Top 10 Unbelievable Facts about YouTube

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when they're dating idea collapsed the three guys went back to the drawing board they tweaked the technology so that anyone could upload or share a video with just one click long since established as a fixture of internet culture YouTube is quite influential and more than a little intriguing we had no idea we get such a great response welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top ten unbelievable facts about YouTube I'm pretty sure that the first 10 minutes of citizen Kang is great but what I love about epic scale is that it's short it's funny and it's straight to the point but is it the best video on YouTube for this list we're taking a look at some of the most surprising and inspiring facts pertaining to this all-powerful video hosting site from the scope of its data use to its occasional brushes with the law YouTube never fails to be fascinating number 10 pizza for you pizza for me many companies start from humble places and YouTube was no different said to have started in the garage of co-founder Chad Hurley the company soon set up shop in San Mateo California it was really just a combination of me and my friends getting together talking about what we could create specifically YouTube's early headquarters was an office in Silicon Valley located above a pizzeria and Japanese restaurant despite the offices potentially odd location it said that about 20 workers were hired from this spot and served as YouTube's first employees and it's clear that the locale didn't adversely affect its eventual success cool thing about these guys today is a really really really long number nine name is the same almost same say same same but different but did say when striking out on your own a lack of foresight can be a tricky thing case in point YouTube ran into trouble when their sites domain caused problems with Universal tube and roll form equipment owners of with a you as it happened many users had sought out YouTube with a why but had typed in the similar-sounding web address for Universal tubes site causing it to crash after receiving 68 million hits people sometimes make mistakes yes I do in October 2006 Universal Tube filed a lawsuit against YouTube over the confusion before apparently settling and purchasing a new web domain oh god they only wanted for the initials that domain name yeah they do I move we so what yeah so so number eight reward the users let's just feel like three stimulus you know it's a tough road to success and the site's owners know it this would be why any channel on YouTube that secures ten million subscribers is sent the Dimond YouTube play button which contains a giant diamond rock for those channels that obtain 1 million subscribers the 24 karat gold play button award is YouTube's reward and don't fret if you haven't reached those numbers those who attain 100,000 user subscriptions are granted the silver play button for their efforts number 7 Kareem at the zoo alright so here we are one of the elephant big things come from small beginnings as they say so it was with the rollout for YouTube's video hosting commencing on April 23rd 2005 with a video courtesy of co-founder jawed Karim titled me at the zoo this 19 second clip shows Kareem at the San Diego Zoo talking about the tusks of elephants directly behind him despite its short length and limited production quality it has nevertheless been viewed millions of times and received over 160,000 comments quite impressive for the site's first video number 6 foolish April Roo's and sir you can't say YouTube doesn't have a sense of humor from 2008 onward the company started a tradition of pranking their users on April Fool's Day April Fool's would hit [ __ ] YouTube's original prank was to redirect all video links on its main page to the music video for Rick Astley song never gonna give you up a practice called Rick rolling later pranks included turning pages upside down pretending to celebrate its 100th anniversary and even teaming with the onion to put on a 12 hour livestream announcing winners of a supposed contest after eight amazing years it is finally time to review everything that has been uploaded to our site and begin the process of selecting a winner they are certainly dedicated to their jokes will say that much I encourage everybody to watch as many videos as possible before YouTube deletes everything tonight number five the interest of advertisers this is the greatest advertising opportunity since the invention of cereal ads crop up in all major facets of popular culture so it isn't a surprise that YouTube would embrace them what is surprising is that in 2013 advertisers reportedly spent 5.6 billion dollars on YouTube growth has been the trend ever since reports in 2015 detailed that the number of advertisers had risen by 40 percent with top advertisers spending 60% more than the previous year or Google the owners of YouTube this has meant billions of dollars in profits and a widespread sense of satisfaction with their efforts number four all the bandwidth possible given its size it makes sense for YouTube to demand a lot of resources for example a 2007 report estimated that YouTube used the same amount of bandwidth as the entire internet circa 2000 just as interestingly in late 2014 various news outlets and noted that YouTube along with Netflix accounted for about 50% of all bandwidth usage on the web all of this gives credit to one idea YouTube is very much rooted in the world of the Internet number 3 control over entertainment YouTube is really incredible because in a way it's given the every man every woman a voice talk about pop culture power according to various sources YouTube's content makes up about 1/3 of the broadcast entertainment in the United States this gives weight to reports that the site apparently draws in over 15 billion visitors per month and is the world's third most visited site as of 2015 I can help it that I'm popular with its introduction of features like a video rental service and the YouTube gaming platform the potential for further cultural influence is hard to ignore whooping Gundam star number two PayPal's influence coincidence is more than a small factor in the creation of YouTube co-founders Kareem Chad Hurley and Steve Chen all knew each other from a previous job working for PayPal Hurley was even the designer of PayPal's logo which he conceived during his job interview they were looking for a graphic designer for someone who designed the interface for this this new product called PayPal and I sent them I resonate literally a week later as out they're sleeping on someone's floor working for them when the trio departed PayPal they took with them bonuses courtesy of eBay's buyout of PayPal which served as the original funding for YouTube we'd say it worked out for them okay before we unveil our number one pick here are some honorable mentions I wanted to be very much a personal account of what it's like to be at the center of extraordinary events but you're still an ordinary human being every second one hour of video is uploaded to YouTube that's 24 hours of video every 24 seconds we don't want to be forceful with it because what if the other person isn't reciprocating you don't want to cross a line accidentally you know make them very uncomfortable number one the origin story I think when we received around a million views a day that that's how we would track our successes how many videos did we serve on a daily basis and we we were able to crack 1 million and at that point we thought we were on to something big there's many a tale behind how this landmark site came to fruition karema said that the initial conception of the site was based on his inability to find clips of Janet Jackson's Super Bowl performance and the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami Hurley and Chen meanwhile say that the site was conceived as a video based dating site along the lines of hot-or-not you may have heard of this app hot or not simple principle you see people in your area you say whether or not they're hot or not and then you can make a connection with them and communicate with them it's kind of like a dating app coupled with a story about the inability to email clips of a dinner party and a rumored Craigslist posting to entice women into posting content the truth is uncertain nevertheless however it came into being YouTube is here to stay Oh I was do you agree with our list like taking candy from a baby what's your favorite fact about YouTube for more unbelievable top 10s published every day be sure to subscribe to I hope you got a good night's sleep we gonna party these [ __ ] limey mother goes into the ground
Views: 1,842,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: business, technology, youtube, facts, san mateo, california, silicon valley, utube, karim, san diego zoo, rick astley, google, paypal, janet jackson, tsunami, top 10, Kurt Hvorup
Id: 83ftEi9ju7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2016
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