Do YOU remember these ICONIC BLIND AUDITIONS of 10 Years The Voice Kids?
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Channel: The Voice Global
Views: 23,709,566
Rating: 4.9034057 out of 5
Keywords: The Voice, The Voice Kids, La Voz, La Voz Kids, La Voix, Голос, O Ses, mimi josy, mimi josefin, creep, juanse, como mirarte, something's gotta hold on me, daneliya, stone cold, justin, lovely, the voice vlaanderen, the voice of holland, time to say goodbye, opera, talented kids, blind audition, jar of hearts, ayoub, radiohead, je suis malade, emma, jasu khan, esang, juanse laverde, Daneliya Tulyeshova, solomia, talent show, singing kids, unforgettable, most iconic, the voice history
Id: lbi_vAvbiTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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