The BEST Deep Dish PIZZA Recipe From Chicago | GIORDANOS | Homemade RECIPE | What to EAT in Chicago

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[Music] Welcome to the smartfit today we're taking you to one of the classiest cities in the USA My Hometown Chicago and home of the deep dish pizza [Music] everything is just like in the movies from Pizza spinning to cheese pool and what better place than to go after walking through Millennium Park but drop into Giordano's follow me and let's see what's good Giordano's is an American Pizzeria specializing in the Chicago style deep dish pizza there are many locations throughout the city but the one downtown next to Millennium Park is the best for its consistency you can try other popular chains specializing in this style of pizza but in our opinion this place is the best what did I say it's like in the movies everyone is happy if you want to learn how to make this pizza at home we've got you covered we're going to give you our recipe for this pizza and we're so confident we won't disappoint uh we won't be spinning any pizzas on our fingers though we're not that talented [Music] after we remembered we came here to eat we sat down on the patio and ordered a bottle of red wine if this pizza is anything like I remember it's going to be meaty cheesy flavorful and Saucy before digging in we decided to start with a Greek salad with Tangy and perfect refreshing right before the main dish came in this is exactly what we came for and at first sight this doesn't disappoint crust is a perfect golden brown the sauce is bright red sprinkled with Parmesan cheese and we can't wait to try this our first test was the cheese pool and it kept going and going and going and going so far I had to use both hands to make sure it didn't fall and it still kept going this for the picture and show is a win on its own [Music] sauce and oh Perroni did you know pepperoni is actually an American food I promise look it up the first bite was so good that before I knew it almost half of my slice was gone let me try to describe it imagine a crispy cracker crunch followed by a doughy soft inside then you have the medium flavorful Italian sausage and pepperoni full of herbs and spices that make your mind wild trying to figure it out next the melted mozzarella and lots of it has a straightforward milky and light grassy taste to top it off literally the Tangy Tomato Sauce helps balance the cheese and Meaty layers perfectly every single bite is like I said perfect and makes you wonder why you don't eat this every day but we all know why because if we did then there wouldn't be any more cloudy days and we'd under appreciate the good life also if you haven't noticed you eat this with a knife and fork because one we're from Chicago and half class two it's big and bold like everything Chicago and three is not your normal flaccid Pizza you hang over your mouth and slap your cheeks with there I said it now it is true you might get so excited you need to put your hands on it and eat it old school just so you know one small deep dish pizza is enough to feed too hungry and fit individuals or even a family of four and we left so happy it hit the spot so good Chicago now let me give you our recipe as happy as we were when we left Giordano's we're proud enough to say we think our recipe is better yeah our deep dish pizza is the best we've ever had to reintroduce it this is the thickest baddest flavorful and satiating pizza the one and only Chicago deep dish pizza I know there are some people around the world that say it's not pizza especially those talkers from New York but I'm here to say that not only is it pizza but it's the only one that can fill you up with one slice it's true this isn't built in the traditional manner but to hold its structure under the weight of the cheese sauce and ingredients you've got to make it stronger and if you want to be stronger with broad shoulders like people from Chicago then you must eat Chicago Pizza like this from start to finish in only two hours call your family and friends and tell them to come over because you're taking them to Chicago let's make this I'd have to say it's all about the dope it's the dough show warm 275 milliliters of water up to 38c or 100 f create a mini Vortex and add 8 grams of instant yeast to the warm water and let it Bloom and make sure it's still alive let it sit for five to ten minutes or however long it takes you to do the following look you can mix this by hand but I don't feel like doing that right now so I use the KitchenAid at 450 grams of bread flour next The Not So secret secret ingredient which makes our dough the Chicago Dough special at 55 grams of coarsely ground cornmeal to season the dough add 10 grams of sea salt and 5 grams of white sugar instead of sifting the dry ingredients I've learned that you can just take a whisk and whisk them all together to get smooth and Incorporated the yeast is bubbly demonstrating signs of life so we're ready turn the mixer to medium low and slowly pour in the water and yeast just a reminder all of the ingredients and instructions are in the description below it's going to look dry but don't worry because we've got some lubricating to make the magic happen to obtain a crispy crust we need oil in the dough add 25 milliliters of olive oil for crispiness and depth of flavor follow up with another 25 milliliters of a neutral flavor oil to add additional crispiness and if you like this video so far like And subscribe to make the dough fluffy and buttery we need anchovies I'm just kidding I wanted to make sure you were still listening obviously we need to add softened butter a little at a time okay so I got excited and added too much butter at once don't worry just grab a spatula and very very carefully push it down to incorporate don't stick your hand or fingers in there this is real life and the Machine will mix them into the dough at first it looks like a disaster but give it some time and after about seven minutes or so the dough will come together and release from the sides of the bowl foreign drop it onto oh I forgot to flower the board and now you get to see what happens when you forget to flour the board clean it up with a dough scraper flour your surface dump the dough back on and lightly flour the top just in case stretch and fold a few times by pulling the dough away from you folding it onto itself rotating 90 degrees and repeating eight times flip it over and start to form a ball by pulling it underneath the dough and rotating 90 degrees or constantly rotating and tucking the edges underneath until the top is taut oil a large bowl so the dough doesn't stick carefully scoop the dough and place it in the bowl where it will rise in a warm place covered for one hour one of the best things about this recipe is we do not waste time while the dough Rises for one hour we can preheat the oven and a pizza stone to 250 C or 480f the pizza stone and rack should be placed on the bottom rack which will blast the bottom of the pizza with Heat leading to a crispier crust while not burning the tomato sauce on top speaking of tomato sauce it's time to make it finely dice one small onion place a large saucepan over medium heat to which we add three tablespoons or 45 milliliters of olive oil and your onions let them sweat and turn translucent but not Brown at this point press four cloves of garlic and mix to get rid of the pungent smell until it becomes pleasantly fragrant add 780 grams of crushed tomatoes stirring to disperse the onions and garlic add one teaspoon or 5 grams of sea salt and 1 teaspoon or 5 grams of sugar yes in Chicago we add sugar to our pizza sauce to balance the acidity of the tomatoes making it more mellow and do not forget one teaspoon or 5 grams of dried oregano because well it's Pizza stir to combine and then I want to show you what it looks like when I drag the spatula through the sauce the sauce almost immediately rejoins and comes together let simmer over medium low heat for 15 to 20 minutes if you've got a splatter guard this is the time to use it because if you don't things are going to get really messy didn't I say we weren't going to waste any time I've experimented with different cheese but for a real Chicago experience you need sliced mozzarella and provolone if you can find them in blocks then freshly grate them yourself in total use 400 grams mozzarella and 150 grams provolone to 400 grams of ground pork add 2 teaspoons or 10 grams sea salt 1 teaspoon or 5 grams freshly cracked black pepper one teaspoon or 5 grams garlic powder 1 teaspoon of 5 grams onion powder half a teaspoon smoked paprika half a teaspoon oregano half a teaspoon thyme half a teaspoon basil and most importantly one tablespoon or 15 grams of toasted fennel seeds oh and I almost forgot one teaspoon of five grams of sugar gently mix the spices and meat around I said be gentle because if you mistreat your meat it'll become hard and dry but you want juicy sausage back to the sauce after 15 minutes the sauce holds I know it looks like it's slow motion but it's not the sauce is so thick Moses would have saved all the animals in his ark through this Red Sea speaking of vessels you have options we're going to use probably the best option for this recipe the cast iron skillet which will deliver the crispiest crust however divide the dough into two and you can have twin Chicago style pizzas how cute also a spring cake pan works great too to a 12 inch or 30.84 centimeter cast iron skillet add two tablespoons or 30 milliliters of olive oil swirl it around to make the bottom so glossy you see your beautiful image in the reflection we do this because I'm tired of people who don't eat the crust this makes the crust crispy to the edge flavorful and strong to hold the ingredients plop the dough which has been rising for one hour into the pan and start from the middle push it out to the borders start working the dough up the edges but as you can see the gluten fights back and pulls the edge back down so rather than fight let's make peace and let it rest for 5 minutes pizza stone and the oven are hot the dough is at peace so now is the moment to attack working up the edges even over the edge so it sticks add the grated cheese first yes cheese first look I know this isn't how normal pizzas are built but this isn't a normal Pizza it's better provolone set layer on the slices of mozzarella starting from the edge and working towards the middle using any extra slices to fit any bare Parts in order to get a piece of sausage in every single bite we have to make a giant burger patty so flatten the sausage out until you can completely cover the cheese I know this is crazy but there's a method to the madness take pieces of sausage and smash it between your hands then place it on top of the cheese do not overlap the meat it is really important the meats be in one Thin single layer so it Cooks completely now dollop all the crushed tomato sauce on top and evenly spread it all the way to the edges with a spoon finally add freshly grated parmigiano reggiano foreign place the pizza on top of the pizza stone which is on the lowest Rack in your oven lower the temperature to 220c or 430f and set the timer for 25 minutes close the door and the Magic Begins right now the pan is super hot making the dough rise and frying the exterior to seal in the ingredients while I went on that rant you have to Brown for three minutes on the top and then Brown three minutes on the stove top to ensure everything's cooked as the dough Rises it pushes the melted cheese up and through the sausage the sausage is not only being cooked by the molten hot cheese Rising underneath but also by the bubbling lava like tomato sauce sitting on top of it and follow that up with three minutes on the stove top over medium heat to ensure the center is completely cooked after a little work you have Chicago style pizza we have literally delivered A Taste of Chicago to your home do not eat yet or else you will number one burn your entire mouth and will not enjoy another bite number two destroy the structure of the pizza and all the inside will run out resulting in a soupy mess and number three I said wait 10 to 15 minutes from experience so wait thank you the moment of truth and every time I do this I hold my breath with strength and lots of confidence I mean lots of confidence Slide the pizza out of the pan and more cheese never hurt anyone except maybe your arteries will sprinkle a little on top with the largest knife you've got start cutting from the center all the way to the edge take a spatula lift and go for the cheese pull lifting as high as you can and Marvel at its Glory foreign yeah you can make this just like in the movies it has a crispy and buttery crust cheese oozing out of the sides a layer of perfectly seasoned Italian sausage and a tomato sauce that's acidic enough to balance out the cheese and sausage yet sweet enough to make you want to eat it on its own and there you have it whether or not this is pizza is still up for debate but I can guarantee you that one bite of this and you won't care about anything more than taking another bite for me it's real it tastes like Chicago and it makes me happy it's a comfort food and it does exactly what it's supposed to do comfort you
Channel: TheSmartFitLife
Views: 87,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: recetas de cocina, canal de cocina, tutorial de cocina, ALMUERZO o cena, cocinando, cocinar, POSTRE, RECETATRADICIONAL, BREAKFAST, HEALTHYFOOD, RECETAFACIL, easyrecipes, recetasfaciles, cookingchannel, howtomake, howtocook, recipes, americanfood, deepdishpizza, pizza, chicago, giordanos, giordanospizza, pizzarecipe
Id: trYALh2U8CQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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