Top 10 Terrifying Deaths in Animated Movies

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come for the cute and cuddly animation stay for the lifelong drama welcome to for life in animated movies we'll be excluding Disney films which is another list if you like what you're hearing be sure to check out the full song at the link below [Music] [Music] number 10 the Iron Giant it's a bird it's a plane it's the Iron Giant intercepting a nuclear weapon in an effort to save the town of rockwell from destruction the metal eating robot makes the ultimate sacrifice when he collides with a missile launched by the US military much like supermen whose heroic deeds help inspire this noble act the giant is a living weapon who chooses to use his powers to protect the innocent while heroic his death is also incredibly sad as we witness it through the eyes of eleven-year-old Hogarth Hughes the Giants best friend and the only person who doesn't think he's a monster [Music] thankfully the film's final shot shows that even a nuclear blast won't keep this giant down number 9 Agatha prenderghast ParaNorman and I know you're probably tired right because I mean it's it's really late and it's been a long night first appearances aren't what they seem in this underrated dark fantasy film from acclaimed animation studio Lika in his attempt to lift a witch's curse on his hometown of blithe hollow young Norman Babcock discovers a terrifying truth the vengeful which is actually an innocent little girl in a gut-wrenching flashback sequence Norman discovers that little Aggie Prendergast was a medium like himself who lived in blithe Hollow with her mother in the 1700s speaking with the dead mistaking her ability to speak to the dead for witchcraft the townsfolk put Aggie on trial and sentenced her to death killed by religious zealots just for being different it's easy to understand why this sweet little girl became a vengeful monster in death number eight Michelle's parents once upon a forest this oft overlooked film's environmental message is hammered home early on with a pair of tragic deaths after an overturned tanker trucks fuse poison gas into the forest of dapplewood the young badger Michelle rushes home to make sure her parents are okay [Music] in a panic Michelle enters her gas infested home prompting her friend Abigail to go in after her warned by Michelle's uncle Cornelius not to breathe in the gas Abigail saves her friend but can do nothing for Michelle's parents whom she finds dead in their kitchen the site of Michelle's father's slumped over the kitchen table and her mother sprawled out on the floor is a haunting image especially for a film that refers to its characters as furlings the show number 7 edweena chicken run rule number one about prison escapes not everyone makes it out alive then again it would be a lot worse for the Tweety farm chickens if they stayed put before Rocky the rooster arrives and inspires the chickens to make a break for it the doom hanging over them is illustrated by poor Edwina we want you give us some of yours after failing to lay eggs the hen is singled out by the evil mr. Tweedy who snatches her by the neck and hands her off to his equally sinister wife mrs. Tweety takes Edwina to a shed and in silhouette we see her bring down an axe on a chopping block while edweena's death occurs off screen the later shot of chicken bones on the Tweedy dinner table leaves no doubt about her fate number 6 Peter Parker spider-man spider-man into the spider-verse yeah even in a film overloaded with spider men and women losing even one of them is a lot to take in when Miles Morales stumbles upon Peter Parker there's every hint that the elder spider-man will become an important mentor for the young aspiring hero sadly that possibility is tragically cut off when Peter falls in battle and is ruthlessly executed by the kingpin it won't work there god it's so sudden and unexpected that for a brief moment it's easy to think Peters somehow survived unfortunately the next scene leaves no doubt as to Peter's fate as Mary Jane is shown delivering a public eulogy for her dead husband although this particular universe gains a new spider-man and miles the death of Peter Parker hits hard our own way we are all in spider-man number 5 stoic How to Train Your Dragon 2 when you play with fire you're gonna get burned during a heated battle against the ruthless dragon trapper drago bludvist hiccups loyal Night Fury toothless is turned against his friend under the control of Drago's mind-controlling bewilder beast toothless launches a fatal plasma bolt at hiccup who saved at the last moment by his father stoic unfortunately the burly Viking is no match for dragon fire and succumbs to his injuries in his grief hiccup drives toothless away as the knowledge that his own dragon killed his father is too much to bear go on get out of here having just reunited stoic with his long-lost wife Velka hiccups desire to have both his parents and the picture goes up in smoke with his father's passing I know that you've taken your rightful place at the table of Kings for a great man has fallen Number Four littlefoot's mother the land before time many animated movies to pick children losing a parent but very few offer up scenes is emotionally traumatic as the death of littlefoot's mother after witnessing his mother fight off the vicious Sharptooth young longneck Littlefoot is separated from her during a massive earthquake as a nightly downpour rolls in Littlefoot finds his mother slumped on a pile of rocks struggling to breathe and close to death distraught Littlefoot begs her to get up but slowly realizes the truth as his mother tells him she'll always be with him even if you can't see me as the camera pulls out viewers are left with the haunting image of a son losing his mother a reminder that at some point we'll all face a world without our parents in it number 3 Optimus Prime the Transformers the movie a good leader brings out the best in his or her followers but they shouldn't have to die to make it happen through Optimus Prime an entire generation of kids found out the hard way what true leadership looks like in a shocking first act twist the Autobot leader sustains life-threatening injuries in a battle with his arch nemesis Megatron prime you could have died do not grieve instead of making a miraculous recovery Optimus dies surrounded by his friends with his dying breath Optimus passes down the matrix of leadership to a young Autobot named hot rod who seems ill-equipped to follow in Prime's footsteps I should past the matrix of leadership as it was passed to me by prime and I'm just a soldier a while Optimus was resurrected the following year in the transformers TV series his death would leave a lasting impact for decades to come matrix to light [Music] number 2 Charlie be barking all dogs go to heaven although the movies title says it all there's really no way to properly prepare for watching a cartoon dog die after escaping from the pound Charlie B Barkin is betrayed by his former business partner carface Carruthers take Charlie aback the big surprise carface and his accomplice killer get charlie drunk blindfold him on a dock and hurtle a runaway car at him knocking the poor dog into the water it's unclear if Charlie's cause of death is from the impact of getting hit by a car or from drowning either way Charlie winds up at the pearly gates but that doesn't excuse the fact that viewers just watched an intoxicated German Shepherd get run over by a car are we sure this is a movie made for kids oh not to worry Charlie you'll go to heaven all dogs go to heaven because unlike people dogs are naturally good before we unveil our most heartbreaking number one pick here are a few honorable mentions [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you'll have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one so many dead rabbits watership down featuring shocking scenes of violence against bunnies this infamous animated movie has terrified adults and children alike for decades in fact no less than sixty three rabbits die on screen over the course of the movies run time rather than settle on one scene in particular here are a few disturbing standouts these Hollies memory of the Warrens destruction which depicts nearly half of the film's total bunny deaths big wig choking on his own blood as he's trapped in a snare and of course Bob the dog mauling the attacking Efrain rabbits taken as a whole these seams add up to a film that would make even the most violent Disney production blush do you agree with our picks let us know in the comments and hey if you're a fan of the song playing right now be sure to check out the music video for it right here [Music]
Views: 412,834
Rating: 4.8753037 out of 5
Keywords: Animated, Cartoon, Movies, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, terrifying deaths in animated movies, animated movie deaths, terrifying movie deaths, terrifying deaths in movies, terrifying deaths, animated movies, sad animated movie moments, terrifying deaths in animation, the iron giant, paranorman, once upon a forest, chicken run, spider-man: into the spider-verse, how to train your dragon 2, the land before time, the transformers: the movie, watership down
Id: x1JEo1fqHVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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