Top 10 Fast Food Conspiracy Theories

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what's actually in the Nuggets is there any pink goop welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 fast food conspiracy theories one customer named Aaron Rodriguez told the journal that when he goes to Starbucks instead of Aaron with two A's I'm constantly getting Aaron on the cup or Aaron that's one little thing I do miss when I use the app for this list we'll be looking at the craziest tin foil hat ideas about fast food joints whether they're true or not which of these theories do you believe let us know in the comments number 10. KFC uses mutant chicken it's no surprise that the signature dish at Kentucky Fried Chicken is well their chicken but even though it's literally in their name some have theorized that they don't use poultry at all at least not the normal kind instead a viral rumor claimed they used genetically engineered hens AKA mutant meat mutant the company's rebranding to KFC only fueled the fire with some believing they changed because they didn't legally serve chicken anymore for their part KFC has publicly denied the rumor at every turn and even took its Originators to court one more rumor going around regarding the KFC name change that warrants discussion and that's the one that says they weren't allowed to describe their product as chicken KS he says that's particularly ridiculous based on the Hefty fine the theorists got odds are they won't be clucking conspiracies again anytime soon [Music] number nine impossible Whoppers do the impossible in 2019 Burger King launched a vegetarian alternative to their classic burger but some very vocal critics attested that the so-called impossible Whopper did more than just taste good it also gave men breasts what allegedly the plant-based Patty was chock full of so much estrogen that it could alter a person's Anatomy almost immediately Burger King labeled it a complete hoax other online sources came to their defense pointing out that there's little scientific evidence linking estrogen consumption with adverse side effects especially something as severe as growing breasts since Burger King has since expanded their impossible menu it looks like they've left this theory behind them that's an impossible offer I'm a damn fool number eight the Starbucks logo is hiding something sinister the devil is in the details or in this case the logo The Devil Went Down to Georgia he was looking for a soul to steal see Starbucks original mascot was a scantily clad siren with two mermaid tails one that when flipped upside down apparently looked a bit like the devil far-fetched or not the Starbucks logo has since been updated several times each with significantly less fuss about its supposed religious messaging in 1992 Heckler redesigned the Beloved siren again he zoomed into the design so that only the top of both her Tails were visible and her navel was no longer shown ironically they wouldn't be the last join in town accused of devil worship one Twitter user found that several Outback Steakhouse locations are positioned in the vague shape of a pentagram pentagram naturally although if you ask the company's official Twitter they think it looks like their signature Bloomin Onion dish number seven the real reason McDonald's Coke tastes so good the most lauded item on McDonald's menu Isn't the Big Mac the McNugget or even the french fries no it's their Coca-Cola coke coke coke the soft drink is served at plenty of other fast food locations but for some reason the prevailing opinion is that McDonald's just tastes better it's no Placebo though there's actual science behind it while McDonald's gets the same Coke syrup as their competitors they follow particularly strict guidelines to ensure the beverage stays carbonated [Applause] factors like their water filtration their storage containers and even the size of their straws all help give their Coke a leg up sounds like a lot of work but clearly it's paid off do you really want to live in a world without Coca-Cola number six the Domino's Pizza Tracker is a sham nothing beats ordering a pizza straight to your doorstep and dominoes made it easier than ever with dom Tom promise me we stick together the live service tracker showed customers exactly where their order was in the delivery process the only issue is that some people didn't buy it a large Theory spread that the so-called tracker was just a timer meant to dissuade customers from calling the restaurant a former employee even confirmed as much it's a widely believed fact but dominoes themselves quickly stepped in and set the record straight they verified that Dom is in fact a live process manually updated at every step either way Pizza is still Pizza no matter when it gets to your door a lovely cheese pizza just for me number five Chipotle was sabotaged apparently all's fair in love wore and fast food at least if this theory is to be believed in 2015 Chipotle's stock was hit hard by a sudden E coli outbreak and still this morning the exact cause of it all remains a mystery but as the company's worth sank a few Choice shares skyrocketed that when paired with the virus's odd proclivity for Chipotle products led a few to suspect that this was no mere accident but rather an act of corporate sabotage and what is your explanation and where are these saboteurs after all there are some who financially benefited from the Scandal however in the many years since there's been absolutely zero evidence to back up the claim instead all signs point to this being a tragic accident and nothing more but more importantly the incidents damaged Chipotle's reputation with customers number four the secret ingredient of a McNugget McDonald's came under serious mcfire when a rumor alleged that their classic chicken nuggets were made from a goopy pink slime even more disturbing the pink elephant in the room what are legitimately in McNuggets is their pink goop the claim had photo evidence and it wasn't exactly what you'd call appetizing as you can imagine the masses were equally outraged and disgusted in fact McDonald's got so much Flack they had to make a response video showcasing how a McNugget is actually made and spoiler alert there's no pink slime involved then the Chicken McNugget shapes we covered with a light bath and covered by a second thicker batter called tempura the rumors haven't entirely been laid to rest and there's still an official page on the McDonald's website refuting the claim but the McNugget looks a lot tastier today than it did in 2014 that's for sure and what type of food is a McNugget some type of uh paella number three Church's Fried Chicken is anything but Heavenly as far back as the 1980s churches and their iconic chicken have been the focus of some wild urban legends the craziest one that they're actually owned and operated by the KKK who use it to pursue their own supremacist agenda the Ku Klux Klan supposedly they chicken with an ingredient that makes men sterile since churches has a reputation for appealing to African Americans it would take them off the board in a delicious non-violent way that's evil and yet over the years not a single person has ever claimed that churches caused their infertility given that there's no data to back it up you can probably toss this one into the proven fall spin liar you are a liar no I'm not number two why the McDonald's ice cream machine is always broken you may want to plan to get your sugar fix elsewhere despite The Delectable McFlurries on their dessert menu the McDonald's ice cream machine is chronically down for repair past week 19 of them were down in San Diego 28 percent in New York City orders are turned away so frequently it's become a full-blown viral meme for years many theorize that the machines aren't actually to blame but they're only half right the real issue is that the ice cream maker takes up to four hours to clean and each step in that process has to be done and executed a certain amount of time or the whole thing fails and it needs to restart and that's if there's someone tending to it which isn't always the case or even possible in a busy work environment rather than explaining all of that most employees just blame it on a malfunction and move on it means no ice cream either way it's true you know subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into settings and switch on your notifications number one Starbucks misspells your name on purpose no matter if you're a Joe or a Tom Starbucks Baristas will somehow find a way to spell your name wrong sometimes hilariously so one customer named Aaron Rodriguez told the journal that when he goes to Starbucks instead of Aaron with two A's I'm constantly getting Aaron on the cup or Aeron that's one little thing I do miss when I use the app at this point most coffee goers have just accepted it but a few others have suggested it's an intentional marketing Ploy the more egregious they spell your name the more likely you are to send it to friends or post it online there's no such thing as bad press right hey thanks for spelling two of our names right you guys are the best ones yeah of course nice to meet you dude what's mandated an honest mistake or just the Baristas having some fun we'll never know for sure but until we do Starbucks will keep raking in the free publicity Starbucks did you enjoy this video check out these other clips from WatchMojo and be sure to 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Views: 55,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Food, McDonald's conspiracy theories, conspiracies, conspiracy theories, craziest conspiracies, craziest fast food conspiracies, fake conspiracies, fast food conspiracies, fast food conspiracy theories, fast food rumors, fast food rumors false, fast food rumors true, food conspiracies, food conspiracy theories, list, mojo, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo, conspiracy videos, watchmojo fast food, food theory, Food Industry Secrets, Fast Food Scandals, Food Conspiracies Exposed
Id: ffTNbSRAF7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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