Top 10 Worst Things Airlines Have Ever Done

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they take us to the highest heights but sometimes they're the lowest of the low welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 worst things airlines have ever done before we begin we publish new videos every day so be sure to subscribe for more great content for this list we've ranked the most appalling examples of poor service by passenger airlines and I know there's programs out there that can transport your pet way safer than the cargo of an airplane number 10 bathroom break equals security scare I think some of that intimidation in a moment Society which is having allies when in April 2017 Delta Airlines flight was delayed one passengers call of nature prompted major security protocol kima Hamilton was waiting to fly to Milwaukee from Atlanta when he asked to use the restroom but was told to stay seated with the planes still stuck on the tarmac 30 minutes later he could wait no more and headed to the men's room only for the pilot to swiftly turned the plane around and returned to the gate where mr. Hamilton was removed and everyone else was forced to disembark and reboard which took over two hours I've seen this happen on planes before I never heard of someone be removed in the end Kimmel was questioned by police before having to buy another ticket with only a partial refund on his original seat and I go why are you doing this to me and they go because we're Delta Airlines and life is a nightmare number nine United breaks guitars it's a $3,500 guitar but it's not so much about the money it's the sentimental value a mid-flight misdemeanor so bad it inspired a trilogy of protest songs United Airlines poor treatment of Dave Carol's musical instrument is internet gold Carol was traveling with his band sons of maxwell on the eve of a week-long tour of nebraska in 2008 when from the window of his plane during a layover in Chicago he spotted his equipment being thrown around by baggage handlers shortly after landing Carol found that his $3500 Taylor guitar had been smashed but no matter how hard he complained he found little sympathy and zero compensation we've been doing this for a long time we have hundreds if not thousands of stories that are just like this where guitars have gotten broken so carol did what any enterprising musician would do he turned frustration into song and became an overnight youtube star number eight heated protests air travel can be quite uncomfortable but passengers on a 2017 jet airways flight from Mumbai had to stage a mass protest before their widespread complaints were finally listened to upon boarding several people raised concerns about the cabin temperature with some even suggesting that they were close to suffocating but the crew sent them back to their seats and continued regardless it wasn't until around a hundred and thirty Flyers made a literal stand filling the aisles shortly before takeoff that action was taken and the plane taxied back to the bay now you can stand there and be the panicked angry mob and blame him me and the government for getting you into this but if you want to survive tonight you need to save your energy start working together the technical issue was eventually rectified but not before a lengthy delay number seven Simon the giant rabbit it's one thing to miss handle luggage but transporting animals and pets is another level of responsibility and another queue for massive failure by United Airlines in 2017 news broke that Simon a giant rabbit expected to eclipse his father to become the world's biggest bunny died while being transported by United from London to Chicago much more than simply a sad turn of events Simon perished when staffed in Chicago mistakenly stored him in a chiller and it gets even worse when Simon's owner asked for his body to be sent back to the UK for a post-mortem she found that United had already arranged a cremation without her consent this is a really really important executive that United uses more every single day and it would be an absolute shame if anything happen to it number six ban on breastfeeding when did that become acceptable and the old days a woman would never consider doing that in public they don't find a barn officially United Airlines says that nursing mothers are welcome on its aircraft but the staff on a 2016 flight from Salt Lake City to Los Angeles clearly missed the memo Juliet Thompson was breastfeeding her baby when at the insistence of an angry passenger United cabin crew told her to cover up beneath a blanket United staff did apologize on arrival at LAX but Miz Thompson later said she felt ganged up on throughout the ordeal and her experience isn't an isolated incident she said you can go to the bathroom and I said the bathroom is not sanitary and I can't pump in a bathroom in 2015 another mother asked a United attendant to direct her to the nursing station during a layover in Washington DC only to be taken to the pet Relief Center number five you want to take this outside the leased airplane passengers expect is a pilot who appears calm and in control but travel with Air India and that's not always what you get apparently so much better it is on multiple occasions an Air India pilot has shocked passengers by engaging in a mid-flight punch up in 2009 as part of the widely publicized midair molestation case an allegation of sexual assault provoked a brawl between pilot copilot and air hostess which spilled out into the cabin in 2015 fighting pilots kept their ruckus inside the cockpit but both were grounded when it emerged that the first officer beat the pilot up before takeoff but neither reported the incident until post flight number four just say no to leggings I wear them cuz they're comfortable like I don't really like jeans cuz they're really tight in the waist lots of us like to dress down when we fly but two girls apparently overstepped the mark when they turned up for a United flight in leggings the pair was refused entry onto the plane as the airline felt they were not properly clothed no jeggings what come on that their jean the incident caused a social media storm and it emerged that a third passenger had also fallen short of United's bizarre dress code but sidestepped the rule by donning a dress over top if that you start enforcing that as a dress code what's next United responded to criticism by explaining that the passengers in question had been traveling with a United employee pass for which different rules applied but the whole episode proved to be a PR disaster number three pet travel troubles when Kathleen Considine arrived at Portland Airport in February 2017 she expected to be excitedly greeted by her beloved golden retriever Jacob instead her pet was unresponsive and was soon pronounced dead the dog died shortly after a United flight from Detroit which saw him unexpectedly kept in Chicago for 20 hours overnight without food it was just not not caring to chuck not only did the airline not allow food to be sent with the retriever but it was also suggested that someone had given Jacob some form of meds during his journey all told 7-year old Jacob couldn't survive the trip and his owner took to Facebook to call for a United boycott by animal lovers number two massive computer outages hopefully we won't miss our connection because it's a system-wide while delta isn't the only airline to experience large-scale computer issues it did suffer two of the largest outages within a few months of one another in the early 21st century in August 2016 loss of power at an Atlanta Operations Center triggered international delays and over 1,000 cancellations costing 150 million dollars fast-forward to January 2017 and a similar IT issue grounded all Delta flights for a number of hours resulting in almost 300 canceled journeys well it's deja vu all over again as they say disgruntled passenger is vented on Twitter and Airport chaos ensued thanks to airline mergers across the board lots of carriers were affected leaving customers stranded and scrambling for hotels all over the world before we unveil our number one pick here is an honorable or in this case this honorable mention [Music] number one overbooked and over-aggressive probably the word ashamed comes to mind they featured more than any other airline today and United takes our top spot in April 2017 the carrier made worldwide headlines over footage of a United passenger being forcibly removed from an overbooked flight for the past two weeks our team has been working to answer two questions how did this happen and how can we do our best to ensure it never happens again dr. David Dowell lost two teeth and broke his nose in the incident which brought to light ongoing issues with the common practice of overbooking flights to reduce empty seats although united quickly agreed to a settlement and announced customer service improvements in the wake of the viral clip the airline saw its popularity plummet off all the unexplainable and inexcusable airline misdeeds the dragging of doctor Dow from his bought and paid for seat is the worst of the worst inviting you to come fly the friendly skies do you agree with our picks check out these other great clips from WatchMojo and subscribe for new videos every day [Music]
Views: 1,202,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top 10, list, top 5, bad things airlines have done, worst things airlines have done, worst things united airlines has done, United Airlines, Delta Airlines, Jet Airways, Air India, David Dao, man dragged off united flight due to overbooking, overbooking, computer outages, air india pilot fight, simon the giant rabbit, united killed giant rabbit, united killed Jacob the golden retriever, Kathleen considine, leggings, united airlines ban on breastfeeding, breastfeeding
Id: R0ZY5sH5JaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2017
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