Top 10 Team Challenge Moments | MasterChef Canada | MasterChef World

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the losing team will face the pressure test and one of you will leave MasterChef Canada for good go with mere moments to spare Oh Blue team servers are out the door with their cult canna pay to new tartar on a crispy one time Julie stop those Tomatoes come on over over [Music] we go grab our trays but they've got them on like hotel chafing dishes guys we don't have service trays we have no turning trees we're extremely late Alvin is saying hurry up you are not serving them on those trays he's flipping out you gotta try these on your chef serving tray home oh my god I'm gonna screw it up because I put on the wrong freakin tray I was screaming at us right now to get this food oh it's hashtag chaos [Music] finally the red team is out the door with their caviar and creme fraiche on endive my skin feels like it's peeling off the captain of the blue team is feeling the heat okay Mary I got you okay I feel like if I give up now my team will fall apart and I can't let that happen let us know whatever you need we go okay I need to keep working and just deal with the pain later [Music] the extremely loud lawyer people sausages but the blue team isn't the only one with a lawyer I'm trusting Michelle with the lamb I'm not worried at all put a little bit of grape seed and the same amount in each pad we're fine lamb is my thing turn these all along they're all on high see you what help what I have four pens that are going and the wind is continuously flowing out our flame it's a disaster over in the blue kitchen things aren't going much better Sean are you interested in lamb I am in charge of the lamb I take a look sure can Wow I know as I suspect it it's a little tight it's rare we're gonna help you get to medium rare by the time we have to play it medium rare meeting we got enough time to rest either we're into our best if we have undercooked lamb we could lose the course we could lose the entire competition can't serve raw meat to the judges one second it might be cooked okay relax for a second I cut into the lab and it's rare it doesn't look good for the blue team over on the red team Michelle has found a solution to the wind problem team comes together and puts up a whole bunch of pans to block the wind fix the problem get it done and move on to going on Michelle is amazing she is like a Tasmanian Devil in the kitchen they look spectacular she's cooking the lamb she's searing the lamb and the lamb looks perfect we could win this - red team - salad - consignee - more salad - more consummate when the orders start coming in I'm listening to chef Michael but I'm waiting for Barry to call the me red team new order in one on each oak salad and three consomme [Music] can I get a yes on that yes shut Thank You Trevor are you the team captain Barry yes chef M yes chef Thank You Barry two of those solids ASAP working on it I can't believe how hard it is to keep track of what goes with one come on Barry anybody choke salads imma need them right now what is going on I'm overwhelmed at this point come on guys one minute too long I can't believe how hard it is to remember the details of each order Barry behind okay this is consummate finally service just communicate a very you gonna go on these no no do not open these telling you you should look at me no we're not looking at them showing Hickey wants to open up those smokers do it just do it no I can't I got so even though Shawn is really trying to put a muscle in Matthew is not letting him do it I'm trying to get over to that barbecue if you open that smoker you're gonna Rob the smoker of all the heat shut the lid oh my god smell alone is calling to me Shawn come check the ribs telling you you should look at me no we're not looking at them Matthews the leader whatever he wants to do we do despite what Matthew says i crack a check the ribs oh my god our smokers have just dropped a good 15 to 20 degrees the stations are set up the servers are there so I suddenly remember the ribs haven't been checked oh wow I burnt the ribs what happened here look at this look at guys you can't even serve that oh my god Michelle who was in charge of watching the smokers here it was my fault this is on the brink of disaster Sean I need you over here ASAP on the ribs it's all hands on deck we're pulling them out we're picking which ones aren't burnt lettuce went into the blue kitchen and the ribs are burnt how many are burnt dice it could cost us the entire challenge regulating the temperature on these induction burners it's a juggling act I do not want to get back in there okay yes hold on I've never seen Aaron look so stressed ever what's your pan again there Aaron look at it it's smoking Aaron do you need help what do you want me to get on some steaks [Music] this one is burnt you can't serve a state that it's black on the edges like that at the wings a good steak I'm feeling like we're drowning Blue team when can I get some food from you two minutes shat followed by the second one in five this is rare I can't send that up it's rare it's not medium I'm getting really worried for our team do you want me to get on some steaks Aaron what do you need from me Aaron doesn't have to be a hero I can come in and help Aaron I need an answer you cook before medium I'll take care of all the medium-rare pay for medium you need to finish those plates we need to get them out we're finishing them right now how far out Aaron coming right up I'm right behind her waiting right now you have potatoes coming from me yes half you're amazing thank you wind fell out of my sails for a minute there but still got a handle on this for medium rare fish are following chef service please nice-looking plate sir Thank You chef table 27 thank you very much for and I'm sorry that I put you in that spot beets are too thin oh used to go on but on the bottom mark I don't know if we're gonna have time for that we're just gonna have to improvise time is running out Veronica tries to cut more beets thicker on a mandolin if she cuts herself we have two minutes to play this blood is gushing everywhere our captain is down that's good I always thought people that don't use guards on mandolins are idiots I'm an idiot two minutes left a plating I look over and there's nothing on those platters okay Julia I need your help here right now I don't know who's gonna take the leave now but wild Veronica's down she's still screaming directions to us from the sidelines I have to do something I have to step up all have to look like this okay are you still on time yes we're trying to make Veronica's innocent come to like butter garlic garlic butter free to brush someone would cook the meatballs and stand around to do it but you gotta be kidding me you've got what six orders here you got wrong meatballs there you got rockin balls behind here you're not gonna make it unless you hustle I know I'm really worried that there's no organization in terms of how we're gonna get these subs out the baskets are going from here to over there to here you have to be organized you're absolutely right Danielle okay then laughs Danielle's making crucial decisions and I'm agreeing yes Danielle's helping me stay calm I don't want to be frantic in a team situation because I'll just make the whole team frantic just before service we all pull it together you know you just take out like this load it up with any bomber out in the red truck is really high if we're ready to get this going basil I'm shocked right now how well everyone's working together Erica's actually started to calm down he's doing a really good job extra extra Kayla and Eric working side-by-side dog fighting we said fakie and they went crazy [Music] let's make one up I'll make them taste it Tami makes a beautiful dish of butter chicken puts in and Jennifer brings it in the crowd and she's making people smell telling them to go in the green booth if you're eating them with your friends calories don't count Jennifer's big mouth is actually gonna help herself [Music] Jennifer's contributions is actually helping not hindering like I thought well who was that I see the red and blue teams lines and their endless I look over to the green line and there's like 15 people in there it's like a two-man race I can overhear the other teams talking that our lineup is very short what they don't realize is we've already fed them and those people are coming back from war time that I got my second one from the Green Team wow it's a very short line is this your second place yeah it's delicious incredible the Green Team has sold so many orders that they've run out of chicken it's all you have left yes we're selling out chef Wow we're running out of butter chicken but Tammy decides to make another batch and she does it and world's record speed like I've never seen anybody who would make a butter chicken that fast in the kitchen there we go Tammy saves the day when are you gonna give me five bream in one lap as soon as we can get the the bream from over there [Music] [Music] it's four five okay Becky oh you in charge them seems like it seems like it right looks like it I'm having a hard time balancing all of these different things I can't pay attention to chef Claudio and I can't pay attention the rest of my team take control Eugene listen CEO and team captain I'm gonna whip these boys into shape Thank You Becky the best chance we have of winning is with Becky at the helm [Music] enjoy this finally all right Becky you're doing a great job your team is catching up now that was a smart move by relinquishing control of your team and giving it to Becky it's great thing to do I'm like hash tag team Becky right now just like yes do you go girl yes to let Becky and you are clear it feels amazing to be in a professional environment get up all guy it feels really natural I'm beyond proud right now it's amazing thank you sir
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 558,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: masterchef, #masterchef, master chef world, best dishes on masterchef, master chef, how to cook, cooking show, cooking competition, masterchef canada, masterchef canada team battle, masterchef canada team challenge, masterchef canada sausage challenge, masterchef canada michael bonacini restaurant, masterchef canada michael bonacini angry, masterchef canada poutine, poutine recipes masterchef canada, masterchef canada claudio aprile angry, alvin leung
Id: 8C2zak7jy00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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