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[Music] okay [Music] i always loved you easy now [Music] she never loved you she never did go easy [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] are you ready sure second time luckier second time more like seven thousand this is my life's work it is incredible [Music] what [Music] what is it it is life itself morons who doubted me it is me and you that isn't he is that it for now i am oh you just saw creations second i just saw a machine bottle a few steps i have a son i am the luckiest man alive i those morons they doubted me i'll see you later yes yes goodbye oh there we go where's your creation now [Music] foreign oh [Music] [Music] [Music] so so so [Music] so well what's eating you partner eating me i'm sorry i'll dry up what see i'm uh hey can i ask you a strange question i mean it sounds ridiculous but i'm on the level i don't have a clue what you just said well i'm sorry sport huh there's these funny rock carvings they look a bit like this okay yeah the thing is i sort of like really badly have to find all of them now it's sort of a puzzle thing of me i know it sounds ridiculous but i'm on the up and up and it's really important little rock carvings yeah exactly little rock carvings what do you want to do with them well it's sort of very complicated and you'll think i'm jazzed if i tell you you're what drunk are you no huh i wish no i'm uh lost it's a long story can you find the carvings i have no idea well i sort of need them hey listen if you find them i'll pay you handsomely send me details if you can here's my card if i can't well i'm sure you can sport i'm sure you can't francis and clad arthur morgan pleasure i don't understand why do you need these things well i told you if i told you you think i was on the hooch what i'm gonna have a lie down i don't feel very well and neither would you with yeah but hey what harm could it do me so [Music] as long as you can cover postage we'll get it there for you well now hello hello mr sinclair oh hello can i help you oh i'm sorry for intruding uh mrs sinclair yes how did you know i'm looking for your husband my husband yeah he's dead he's been dead since just before francis was born one year ago your husband francis is dead no this is francis my husband tom is dead uh i'm a little confused yes i think you are what was your name that's not important excuse me so [Music] so hmm [Music] [Music] hello why is the day isn't it sure what our country i'm working on a project photography yeah i guess that man of course wildlife that's my thing well that's what i want to be my thing if i have to take another picture of a grumpy house frow or pompous middle-class burger i will feed myself to the lions stand here here just there albert mason arthur morgan pleasure i'm trying to find and capture images of our great predators before our greatest predators kill them all and stick them on some clubhouse wall good luck with that yes not the easiest but well i love a challenge [Music] [Music] hey mister i like this one good job [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] so go away please why don't you turn around and go back to the light can you leave my cave please go and find your own cave there are nasty things and nasty people down here and i don't mean you i'm the devil i'm the devil i'm the devil okay i'm not the devil but i want to be i want to be and that's even worse i'm a nasty man go away i don't want you here is that so bad wanting solitude wanting loneliness wanting anything but you go away so you're the genius we've all been waiting for my god you're a fool goodbye uh i a tangled web is woven in life and your tangled web should have been cut a long time ago for your hair blinds you to the world around you i have been waiting for you here is your fortune a man's philosophy cannot be easily communicated with words nor can the smell you exhibit since you have not bathed in what seems like a becky listen closely for your fortune a tree is known by its fruit until it falls and decays and its fruit only fed scavengers and savages unappreciative of its gifts time must have for wisdom to be conveyed and you seek it too much too often like all men visit again [Music] leave me be ah leave me alone [Applause] [Music] what's left of me just do one thing or not be two people at once that's all i'm saying it ain't that simple you know that as well as anyone [Music] [Music] just seems like something's changed oh [ __ ] this last goddamn dude easy now [Music] oh [Music] don't be shy partner no such thing as a stranger here hello mister well you look like you need to take a load off well ain't this a rare treat why didn't you tell me we had guests coming i to fix myself up nice oh now you know you look perfect princess uh i ain't no guess miss i'm just passing through oh nonsense well come on in rest a while and we got food on the stove and a bottle of the good stuff we've been saving it's decided then i'm gonna go freshen up i appreciate the offer but um i best be on my way oh come on now how you gonna turn down a hot meal and good company i'll go open that bottle hey there he is come on in come on this is uh very kind of you don't sweat it partner the pleasure's all ours i hope she ain't primping for hours up there we'll never eat go check on her will you me well sure hey get to know the place make yourself at home well just go hurry her up a little i see i'm sure she'll be down in a minute oh you don't know her like i do married to that mirror that one go on partner she won't mind well look who it is you are hungry ain't you i didn't mean to insult miss it's all right looking ain't a crime you go out and have a seat at the table i'll be down in a minute here just asked me to check on you that's so oh you don't need to make any excuses no siree an old family photo it got damaged unfortunately ah six sons of [ __ ] sheila be down in just a minute that is what i like to hear hey now pull up a chair partner so i opened the door up there and saw some bones human bones oh that's my mama rest in peace i just couldn't bring myself the barrier this way is better he'll pull up a chair partner hey hey this is just about perfect one of the moments you wish could last forever well like i said i can't stay for long they'll look at us like a couple of old friends ah it's a short life but a merry one here we are all the fixings i hope you boys left some room in your trousers that smells delicious the food don't smell too bad neither oh [Music] how do you like it that's good different that means so tender you know what this place used to be a pig farm when we was when we were kids yeah before we lost our mom and paul horrible business horrible but we still got each other ain't that right honey pie and we still know how to hide the whole killing time here here that's for you yeah [Music] where are my manners drinks yeah i could definitely use a drink that stuff will put hair on your chest oh i doubt he needs that let's loosen you up some more come on what the hell is that that's an old aberdeen home recipe yeah that one right there is in 1894. feels like someone's stabbing me in the head come on i thought i had a man here not a boy one more and you and i both will go upstairs and have a lie down ah what the hell oh about time and take whatever cash he has on her put behind mama what the hell just happened those crazy sounds of [ __ ] got some explaining to do [Music] here you you ain't crashed [Music] so there we go [Music] [Music] hit it hey friend fire's always better with company come and rest thanks hmm so where are you from friend kinda all over the place i am from mexico i left because my best friend a man i'd known my whole life betrayed me and why am i telling you this because often the company of strangers is the best kind the closer we get the more cruel we become oh yeah see you know it too i don't know how well you know the town of uh annisburg but they tell a story of three brothers close as can be until greed destroyed them they found gold together but one of them ran off with it all now the three of them lie dead they say the brother marked the spot when he'd hidden the gold with tree carvings until he was followed there and shot dead by one of the other brothers as far as i know it's never been found and neither has the body of my best friend hey so hmm [Music] state your side sir north or south well i sure ain't from the south lucky for you captain hayden russell 29th ambarino volunteer infantry do you bring news from general scolic who's general scarlett i'm awaiting orders we will move on lemoine soon and takes underneath from the rebels you do know what year it is right what kind of questions that 1862 april 14th now move along civilian and watch yourself johnny rebs in the area north or south state your side sir i ain't no southerner if that's what you're worried about i am worried very worried indeed captain hayden russell 29th amberino volunteer infantry we've met before you know i never laid eyes on you and my life been stationed here oh why we should be pushing down to le moines soon communication's been slow and difficult but like general scalix says a good soldier knows how to wait you've certainly done that well i can't be caught nattering to civilians i have a poster guard are you at the union i guess so you guess so you're a civilian of sorts you don't remember me at all dude i've never met you but i must say an able-bodied man not signing up that's a damn shame it's been a hard war a long war very long in your case now we're moving on lemoine soon i'm just waiting for word from general scallock there's been some activity on the telegraph so i'm sure it's any day now and until then i keep my uniform washed my boots polished my rifle clean you don't need to be stuck out here no more do you want me to take you to nearest town a soldier never leaves his post not that i can expect you to understand that now if you'll excuse me i have to get back to the inspection of arms [Music] [Applause] so [Music] can i help you sir i do all i can manage are you i'm looking for a girl who came in here earlier with a drunk feather mid-20s blonde you'd remember her yeah they're in 2b upstairs are you uh a friend of his a friend of hers oh can i help you sir no wrong room no harm done join me i'm a chilonian have you read our book no i was just leaving [Music] what the hell has happened to folks in this country how are you sir okay a great and wonderful event is happening in shalonianism it is quite wonderful can i tell you they come more sure why not the world is coming to an end i am so happy a new master has arrived and he is leading those who know to safety i plan on joining him myself oh he's in the hills near granite pass it's not too late i've been trying to warn everyone but no one will listen believe me safety is all that we have okay good luck we alone shall be saved are you lost friend follow me sir follow me together we can be safe follow me with this shell i am safe from all things we shall not be defeated we shall be saved follow me and be saved follow me follow me follow me to chelonia [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] um you all right man you okay man i'm talking [Music] i'm not gonna hurt you creepy bastards [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so um hmm [Music] whoa easy [Music] [Music] so uh [Music] hmm [Music] so calm down girl easy now [Music] [Music] so [Music] whoa what the hell you doing out here buck naked quit running damn it ah looks like i'm intruding get back [Music] all right come on it'll be okay [Music] [Music] oh uh so [Music] [Music] he's easy [Music] whoa easy wow [Music] um uh [Music] crazy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go [Music] um [Music] so [Music] um [Music] [Music] easy [Music] never let me down girl easy girl [Music] there he is easy so [Music] easy now [Music] look at you ready [Music] um get out of here go away you're all bastards bastards so so [Music] uh [Music] mister i've been trapped down here uh i don't want no part of whatever [ __ ] perversion you're engaging in down there you've gotta help me it's that crazy gunsmith he made me dress up like this he's got me chained to the goddamn fruit welcome come have a look around oh hey that's a pistol i want to see what's in that basement of yours show me right now nothing to know worse down there i swear why don't i be the judge of that open it now all right all right i ain't got nothing to hide i got my boy sleeping down there such a shame to wake him you know you could always come back after he wakes up you just stay away from me i know what i tell you about talking to your paw that way oh oh thank god why are you wearing that sailor suit that crazy maniac put me in it he thinks i'm his kid's son kidnapped me he did do i look like a kid always in such a rush to grow up these days aren't they just what the hell is going on here he was being a bad little boy stealing candy from the store again it's for his own good i'm not your little boy you mad son of a [ __ ] no the chains shoot the chains oh oh finally thank you thank you oh i'm sorry please forgive me i know it was wrong i just couldn't face that he was gone i was teaching sammy how to hold the rifle proper out by the river the recoil shot him backwards he slipped into the river the water pulled him downstream so quick it all happened so fast i didn't know what to do i searched up and down that river bank for days but i couldn't find my boy i just missed him so much and you you remind me of him you look just like him i'm so sorry please forgive me it's too late for apologies you just count yourself lucky that i don't kill you for what you did don't know what else you want from me take what you want i don't care anymore [Music] so [Music] go away so you're the cake i thought i told you to go away you did well you haven't why would i listen to you you're a hermit i am not a hermit i'm the king the king get out of here go on get lost you are lost get less lost but get lost get out of here [Music] there we go we are here today for a very special occasion that we reestablish sanity and supremacy before it is too late our numbers are waiting if you're gonna watch keep it quiet supreme to congress and the ludicrous ideas but today we grow once we're [Music] [Music] do you choose to accept the light yes sir yeah oh here we go yeah much yeah all right there we go the eternal life [Applause] that went about as well as i'd expect think maybe it's a sign you pity small-minded fool you and your kind will be the end of this country oh yeah see i'm thinking of doing everyone a favor and putting a bullet in your hand you dirty son of a [ __ ] i'll show you goddamn hooded rope i'll kill all you bastards foreign come on come on show me something you better not drop it you better not come on you para cream pies do you want this rally and a half of her night why does this always happen to me i just can't win have some respect just leave me be well [ __ ] yes they got what was coming corruption personified i will cut you down [Music] hold up [Music] so easy now he's easy hello there friend how are you i'm rather lonely you see i'm too big i haven't got any friends because i'm too big is that so yes yes it is so that's sort of why i said it that and because i was lonely and wanted to talk maybe we could be friends i've always wanted a real friend someone to discuss the human condition with you know i don't know much about that neither do i be well friend be well nice to see you again and you how have you been okay i suppose that's good i've been lonely very lonely i'm faced with a stark and unpleasant choice be lonely get murdered not very exciting as it goes hmm i suppose pick lonely did you miss me uh i suppose so yes i missed you too i've been quite lonely out here one day i long to have a wife but women can be so cruel nobody wants large children they eat too much it's very sad there we go i thought you was already gone tell her i never stopped [Music] easy [Music] hey you i need a hand here this damn con man sold me a serum made from rhino horn for a little problem i've been having it didn't work so i took it to a pharmacist turns out it's just water table salt and flour you gotta help me find the bastard ah all right so uh which way to go not sure i reckon he's hiding in town somewhere i'll keep looking here if you can check the other side of the river where you want me to look go check around town what's that smell hey there sell any miracle cures lately here that rhino horn is real hard to come by i get it i get it just keep it down will you that limp dick sent you here didn't he he's a vile man i did the women out here a favor okay i'm gonna make him drown and that [ __ ] hoe with everything he must be excited i am literally great alive you mess with the man you meet the boy i want to talk to your pecker off you goddamn bustle artist no no no no wait wait wait it worked for the other customers i swear did you take it like i said shut your bonebox yeah mess with me see what happens let's see you sell your rhino bunk now seems that was gonna happen you sooner or later anyone it's like i was never here you never saw me okay too bad you still got uh that little problem huh no call for that hear me [Music] oh [Music] hold up all right [Music] ah please help all right friend all right you're gonna be okay you're gonna help me hey need a doctor please do something i'll get you help just stay alive okay hey okay i can't feel it anymore i'm just trying to mind my own business all right friend all right we're at the doctor oh good god quickly bring him in here let's set him down in this chair what happened just saw you fall out of the saddle don't worry you're at the doctor thanks friend i appreciate it sure there's also the matter of my payments but we'll deal with that later all right all right a lot of blood loss this moon's badly infected i'll save as much as i can but i'll have to amputate what what did you say try to breathe uh i'll give you something for the pain um then i'll knock him out for a while you did a good thing bringing him here but now i'd recommend moving along you do not want to see this sorry it's come to this ah jesus hello when a beautiful young lady ridiculed your disfigurement this figure you murdered her in cold blood for your awful vanity and pride you will pay you're here i heard the next snap damn cruel and abhorrent behavior will not stand in this country these leagues justice won this battle but the war is far from over heed these words kinda makes me hungry watching that hate to say i'll help bring this fella to a doctor once exactly apparently he knew how to put on the charm i'm sure you did the right thing i guess everyone deserves a chance even that rich you know i helped that man took him to the doctor for his arm yep strange time hey stay away from the dead man huh [Music] fancy meeting you up here don't fall off you can hear me what are you doing hello [Music] hi partner join me or the predators will think i'm on my lonesome you're very kind you a bounty hunter mister i have been why no offense i just know the type i've done something myself a couple years back like most things in life you don't live up to the villain and my brother he's dead now but he used to tell me stories about red harlow yep you probably heard of him legendary bounty hunter bringing the savage outlaws of the frontier to justice man who watched his parents get murdered in front of him as a boy but who uses that pain to become a better man and ultimately to wreak his vengeance sure i don't know bounty hunting never felt like that to me nothing heroic about riding for three days to turn in some low down chicken thief nothing easy in this life so i can't sit around all day [Music] what the hell [Music] easy whoa [Music] [Music] so wow [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] easy now wow [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey there friend wanna take the weight off the fire is good and hot misty mi casa su casa friend thanks so you got a girl mister yeah not anymore me neither got my aisle one though i was hunting north of annasburg when i came across this cabin and there's no one there but this woman bit bony but beautiful as the day is long real elegant fancy type two oh yeah i see how you like them too friend don't know what she's doing out there in the middle of nowhere but turns out she's a widow she asked me to leave but in a real nice way made me feel good i watched her from the bushes for a while saw her cry well now i think this is a place i could really hang my saddle a hot dinner and warm bed every night don't sound bad to me at all all right i need to cool down a bit you know i can't have we met before someplace just have one of those faces he'll know uh-uh this is the last thing i need [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well that's a creepy old get up on your face ain't it don't worry about it [Music] hmm [Music] oh [Music] hmm [Music] i'm done listening to your bull crap all day every day i'm gonna knock you upside your head this ain't how it looks i can't believe that worked yeah well we don't got time to celebrate come on so oh it's gonna be out for you you know leaves me one better than a chain gang i'll take my chances i'm just messing with you stay out of sight lose your scent in the river you'll be fine huh yeah well maybe i'll see you around sometime what you reckon you just trade chain round your ankle for a rope around your neck you just shut up partner all right jesus all right don't get your stripes all in a twist you're a low bastard you know that yes [Music] uh jesus so [Music] blue hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] reprobate let's get out of here well let's see [Music] i am gloriously fuddled now i feel so light and heavy at the same time have i told you what an amazing woman you are oh but you are let us be free and wild and bad my dear let us make love like love has never been made before let me take you to the plants wow that was pathetic for all of us the hell are you two people today [ __ ] come on you're so damn funny anyway [Music] well i've been a bad boy again mama a bad bad boy yes you have oh don't go easy on them i need to be taught a lesson oh yeah that's more like it close the drapes if you tell us school i swear i'll kill you thank you for the show get the hell out of here what did i expect not again you filthy pervert have an eye full of this oh [ __ ] ugh [Music] hey [Applause] ah you poor bastard throw it up [Music] oh jesus yeah oh there's some sick tran [Music] crazy now so uh i'm making a point with you [Music] yep easy easy oh my god [Music] [Music] ah have you come for me or was this all nasty surprise or maybe it's both maybe it is a nasty surprise even though you knew i was going to be here which is it you should think about that save yourself thinking about what's about to happen now i'm not going to lie it's not going to be nice and fun i mean it'll be fun for me but it won't be nice for you hmm i'm getting out of here you're coming with me i found that feather you were looking for which fell i'm not giving you a cell until you introduce this boy now put him down there get on your way philippine i've been well it ain't nothing nice a lot of folk disappeared over the past few years this sick son of a [ __ ] well he ain't right in the head that's so ah head over to the cellar that broke down shack on the road to the falls see for yourself okay come on my name is edmund edmund lowry jr and you'll remember that my friend sure i shall no you are a frightening filler i'll all behave sir i'll behave as expected well you better and i'll get you a lawyer don't you worry about that and you get in that cell come as you'll be oh thank you thank you my lord what a monster yeah well like i said have someone head up to his cabin i think he killed quite a few oh there's a lot of sick bastards out there right here here here's some money for your trouble thank you sir what a mess [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] come come and speak with me shall you do you want to hear your fortune sir uh why not this is now the time of machines the time of things the time of man came and went as all things pass all things pass my friend all right [Music] [Music] hey what are you doing friend wandering me too me too what are you wandering for ah no idea man me too me too ah yeah i'll see you around enjoy the sun it's the one true god you know helios nothing else matters all else is lies go my friend find your own path to light and peace [Music] hello there mister whoa now hello hey mister you must be real lonely out here friend so you hungry huh i got food i got food inside come along now come here don't you hate old sonny now don't hate him oh you struggled and you lost but it was quite a tussle i tell you quite a tussle my pet see french avatar oh my god [ __ ] what are you up to friend oh lord no that weren't so bad why is this [Music] happening [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] one two three seven six four five eleven two uh one two ten three five eight thirteen fourteen one two three four seventeen [Music] one two three four five seven eight nine three one two four seven five nine one one one one if you think i'm having a damn thing to do with this you can think again [Music] [Music] good morning good morning [Music] so i got places to be good morning here good morning [Music] [Music] so you found me [Laughter] [Applause] hey what are you doing stay back for your own sake i walk with the undead but your vampire i have been called many names over the centuries now go or i'll feed on you too you're a goddamn idiot i'll suck you dry your blood is mine you are making a grave mistake unbind me and i will spare you the worst [Music] blue [Music] oh oh what's that uh they've been known oh is we need to get there oh [Music] you'll find the show in either of the doors beside me greetings and salutations gentle folk this here's the story about a young couple from the village of annisburg that was courting a few years after the revolutionary war recording in the woods as you know young people want to do stealing away all sneaky like girl by the name of ethel bouchard snuck out of the parlor one evening just as soon as a mother went out to hang clothes on the line from the washington she met up on the road by her farm with a boy by the name of eugene hutton now the hutton boy was an athletic champ like boxing fishing and swinging indian clubs it's quite singular to the story that he didn't seem all that inclined to go to war in the preceding years leading up well they walked in the woods for a while pretty soon they lost their bearings and no longer knew the north from the south northeast from west nile then they heard a low moaning sound what's that terrible noise she said all the trouble must be a sick calf looking for its mama they've been known to ball like that let me take a look said eugene well old eugene went and disappeared around the tree came out the other side and gave her a terrible fry boom she ran out of shriek then went to chastising you should be ashamed of yourself eugene hutton she said instead of giving a girl protection you go carry on acting foolish and fresh like the queen's cries justin but right then and there a chilly wind blew through and knocked off eugene's hat i need to get back home my mama has a terrible temple she's like to stomp up and down if she finds out we're missing she is a fair style woman eugene noted but just then before this couple of miscreants could head home they heard the sound of heavy wheels groaning and people marching the car coffee grew closer and closer and through the fog they could make out the shapes of ghost horses pulling spectral cannons and dead soldiers marching as if their graves could no longer contain them each wearing a vile red coat you will pay for your moral transgressions the dead soldier howled and cut his head clean off mr shark shrieked in heart as eugene's head landed right in her hands his eyes still darting about attempting to discern what horror had transpired little miss ethel bouchard ran as fast as she could stumbling and getting caught on trees as she tore through the forests terrified for her life the dead soldiers marching after hungry for blood when she returned home she told the people of the village that an army of the dead had taken eugene within the confines of the fog british soldiers who died protecting tyranny were rising from their graves is it to continue the fight for the demonic english the town's people erupted in fright and dismay until one dollar came forth and accused her of witchcraft she raised the dead to murder that boy for his pursuit of unwanted advances he said so she too must perish and that very night they put her to the stake and burned her dead now let that be a lesson to you young ones not to go courting in the woods in case the english look there still [Music] there we go ah ah um uh [Music] um [Music] so so [Music] hmm um [Music] [Music] oh [Music] wow
Channel: Zynxize
Views: 7,281,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red dead redemption 2, rdr2, rdr 2, rdr, red dead redemption, red dead redemption 2 easter eggs, rdr2 easter eggs, easter eggs rdr2, red dead redemption 2 easter egg, red dead redemption 2 scary easter eggs, rdr2 best easter eggs, red dead redemption 2 secret locations, rdr 2 secret locations, red dead redemption 2 ufo, red dead redemption 2 missions, rdr2 missions, red dead secret, secret rdr2, zynxize, rdr2 zynxize, top 100
Id: iAiicEbUCYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 21sec (8121 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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