Top 10 WORK HARD Strategies for Entrepreneurs - #OneRule

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work work work work work work work work work work you know Gary player the great golfer he was a little guy very little but he worked really hard and he had a great statement but he'd go the harder I work the luckier I get and he wins the US Open you have all these big handsome guys these big giant guys and they're hitting the ball a mile and you have Gary Player and Gary Player would win the open hid win the Masters hid win this it went that and he said you know hey he in the US Open he in a 5-iron to one foot from the Hall and he ended up getting a birdie and wins the US Open right and he came off to clean I I know I've heard the statement before but I heard it from him in a meaningful way they said what do you think Gary what is it he said all I know is I've been working very hard and the harder I work the luckier I get I thought it was an amazing statement anyway I'm in meetings a lot my Keller gets very full with those and then at night after the kids have gone to bed I'm on email a great deal I get messages during the day that's my chance to give long responses and then over the weekend I send a lot of mail as well as well I take two weeks a year to just go off and read and think where I'm not interrupted by work or anything else I'm just solidly trying to think about the future and people get to send me things to read as part of that so-called think week so it's nice mix of things about 25% of the time that I'm out traveling around meeting with customers Europe Asia and that sort of helps me think okay do we have the right priorities what what are people responding well to and what would they they like to see us do better I say to the my girls all of the time that your real work is to figure out where your power base is and to work on the alignment of your personality your gifts that you have to give with the real reason why you're here that's that's the number one thing you have to do is to work on yourself and to fill your self up and keep your cup full keep yourself full now I used to be afraid of that I used to be afraid particularly from people who say L oh she said she still filled her Sam she's so good herself and now I embrace it I considered a compliment that I am full of myself because you only when you're full I'm full I'm overflowing my cup runneth over I have so much I have so much to offer and so much to give and I am not afraid of honoring myself you know it's miraculous when you think about it people just say what they want to say but I just represent you know being sucker free and working hard and being positive I don't hate on nobody I'm not a negative individual and I just wake up and I just go for my and I just try to work the hardest I could work and I could have went a lot of different routes but I just decided to go the route of hard work the expectation from where I came from and listen I didn't come from like the slums and you know Bangladesh or something so I don't want to overemphasize it but the expectation was I would be a cop so I took the policeman's test and when I was 17 or 18 years old with my little brother Josh he wound up going into the police and I wound up going to afford him but at the time my dad had had his restaurant repossessed by the federal agents for not paying his taxes so they came with shotguns that summer in 1988 and they close this place down and that was the most traumatic moment of my life it probably is the second most traumatic moment realize after 9/11 and when that happened that changed everything about me as a person like to see your dad have his restaurant taken even guy talking about it now it's a 42 year old and I just thought to myself wow you know that he lost everything and he never recovered from it that was like the end of his entrepreneurial career and I said to myself I'm never gonna fail at business no matter what it takes I'll win mm-hmm cuz I'm never gonna what the feds take my place and he went $100,000 in debt you know in tax evasion and all that stuff and it was very scary but I had no money to go to college so I had to work three jobs and go to school at night at Fordham and I learned to work ethic that I think made me who I am today like I'm a very hard worker I'm not the smartest kid in the class you know but you know just in terms of being clever and having hustle I think my career proves like I'll get it done no matter what depending on how well you want to do in particularly if you're starting a company you need to work super hard so what is super hard mean well when my brother and I was starting out first company instead of getting an apartment we just rented a small office and we slept on the couch and we showered at the YMCA and we're so hot up we had just one computer so the website was up during the day and I was coding at night seven days a week all the time and I I sort of briefly had a girlfriend in that period and in order to be with me she had to sleep in the office so I work hard like it mean every waking hour that's that's the the thing I would I would say if you're particularly if you're starting a company and I mean if you do simple math to say like okay if somebody else is working 50 hours and you're working 100 you'll get twice as done as much done in the course of a year as the other company they always been focused on work ethic you know I always been taught there's there's always going to be something that's better but there's no reason why I think that applies not only to sports but it applies to anything that you're trying to do you have to work harder than other people if you want to be the best and never be satisfied you know I never satisfy always so I think what I can do next to be better you want to get your work ethic so high that people actually admire you I'm going to ask you a question right now do people know you because of your unbelievable work ethic if you can't answer yes to that man you're not going to get in that top 10% you got to get at the top you people have to know you not because oh he's a good salesman oh he's a good dish oh he's an artist so he's a good pianist oh he's a he writes a great you know story no did people need to know you for one major thing first he works he produces the guys there every day the guys pushing and shoving because the truth is no matter how good your ideas are how good your art is or how good your skill set is if you're not working man if you're not vibrating in a frequency that people say my god how does that guy do all that if you're not vibrating at that rate 10x levels massive action tremendous work ethic that's just a muscle nowness it's just a discipline in your life as a way it's a normal way that other people think is abnormal Ryan Seacrest Tom Cruise Oprah Steven Spielberg Donald Trump still pumping and working as a billionaire look if you're not working at that level you're not going to make it get your work ethic in man it's the American Way work ethic I think there's no secret to success I mean I think a B definitely hit the nail on the head it's it's all about hard work it's all about going out there and and practicing more than your opponent than your teammates it's it's about mentally preparing every single day it's about not slacking off putting in that time and work and you could tell from Abby that she is put in that work and that's I think the reason that she is so so successful but at the end of the day end of the day there is no there is no secret to why we are so successful you have to work I try to do it almost every day this is why I'm in top level many many years I think it's not it's not by confidence it's a because I do it extra outside the pitch when I'm 12 years old most of the people told me Christian we are very very good talent player but you are very skinny very slim and I'd put in my mind the body we can improve we can improve you got gym duplication and not work you can improve so I will improve myself athleticism means a lot for me I think the small details in hands gonna make a huge difference to compare with with the other players so I think it's very important to do this kind of work and I think it's going well on me this is why I am in good shape almost all the year and I want to carry on like that because it's helped me a lot it's part of me I'm not doing that kind of work because I have to it's because it's part of me thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this series let me know what you think and if we should continue on in the comments below and it also love to know which of these 10 lessons rules you liked the most leave in the comments and I'll join in the discussion thank you so much for watching continue to believe and I'll see you soon
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 207,644
Rating: 4.8999743 out of 5
Keywords: Elon Musk (Organization Leader), Donald Trump (Organization Leader), Oprah Winfrey (Celebrity), Ronaldo (Football Player), bill gates, Derek Jeter, Grant Cardone, Bill Gates (Organization Leader), Alex Morgan, Cristiano Ronaldo, work, advice, entrepreneur, Leadership (Quotation Subject), job, business, success, Advice (Media Genre), Progress, Training, Career, Working, Interview, Job (Quotation Subject)
Id: pkH5EwEI_LU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2015
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