Top 10 things to ALWAYS get when scrapping!!

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hello Scrappers and Planet lovers Tin Man here with another video so I wanted to make this video to answer us several questions from some viewers and those being what are the most common items I find on scrap day and what items do I never pass up on while scrapping so I want to answer those questions today as you can see I have a nice big pile of items and I do have separate complete breakdown videos for each of these so I will include those in the description um so if you're interested go check those out so I'm going to start first two of the most common items that I find are my CRT TVs as well as computer monitors the old style like this and microwaves both of these excellent items the CRT TVs always have a very nice uh yoke inside of them these have copper they're always going to be copper that is going to be number two copper and that right now is going for about four dollars and forty cents a pound you do have to break it off of that as well it does always have a degaussian cable around the tube they are sometimes aluminum you do want to make sure that you cut those open them to see what's inside if it reveals a metallic look on inside then it's aluminum but a lot of times you will find especially the small ones and always the computer uh monitors you will always find the degaussian cable that is copper so you do have to check but this is heavy this is actually seven ounces this is peeled I did have to remove the black uh tape that goes around it very simple to do I just use a knife but some really nice number two copper and anything that has copper copper continues in our Scrappers world to be that Scrappers gold so that is the first thing uh as well the rest of this TV once I've removed the old circuit board and that I can still bring the rest of this TV in to the scrap yard and get E-Waste priced there is stuff still in here that the scrap yards will uh bring or ship to their own sender and they will get weight value for that so again 100 scrapable microwaves I do have some of my fellow Scrappers that say they no longer pick up microwaves or vacuum cleaners because they say that the Transformers uh or the motors and vacuum cleaners are now being replaced with aluminum windings instead of copper in the Transformers and that may be true but what I like about even these newer microwaves the Transformer even as is these both have aluminum windings this is still worth scrap value this can be at us at a scrap yard worth seven cents a pound for aluminum aluminum transfer Transformer however I'm going to get more money actually just throwing this right into my tin uh not even opening this or opening this up and right now tin is going for about 10 cents a pound in Sarnia Ontario and 14 cents a pound in London Ontario so this does weigh 10 pounds so a dollar here on Oak opened the rest of the frame is going to be 10 so the nice thing is I just load up my stuff in here as well regardless of the age of these Transformers and microwaves they do always have some copper inside the magnetron here does have aluminum windings or fins in it it does have a couple copper coils inside as well as my inner core here that I have already opened this inner core is copper so I do open these up and again these word of caution you do want to check out my video how to safely open these because they can be dangerous so again I will also include the link to that video in my description but some great scrap value here too as well two very powerful magnets that are great for when I scrap it has also a nice circuit board the circuit board always has in the door here some um silver Mallard which is sellable it has some relay boxes as well as it does have a small transformer too that has copper as well it has several different Motors this motor comes off of the plate underneath this is my fan that has a nice copper spool there as well as my circuit board on the bottom there's always a nice copper donut there as well so there are tons of great goodies inside of your microwaves as well as the outer Appliance cord the cord here is also worth a lot some of my Scrappers will actually just cut this off and drive away this too is worth Great Value it's very nice and thick heavy and this right now at a scrap yard is going to be classified as 40 Appliance wire uh currently a dollar 26 Canadian in London Ontario so a great value for this as well but this is not the only thing you want to take the rest of this box as I said is great for holding more Tim it is 100 scrapable and again one of the most common items that I find on Scrappy moving over another thing that I don't like to pass up on are lamps and fans um these you do want to check to see if they work a lot of times people are throwing them out maybe they're renovating maybe they're redecorating and I actually just sold two fans yesterday at a yard sale uh the city wide yard sale they work perfectly fine I just had to clean them a little bit so I made a lot more money selling them in good workable condition than scrap value but fans if they don't work as well as lamps they always have a really nice Appliance wire to them a lot of times your stand-up fans have a lot the wire going all the way from the top all the way to the bottom some of my Scrapper uh fellow Scrappers I will see will just cut the bottom cord and they will leave the rest of the lamp they don't realize that the cord goes all the way up and these two a lot of times are steel sometimes they're aluminum and sometimes they are brass so you do want to check if they don't work scratch them to see what type of metal you have if they are brass and I've had about three or four of them lamps that are brass yellow brass right now is going for about three dollars a pound so gonna make a lot more money from that uh than just the cord the cord here these cords are actually upgraded these are going to be classified as 60 Appliance wire because they only have one coating of plastic on it um so higher value but a great cord as well the rest of the body these ones if I check they are going to be magnetic so these are 10 so you do want to make sure that you do the scratch test check to see that it's if it's just a coating on it okay but again if it's magnetic it is not going to be brass okay but lamps fans same thing I have a small fan here this is an older one it doesn't work but I do have a lot of stand-up fans as well if they don't work that cord goes all the way up the neck um but again if I was to say most common workable items that I find are lamps and fans the ceiling fans unfortunately a rookie mistake I used to make I did not realize how much copper was inside these fans this is a really nice heavy ceiling fan here this entire neck is going to be 10 so it is 100 scrappable this is from a smaller ceiling fan but look at how beautiful that Copper motor is every one of these windings is copper so this is all going to be number two copper easy to cut out of there the rest of this is going to be 10 so again Great Value here never pass up on my ceiling fans and fans okay moving on water heaters I don't find these often okay I do find again if I was to classify CRT TVs microwaves fans and lamps probably the top and vacuum cleaners top items but if I come across a water tank okay I am never gonna pass that up and even given the size of this when I had my car I could easily put this into it uh it's 100 scrappable and the great thing about these water heaters is they have a really nice uh couple cup of wires that go up the top they always have or could have a couple screw-on pieces of copper left you can see right here this is going to be two different classifications of copper right here I've got number one copper here I've got a little bit of number one and number two this does have the soldering on it that you can see so when it's soldering it is number two copper and this is easy to upgrade if I was to bring this in just like this as well as this one this is going to be number two copper but all I really have to do to upgrade is I'm going to cut from here get this piece this is going to be number one this will be a little bit of number two so same thing here this does have a little bit of number one and I have unfortunately seen several Scrappers bring in huge heaps of this copper and it could have a huge piece of number one pipe but because they don't take the time to cut it they're going to get downgraded so you do want to make sure that you separate it to maximize your profit the other thing about these they will always have right on the side here a nozzle these nozzles are actually what we classify as red brass so red brass has a little bit more copper in it uh it is higher value than yellow brass um so yellow brass right now is going for about three dollars a pound red brass is going for about three dollars and forty cents a pound so all of your nozzles that come out of your water tanks are going to be red brass and it does look a little bit more reddish tinge than yellow brass if I was to compare it so that is why it is called red brass because it does have a little bit more copper and copper is higher value you do have to make sure you pull out your PIN sometimes these are copper you do want to scratch it there is going to be a little bit of spring you can see in there okay so easy way to do I just have to cut it open split it open if I was to leave that spring in there I'm gonna get dirty brass price so you want to make sure you separate it to maximize your profit but great item here and the rest of this tank here 100 scrappable I'm just gonna throw it right into my tin and this is probably going to weigh about a hundred pounds of this so I'm probably going to get just ten dollars just from this water tank so I will never pass these up if I see them great item for sure dehumidifiers and air conditioners I do find a lot of these as well especially at um you know new construction sites or new subdivisions usually after a year and a half of those being built a lot of people will put those dehumidifiers in their basement they will let them run soak up any of that moisture and then they have no idea what to do with it they'll throw it out so you do want to see if they work check if they work but great items for sure these are loaded with scrapable material they always have two of these copper aluminum radiators this one is an example I have actually cut the coils off but some really nice number two copper that you want to get off of here this is going to give me a copper aluminum radiator price and currently right now it's about a dollar eighty a pound so there's usually two of these inside there is going to be a really nice big compressor in here these compressors the only problem that people have is it is actually illegal to cut that coil um to release the gas or the liquid inside so you do need to have someone that opens it for you I do have a friend I will store them up and I will have them come over flush them all all at once so it's easier that way but air conditioners and dehumidifiers an excellent item air conditioners are a little bit easier to resell in workable condition because all you have to do is plug them in see if they work sometimes you might have to clean the filters um sometimes I've seen some that work but they emit a foul smell uh dirty smell smoker smell or animal smell whatever but you can resell them if they are in good workable condition okay but dehumidifiers and air conditioners I will never pass them up because they are loaded with great scrapable material even though they do have a heavy plastic on the outside of them the older models are 100 scrapable you'll see the ones that have looks like the wood panel that is metal or tin but these ones have been replaced with plastic but again great item for sure I will never pass up on them as well as a really nice Appliance wire that comes with it again 40 Appliance wire vacuum cleaners okay if I was to rank as I said my top three items that I find CRT TVs and computer monitors microwaves and vacuum cleaners vacuum cleaners come in all different styles and sizes your shop vacuums your stand-ups like this your hand powered one some are battery powered all of them are worth good scrap value this is one of the items that a lot of my fellow Scrappers will just drive by and take the cord which again the cord is a great item that you can see here but it is not the only item in here there is a lot of plastic but they all have a nice motor inside okay one of the reasons why my fellow Scrappers say they don't take it anymore is again because the motor could have aluminum winding on the motor instead of copper and again you cannot tell just by the make and model I have actually found several that are very similar in style opened it up one was aluminum one was copper so it is a 50 50 chance but I'm willing to take that chance and regardless if it is Aluminum you're still getting value if this was aluminum windings I would just throw this right into my tin um once I opened it because all of them do have some clean aluminum here so that comes out of inside you can see it in the motor there okay so this is going to about 50 cents a pound it's not much but given the amount of vacuum cleaners I find it does add up but the rest of this again tin shred price but just to show you this does look like red wire there scratched it that is copper so number two copper there just to show some examples look at that scratched it copper and copper so great copper in here I'm going to take the chance some really nice Appliance wire again this is your 40 Appliance wire you see that the three individual strands inside of it as well as an outer coating so great item here um and sometimes your hoses can be uh uh sorry 10 as well put a magnet to this you can see it does draw to it so this hose here is also I'm just going to throw it right into my tin because there is a metallic wire that goes all the way down this as well as the bar here this bar is magnetic so again some more tin on this uh some of your bars will be aluminum some stainless steel so again there is some great scrap value on vacuum cleaners and an item that I never pass up on the last item you see here power washers power washers too are an excellent item I do find a lot more of them especially in the spring people put them away in the winter there's a little bit of water in the hose still or in the motor it freezes expands and damages the power washer these have an excellent outer cord here they are very heavy and that is because inside of them they have a huge copper motor inside of them that is surrounded usually by a cast eye a cast aluminum shell so an excellent item for sure they do come in different sizes you can see this one here even though it is small this probably weighs about 15 to 20 pounds as is sometimes there is brass nozzle or edges to this that you want to get as well the gun that you have this does also have a lot of plastic but once you remove the screws there is a little bit of brass in here I can see some brass right on the connector here okay so power washers again an item that I will never pass up on um I it's hard to resell those because a lot of times they are leaking but the great thing about these is I can interchange Parts I did find several of these one of them was missing the trigger uh it did work fine but the trigger was broken the other one that I found there was a leak in the body but the trigger worked fine so I just took that off and put it on so I had a brand new power washer so great item for sure um again power washers I never pass up on vacuum cleaners never passed up on dehumidifiers and air conditioners never pass up on CRT TVs and computer monitors as well as microwaves never pass up on fans lamps ceiling fans never pass up on and if I do find the odd water tank I will never pass up on it uh one last thing I do want to include someone asked about appliances like ovens dryers washers those given the size a lot of people do pass up on those as well as your barbecues if you have a small vehicle but barbecues the gas regulator for sure the propane hookup definitely want to take that because it does have a nice hunk of brass in it as well ovens and dryers I do if I can't fit the item into my vehicle will get the power cord look at this power cord came off of an oven beautiful brass prongs here some really nice number two copper this copper wire is going to be stripped to get number two copper price so I definitely don't pass up on the power cord from your dryers and your oven for sure uh but unfortunately given the size of the rest of it if I had room I would take it but that for sure is a definite so hope you enjoyed that again hopefully it answers some questions uh it is a lot to take in and I do as I said will include full breakdowns of my videos for each of them um but again I'm sure there are more items that people that I forgot if you have anything I missed or something that you oftenly find in your area because it does change depending on where you are please include it in the link but again hopefully this helps fellow Scrappers not to think twice next time you see items because as I said vacuum cleaners and microwaves are still excellent items and I do see a lot of people pass those up and just take the cord so again hopefully that was interesting and informative please comment down below like share subscribe and I'll catch you on the next one Tim man okay
Channel: Tin Man Scrapper
Views: 49,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tin Man Scrapper, scrapping, scrap, vacuum cleaner, powerwasher, microwave, tin, shred, brass, aluminum, copper, copper bearing motors, 40% appliance wire, 60% appliance wire, lamps, recycling, water tank, air conditioner, #2 copper, ceiling fans, fans
Id: 33nECj08Yao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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