Top 10 Types of Pizza

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it's pizza night and you can't decide which pizza to pick sit back relax and let us break it down for you now that's game-changing flavor welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top ten pizza types guys we don't want another pizza who's hungry show of hands let me see them one two three keep them up for this list we've looked at the best ingredient combinations that ever topped a pizza rather than singling out individual toppings like pepper or bacon or styles like chicago-style deep-dish we're looking at the tastiest topping mixes available from all good restaurant menus holy that's amazing I hope you try this I so hope you try this I hope so hard that you try this number 10 Mexican we're making pizza Mexican pizza we start with a little bit of spice Mexico is a well-known mecca for foodies and it's classic ingredients combined for a top-class pizza though it didn't originate in Mexico and is more of a take on Mexican cuisine you can expect typical regional toppings like ground beef chorizo sausage peppers of the red green and jalapeno variety onions olives refried beans and of course a cheese like mozzarella pepper jack or even Oaxaca the Mexican pizza is as much about texture as it is about taste although should you select an especially spicy chili powder then expect to be panting at least a little bit but a Taco Bell you would number nine barbecue chicken drenched in rich spicy barbecue source a standard component to any good pizza price list barbecue chicken is not only a great flavor it's also absurdly popular and what's not to like we've got chicken we've got red onion we've got a generous helping of mozzarella and we've got that all-important defining component barbecue sauce you can get your kids to help you with this of course for the best bite with this pizza a good quality sauce is essential with the correct condiments though there will be nobody complaining when you serve a slice of this makes you one of those number eight Italian sausage would you perhaps like a spicy Mexican or a hot Italian sausage pizza as we know it today is a food type originally developed in Naples Italy so it makes sense that any option with Italian in its title should be a good bet now the grease okay it's got flavor I am not afraid of that any number of sausage types can be tapped to top this pie but a kick of spicy heat is usually the name of the game and a mighty meaty mouthful is sure to be coming your way I wouldn't marry a woman who didn't like people add into the mix the usual suspects of herbs cheese and tomato sauce and the equation is complete Italian sausage is a winner worldwide well ladies I think that we have created a work of art here number seven cheese or double cheese for the double cheese and sausage with every single flavor to make today's countdown there is one constant classic component cheese and what's best to do when something works well double it but I am going to throw on a ton of Parmesan cheese double or sometimes triple cheese combines the classic mozzarella with various different types of the good stuff like cheddar parmesan provolone ricotta or a menthol the result is a gooey chewy stringy satisfying slice that will have you going back four seconds and probably thirds and possibly fourths in fact it's difficult to share this pizza at all oh yeah she's so good number six Hawaiian and McCain's Hawaiian topping is a rich nutritious mix of ham and juicy sweet pineapple it seems an odd thing to even consider pineapple on a pizza but once you've had the Hawaiian you'll likely be looking to put the tropical fruit into all manner of meals combined with thinly sliced ham there's a color and taste contrast that's almost always a hit the salty and the sweet it just works so well despite its name there's no evidence to suggest that this pizza originated in America's 50th state the strongest claim to its invention actually comes out of Ontario Canada and dates back to 1962 but its most fervent fans are folks from down and up with 15% of Pizza sold in Australia sporting this taste sensation try spicy Hawaiian Diablo sauce see you on barbecue Hawaiian explosion with extra pineapple or the classical wine for only 495 each number 5 vegetarian I love me but this is you don't miss it an inch with this though there are other flavors that cater to the dietary needs of a garden-variety vegetarian our next pizza type breaks into the top half of this countdown with good reason think red peppers green peppers red onions white onions green olives black olives mushrooms tomatoes the list of potential toppings is almost endless we're gonna add some herbs to this as well so add some fresh basil it's all about freshness I really like to sneak in the herbs as much as I can and the combinations possible are also nicely numerous even the staunchest of meat lovers might like to tuck into one of these every once in a while oh my god so awesome holy cow number four margarita and then we're gonna get our pizza peel make a margherita pizza an absolute classic pizza example no selection of slices would be complete without margarita a rich tomato sauce is key covering a thin bread base and Terry in terms of mozzarella next comes the mozzarella and to finish a sprinkle of basil some fresh basil it sounds simple and it is but it's been a culinary sensation since before the turn of the 20th century legend has it that the margarita was named after an Italian queen who had enjoyed it and its resemblance to her country's red white and green flag true or not its royalty within Pizza circles make no mistake look number three meat lovers with a name that speaks directly to one section of it's eating audience the meat lovers Pizza does exactly what it says on the box more or less any red meat that can be thought of qualifies as a potential ingredient as well as a host of others ground beef pepperoni sliced ham salami sausage bacon Canadian bacon you can have some or all of the above the calorific content is enough to make your eyes water but this pizza is a certainty to make your taste buds tingle we are lovers oh that word bums me out unless it's between the words meat and pizza number two deluxe or supreme [Music] the exact name might be a little changeable but for the purposes of this list today we're defining deluxe or supreme as a pizza with the works topped with anything and everything you can imagine packed with 16 meatballs made from cream you meet the specific toppings to this one vary from place to place and from restaurant to restaurant but some ingredients are more common than others green peppers white onions mushrooms tomato sauce mozzarella and some sort of red meat is a must in some parts of the world you can expect red peppers corn and or olives but whatever's on it it's a mighty mouthful a guy's got standards and that's not all chef saluto with frozen pizza of this quality it's no wonder people wonder before we serve up a slice of our top pick here are some honorable mentions put it on a pizza [Music] Devilfish pizza spicy seafood pizza look Alice [Music] [Applause] [Music] number one pepperoni more pepperoni than ever before an absolute classic has come out on top today as pepperoni trounces the rest of our wonderful ingredients for the win okay here it is it's still bubbling a cured sausage like the salami z' that originated from the pizzas home country of Italy it's hardly surprising that the combination of both pepperoni and pizza has been historically championed in the USA with over 250 million pounds of the stuff devoured on Pizza by Americans each year for just $10 get a large Papa John's double layered premium pepperoni pizza not only is this pizza type an iconic taste it's also an iconic food image how yummy golden cheese broken up by deep red rounds of meat is enough to trigger hunger pangs and pretty much anyone will leave you now to place your order that way when someone says hey is this the best pepperoni you've ever had or what you can look them right in the eye and say yeah do you agree with our list which flavour did we forget for more appetite inspiring top 10s published every day be sure to subscribe to french fries and Oreos you can tell me all too well [Music]
Views: 2,849,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pizza (Cuisine), Food (TV Genre), food, pizza, pizza types, italian food, vegetarian, deluxe, supreme, pepperoni, cheese, double cheese, mexican, bbq chicken, hawaiian, margherita, meat lovers, italian sausage, top 10, WatchMojo, Italian Food (Industry), Mexico (Country), Chicken, Cooking, Eating
Id: o7isWuT-IXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2015
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