Top 100 Games of All Time - 100-91

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[Music] tom vassell's top 100 games of all time [Music] [Music] the voice of the people [Music] hello everybody i'm tom vassell i'm mike d'alessio i'm z garcia and today representing the people that guy the face of the people so let me explain how we're going to be doing our top 100 this year sorry that you look like this [Laughter] what are we doing so far top 100 me z and mike are doing our top 100 games of all time okay roy has defected and started a whole new team called the a team and assuming we reached that stretch goal in our kickstarter which by the way if you haven't noticed we're running our kickstarter for our show dice our they'll be doing those later this year they're top 100 but you got to vote on your top 100 games of all time i know some of you are going i didn't know about it but at least a thousand of you did yeah and voted on your favorite games and so each time we do one of these someone will represent the people and you guys have divvied it up i don't even know who's in which episode yeah so yeah very various of us from around the office will be filling in the place of the people and i am unfortunately today's the people is that unfortunately because it's you or because you don't like representing the people i'll let you decide that for your own after i go through this list of of the people's choice i agree with everything that people have said yeah chris you're not endearing yourself you're not endearing yourself look uh both micah and myself have previously been the voice of the people you're doing a terrible job well i am making fun of myself so i think that the people would no you said you let us decide that heavy is the head that wears the crown chris yes that being said before we start we want to do some shout outs to some of our kickstarter backers want to say thank you to ben and sam davey we also want to say thank you to arie sultanic daryl hutchins the miller family which is ken caroline and thomas great name thomas glennon another great name and thor soderlin love that's a good name thor southerland what do you see okay that's a good one that's a good news a fine name all right let's start with some caveats that we always do these are top 100 games yes they're going to change from year to year yes we know that we're saying of all time and also recording this in the year 2022 and next year we'll say it again of all time here's what i did okay i took the previous top 100 okay i wrote out about 38 or 40 or so games i thought might make it okay i took all those 140 games put them into a uh a ranking head-to-head system that pub meeple system yeah we should give a shout out to pub meatballs fantastic if you want to rank things check them out pump people and i ranked for a while every matchup when it was done and it spits out the list i grabbed it and i shot it off to chris who did the the thumbnail like i'm i did not touch it wow so you were a little bit braver than i was i did something very similar to you i took last year's list i took this year's top 10 list or 2021's top 10 list i went back through bgg and added some things that i thought might be in consideration i had somewhere in the range of i don't know 150 160 somewhere in that range put them all into pub meeple and then i let it do its thing 400 and some odd comparisons is what it came up too got that and i did massage it a bit i did go back there i didn't have the guts i got to give this to you that takes guts stupidity maybe some might say i say guts i just figured if i'm being honest with myself when i compare them head to head right then that final result is what it is now but sometimes i would look at the list and go yeah just that's not right it actually should go down or it should go up no so your list is a a complete shot in the dark i actually i've actually barely looked at it i honestly once it spit out i sent it off and didn't look at it anymore almost like a robot chose your list no i'm not a robot chris coffee cat murderer man so would you would you call it arbitrary would you say that because it's arbitrary not at all voted for what is this and then uh and i mean did you do anything yeah no i typed it out so this won't i'll pretend to be surprised at the people's choices although i've forgotten a lot of it there's 100 games for mine i did what they both did except instead of 400 matchups like mike had i had about 1500. it got very tedious after a while i put too many games in somebody plays a lot i like games too much works do you want to explain that really really briefly yeah pop meatball you input all the games that you think or it could even import your videos collection which is what i did yeah um and then it just shows you two and you say i like this one better i like this writer yeah and it just keeps doing that and until it makes your list and it does a good job it's swipe left or swipe right it's like a dating app for board games okay i think we're ready to begin all right i brought i'm wearing my apple pie tie and i brought apple pie tic tacs to eat whenever would you like to try one do we whenever what what like a crossover or are you number 10. are you trying to tell me my number ten wow we're already shooting to the top ten ton no ten what are you doing reverse order all right so number one hey guys oh there we go these are good i'm quite disturbed you think it's good yeah you don't like them those are the worst tic tacs i have ever that's a bold statement there are some pretty terrible tickets i spit them out i hate them those are all huge you saw me open a fresh one my family didn't like it i'm surprised they're good go ahead do yours and then you can have one when you're they're done subtle but they're nice yeah all right alexander coming with a super chat thank you thank you now since i did this last year i now have data yes have data baby yes ooh that's cute when i see my data it goes across top with the flame i'm going to make you eat all these ticks i get it tom my list is in portrait yours is in landscape we all get it that's true all right shaming me all right my number 100 is new to my list but it's not a new game it's a new wish game but it's not new uh my number 100 is what some people might call battle yahtzee this is dice throne oh i was like trying to figure it out yeah so this is a game that i liked at the first couple times i played it but i don't think that i appreciated how much how much lags this game has yeah this is a game that i love teaching to new people it's a game that i love checking out new characters i'm excited about the marvel i was thrilled to be able to take these characters and put them into the dice thrown adventures but you know i'm specifically going with dice throne here as my as my number one hundred this time you're saying season one or season two yeah honestly it's the game system i i don't know that i prefer one series one season over the other two has maybe a little bit more uh complicated and therefore sometimes interesting characters but i like i like just about every character i've played it essentially uses a yahtzee style mechanic where you're rolling dice and you can re-roll them up to twice and you're also playing cards that are going to allow you to mitigate those dice and it's a it's really best as a head-to-head battler you can play it you know multiplayer but it's best as a two-player head-to-head 30-45 minute game maybe i really really have enjoyed dice thrown more and more the more i've played it and again i have introduced this is a great game to introduce to people that are you know like dice games but maybe haven't played a lot of modern hobby games i i really really like dice thrown a lot and so this is coming in right off my uh top 100 new to my list well that's your way your list is just going to get better i hope so probably not there you go you try it nice and here we go all right my number 100 i couldn't find i only compared this data to last year so i don't know if i i have older data but i i didn't look it up that's more of a flex than me he's like i could have did it i just chose not to it's very subtle it is very subtle it tastes like a like a side cider a donut or something if by subtle you mean flavorless then i concur nothing there okay my number 100 is a roll and write style game called on tour from board game tables right on tour is a big box rolling right style game it's really a flip over a card isn't it and uh well you do both yeah flip over some cards you roll some dice and then you write numbers into locations on your own personal map trying to put together a tour throughout the states of your band and the longer of a tour you can create so the more places you can go to the more points you'll score the tour must continue to go through numbers as they rise so and then there will be stars in there as you can see those are wilds that are wine yeah yeah that sounds really simple you've not played on tour i have not really it quickly becomes very thinky very puzzly as you are trying to it really reminds me of roll for america that one is much simpler rolling america rolling america rolling japan or in america yeah that one's a lot simpler with just sort of you know you write numbers next to numbers this one this has more there are some limitations as to where you can put the numbers also and so the planning of it is can be quite in-depth this is a good one also to play with someone remotely as long as they have a map and you have a map you can play um yeah i think it's a great production very fun game so on tour was not on my top 100 last year but it's my uh 100 this time around good game terrible at this game it's tough absolutely terrible sorry people i cut off the games have been said yet tom the pressure's on i don't care my number one that was 76 last year it's been on my list for 14 years um oh no this is important data information wait wait let me turn this the right way oh now my list is completely different coliseum actually coliseum i played this year um it's it's one of those games of it of course the only version that's the only one version does it accept that's it well either one there's better pictures available of that one this is the one that's available i think right so coliseum is a fantastic game but the reason i play it is because when i'm with five people we want to play a euro style game it's a little bit heavier not not heavy but it's not a light game this is a good choice it really works well with five i like the theme where you're putting on a show and the best show that you put out on over five turns is your favorite yeah um so there you go my number 100 calcium and thank you chris coleman thank you very much very good give a shout out to the jack vasyl fund awesome awesome awesome the people's choice for top 100 or for number 100 is century golem edition this was actually number 100 on the list last year as well it was as high as 91 in 2018 when there was three or four exact crossovers with the people's child they're really wild and it made it easier for me to put the slides together now central is a great choice though it's such an approachable game it is the more fun version or the more fun looking version at least of century spice road um you think this is less fun looking than century i think that it is more um i think it is more whimsical i i i think that spice road gets a bad rap i think it's more you think that one's more fun looking he said fun mike he didn't say better looking yeah let me tell you how fun it is to look at cardamom fields cardamom cardamom is gorgeous i know we're going to ask this question so i'm going to diffuse it now there's only one century on the list this was the highest voted one yes yeah there you are right though this is probably the one that's going to be more appealing to more people yep i think so mm-hmm you know number one do you actually like the other one better no i just i i don't i just feel like it gets a bad rap oh my version's better i have those 3d oh yeah yeah well those are cool yeah somebody i know made some actual resin ones with real spices inside them that's my version that would be the roy candidate version oh do you know how expensive spices are these days it's a 4x cheaper edition than they were 400 years ago that's right thank you dr chris [Applause] all right my number 99 is also new to my list but it's also not a new game that's amazing he's gonna say there's a hundred what are the chances he knows none of the there's no problem with the chances all right number 99 is a game with a unique theme where you are a it's in victorian english time it is obsession this is a game wow yeah yeah okay so this is a game that really started out as from what i understand a small print run a very um kind of a passion project for the game designer and it really has become pretty popular there's there's it's really created quite a buzz i think it's in its third printing now um there's expansions for it i agree this has been a slow burn upwards for sure yes and it is a game that has kind of built a very passionate community about it the people that like obsession are passionate about it they want to introduce it to new people um you know if you it's the most fun looking of the two versions i agree 100 i agree it also comes with the smallest cards that any in all mike's top ones it does it has just this that one little small to small deck but yeah it's a it's a it's a very interesting worker placement game with some card clever card play where it really the theme has a huge um it's a good game it really is you know there's some tile placement that give you some actions and you're playing cards that are going to allow you to have certain types of workers like you know butlers and and ballots and things along those lines but if if um yes have you not watched downton abbey you see they say valids valid yes it's valid is that these people have no culture they don't watch downton abbey you're so indignant right i'm sorry let me show you how to eat a tic tac you got to put the pinky up now that's this is the dexterity i really don't like these now this is all for a joke here we go all right that's the dumbest joke that's the word obsession is a really nice work replacement game with a unique theme that does a really good job of integrating that theme it's not just painted on it really you really kind of feel that and you can even do light role-playing if you want to have some real fun with that kind of a thing because elizabeth where are the crumpets that type of a thing chris that was fantastic that's what mike anyway my number 99 obsession really good game number 99 also has a lot of valids in it yes it's invalid now my 99 was not on my list last year i don't think it's ever been on any of my lists it's also not very new but it would hover around this place i guess okay and it finally just barely broke on through this is time bomb evolution time bomb evolution which is that and that is the version i have there there's been a previous this is like don't like cthulhu no this is the sequel to that oh oh we've played this actually that don't mess with cthulhu i played that one too is the one that has very little game in it this one has more of a game in it you're right colors yeah those cards are colored and whenever you flip over say like the third color of something something triggers right so you have to be careful about cutting too many of the same one there's more game in this one um but it retains all that mistrust and the the ballots are definitely a big part of this one [Laughter] so i like this game a lot better i think it's a more robust game still not a difficult game by any means but if you're looking for a social deduction game that has a little bit more to it while being very streamlined that's my choice that's my go-to all right okay um so time bomb evolution quick fun some push your luck some of that i don't know if i should flip a card in front of you over can i trust you all of that stuff is really neat and that version there which is the one i happen to have is a gorgeous production so my number 99 interesting good pick my number 99 has been on the list for four years um it dropped a bit but i don't really know why i still like the game although this year i played it sequel seven times already and that's because it's a campaign uh that's role player oh so we're playing role player adventures right now which is like kind of a it uses this universe in fact that guy in the cover role player is one of the main parts of the role-player event spoilers really is that guy over there over his shoulder is that some sort of traitor um or maybe his valid i knew it was coming i knew it was coming okay okay we gotta pull off the joke here a little okay i'm done uh this game is a game where you build a dnd character yeah and you do so with dice but if you don't like the india doesn't matter you're just manipulating and rolling dice and there's not a lot of these games out there actually and this one's compared to sagrada i like this more because i feel this one has more game in it it has a couple expansions and i think i would only ever play this with one of those two expansions they're very similar yeah um both expansions are very good and they both add the there's one thing that they add enemies that both add and i like that a lot and that put it on the list to begin with it wasn't on the list before that expansion but i still think it's a fantastic game and i like the system that the manipulating dice is used a lot in the role player adventures interesting so my number 99 role player interesting uh the people's choice number 99 that was not interesting yeah when people are interesting and then they comma yeah means uh space yeah there was no comma yeah there's especially just a period he's like interesting moving on the unspoken like now for something you've actually been waiting for is the unspoken section there the number 99 well this is what the people said seventh continent seventh continent uh is uh it's been on the list for three years in a row now it was 96 last year 99 this year so it's just uh it's just right around the same spot silicon is a big adventure uh exploration game for the most part you move around these cards that kind of get laid out as a map and there's just i mean it's it's massive there's so much content in here uh there's also this did has the seventh continent retail box that that came out as well i believe yes there's a retail box in the original then a massive expansion yeah the contents in here you can go for days with it what was this last year chris 96 uh it is high as high as 39. i think this will be off the list last next year i'm calling this and i think and the reason why i think so is because not everyone has it not only that but i think that when this first came out it was a much smaller genre within board gaming now we have this year we have destinies which does some of the stuff that this stuff is that yeah there's a lot of games to do this but i still the one thing that no other game has done at this game that's in the content is that flipping of cars you can flip a lot of cards but you might mess up then yeah i like that tactical testing sure yeah yeah no i imagine it might not be on the list but also seventh citadels is yeah you know on the horizon at some point so this is one of those games that is going to have a narrow appeal but it will be some folks favorite game forever yeah except that kind of quality too yes that's 99 seventh continent my number 98 have any guess has it been on my list oh this is new to the list but this is not on the list but it's not a new game oh that's a trendy like you want to guess no that's a trend here okay a billion games it could be i would say that of my gaming collection and even if my gaming tastes my terrible they're fantastic um they are fully vetted this is the first bad bad game that can be announced is what you're saying no what i'm trying to say is that the the biggest probably small niche is two player games i don't play a lot of two player only games are you trying to brag about the number of friends he has i don't yeah that's right i'm either playing solo or i'm playing with all of my adoring fans two player games are hard for me to get to play right but this one really kind of knocked me out it's a very simple kind of tug of war style games called blitzkrieg um this is by uh designer paolo mori and blitzkrieg to me meal feels like a smaller version of an earlier game of his called dogs of war that that simon put out yeah um and this is what they built as world war ii in 20 minutes it's kind of a it's a bag pulling game where you've got chits that represent different kind of troops and you're pulling them out of bags and you're placing them in these little theaters of war it's very abstracted right it is not the the loveliest looking game it kind of leans into even the war game aesthetic but it is such a clever snappy two-player game that is very easy to teach it plays in a perfect amount of time it's one of those games where you feel like you play it and you want to play it again when you're done you want to kind of do even a best of three is great in blitzkrieg um a really really solid design very clever streamlined honed to a razor's edge um there's a new kind of version of this called caesar that's coming out that i'm looking for which we have not played yet so we played it i haven't played it but blitzkrieg is one that my estimate my eastern estimation thank you valet has raised on it uh as i played it more i played it at the retreat uh last year and and really enjoyed teaching it to somebody there i'm excited we got a promo for this a kickstarter yeah yeah so that's one of my favorite promos we got because it's a new tactile that is awesome yeah it's exciting yeah so my number 98 is blitzkrieg a very very clever two-player game interesting my number 98 i have not played blitzkrieg yet oh i really am a huge two-player fan oh man and i like paulo moria i like um that theme is not attracting to you you're not but it's okay it's 20 minutes you know that's okay i got to play that one it's got to be on my list all right my number 98 was my 64 last year and it dropped it's a little card game that i've liked for many years but i can definitely see this uh i can tell why it drops and i can see it leaving eventually it's a little game called our echo you love this game man echo rico suave that's not it it's about recycling uh this version here was the one that was available in the us i have a uh i think it's a german printing of it i have and that's another different printing of it it's been printed quite a bit uh the one i have is very attractive very good quality but the game is a hand management game through and through that's absolutely what it's about four factories with a dump side to the factories with random cards thrown there and then one recycled organized side to the factories on your turn you go to one of these you pick up all the nasties uh or rather i'm sorry you you play good stuff like clean stuff to one side where it goes and then you pick up all the nastiness there and put it in your truck which is your hand go above a certain limit you have to illegally dump your you know your goods like without processing them and that's going to penalize you for victory points you have to make sure you manage a very narrow margin of what you can hold in your hand and i find that exercise of uh excuse me that exercise of where you can play where you should play where you should not play to be very engaging so i like this a lot is this in print right right now i don't think so um i don't think so that printing of it is quite old and i don't think it's around it sounds really clever i mean this sounds like a game that they probably should uh spruce up a little bit maybe even re-theme it or uh theme is fine but maybe chat but it's not like recycling so yeah no i hate this very one thing that people know about yeah anyway my 98 our echo mike hates trees he's gonna write a book instead of spike interesting my number 98 how can we keep this the joke has gone on my number 198 has been on my list for four years it's dropped down a bit and that's because this genre is expanding before which i'm glad and that's awkward guests i still need to play this game man i don't know why this cover art should be drawing you in like all guys elizabeth i'm coming to join you honey which guy in the corner stanford or something yeah that guy's a big guy he's dying he's he's he's killed oh he's in this game so it's like a clue um and you're trying to figure out who done it with what weapon and in what well no you know what room it's been done in what their motive there was tell me how it's like clue joke interesting that was not a joke okay i yes my humor bone is gone anyhow um i like this a lot i love this deduction style game i think it's fun uh i know they had they kick-started a sequel this year so i haven't played that one yet i've read the rules for it it didn't sound as good as this one but you know what to wait and see but again there's a lot more deduction games available yeah so that's maybe why it dropped a bit but i still find this one to be fun awkward guests fantastic pick-top much better wow number 98 is chris your voice manages to make everything sound like it's full of disdain yeah well sarcasm is strong in this one all right well number 98 is war of the ring this is the people's choice here i was like wow chris i forgot he became the people so uh the world ring has been as high at least on on tom's flexing record here as high as 54. the people not me back in 2011 it fell off the list for three years between 2015 to 17 but it's kind of picked back up second edition read the reprint okay okay was that in aries aries brought it back and made it much more widely available i heard that they're making a card game version of this i have not heard that that sounds were we just talking about that yesterday yeah that sounds terrible car of the ring [Laughter] so with that i'm going to assume then that this is folding in as well if anyone voted for the ring first edition yeah probably i didn't say jab jab sure they're the same same game yeah i'm gonna name one right jimmy jam yep camilla if anyone is hearing this and there's access to the agua 98 war of the ring obviously fantastic ip big epic game uh and it's a lord of the rings it's got to be popular oh it's popular all right hey my number 97 was on my list last year finally however comma this of the games that it was not on my list two is the biggest variation in um ranking from previous year this is actually down 67 points do you hate it now i don't hate it now my number 97 is rising sun there's a couple of reasons why oh interesting there's a couple of reasons why number one is that the game is very difficult to get to the table very very difficult to get to the table i still appreciate the design i still think it's a very good game i do think that it is very very group dependent we got some water yeah oh cool yeah sure why not yeah thank you thank you i'm good thank you you might want to leave the other one in here so yeah just spot like a thing right there yes thank you replete with water um so it is a game that i feel like is difficult to get to the table it's hard to to kind of teach uh it can be very group dependent i've had great games of rising sun and i've had really flat games of rising sun but the biggest reason why it's dropped as much as it has still on my list still a great game is that i there are other games that i now go for when i want this type of an experience um this kind of troops on a map experience with a little bit of kind of negotiation things going on i want you to point them out as they come on your list i will do that yeah yeah and and so it's still a very solid design but it's i didn't i don't know that i played it last year i don't think i did play it last year and so it's increasingly hard to keep it now as i do wendy's currently painting the whole thing you're gonna be tempted when that's oh absolutely i mean look if it's on my 100 i'll play it i mean i'll be happy though i only play stuff in my top two oh that's a shame top three from feeling generous yeah it's a it's still a very solid design but i just i i had to be honest with myself that it was not as high as it was in the last year sure my number 97 rising sun to be fair if i had to put only games on my top 100 that i played in the last year that would be tricky that is very true it would be a topic it'd be new games maybe a top 20 and then 80 games you played from 2021 yeah correct yeah all right my number 97 is uh uh a classic in tom's eyes and just a classic in general it was 78 last time number 97 is cosmic encounter ah this did not make my list this yeah right [Laughter] so it's dropped a little bit still my top 100 from 78 to 97 is not too much of a drop certainly uh sounds like it might be off the list next year that is right and this might fall trap to that whole well it's not getting played so is it really sticking around right um but the game is tremendously fun even one play of this will remind me i think of how enjoyable this is yes it's group dependent and that can matter but um the game is still a tremendous design and something that has clearly stood the test of time at this point so cosmic encounter and and this version the last one there was it's still a fantastic production i don't know if this is in print right now but i think one of like one of these various covers they did that 42nd edition of it i don't remember if it has a different cover or not that's the cover i have what i have has no artwork on it it's the one that's just sort of that was the first one that ffg did this was a reprint i don't know if they've done another one since yeah but i think it should be available anyway my 97 cosmic encounter classic my number 97 is almost a crossover with mike oh amazing sort of yeah um this was as high as number 13 at one point wow and you should go watch my original review of this where my two co-hosts z and sam were saying it's not that exciting i was like this game's amazing blood rage wow go watch an original review of blood rage and then see how the tides have turned especially for one of the reviewers who then went to play it everywhere i like blood rage and the main reason it's dropped i still think it's a fantastic game the amazing it's dropped this i don't play it as much yeah um this is always interesting you had rising sign i have roy ranch in 97. that is interesting i still think this is a fantastic game i'm i'm looking forward to the upcoming announced but no detail um but i never thought it needed one i think there's a lot of writers a lot of different monsters you can play with the mystics or not you can play with the gods or not yeah it's a fun game um and so bloodrage my number 97. people's choice number 97 is a big worker placement game called anachrony wow i was surprised this hit the the list though i mean it's a big game it is a big one yeah it's big but but kind of like you said where this is many people's favorite game favorite replacement game favorite big game this is a game that put i think for a lot of people the the designer david turksey on the map this was as high as 75 two years ago and it's hovered around in the hundred hundred tens uh kind of around that but yeah number 97 i mean i think it shows that this game though a few years old has a few tricks that people really like unique workers the exo suits great production really interesting theme and just solid work replacement yeah man i i really enjoyed it it's a fairly fairly complex game it is yes it is it's a fairly complex game for sure i was blocking the name you get to see this triangle spoilers all right my number 96 is another game that's taking a bit of a tumble and um it's down 42 spots this is dinosaur island uh again still a game that i like quite a bit now um i i will spoil a little bit dinosaur world is not on my list okay i was wondering but i totally figured it would be you know to push this out but the reason why a couple of the reason why dinosaur island has dropped is because i do suspect that dinosaur world might eventually overtake it the issue is it has for me i've played dinosaur island literally tens of times more than i played dinosaur world i want to play dinosaur world more to know if it has the legs i i know dinosaur island does because i've played it many many times i've played it across all the player counts um you see what i'm saying i want to play dinosaur world across all the player counts i want to make sure that it's my gut tells me that yes in future lists dinosaur world will overtake this but i still appreciate this design i still love the theme i still think that it it really helps players with you know it's that double-edged sword it's a huge table hog but part of the reason why is that it helps people so easily know what to do in each phase i think that's a very smart thing so anyway dinosaur island is still a game that i like quite a bit but i have a feeling this is going to be the last year it's on my list i'm curious if world will pop on you're less than i am too that will be an interesting yeah we'll see if i can get it played a few more times this year we'll see they both are in my probably top 200 but they did not hit the top one got it yep all right where are we at 96. okay another little card game for me that it was i barely moved it was 93 last year it's 96 this time and again this was blind i went into it without this comparison you know just ranking things it's archaeology the new expedition which is i think top introductory welcoming style games that i have in my collection this is one that i very often will default to if i'm looking for a game that is uh not intimidating that has an appealing theme very few components it's just cards and is quickly and easily understandable that is again not just not off-putting in any way because you're just drawing a card on your turn and that's a very common thing for people who are non-gamers right the idea of on your turn draw a card i like that it's like a touchstone and then you can exchange your goods in your hand with an open market so the values of things are that number in the top corner you can exchange one broken cup for two pieces of the broken tablet the equivalent values and then you can sell a set and just put that in front of you the more of the same thing you sell the more they're worth that's it you throw on top of that some gamey stuff you know uh or gamery i should say gaming sounds like it smells like gamery stuff uh like uh you know sandstorms will hit you so you don't want to hoard cards and uh you can get these specific cards i'll let you open a tomb and get some some hidden cards that no one's had access to yet really neat stuff very simple i've played this mostly with family but it just sings in that kind of setting and that production is gorgeous high quality cards very attractive evocative artwork so that's that's one that i'll always keep that game i know that the game's not going anywhere the original game the picture by the way you saw the cards was first edition it looks better than that the those cars that were up there i'm pretty sure no i think that's the second condition was it the new expedition yeah oh well yeah it works really well with two players i think any player count but particularly it's a nice little great player phil walker harding has gone on to become a very acclaimed this was the game for me i was like who is this guy from australia right um this was came out 15 years ago i just said amazing 15 years ago top 10 this was on the list yeah all right my number 96 was 101 last year so it's gone it's amazing it's back on the list although it's been on the list for i don't know 12 years 82 years this is one of my favorite party games dixit um and maybe part of it's because i got that new deck that i made we got the backs of the cards i think they were a kickstarter two years ago or something and the sleeves so we now have a dixit slash um detective detective club slash exterior seriously not mysterio uh that was the third round right now yeah not not a mystery ethereum obscures what i'm thinking about the stereo and then one more muse music it's all four of those we made this giant right no when i dream has words on it like that they're also double-sided cards anyway i like dixit i still think it's a clever idea that's been copied by a lot of other party games they came out with a sequel to it this year stella which is very solid but dixit the the ease of it and yet it feels clever like if you if you played this back to back with apple's apples it makes apple's apples feel like a dumb game i don't know how to explain it i think apple's apple's fine but you play dixie you're like oh but here you can be you get to make the clues i don't know it's just a bit i i really like it also the artwork i love it so dixit my number 96 so the people's to apples that would be your favorite that would be great i would never insult the people to be more wise beyond all measure well i think you'll agree because the people's number 96 is western legends this is a big thematic i was just like dixie sandbox way more sense this whole representing the people thing is it's not going well first time i don't like it i've never quite been uh over a thousand people before this is my first time but uh no this is western legends 90 uh at 96 it's previously been 97 and 94. wow hovering right around consistency yeah i think people like this one and i i don't i imagine this one's going to kind of be right around the same zone because there's i don't think there's a ton of games that are quite this there's nothing that's like this really spurs yeah that one from mr b no but that's not a no it's that's not a sandbox it is a game is it yeah it's just not a very nice quality it's not a good looking game as much as this anyway yeah i think they're releasing a big box for this with another expansion so you can kind of keep it all together so that's going to even keep more interest in it i think that'll help but yeah that'll help it yeah so number the people's choice number 96 western legends you're doing a great job chris that's fantastic my number of 95. are we getting to the good games yet when you're listening this is the first new to the list it is and i also knew this year bam ow i know that wasn't quite a lot what is wrong wrong with you my number 95 is an audacious design it's an audacious design z is it a see-saw it's a very unique design and it's a game that i played with one mr z garcia and i introduce it one you no no no i introduced it to you you'd play with all 1000 of the people as well my number 95 is oath this is oh my goodness yeah yes you did wow i was in the review with you i played it with chris it was a very memorable experience um interesting and i played it with roy as well i played with roy he was definitely not putting his hand up behind the tv over there both hands up roy so uh oath is a game that i hope it stays on my list and the reason why i say that is that the only way this is gonna stay on my list who are you gonna find to play this way that's it i've got that that is the biggest detractor to this game is that it really it demands a group of people that are willing to kind of play through it and kind of see everything that it has to offer because i feel like i've only scratched the surface of this game i feel like there is so much to discover here not only just is there you know a huge deck of cards but i feel like there's so much emergent gameplay that can come out of the group and the more the same group of people can play the game i think the more you're gonna find the depth that i really feel is maybe you'll be saved that they make an app of this and then you could find some people on those lines yeah yeah because i i don't know you know i'm not putting you guys on the spot here i don't get the impression you guys wanted to play this many more times but i would love to find a group of people that want to play it regularly relatively regularly i don't think you have to play it every week or anything i think the main word i would if i had to describe the game in one word and it's something you already said is demanding it is this game is a very demanding game right and that takes like you said investment of time and energy even like to yes to really tackle it all right commitment so really it sits right on that line for me of is the effort worth it right um and i tip it the the far away like yes absolutely for folks that have more time for games than i do right yeah yeah the same game sure but uh yeah i don't i don't think i would because it's just so demanding and it's hard with with our job to be quite honest it's hard to be able to devote that much time to playing the same game 12 13 times a year that is a big game i can do it but it has to be like i'm playing like i said role player adventure sure we're doing that but that's that's the one game right i can't i have to like make my choice and i did it earlier i did it last year with sleeping guys right yeah yeah but that's it you know those are and theoretically i could play this game solo but that's i'm sorry this this is not a game that's suited well for that yeah i mean it just isn't this is a game that is going to shine with group interaction meta gaming all that kind of thing i really do feel like this is a design that is brilliant i just hope i can play it enough to keep it on my list this is my biggest surprise so far yeah i i thought i knew you liked it yeah i didn't think it'd make your top 100 yeah i i think it's fantastic i just hope i can play it enough to really prove that theory well i'm rooting for you mike nice don't count on me did you do that purpose take credit for that you did it sure same designer yeah yeah oh yeah here we spell out the jokes go ahead r o o t j okay yeah [Laughter] all right my 95 is not a game that i found on my list for last year might not have been on my list ever but it is endeavor endeavor age of sale wow okay is um i played the original endeavor back when it first came out and that went out of print very much out of print it was quite difficult to find and then when this came back into print i thought they did a wonderful job just keeping the game largely what it was re-implementing what was there already and then adding some new interesting things that to be fair i don't often use these new things they implemented but i think they're well done and interestingly implemented the game manages to feel like an old school euro game even older than when it originally came out and what i mean by that is it gives you a big game feel it gives you lots to think about and then decide upon with very simple input from you right so it has that old school those old school kind of trappings from like a reiner canencia game or a michael shot game from back in the day on your turn you just do one little thing boom and you are moving up on these various tracks in front of you you are opening up new ports you are taking over new forts you are doing all these things on this board but it's all quite clean engaging quick moving quick turns in this game you know um this is a euro game that again managed to give me a big feel but i can play kind of leaning back in my chair and that's not something i can say for a lot of euro games of this type they're often sort of like right i got to be paying attention i got to be doing a lot this game i can sit back and play and be competitive and not not be distracted or distant from it so i think it's a good one endeavor age of sale wonderful production my number ninety five i do want to say i think this was on a previous list if not last year maybe two years before because i remember being a little bit surprised that you know so much but i think it's a good pick i just looked at my last one and compared it to this one so i when i when we made this list there i was there was a lot of games i said well as i was doing the back and forth i said that would be in the top 10. oh this will be in the top 100 so when i looked at the final list i was surprised how many games got knocked out of my top 100 that i really liked sure so here's my annual disclaimer 98 does not mean we dislike the game no for me these top 100 are out of like seven to eight thousand different games you know there's a lot of bad ones there's a lot of fantastic games in my top 200 300 400 i agree and by annual disclaimer you mean you're gonna have to reiterate this next video too probably that being said it's time for our first crossover and i'm with the people oh tic-tac-toe that is a nat no that is anachrony whoa yeah so now because i love the game it's great i just haven't so it's dropped well actually it was 94 last year so it hasn't dropped that much um oh okay i am dying to get this to the table again and that that desire and eagerness means i still really like the game sure uh it's just that i that new box intimidated me although i've recently had some people tell me that yeah it's easier to set up that it was just that initial pain of sorting everything out that was the worst part if that's the case then huzzah i'll play this in the next outing that we need the thing because i do like anachrony a lot i like the idea of time travel this is minoristically time travel but i still like that mystically [Laughter] it's a fantastic game it's a little big for its britches but it's also big yeah so there you go inaccurate okay i love you people the people's choice number 95 is by acclaimed designer a viking seesaw writer it's a game called the quest for el dorado this is a deck building game that has a map that you run around through a very simple little deck building game kind of a system people really enjoy it uh it's it's a fun mix of racing and deck building moving along this is uh it was previously last year at number 82 uh the prior year 134 so i think this is settling into a nice little spot here it might fall off the list it might not but it has gotten an expansion uh standalone expansion actually standalone it had an expansion and a standalone yeah it's had two expansions and a reprint yes and they're very gorgeous i want that rebrand i want the new trade yeah not in the states okay someone overseas can get that vincent detroit one email a lot of fans here as well uh all of us are rss yes the people's choice number 95 the quest for eldorado nice all right my number 94 was down only seven places so pretty consistent and um i also mentioned that uh two player games i don't have a lot of those in my collection another kind of game that i don't have a tremendous amount of would be abstract games um but this is a fantastic i call it a modern classic abstract game this is azul wow okay and i'm still talking you've joked about this before i'm talking original azul it's still my favorite of the of the azules i know other ones make them more gigantic sorry about it i say they just they smell sort of like a dead cow a little bit of venison going on with azul um i don't remember something along the lines of um the fact that uh cintra exit well i can't remember what it was but stained glass exists makes me like azul less yeah that's right that's such a i'm still annoyed about the stupidity of that comment look let's not get caught up in the details let's talk about this beautiful game azul here this is a uh very easy to teach beautiful abstract game that i i have never had a bad session of azul some have been better than others but i've never had a bad one i have introduced this to so many different types of gamers people that have played tons of games heavy gamers light gamers new gamers this one still just it just hits every mark i think it's going for it is a very very streamlined design you know you can you can mix it up a little bit with having different orientations of the patterns but it really is just i think a brilliant game i feel like there's nothing in here that doesn't need to be in here and i don't feel like it's lacking anything that's why to me the other versions are fine but this is azul to me when i think of azul i still think of this version of the game this is the one i want to play if i want to play a game like this it's going to be i'm not in my head a lot but the other two versions are clearly better they're not they're not better but but that's okay you can you can be wrong that's that won't be the first time my number one won't be the last my number 94 is the modern classic i think the second one's better than the first one but i go back and forth with this one then being the next best yeah chris do you think the second one is a little bit better yeah i don't remember what the people say but chris yee agrees that the second one's better no that's three to one uh i don't care though but it is better than the three absolutely a modern classic enhancement that's why we're numbered right right yeah it's a huge hit all right my number 94 is a very interesting game that they've supported quite a bit and i think that's what finally made it onto my list and that is chronicles of crime now is this year the first year you've played it no no no no i don't think so because i played before the game came out at the uk ge i played it look who's flexing that before it came out all right okay let me flex even more all right you designed it one of the folks from the company played it with me and uh and uh luke as they were like still kind of finalizing it i think why don't you flex even more you're also a character in the game yes so are you i'm aware anyway but i think it is the first time it's made it onto my list because there's so much content that they put out for it and it continues to be amazing content they've just recently oh we've got you in the picture right there oh there i am right above that gentleman with the mustache uh uh they came out with that series the sort of what is it this millennial series yeah whatever they call it the fourteen hundreds nineteen hundreds that that set yeah to play the 24 runner one i know you would like it it's just a really cool concept they knocked it out of the park it's such a it's a game that st still feels very much like its own thing other things have slightly approximated it but not really um and yes i know some folks don't like the app assisted thing they're like oh this isn't really a game it's more like a video game whatever that's up for you to you know you had to decide that on your own for me it's a game and it is a very fun and engaging one so chronicles of crime whichever flavor you want to go with is a well put together package enjoyable and uh just immersive really well done so that's my 94 chronicles of crime thank you geek factor and also uh chris earlier with another super chat thank you both super chats all right my number 94 was 44 last year and 32 the year before that so it's settling on the thing but i still like it and the sequel to this game did not make my top 100 the sequels lizard wizard i like raccoon tycoon now lizard wizard is fine i enjoyed it yeah but it felt like they added things to raccoon tycoon that at the end of the day i'm kind of happy with raccoon tycoon as is okay i agree i agree with it's fine it existing made mike enjoy azul leslie that's correct that is correct lizard wizard exists i really like raccoon tycoon um it had paper money and i was like i don't know about this yeah but this it's a it's a very simple stock market mixed with auctions mixed with that collection it really when i think about it it's not a lot of things i'd like put together particularly but it works because the one thing it does do is take a quick action take a quick action take a quick action and i and i do like that stock market a lot another thing i've learned about you as a gamer and you've even mentioned this before you like games where everything you do gives you a positive feedback this is one of those games that's true you're either getting resources yes or you're selling them together you're getting yeah the only one here that does it is sometimes you auction off and someone else wins it but then you get to go again right so yes you're right yeah it's a good game all right the people's choice number 94 this is one of those that has incredibly broad appeal uh the the 94 is cartographers wow yeah some games are are narrow and deep focused for players was this the year before uh cartographers last year was 64. okay okay okay yeah this is a roll right that's i think going to be around this is this is a keeper right it's it's one of those kinds of roles it's so pretty well in the news we just announced there's going to be several new maps and so getting a lot of support from thunder works i think they really know that they've got a game that has a lot of appeal people get you know special colored pencil sets and and draw their own map you know you're supposed to get stamps i've seen people that got stuff this is one of those very customized games for a rolling ride sure very popular number 94 cartographers good job people all right my number 93 is a game that is down a little bit 13 places i think uh 19 places here we go 19 places i'm getting you that little thing to put on your knuckle snake my uh my number 93 is a game that really kind of solidified for me how much i like this kind of uh design group of prospero hall this is horrified a really really solid cooperative game with a tremendous theme uh universal monsters they have since come out with a kind of a a standalone you can't call expansion just a new edition of it with with american cryptids um that is essentially the same game it is basically a a pickup and delivery which i love that mechanic that's their mechanism that's something i've mentioned in the past i just feel like this is a really really solid gaming system i feel like they can take this and just continue to iterate on it and and build upon it and and i'm excited to see them keep doing that i hope they do keep doing it because the core design of it is so clever so easy to implement and teach and learn and play very satisfying i i think that they did a really good job of adjusting the difficulty making it very easy to adjust the difficulty add a number of monsters go with different monsters that are a little more clear right i think that's fantastic you know what i mean from a design point of view absolutely right it scales very well with the player counts horrified is just a really really satisfying relatively entry level not his entry level something like you know forbidden island but not too much higher than that no but it's between forbidden island and pandemic exactly it's i feel like it fits a really nice family weight cooperative niche and that is horrified my number 93. it's really solid game the best game i think from uh from that whole studio i think it's horrifying all right my number 93 dropped a decent amount it was 48 last year and it dropped down it's a fairly simple game i did play this this year and uh i think it'll settle around here maybe even uh slide off it's game called sheep and thief and sheep and thief the the worst thing i can say about it is that it's kind of a slight game and it's very short game very simple and slight but the game play itself is very enjoyable it's a drafting game in which you're going to have a hand of cards you take one pass the rest all that and then you're playing these cards out in front of you on a board in front of you building paths uh to connect various locations around your board but also collecting sheep and avoiding this fox that's moving around possibly capturing your sheep what's neat is that if i move the fox on my board by playing a card that shows a fox and i move it upwards everyone will simulate that same move by moving their own fox upwards and if it runs into any sheep on your board i get them ah okay so it's very clever that way you can go for a few different things there are places on the board where the sheep can be safe so if you are able to manage to move your own to a safe spot people won't mess with them really neat clean simple the addition that you just saw on the board there uh which is that was the reprint from pegasus has adorable artwork very cute little sheep a lot of sort of little jokes on the cards and stuff so it's like this one that came with like little cup way back when it first came out it's a japanese design and it had these little fluffy just cotton balls yeah it was really cheap so they've reworked that you know and made this great package so i think it's a great game if you're looking for an intro style game that's drafting kind of tile placement this is a great one for that so 93 sheep and thief all right my number 93 this is the second year it's been on the list um this is a game i don't think any of you have wait maybe and that is high rise this is from gilhova oh i've played this you have played yeah let's go i rise i still haven't played yeah no this is good yeah this is a this is a game that looks really big and heavy right i think a lot of people played it because of that it has these big skyscrapers but even the board your symbols and the rules are really long you're like oh no but all it is is it's what i'm going to start calling because lots of people gave us this feedback on our podcast a ratcheting system i like because me and eric on the podcast talked about what do you call someone emailed and said what do you call it when you can go as far forward as you want but you can't go back and so people said ratcheting and i like that idea that's how ratchet works i i get it uh yeah okay yeah sure that works but i love that mechanism this is not the only game on my list that has that um and you go around this well actually you can't go as far as you want to tom but it's just like a real ratchet you can't you have to stay in the neighborhood sure i was just trying to prove you played it but i like the kind of you get the materials then you build these towers and you can make them even taller the bigger ones and there's area control involved it's i it's one of the few games that i house rule what not house rule but they have these like you can play a shorter game if you want yes yes please every time every time you go around the board three times in the game but they're like if you want to play a shorter game go around twice done yeah you put this in your top 100 if you if you don't want to play it if you want to play two-thirds of it it's a legal thing to do in the room only someone who wouldn't put it in their top 100 would choose that out come on now all these games i've put on my list so far i never play the recommended amount of rounds that's correct oh is that many plus 12. high rise good game and i heard there's a didn't he re do this with plastic buildings or he yeah he did he did a kickstarter it would origin originally was going to have them that got cancelled then it funded with this and then he said i'm going to do it again if you do want the plastic buildings you could that ever happen i don't think it's fulfilled yet i'm not sure i'm not positive on that i want to hunt that down i want the plastic buildings but i don't they're they look fine without the plastic so anyway high rise a lot of fun looks charming i'd like to try this one yeah all right the people's choice number 93 and i'm going to go ahead and say this is the reason that i want to do this block uh because i want to defend this from the likes of y'all uh number 93 for the people this is a cooperative deck building game where in every session it feels like a boss battle you're just fighting against some different nemesis that has a different way of fighting against you very cooperative very fun system uh two years ago this was number 96 on the people's choice list fell off last year and came back on plus because they keep adding there's like a new set comes out every other year every other year yeah there's a there's a legacy edition there is four big box games just like this you can buy and there's a another legacy game coming out in it this is a system that has a lot of enduring popularity for the people that really love it of the 476 million cards that come in this game how many of them have you actually played through i've played through three of the big boxes and you used most of the cards in there it just seems like there's so much i just i really i mean come on look at the ascension that we have in the library look at the dominion library he's punching at you not mike by making these comments defend yourself i don't know what he's i'm not with mike here for me anz has fallen off my enjoyment of it because every time i play it it feels more like work than fun like a deck building game i just go i buy these cards shuffle show shuffle right here i have to think about in order and work together with other people yeah i get why people like it though i'm not attacking the game right i mean the people who like it love it and we now have two of them working here at the dice tower yeah it doesn't do it for me but i do understand why people like it and that's if you get camilla don't like it you got three maybe i like it as much as the first day i saw it i do yeah there you go positive nothingness let's move on number 93 i'm kind of sad about my number 92 guys it shouldn't be i'm sorry i'm kind of sad about it because i have a tic tac this is one of those times where pub meeple did its thing and i wanted to mess with you and i did i wanted to mess with it because you did it because you think it should be higher is your people 42 point 42 rate rankings and i have of nostalgia and that's why i did mess with it because i think if i'm being honest it's if it moved it's not garbage actually i think you like this game i think i think all of you like this game but it's it's just it's not he's doing his long intro thing that's my thing my number 92 is takanoko um this was one of the earliest hobby modern hobby board games i've played yeah um i think it's a charming game i think it is a a very very i don't know it's a game that just gives me good feels but it's not a game that i find myself wanting to play much anymore that's just the bottom line is that it doesn't really scratch the gaming itches that i kind of have much anymore and so i have a great affection for it i have a great affinity for it i still love teaching it to people i still think it is a beautiful production i still think it's a clever design but it's just not quite what it used to be for me anymore it's still on my list i still think it's a terrific game i would still obviously play it but it's not one that i use to to that i choose for myself if i'm going to play takanoko it's almost always because i want to teach it to somebody else who hasn't played it before that's a good thing i think that's an interesting point but i like it right that's something interesting to think about yeah because we are often in the position of teaching other people games how often do you play a game because you are passing on some joy that perhaps even you no longer feel yourself right right i think you should have led with that because everything else sounded like this game is not that great no no really i i like that point it's terrific but yeah it's because the point i just made well he said it first i'm just doing it at one point okay excuse me i have an idea guys excuse me yeah so that's the thing it's because if i want to play this because i want to share it with somebody else teach them to us but anyway still a terrific game my number 92 is takanoko my number 92 is quadropolis quadropolis was also not on my list last time it might have been on my top 100 in the past i don't know this one probably bounces around for you it does it kind of does make you think of it maybe yeah um i don't think metal is on my list though i haven't played it enough that's honestly why the thing about this kind of game i'm not a big city building fan i just don't tend to like that style of game and i think every time i come across a city building type game or brush up against one a quick play of something or other i'm you know discovering it reminds me of the few i do enjoy i can count them on one hand you know and this is one of those the way the game is illustrated and handles everything definitely helps it makes the game pop it's very bright light-hearted i think a lot of city building games sometimes are very serious it's like a somber general somber sort of vibe to infrastructure you know it's like all right i get it this one does not come across that way and uh that's one of the reasons i do like it and then the the adjacency and all the usual city building trappings are handled in a way that is clean and straightforward and i like all that so yeah quadropolis is one i would still definitely recommend lighter than many of these kinds of games but a good solid package so my 92 quadropolis all right my number 92 is been on the list for seven years was 31 last year so drop the bed here i you know i didn't play it last year yeah so but it's one i want to play more and do more with but there's a there's more bag building games this is orleans um which i will now well actually someone else who has the rights to orleans now i don't remember someone else picked up was it renegade i think it was capstone wasn't it i thought it was capstone now you saw always capstone these days yeah but i there's still something i tend to like deck building slash bag building right there's something about that but this one has a nice strategy game built on top of that and i feel like it's a really entertaining mix together i like the expansions for leons i like my very nice deluxe version of it which i hope actually i'm gonna be curious how capstone handles that cause capstone's games these days are like top-notch looking gorgeous so maybe this whole deluxified thing which anyone can use now um yeah now is out let's quick use that word deluxe fight dice stack anyway or leon's is a lot of fun do you like playing it cooperatively at all uh i i would do it once a decade oh okay no i'm not kidding on that it was fun yeah it was an interesting puzzle yeah and was done i was like cool now it's playing normal i liked it a lot it was better than i thought cause i thought it would be terrible yeah no it wasn't terrible cool i like that yeah talk to me in 10 years five years i'll give you a ring that's right we'll try a while now when would you want to play orleans stories again now orlando stories is terrible it's like yeah so don't make that mistake if you're looking into this game that sounds interesting to you this is definitely the most stories is a really really long game where they're like you don't get to do everything for leon's at the beginning you get to do a small part of the game then after an hour or two here's a piece of it you can play they're trying to turn into a legacy game but instead of adding stuff they took away a lot of it and they're like well slowly give it back to you which also the ends and like i said game did too i didn't like that i don't like that don't do that with legacy games i'll defend this later first not on some legacy is not in the people's choices first of all i'm going to agree with mike these are pretty flavorless they are yes these apple pie tick tacks they're yours they promised something that they ain't delivering i can tell you that all right now let's go to the people the people's number artificially flavored see what's helping they cut their actual apple pumpkins those are some gamey tic tacs all right the people stories number 92 is a big epic uh cthulhu themed game from fantasy flight games called eldritch horror this is one of those games that i think a lot of people it's kind of the first big uh you know world trekking exploration narrative yeah adventure kind of game it is a reworking of course of arkham horror and they said that they streamlined it to a nice cool four hour pico agamhara is not on the people's choice just like they streamlined unfathomable yeah so uh i mean last year was 88 in previous years i mean back in 2014 it was as high as number eight yeah it was hot yeah yeah it was real high when it came out yeah and it's just steadily kind of you know moved down about every 10 spaces or so each each year i mean it's got staying power to still be relevant this many years later right and i think for a lot of people it's just it's one of the most exciting games that really got him hooked with uh with this style i was gonna say if i was like youtube making predictions every year this is now old enough enough where i might call for an eldritch horror second edition with an app integration i could easily see myself in 2022 there will be an eldritch horror second edition dropping or maybe by the time no yeah i think maybe you're right yeah because the the arkham heart one did not take off that one the third edition third no they've already pumped out three expansions or two floors but if you notice it hasn't the people's choice it's not really yeah totally see this getting uh getting a facelift yeah also a couple of super chats we want to say thank you to everyone who's indeed shouting out and supporting us we really appreciate it thank you thank you folks one more for today all right closing out this first top 10 of our top 100 uh last 10 of our top 100 is a game a great game that has been designed within the last 20 years by the acclaimed designer dr reiner canezia is this new to your list but not a new game it is not new to my list and it is a crossover with the people's choice this is the quest for eldorado to clarify my comments from earlier today in our board game breakfast i think this is a very good game i just don't think it's great that's why i said what i said oh okay well he's wrong it's great this is a fantastic uh controversy today that came out of this deck building slash race game and i think that's one of the great appeals to it is i think that it is a really a lot of times you'll see something that's kind of like a mixture of two things and it doesn't feel like a cohesive mix this really does this idea of playing the cards to kind of get past terrain to have a pure race it feels like a race a hundred percent and it feels like a deck building game 100 it feels like both it is a very nice mixture it is not particularly innovative i will say that but the little twists that it does have i think are great the idea of whoever takes the last card out of that market can choose the next car you know stack of cards to come in it's a little thing but it's a great thing and i haven't seen it done before and i haven't really seen it done since i don't think so although you love to joke that he claims that he invented deck building a i don't think he ever said that no he did not if i say that that is a joke yeah he just says or has before said he doesn't really play other people's games right right right and then the leap was a joke so if he never played a deck building game how did he know how to design it i think he might not play them i think he must read him he must be aware of them sure he designed a carcassonne correct game correct you have to know how to play carcassonne to do that not live in a box hidden from the world no so you know i do think this is a just a fantastic game this is if you know if i'm going to introduce somebody to deck building it's probably going to be with this game really yeah that i disagree with something cleaner because this is dc deck building ascension maybe dominion not ascension no way i would do this over ascension 100 why i just think this is simpler to understand you're playing ascension yeah you're playing a paddle to go through the water you're playing a machete to go through the forest you're trying to get to there first person to the end wins this is much because it depends who the person is though that's the thing about gateway teaching games you show someone you show someone in a person card unless they have a background in magic they're going to be thrown off by that they're going to be intimidated by all that text you show somebody the cards in el dorado they're going to see two paddles and it's not going to be intimidating to them paddles for water yeah but i don't know that i would yeah no maybe maybe maybe if people want to fight beasties and monsters and stuff yeah essentially sure right that's not the phil walker harding one summer summer camp you're right that's another good choice i like this for water but it's very yeah i can defeat it they're back in the sand i do prefer flavorless to summer camp but that's also a good choice for an introductory deck builder but it's my number 91 the quest for el dorado a fantastic fantastic game my number 91 is a new game to the list it's a new game that came out this year um and i was very surprised that this made it onto my top 100. again i did not massage this list at all my number 91 is seven wonders architects whoa really i was very impressed by this game and i'll be honest right now this might not be on my top 100 next year i don't think this game has a ton of replay ability okay my one big flaw of it would probably be the the legs okay right the this in five years will the same people be playing this game you teach it over the next year i bet that's what it is if you keep teaching it to new people and they play it and love it it will be in your head and it might make your top 100 that's what i'm saying i'm teaching it to new people or i'm playing with new people every time you know what i mean i don't think that the same folks will continue playing the same game maybe i don't know i'm speculating but the game play itself is welcoming introductory perfection it really is this game has managed to distill things from seven wonders from seven wonders duel and just from sort of general gaming you know good practices into a package that scales incredibly well so you can see how you don't have to manage you don't have to deal with basically anybody else at the table but someone to your right to your left that's it and you were talking about quick turns earlier just the quickest of the turns yes take a card play it what does it do something incredibly simple you're done yeah construction costs for things have been simplified as much as they can be you have two things that match stone stone built yep okay the next level is two different things that's it i mean it doesn't get a whole lot simpler than that and yet it's not dumb it's not lame it's engaging there's combat there is this barreling towards the end that keeps the game just propelling forward very quick game also but full of energy and intense so yeah it kind of just blew me away that this that they managed to do it again with a seven wonders title my favorite thing about this game is that so often seven wonders is brought up as a great gateway or an introductory game and i love seven wonders i think it's a terrible gateway oh i agree agreed this is a great gateway yes oh i agree seven wonders is not a good game too no teachers someone who does not already have several concepts under their belt right this is fine i agree this is a great family game and if yeah if we had a copy at home i think our daughter would request to pull it out almost every night she really loves it yeah yeah so there you go all right my number 91 was seven last year whoa whoa okay man i thought rising sun was 18 14 18 and 31 what happened was two other games came out last year that happened that gave a one-two punch to this game okay all right who got knocked out and they're both farther up on the list this one's on the ropes but it hasn't fallen out of the list no no no no no so one of the games that came out was a card game version of the same game okay and the other is one i'm playing tomorrow terraforming mars yep terraforming mars i love terraforming mars and i still put it on my top 100 list but i'm telling you between aries expedition and between arc nova i don't know the only thing that's keeping this on my list is the app yeah because the app is nice and smooth even though sometimes you accidentally touch your screen it will put a city within a spot i didn't mean to and you can't take it back and that's stupid um but man i do like this game i love the combos yeah not so keen on the take that that wears down a little bit sometimes that throws things off still fantastic game yeah still my top 100 this year yeah but um there you go wow okay look at that well the people's choice number 91 is grand austria hotel this is a dice drafting game by uh some of the italian designers luciani uh jiggly and and uh brassini if i remember correctly they uh they've made a lot of games that are very low regard only two of them come on chris get in the game there's only two i speak for the people wow what's up lorax it's a great movie you should watch it at book two what is it laura he speaks for the trees the uh granddaughter coming out at 91. this is the highest act it's actually ever been because in the last three years it was uh 109 112 109. it's the expansion everyone who's played that expansion has told me it makes it so much better i've got to try this expansion that's one big fan of this game uh it it's about getting a hotel filling it up with guests drafting dice to do it very very neat games that's number one what was the game we played that you said felt like golem golem okay yeah by the same designers yeah but their games have that they tend to have that kind of action yeah yeah okay yeah i like this one a lot it did not make my top 100 but it's certainly one i enjoy and maybe the expansion would help who knows got to get that wall that's 10 folks 10 well 40 games well we had two crossovers right yeah so that was 38 games you heard about uh we'll be back tomorrow at noon doing the same thing with a different people's champion um i've been exiled that's correct yeah that was decided just now yes but we're not done with live stuff today mike what's going on at two at two o'clock in just over 30 minutes we're going to be playing a game of my number one game of 2021 merchants cove so if you are interested in that come back and check it out it should be a lot of fun myself chris and camilla are going to be playing that one so uh i'm sure shenanigans and hijinks will be afoot what a dastardly clay thanks so much for watching the top on earth thank you for everyone who did super chats we want to also thank everyone who's backing our dice tower kickstarter going on right now thank you uh which has promos for many of the games we mentioned in there true um but thank you everybody until next time i'm tom vassell i'm chris yee i'm mike delecio i'm z garcia have fun playing games [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 118,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10, juegosdemesa, Brettspiele, ボードゲーム, brädspel, jeuxdesociété, משחקילוח, 보드게임, deskováhra, graplanszowa, bordspel, 棋盘游戏, gioco da tavolo, desková hra, gra planszowa, настольная игра, trò chơi trên bàn cờ, jogo de tabuleiro, لعبة اللوحة
Id: eBUJL25I1ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 38sec (5198 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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