7 Vegetables that can survive freezing

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hey guys Rick stone here from the blog our stony acres and the online gardening school welcome to our Friday gardening tip where I try and teach you how to grow your own food in a backyard garden this week we're gonna talk about seven vegetables that you can plant in the fall that can survive freezing and will do well in freezing temperatures before we get started this week please make sure you subscribe to my youtube channel and while you're at it make sure you click that notification bell so that you know when I post new videos and if you like this video please give it a thumbs up okay so we're gonna talk today about seven vegetables and these are my favorite seven plants that you can plant in the fall that can survive freezing temperatures and can grow well into the winter time or even beyond if you want okay now these are my seven favorite I recognize that there are other ones and I would love to have a discussion as to other plants that you guys have found that do really well and survive freezing so let's talk about that in the comment section below now all of these plants are going to survive Frost they're going to survive some cold nights and some freezing nights but they would you do even better if you offered them some protection in the way of a fabric row cover a hoop house maybe a cold frame any of those things will really help to improve how long these plants continues to survive those freezing temperatures okay so go ahead and think about that as well and at the end of the video if you hang around I'll put up some videos on cold frames and hoop houses and how you can design and put those together alright so let's get started with our list number one on the list is spinach now we love spinach for the fall and the winter it's a perfect crop to overwinter it's it's very very Hardy it survives freezing frost doesn't even bother it it's just great the colder temperatures actually improve the flavor and give it a nice sweet taste to it and and so it's just perfect and I did a whole video last week I'll put a link up here on how you can overwinter spinach but spinach is number one on our list and it's a great crop that will survive freezing because it's Oh Hardy it'll do really really well especially if you put it in a cold frame or a hoop house number two on the list is carats now if you have never had a winter harvested carat then you are missing out on one of the greater things in life well okay maybe that's an exaggeration but winter harvested carats are fantastic and the reason why is because those cold freezing temperatures change the starches in the plant into sugars and that makes them really sweet we're talking candy bar sweet they are just fantastic when you grow carrots and let them go into the winter time and get frozen a few times so there are a couple of ways that you can deal with carrots number one you could just plant them get them up and growing and then when the cold weather comes you could cover them with straw or leaves or something like that that's a perfect way the problem with that is is that when the really cold weather comes in the ground freezes it becomes a little bit difficult to harvest those carrots because you kind of are basically prying them out of the ground a better solution is again to use a hoop house or even better a cold frame because during the daytime when the Sun is on that hoop house or that cold frame the ground thaws out and it makes it easy for you to harvest those carrots number three on the list is kale yeah I know a lot of you don't like kale I don't love kale I eat it because it's good for me but if you grow kale when it has the the possibility to be frozen so in the fall and in the winter time it changes kale completely those freezing temperatures sweeten it up and make it just a fantastic delicious totally different beast okay may be delicious is an overstatement but it changes kale a lot if it's been frosted or frozen it just makes it way better and kale is super Hardy in fact there's a lot of years where we'll grow kale out in our garden and not even protect it at all and it will survive the entire winter so kale is very very Hardy especially if you look at the like the the curly leaf varieties those seem to be extra Hardy and do really really well so kale is a perfect plant for freezing temperatures number four on the list is a plant that you are probably not very familiar with it's called mosh okay mosh is also known as corn salad and a lot of times you'll see the leaf sold as corn salad or if you live in Europe it will sometimes be listed as lambs ear so mosh as you can see from this picture is a kind of a leafy lettuce type plant that actually you can use it like you would let us in a salad or something like that but it has a slightly different taste it has kind of a nutty flavor to it good texture on the leaves a very very delicious crop and it is super hearty so it will do so well with freezing temperatures it'll stand up if you live in like a zone 7 or above it will go the whole winter even without protection for those of you that live in zones 6 and below you'll probably want to offer it a cold frame or a hoop house to protect it when it really gets cold but it survives super well and in fact it's one of the few plants that actually will continue to grow even when we have less than ten hours of sunlight so during those winter months it will continue to grow and put on size so a great crop to survive freezing number five on our list is Swiss chard now Swiss chard is a crop that normally you expect to see these big giant beefy stalk plants you know and and that's how it's harvested a lot is these big heavy leaves but if you plant Swiss chard in the fall and then let it grow up till it's just you know six inches tall and then the freezing weather starts to come it again makes it taste really nice and it survives those cold freezing temperatures really really well you can almost grow it like you would a lettuce or a spinach or something like that grow it closer together and it will survive those cold temperatures and give you a good harvest well into the fall or even into the winter time if you want to number six on this list you probably have never heard of before and I have grown this a few times and really really enjoyed it it's a fun plant to grow it's called claytonia and sometimes it'll be referred to as miner's lettuce and the reason why is because it's native to California and the gold miners back in the 1800's used to survive on this kind of weed that grows in the California mountains and Hills that's how they would survive and that's why it got the name of miner's lettuce so it's a leafy green you can see from the picture that it's not a super productive plant so it's a fun plant to grow and it does very very well in the cold weather and it is another one that will continue to grow even if we have less than ten hours of sunlight but it's not a big producer so don't plan on a giant bed of claytonia giving you salads all winter long because that just isn't going to happen it's not a huge producer but it has a nice tasty leaf you can even eat it when it flowers the flowers taste good it has just this kind of little small delicate flower and those taste good as well so great crop very Hardy does super well in the cold freezing temperatures number seven on the list is actually not a vegetable it is an herb and it's one of the few herbs that is hardy enough to continue to produce even when freezing temperatures show up and that's parsley so parsley is actually quite Hardy and especially if you plant that planet early in the fall or late in the summer so that the plants are not huge they're just kind of medium sized plants those seem to be really Hardy and they do really well now they're not as Hardy as some of the other plants that we've talked about like spinach and kale and mush so don't expect them to survive unprotected the entire winter but if you put them in a cold frame and you're careful with them and and you maybe even protect them with a little extra fabric row cover or something like that you should be able to get a pretty decent harvest of parsley throughout the winter months so great frozen crop that you can grow this time of year okay so that's my seven crops let's go through them again spinach kale carrots maash Swiss chard claytonia and parsley now I know I miss some I'm sure that there are some of you that have grown other plants in the fall and winter months that have done really well with freezing temperatures so tell me what they are put them down in the comments below and give us a little description tell us how they do and what you have your experience isn't growing those has been okay make sure that you subscribe to my YouTube channel and when you do make sure you click that notification bell so that you know the next time I put a video out and then if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and everybody have a fantastic week happy gardening
Channel: Stoney Acres Gardening
Views: 716,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cold hardy vegetables, ourstoneyacres, carrots, spinach, mache, claytonia, lettuce, kale, Swiss Chard, winter hardy vegetables, gardening tips, vegetables that can survive freezing, winter gardening, fall gardening, year-round gardening, vegetable gardening, winter vegetables, grow a garden, gardening, frost tolerant vegetables, season extension, how to grow vegetables in the fall, How to grow vegetables in the winter, how to grow vegetables at home, zone 5 gardening, zone 6 gardening
Id: _JEv6kIVP1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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