TOP 10 | The CUTEST Blind Auditions in The Voice Kids 😍❤️ (part 2)
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Channel: Best of The Voice Kids
Views: 4,375,990
Rating: 4.8626628 out of 5
Keywords: Best of the Voice Kids, The Voice, The Voice Kids, Blind Auditions, Audition, performance, cute, amazing, best of, La Voz Kids, The Voice 2019, Cutest, Ava and Alfie, Photograph, Kathlynn, It's Oh So Quiet, Tayisiya Skomorohova, Simply The Best, Emma, Je Suis Malade, Николь Алексеева, Любочка, Charissa, Doo Be Doo, Priscilla, Wings, Josephine, Strong, Amaro, I Love Your Smile, Caillin Joe, Irish Rover, The Voice Kids UK, The Voice Kids Germany
Id: Owq1RJ9iPag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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