Top 10 WORST STATES to Live in America for 2021

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[Music] 2020 is finally over yes folks it's officially 2021 and with a new year comes a new list of the worst states to live in now if your new year's resolution is to be more grateful you should be real grateful if you don't live in any of the places on this list and if you do well maybe your resolution could be to move to a new state i'll even tell you what let's hit 5 000 likes and i'll make a video on the top 10 best dates for 2021 but today we're talking about the worst states which of course include a few of the usual suspects but also quite a few newcomers as well since the pandemic has really lowered the quality of life in many places so besides the usual statistics we use to rank these states including their economy safety education cost of living and overall quality of life this year we're also factoring in how good each state's job security and unemployment benefits are and whether or not they handle the pandemic poorly but enough with my spiel these are the top 10 worst states to live in for 2021. dang i can't believe i just said that it's actually 2021. number 10. illinois pretty much all of you illinoisians got really annoyed when your state didn't make my worst dates for 2020 list well okay weirdos you got your wish this year but it wasn't just our comment section gallup actually conducted a poll where over 25 percent of illinois residents claimed their state to be the worst which was far more than any other state on the list the stats however just don't back that up so why do so many illinois residents hate living here well outside of the chicago area the rest of the state is just boring it's flat and pretty much only consists of uninteresting small towns and farms and in chicago well actually in the whole state really you have to deal with some of the highest taxes in the nation including the second highest effective property tax rate at 1.95 percent and despite all of those taxes the infrastructure still sucks since illinois also has the second most corrupt state government five of the last eight illinois governors have actually been arrested for corruption charges and while chicago is normally the only fun place here because of the pandemic you can't even fully experience it due to all the regulations in place so currently in january it's just dark colds and there's nothing to do well unless you count meth in which case there's a ton of labs downstate number nine alaska while illinois has the highest percentage of residents who think their state's the worst alaska has the highest percentage of residents who think their state's the best now they're both wrong of course but at least alaska's got beautiful scenery the main reason it isn't a great place to live however is that it's the second most dangerous state the crime rate is 52 above the national average and the violent crime rate is the highest in the nation at 129 above the national average besides for the more rural parts being pretty much lawless the high crime might also have something to do with alaska having the fourth worst public schools although that might also have to do with the fact that there's no state income or sales tax so it really depends on your priorities in fact the state actually pays you to live here with a few thousand dollar check every year as an oil dividend but if you think that means you'll save money you couldn't be more wrong most of alaska lies north of the 60th parallel which means the entire state gets brutally cold now that can range anywhere from the single digits fahrenheit in anchorage to negative 50 in fairbanks but regardless of where you live your heating bills will be through the roof and just about everything else is super expensive too since most things need to be imported alaska actually has the second most expensive utility and grocery costs and state number three isn't even close number eight nevada year after year nevada is either the fastest or second fastest growing state and there's a few reasons for that housing's a lot cheaper than the neighboring state of california and the weather's still great with tons to do in the las vegas metropolitan area which is where nearly 75 of all nevadans reside but since so many californians have been moving here that more affordable cost of housing has started to become not so affordable with the median home value skyrocketing to 327 thousand dollars and projected to increase by another 12 percent over the next year this wouldn't be terrible if the state actually offered good jobs but most of the jobs are tourism or service related so they don't exactly pay the best not to mention the pandemic probably hurt nevada more than any other state due to its economy relying so much on tourism and the casinos the lack of people traveling enforced shutdowns over the past year have led to the highest unemployment rate in the country at 10.2 percent and many salaries have also been cut since businesses aren't making as much money now most things have since reopened but nevada also has one of the highest coveted positive test rates at nearly 15 percent so the people who are fortunate enough to still have jobs are also the most at risk and besides that fear you also have to worry about the homeless drunk people and drug related issues because nevada has the fifth highest violent crime rate at 45 percent above the national average number seven kentucky besides bourbon colonel sanders and maybe the derby most people not from kentucky probably don't know much about the state but while its awful quality of life wasn't quite bad enough to make the top 10 last year the suckery going on here can no longer be ignored kentucky has the third lowest life expectancy at just 75.4 years and has six of the top 20 counties with the lowest life expectancies in the country two of which don't even see the average resident living to be 70. maybe that's due to the lack of healthy food and fifth highest obesity rate at 35 or maybe it's because the health care system here just sucks or maybe all those things are related but hey at least the public schools aren't terrible although kentucky also has the fourth highest teen pregnancy rate and sixth lowest high school graduation rate at just 85.7 percent so education doesn't seem to be a top priority and because of this there just aren't many good jobs the median household income of fifty two thousand hundred 200 is the seventh lowest in the nation and a full thirteen thousand five hundred dollars lower than the national average now sure the cost of living is also pretty cheap with a median home value of just 157 grand but it obviously isn't cheap enough considering that 17.2 percent of the population still lives below the poverty line number six new mexico the land of enchantment loses its magic real fast once you live here this beautiful state might be breathtaking to visit but it's also riddled with the worst crime in the country with an overall crime rate 59 above the national average and a violent crime rate 120 above the national average not to mention the state also suffers from the second highest poverty rate at 19.6 percent it's kind of ironic that the first ever atomic bomb was dropped here since the destruction of the state and its quality of life has only escalated ever since from having by far the worst public schools in the nation and fifth lowest high school graduation rate to there just not being many good jobs that aren't employed by the federal government it makes sense that new mexico has the sixth lowest median household income at just fifty one thousand nine hundred dollars combine that with a median home value of nearly two hundred and twenty five thousand dollars which isn't nearly as cheap as the other states that suck this bad and it isn't hard to see that most people are struggling and why so many have resorted to crime number five arkansas oh boy we made it to the top five aka the part of the list that almost always features a number of deep south states that suck every year and while arkansas might be the least bad of the bunch the only thing the natural state is unnatural at is stinking no like literally a lot of the state smells like chicken and cow poo now if you're not from here you probably don't know much about the place and let me save you the visit because outside of maybe the ozarks which are more beautiful in missouri in my opinion there's nothing worth visiting and definitely no reason to live here but then again does anyone ever really think of moving to arkansas well actually yeah it's grown by around point three six percent each year i don't know why but it has despite having the third worst infrastructure second worst health care system fifth lowest life expectancy third highest obesity rate third highest infant mortality rate and the highest teen pregnancy rate in the nation maybe arkansans just don't know how bad their state is since it's also the fourth least educated state that's probably why it's still called the land of opportunity even though there's practically no opportunity the median household income of forty eight thousand nine hundred dollars is the third lowest in the country and the poverty rate of sixteen point eight percent is the seventh highest at adding the fourth highest filing crime rate that's 54 above the national average and it's no wonder the residents are next to last when it comes to happiness number four alabama well would you look at that 2020's worst state to live in isn't even in the top three this year but that's more a product of the next few states just sucking more than alabama actually improving so it should come as no surprise that the cotton state is still one of the poorest in the country with the third worst public school's fifth highest crime rate sixth highest obesity rate and is tied with kentucky for the third lowest life expectancy the economy also sucks with the nation's fifth lowest median household income at just fifty one thousand seven hundred dollars and if you lose your job here due to the pandemic your maximum weekly unemployment payment is just 275 bucks no wonder nearly 17 of residents live below the poverty line there's also no moratorium on evictions or utilities being shut off no mandated paid sick or family leave and no requirements for personal protective equipment for workers basically alabama would like to let all of its residents know that it doesn't give a crap about them and if that didn't send the message maybe the 13.3 positive cova test rate combined with the fifth worst healthcare system well number three west virginia i honestly feel really bad for west virginians most of them are good decent hard-working people but they just can't seem to catch a break every year the quality of life in the mountain state continues to suffer and while there finally seems to be a small rebound to the economy with the gdp and median incomes going up west virginia still has the second worst economy with the second lowest median household income at just forty eight thousand eight hundred dollars and the poverty rate of seventeen point seven four percent is the fourth highest this small economic recovery is also most likely short-lived since the coal and energy industries that the state heavily relies on won't last forever speaking of which it is so devastating to see the once beautiful mountain peaks now stripped of their glory due to mountaintop removal mining and the forests and rivers that wind through them give off an eerie hollowness especially near the many abandoned ghost towns add in the worst infrastructure of any state and it isn't hard to see why west virginians are the most unhappy residents with a depression rate of 25.6 this combined with the second highest obesity rate of 39.7 has resulted in the lowest u.s life expectancy at just 74.8 years but despite having the second worst education and fourth worst healthcare system the people of west virginia remain resilient and united they haven't resorted to crime despite their struggles and the crime rate is actually 23 percent below the national average number two louisiana louisiana just barely clung onto its number two spot from last year's list because the state still sucks and it's actually gotten a lot worse fortunately for louisiana however our number one stake got even more worse now every year the pelican state is ranked as the most corrupt state in the nation but in 2020 it wasn't even close the next closest state illinois had over 40 percent less government officials arrested for corruption charges maybe all that political corruption explains why louisiana has the sixth worst health care the second worst public schools third worst economy and infrastructure the most corrupt prison system and ranks dead last in terms of economic opportunity even all the glitz and glam of new orleans can't gloss over the crime and corruption of the state with an overall crime rate nearly 50 above the national average but since the government seems to care more about tourist dollars than the actual residents the people are struggling especially now with the pandemic causing the loss of so many tourism jobs the unemployment rate is actually the fourth highest in the nation at 8.3 percent and if you lost your job due to covid your weekly unemployment insurance could be as low as 10 who the heck can live on 40 bucks a month and those who are lucky enough to still be employed still aren't very lucky considering the median household income is just 51 000 and louisiana has the third highest poverty rate at 18.91 now before we get to number one make sure you leave a like and subscribe and let me know what video you want to see next and i also wanted to give a quick honorable mention to california which yes sucks in a ton of categories including having the highest high school dropout rate the highest pollution levels and insanely expensive cost of living corrupt and overreaching local and state governments high taxes and terrible traffic but despite its problems it's impossible to deny the nearly perfect weather beautiful nature and amazing economy if it weren't for all the incredible job opportunities across so many different industries and a median household income of nearly 81 000 california might have been on this list but as much as people hate it we still have to give props where it's due and without further ado number one mississippi yep thank god for mississippi is officially back and worse than ever now the magnolia state was actually making improvements over the past few years but that all changed in 2020. home to the absolute worst economy in the nation with the lowest median household income of just 45 700 the highest poverty rate at 20.1 percent the highest obesity rate at 40.8 percent and the second lowest life expectancy at just 74.9 years mississippi ranks either dead last or very close in every category that matters heck it doesn't even have a minimum wage other than the federal minimum wage of 7.25 an hour and people who lost their job due to the pandemic aren't even making that the maximum weekly unemployment benefit is just 235 which means the most you could get for a month is just 940. how the heck is anyone supposed to feed their family pay rent and cover utilities on that maybe mississippi just can't do math since it's also by far the least educated state either way mississippi probably took a bigger nosedive over the past year than even the year 2020 did and thus is the worst state to live in for 2021
Channel: From Here to There
Views: 1,783,819
Rating: 4.6850142 out of 5
Keywords: worst states to live in, Top 10, worst states in america, best states to live in, where to live in america, worst states, best states in america, worst cities to live in, california, best cities to live in, america, cheapest states, texas, missouri, chicago, illinois, kentucky, memphis, tennessee, alaska, west virginia, las vegas, nevada, arkansas, small towns, mississippi, alabama, new mexico, louisiana, oklahoma, worst places to live, geography, best states, usa, Travel, cheapest places to live
Id: q1tfzJx9YgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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