep him safe and he gets the medic again absolutely ridiculous he's trying to get that Scout but cannot shoot through his crowd of players but commingling a big spree there number seven also from Finland gonna go to Patong key represented for the team triple o ski Adi Das and on granary here his team already controlling the point here are you know getting ready to control or excuse me now red is certainly for the point Patrick gets a snipe on and the the medic guys he was charging him with his team it's cleaned up wild chef the standing still not ready to talk you to be dropping bombs all over the place honky just cleaning up shop only that one scout had eyes on him and just crouched behind him was not able to kill the donkey fast enough and there we go that leads us to number 6 gonna go to Castle Rock for the team for games on de Sura from Luxembourg and this clip from January 2017 count lucky around maybe look where where are you guys coming and gets a bullet in the back and medic coming out old man the Hat just cleanly picked off of him thanks to that bullet and devil man across here but Caza Wow picks the Demoman out of there great tracking he's gonna keep looking and perched up on this balcony doesn't see red shoulders yeah I think I saw window does hit him and he's gonna be able to finish him off but Kaz adjust taking away a good chunk of his health with that shot number 5 going to go to chill playing for the team chicken out of New Zealand and this was previously number 4 in June 2018 on sunshine here walk watching Kate's going to be able to pick off prison songs as he opens up that shutter backs up for a hot second trying trying to just keep tabs on where blue is calls must be coming out from his teammate so he's gonna actually wrap it around here kicks off that scowl shot and sees the soldier up top you can get behind him dust as a headshot there SMG is whipped out does get the kill blue medic swishing from lower is gonna get headshot it down and gets the devil man right before the demo man slips away wants to get in once the help with that Scout with his team going to clean that up and really that was a fantastic spree from Jill big heads up play going to the flank number four gonna go to capricious playing Fatima chap to and speaking up to this was number two from the January 2018 top 10 plays scout down low on the Metalworks gear and welcome freesia us going to work she lobby here nice to K real quick here soldier oh I lost track of capricious get the kill on it and the kill on fake plastic tea you know looking for his team and though he is the only one there they have not captured the middle point yet so on metal works this provides the blue team with the opportunity to do a little farm camping I believe hot God was a victim to that they get guerrilla channel as well stick it on the door and DV says you know I want it I just want to see I want to see if they're sticky I'll be far enough away so I don't get hit by the stitches but I just want to see and he eats a head shot number three going to go to a smoothie and playing for the team packs out of Poland this was also a number two clip but for disseminates the headshot any weapons guy another headshot on the heavy weapons guy sees the Demoman is going to rotate entrances here in the last point comes around the side that soldier was trying to close the distance on him gets the sniper on a scout also trying to close the distance gets the snipe on him although scout comes out also gets the snipe on him he's gonna come out here that frees him up gets the medic Demoman is out here he's gonna focus on the heavy weapons guy gets the heavy weapons guy did not kill the demo but had six killed in that push including a heavy weapons guy and the heavy weapons got number two going to go to j'arrive also from Finland I told you guys they had some awesome eSports players playing for the team sick laughter this was the number one place for November 2017 starts it off with a charged shot then gets the drop across the way red we're trying to contest this points with red jump away was trying to jump away as he gets headshot over the containers just the slimmest of margins their body shot to the scout followed up by the SMG we're gonna watch this shot one more time yeah but that was beautiful but Sharia is still moving forward great great movement he's practiced those jumps and capture the point here they're gonna move forward in the last as well he's gonna take this rollout route looking across the demo for targets he's gonna reach out though that's just the heavy weapons guy 209 and there we go gets him with that last headshot unless you're Reid helping a team push and just some ridiculous headshots in the process as well and our top play for this top 12 sniper plays is going to go to Andrew plank for grape squad out of Canada this was an ESEA match from February 27 starts off with a big kill and Andrew starts things off with a big snipe on the Demoman his team getting put back but gets this soldier soldier had that I think hit the ceiling lost all his momentum Bluebird Scout loses his uber trying to get up that cliff get right down they'll get the medic as well look at what gets the sniper Scouts on the cliff jumping around he's gonna go for the full play coming back from behind and well Andrew had eyes on him the whole time it's his team that gets the kill but Andrews still pushing forward they're on the point moving forward get the catcher what fantastic reactions as he Snipes the devil man one more time Andrew just a huge swing there from getting pushed off the point to getting big frags capturing the point and getting the kill on the demoman again so there you have it ladies and gentlemen 12 fantastic sniper clips from the archives thanks to you guys to support through our patreon campaign that a loud loop to buy this extra hard drive almost two years ago has enabled us to increase our storage and it just hold onto these clips for longer repurpose some Rishon them to you guys again and a new setting and I think that this was a lot of fun I know Luke had fun with this so if you guys want another class collection please let us know which class you guys would like to see next certainly there's some classes we see more often on the top ten other classes like engineer or heavy weapons guy might take us a little bit more time to get 12 clips but please let us know your guys's thoughts on this and stay tuned for the next edition of the top ten plays in the month that's it for this edition thanks so much for tuning in ladies and gentlemen I am Eckstein and we will see you guys next time peace out [Music]
Channel: LuckyLukeTF2
Views: 101,939
Rating: 4.9224315 out of 5
Keywords: Sniper, TF2, Top 10, Top10, Top, 10, Top 10 TF2, Team Fortress, Headshots, aim, 6k, ace, headshot, sniper rifle, australium, machina, awp, snipe, airheadshot, airshot, airshots, midair headshots, midair headshot, CommFT, eXtine, Lucky Luke, LuckyLuke, eXtv, eSports, Valve, Kill, Frag, Highlights, montage, replays, frags, eXtelevision, commentary, countdown, games, gaming, videogame, video games, competitive, 6v6, highlander, kills, clutch, gameplay, Team Fortress 2, premiere
Id: lDsOGy-1GP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 06 2018
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