Top 10 Vegetables to grow in Fall & through Winter

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[Music] fall it's a season buzzing with harvest of vegetables that love the cool season in today's episode we look at the top 10 cool season vegetables you must grow in the fall season starting at number 10 is brussels sprouts brussels sprouts are best grown in the fall season and the plants sprout mini cabbage like vegetables on the stem hence the name brussels sprouts brussels sprouts loves the cooler fall weather the brussels sprouts plant produces a cruciferous vegetable that resemble mini cabbages you can see here how the plant produces on the side of its stem you can just cut off the mini brussels sprouts just like you see here using a knife and you can get some really fresh and delicious brussels sprouts and the plant produces enormously you can see a harvest here this is a bowl full of harvest and the plant will keep growing and will keep producing more brussels sprouts during the season and while we have grown brussels sprouts in raised beds they're just as easy to grow in containers as you can see here and as you can see here the plant has grown really well in this five gallon container instead of harvesting individual sprouts we are harvesting the entire plant here we are removing the stem using some heavy duty pruners you can see how woody and strong the stem is it needs to be so to support all the brussels sprouts it produces on the side so this is the second method of harvesting brussels sprouts which is to cut off the entire stem and then harvest the sprouts and this is how brussels sprouts are sold in the grocery store as well which allows them to remain fresh for a longer time you can see a pattern in which the brussels sprouts have formed on the plant and it's clear that mother nature does not cease to impress us with these wonders here you can see two brussels sprout plants that are again growing in a container next to a fruit tree and they have produced a lot of brussels sprouts which we will go ahead and harvest and with just a few brussels sprouts we're getting such a large harvest that it was becoming difficult to consume so much the brussels sprouts have an amazing taste brussels sprouts are low in calories but high in many nutrients especially fiber vitamin k and vitamin c they are especially rich in magnesium and phosphorus so you are eating a delicious vegetable rich in antioxidants and fiber that is very good for your gut health brussels sprouts grown in hotter weather may not grow that well and may either bolt which is produce flowers or produce sprouts that are hard brown in color and not so tender so it's best to grow brussels sprouts in the cooler fall weather coming in at number nine are beets beets are extremely easy to grow and harvest from small containers like you see here they can also be grown in bunches in a whiskey barrel container they will branch out and produce beet roots in this situation very nicely in this whiskey barrel we are growing several varieties of beets different colors different taste and a lot of nutrition value we have grown beets even in our vertical growing system the green stock planter and have gotten really good results from growing them in the smaller pockets of the green stock leaf planter and i highly recommend growing beets in a vertical system like the green stock planter to save space and still grow an abundant amount of beets so if you're planning to get your own green stock planter don't forget to use coupon code cag to save an additional 10 of your order and the biggest beet roots are grown in larger areas like the raised bed or in the ground we have grown beets in raised beds several times and i've always gotten good results so beets grow great both in containers and in raised beds the best thing about growing beets is that they come in a variety of colors and flavors and you should grow as many varieties as possible eat a rainbow as she says the colors in vegetables like beets are due to the presence of anthocyanins which have excellent health benefits for you beets are a great source of nutrients including fiber foliate and vitamin c beets also contain nitrates and pigments that may help lower blood pressure and improve athletic performance and beets are delicious and fit very well into a healthy and balanced diet while you can eat beet greens which are also very delicious you can use beet roots to cook up a delicious beetroot soup that will leave your taste buds wanting for more number eight on our list is the ever mighty cabbage this magnificent fall vegetable is easy to grow and is so delicious that you will grow this every season you can see a harvest here from a container cabbage heads form very well in the cooler months there are also several varieties of cabbage that you can grow this one is a conical head cabbage which is usually not sold in grocery stores so it's great to grow your own now cabbage can be grown in raised beds too in fact the largest cabbages we have harvested are from raised beds there's much more space on raised beds and more soil too which results in huge cabbage heads being formed like the one you see here cabbage also have a few insects that you need to deal with like worms and slugs but overall cool season grown cabbage turns out to be very good and you can grow multiple cabbage plants and containers here you can see we are growing and harvesting two cabbage plants from one whiskey barrel sized container which is about 24 gallons and measures 15 inches tall by 24 inches wide and cabbage is grown in the hotter weather usually do not form a head they may be malformed and they may even go straight to producing flowers without producing a cabbage head at all here is a savoy cabbage that was grown in the hot summer month of july and you can see it did not form a head at all this is why fall is the best time to grow cabbage cabbage is a low calorie food that is rich in vitamin c and vitamin k being a cruciferous vegetable it helps reduce inflammation cabbage is also rich in fiber which helps digestion and maintains good gut health and all this while being so delicious makes cabbage one of the top fall crops to grow moving on to number seven cauliflower one of my favorite vegetables to grow and eat is cauliflower now this is one vegetable that i grow every year yes each year cauliflower is best grown in the cooler fall season which in southern california means starting them in october when the nights are a lot cooler cauliflower can easily be grown in containers up to three in a whiskey barrel size container or one in each five gallon container you can see how well the cauliflower head is formed here this is why it's best to grow cauliflower in the cooler fall weather as they will form a really nice and crispy cauliflower head when grown during the cooler months and the cauliflower plants produces leaves that are edible too you can drizzle cauliflower leaves with olive oil and salt and bake them to get crispy cauliflower leaf fritters which are excellent in taste just like its other cruciferous vegetable cousins cauliflowers require a good dose of an all-purpose fertilizer preferably organic when starting out and then worm tea and fish emulsion every 15 days since planting make sure your soil contains a lot of organic matter like compost and worm castings to provide all the micronutrients that the cauliflower needs to produce these nice heads now cauliflowers grow very well in raised beds like you see here the extra spacing helps them produce good sized curds or heads however they can very well be grown in containers like this whiskey barrel container you see here up to two or three cauliflower plants can be easily grown to harvest decent sized heads just from containers cauliflowers grown during the hotter months are plagued with problems like buttoning where the heads do not form but rather you see a button with almost unusable cauliflower this is very common with cauliflower grown in the summer months or hotter months so please avoid growing cauliflower which is a cool season crop in extremely hot weather grow them in fall another problem that cauliflower has in the hotter months is an improperly formed head which almost looks like flowers again a problem of not growing it in the right season cauliflowers come in a lot of colors too varieties like this purple cauliflower or this cheddar cauliflower that you see here are great options to grow cauliflower is a joy to grow in your garden purple cauliflower is a favorite amongst gardeners as it has a lot of anthocyanins which provide vitamins minerals and a lot of flavor to these beautiful looking cauliflower heads heart healthy cauliflower can be prepared in a lot of different ways we stir fry it with turmeric chili and salt and it makes an amazing cauliflower dish to be eaten with rice or tortillas number six on the list is spinach spinach is one vegetable that you can easily grow in containers and get a great harvest make sure that your soil has an abundant amount of organic matter and worm castings to grow the tastiest spinach most organic spinach you get at the grocery store is hydroponically grown in water and does not taste as good as spinach grown in the soil so make sure you're growing your own spinach each fall spinach is also a great plant to grow in smaller pockets like the green stock leaf planter here you can see we are using the cut and come again method of harvesting spinach which means you harvest what you need and the plant will keep producing more leaves throughout the growing season this is a great way to get a perpetual supply of spinach from your garden you can also grow spinach in raised beds we grow spinach almost every year in raised beds and get really nice size spinach leaves and spinach grown in the hotter months will go to bolt very easily it will produce flowers so you want to avoid growing spinach in the hotter months you can see here we have lots of container grown spinach and they have gone to bolt due to the hotter weather spinach is a plant that produces lots of greens so you want to supply it with a good nitrogen fertilizer for organic options consider well-rotted chicken or cow manure and lots of organic matter and worm castings for salt based options you can use an all-purpose fertilizer which gives a boost of nitrogen to your plants for developing healthy leaves i'll leave some links to these fertilizers in the video description and comments below also make sure that your soil is moist the surface can be dry but make sure you have enough moisture below the plant's roots an easy way to accomplish this is to use organic matter in your soil which retains moisture levels properly spinach has vitamins and minerals like vitamin e and magnesium that support your immune system this is one vegetable that is not only very delicious but also very healthy for you you can eat spinach raw or cooked we usually make a spinach soup by boiling it with spices and lentils and add some shredded coconut and you can eat this as is or with tortillas or rice all in all spinach is one vegetable that is perfect to grow in the fall herbs are number five on the list of plants to grow some examples include cilantro which produce supple and flavorful leaves when growing in the cooler fall season it's best to start cilantro from seeds towards the beginning of the fall season but you can also direct sow them cilantro can be easily grown in containers even shallow ones or multiple in larger containers like you see here when grown in the cooler fall weather you can see how nice the leaves are cilantro is mostly grown as a cut and come again plant and you can usually harvest a lot of cilantro leaves before you pull the entire plant out cilantro grown in the hotter months will still grow however they will bolt which means you will have thin leaves and lots of flowers making the cilantro leaves less usable you can see how the plants started off with nice broad leaves and then tapered into smaller leaves and lots of flowers this is avoided by growing cilantro in the cooler months and also by using slow bold cilantro varieties which produce more leaves and less flowers now cilantro is sometimes confused with coriander which is actually the seeds of the cilantro plant we love growing cilantro in our green stock herb planter too it's perfect for growing herbs like cilantro and it ears great harvest so if you want to save your garden space and grow cilantro vertically this kind of a vertical gardening solution works very well cilantro is one of the herbs that's best grown and harvested fresh the difference between home-grown cilantro its fragrance and its taste is way better than the grocery store bought cilantro so this is one herb that you must grow in your garden to get fresh harvest all throughout the growing season we have grown cilantro in almost every type of container raised beds etc and they grow great here you can see an example of cilantro that's weak and has droopy stems and small leaves this is a classic example of insufficient nutrients in the soil if this is how your cilantro is growing add organic matter manure or any other fertilizer that you have to grow good quality cilantro other herbs like basil are also perfect to grow in the cooler fall weather and there are some very interesting basil varieties to choose from you can see the boxwood basil here one of the most beautiful basil plants looks like a japanese boxwood plant and has fragrant leaves that add a lot of flavor to all your dishes and then there's the classic sweet basil which can be used to flavor your dishes and can also be used to prepare pesto sauce and sweet basil is one of the most commonly used basil varieties for this purpose the thai basil is another popular variety for adding spice and flavor to fried rice and other asian dishes the holy basil is a perennial basil plant that can be used for infusing basil flavor with water and to drink basil flavored tea it's also used in the hindu religion for offering prayers to god we also grew a new basil variety which has variegated leaves and it was a good looking plant that provided a lot of basil leaves number four on our list is peas one of the most underrated plants growing fresh peas in your garden is very rewarding this crunchy and delicious treat is not only easy to grow but produces a lot now we grow the shelling type peas in our garden however you can also grow snap peas both the shelling type and snap peas which are eaten whole are cool season crops that grow great in fall peas also fix nitrogen in the soil so they don't need a lot of fertilizer however amending your soil with organic matter is a must if you want healthy plants peas can also be easily grown in containers a tomato cage works very well as a trellis for growing peas pea plants have lightweight vines that easily grow in this kind of a trellis and this is easily available in your local garden store you can grow multiple pea plants in a single container as they have relatively shallow roots however you will get a much better harvest of peas if you're growing them in a raised bed along a trellis they have a lot more room to grow and your harvest will be a lot bigger throughout the fall season the pea plant will keep producing and you can keep harvesting them one of my favorite things to do is come out in the garden and snack on these peas and it's very refreshing now growing peas along a larger trellis like this arch that we have between our raised beds gave us plenty of space and lots of peas and here are the peas inside the pea pods and i just love eating them whenever the peas are produced kids love eating the peas right off the plants too and this is a great way to introduce them to eating a variety of vegetables they are extremely nice tasting while being healthy pea is a great source of protein especially for all you vegetarians out there it is also high in vitamin c and e and rich in zinc the high concentration of vitamins minerals antioxidants and phytonutrients in peas provides important health benefits that range from keeping your eyes healthy to protecting you against certain cancers so grow and eat peas for optimum health as the peas mature on the plant they turn from very sweet to less sweet so if you like sweeter peas harvest them when they are petite or tender if you like to cook them harvest them when they are a bit more mature towards the end of the season the peas will be a little larger and less sweet some pea pods will turn brown and you can use these to save dried peas for future use by soaking them in water or plant them as a new crop they store for a very long time after drying and number three on our list is radish radishes come in a variety of colors like the watermelon radish that you're seeing here or the bright red cherry bell radish that makes great snacking radish to the long white variety which is one of the best varieties to grow in the cooler fall months or the purple or pink daikon radish which is very easy to grow too you can see here these purple daikon radishes are growing in containers and the container is actually quite shallow but you can see here we are pulling out some decent sized radishes we also have grown radish like the cherry bell variety using vertical growing methods like a green stock planter up to two or three radish plants can be grown in each pocket the white minowase radish is one of the biggest varieties of radish you can grow at home these plants produce some of the best sized roots and the taste is quite pungent which makes them a great radish variety for cooking most of our minowase radish is grown in raised beds almost every year we grow these radish plants in raised beds and pull out really good sized radish one thing that you should never add to your soil when growing radishes are fertilizers if you add too much fertilizer especially nitrogen fertilizers you will get very good looking radish leaves but smaller roots for growing radish just make sure that your soil has good organic matter and well draining soil and you should be all set looking at these radish growing in raised beds i think that these radish roots could drill through concrete if they wanted to they go really deep and then expand to create these beautiful radish roots that you can eat even larger radish varieties like the minowase or daikon radish can be easily grown in medium sized containers like you see here they will grow perfectly fine and produce well in containers the deeper the containers however the better it is for the radish plants and it's easier to send larger roots in a deeper container radishes are packed with vitamins e a c b6 and k and they are high in antioxidants fiber zinc potassium phosphorous magnesium copper calcium iron and manganese wow that's a long list but growing and eating radish may be the best decision for your good health number two on our list is broccoli one of my favorite vegetables to grow and eat broccoli is best grown in seed starting cells and transplanted in fall where it can grow well in the cooler fall weather and even into winters space out your broccoli plants as they do get big and need ample space to produce good broccoli heads and florets the broccoli plant produces one main head which will be the first one to firm and will also be the biggest broccoli are heavy feeders so make sure that you enrich your soil with good quality fertilizers like a vegetable fertilizer as well as lots of organic matter and worm castings in your soil so that the plant can uptake all the nutrients it needs you can see a harvest of the main head here it's nice big and great looking and one of the benefits of growing broccoli early in the fall is that even if your broccoli plant forms its main head very fast which you can harvest in just a few weeks after planting the side shoots will continue to form and you can continue to harvest the side florets till you remove the plant yes the side florid production is what makes the broccoli plant such a productive plant compared to its cruciferous family cousins so as we harvest this big broccoli main head you can see that most of the broccoli plant is green leaves florets everything is green so this means that the plant needs a good supply of a nitrogen-rich fertilizer not only during planting but also every month during the growing season adding well-rotted and aged manure like chicken manure will help boost the nitrogen content in the soil and produce good sized broccoli heads keep adding organic matter to your soil to build up the quality of your soil over a period of time while most of our broccoli is grown in raised beds we also grew broccoli plants in our vertical gardening system the green stock planter and got some really good harvests growing in smaller spaces the broccoli plant however is a large plant with a deep root system for the best growing experience it's recommended that you grow broccoli plants in a larger area like raised beds or use large containers for planting broccoli plants broccoli grown in the hotter months will go to bolt very soon and produce flowers like you see here while technically edible the best way to eat broccoli is by harvesting nice sized green heads and that's why you should grow broccoli in the fall season when the temperatures are cool and the broccoli plant grows at its best now do remember that some broccoli is grown as a sprouting broccoli variety also called broccolini in this video you can see purple sprouting broccoli being harvested it does not have a true head like the regular broccoli but has a head that sprouts it also produces side florets like you see here the purple color denotes the presence of anthocyanins that add a lot of nutrition value to these broccoli the simple fact that the broccoli plant keeps giving for a very long season make it one of the best vegetables to grow in the cool fall weather and number one on our list are carrots now carrots come in a wonderful array of colors like these atomic red carrots and in interesting shapes as well like these romeo carrots carrots are extremely easy to grow in containers and they grow just as well in raised beds too the darker colored carrots have the most intense flavor and the easiest way to grow carrots in my opinion is to grow them in whiskey barrel size containers like these these are 24 inches wide and 15 inches tall and are designed to accommodate and grow a large number of carrots the depth is also enough to produce really long carrots to grow carrots you can sow seeds on the surface and then cover it with straw and keep the top portion of the soil moist and in about 15 days you will have carrot seedlings growing and within about 90 days or so you can start harvesting your carrots pelleted seeds are also an option to sow carrot seeds if you think sowing carrot seeds is tough because they are tiny you can use pelleted seeds to overcome this problem just make a few holes in your container and sew one pelleted seed in each hole the pellet cover itself is biodegradable and the seeds will germinate once the soil is moist this is probably the easiest way to sow carrot seeds and does not require any further work we have grown many carrot varieties like the coroda carrots that you see here nice and fresh and just to give you an idea of how many carrots you can harvest growing them in a container like a whiskey barrel container with rich organic soil we have harvested so many carrots all these carrots lasted a long time they store very well for weeks in the refrigerator and still taste very good carrots have a wealth of antioxidants and offer many health benefits they're good for your eyes they are rich in beta-carotene a compound that your body changes into vitamin a which keeps your eyes healthy carrots are also rich in potassium and have a lot of fiber for good gut health they also have antioxidants that boost heart and immune health with all these health benefits and its delicious taste carrots should be on your list of vegetables to grow in the fall so there we have it if you enjoyed watching this video hit that like button and i always like to hear from you so drop in your comments we'll see you again soon happy gardening you
Channel: California Gardening
Views: 459,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fall gardening, fall gardening tips, fall garden, urban gardening, urban farming, vegetable garden, autumn garden, fall vegetables, fall garden planting, planting a fall garden, fall garden planning, how to plan a fall garden, fall garden varieties, fall garden crops, fall vegetables to grow, when to plant a fall garden, fall garden plants, grow a fall garden, fall garden preparation, Brussel Sprouts, Beets, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Spinach, Herbs, Peas. Radish, Broccoli, Carrots
Id: MpyFZBkUF0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 59sec (1619 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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