Top 10 Solo Games - The Broken Meeple

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I bomb welcome to another broken meatball tap ten it's been a while hasn't it yeah you know sorry about that I had something called the top 100 to get fruit thank you so much for everybody who watched that top 100 I had lots of views lots of kind feedback lots of just general good discussion about the top 100 in general I enjoy doing it you can guarantee that we won next year we'll just see what format I want to choose but like I say we gotta get back to top tens now and I promised you there were some fairly good top 10s in the future for starters you know I've got to also do top 10 games I spent too much money on but still like and I've been going through this little black book ayoh recently and just writing down a lot of top 10 list in general some based on your feedback thank you very much for giving me ideas you know keep putting them in the comments I'd like to hear more top 10 ideas watching dice tower to see what top tens they've done I'd like to go you know what that'd be an interesting list and just weird ideas iPad so whatever in in here top 10 stressful games top 10 ugly games I still like top 10 games most improved by expansions top 10 work replacement games it's a very popular genre and no no that's the main ones I've been working on and there are some ones back in this book where I've been like yeah kind of skipped over them like insane components didn't really feel like that one too much and various other little ones I just like no big deal and at the end of the year obviously I'll be doing my top 10 of 2018 and also by request I will also do a top 10 of 2008 I'm gonna do a top I'm gonna do like a 10 year retrospective list the retrospective list I did back to 2014 were quite popular so I want to do like you know 2018 and it looked back at 2008 and then when 2019 comes I'll look back at 2009 and so on it'll take me a fair while before I catch up to 2014 again but that's for the future well they go in this book for today top ten solo games if anything has been requested by a lot of people its top 10 solo games I'm only too happy to oblige cuz I love solo gaming there's a lot of people out there that seem to poopoo on solo gaming here like oh come on I only one play with other people why would I want to be a loner by myself and he'll cave playing games I can understand now to an extent I love playing games with other people I mean let's face it a lot of games you know I'll pull this off the shelf and I want to play it with other people not every game can be played solo and at the end of the day interacting with other people new people friends family whatever is one of the best things at board games allows us to do but solo gaming does help sometimes I just you know I live alone I don't have a girlfriend right now I don't live with my family there back in Somerset so sometimes I'm just by myself and I fancy playing a game I'll without a solo game and have some fun and also solo game is a way to learn the rules of a game pretty well yeah granted some of them tweaked the rules in terms of what mode then variants they use but for the most part you can get the basics of a game down pretty well by an undertaking the solo mode or a solo playthrough now this was a hard list to make I mean I nearly needed a second page for writing down a short list and it was so hard coming up with ten and when it was even harder trying to rank those ten I could have made this a top 20 list and I dunno maybe I'll do an 11 to 20 if you asked really nicely but you know I got a thing about the time on my hands but at the moment I have done my top 10 solo games so without further ado that's a you know exit my little a dark cave of loneliness and actually talk about some great games now the caveat with this list is that these are not just simply my top 10 favorite games that are happen to have a solo mode no no no these are specifically ten games that I enjoy playing solo more than the multiplayer variants because there's a lot of games that I love to bits and they happen to have a solo mode but I prefer to play the game multiplayer rather than solo and I'm also not including digital app plays so just because there happens to be an app that's really good playing solo on the app that does not count okay so I'm not including solo at place this is gonna be physical board games and mainly just which ones do I prefer to play by self rather than with other people not to say that I don't want to play with other people but this just a preference thing so my number 10 is a pretty meaty gyro actually I still enjoy playing this with other players but when you get to the 4 player mark this is quite a lengthy game particularly as you're taking actions out of Turin sometimes and depending on how you've been you know judging your actions and your turns you might get left out of that but this has a really good solo mode for a meteoroid game it's one of the Telesur Duras games and I've been hit and miss in terms of solo mode so I find I mean one in particular vinius I wasn't a fan of the solo mode in that one it was just way too punishing this one though allows you to do some really crafty things with planning what the opponent eye is going to do and how you should react to it you play it very differently in a sense to how you would normally play the gallerist against multiplayer opponents and I just gave it away denied yeah number 10 the gallerist this huge monstrosity back here we go yes I really like the solo mode of this essentially what happens is the Sirdar the AI moves around the board in a kind of set fashion but you can kick him out and as you do he does certain things and it accelerates the game timer so what you were trying to do is you were trying to go on spaces obviously to build up your art gallery and sellar and do all that stuff like you normally do but do you want the server to kick you out as much as possible so you get as many actions as you can before the game timer ends the thing is you don't want to kick him out of too many actions because it accelerates the game to a point so it's a weird sort of tug anote Tong war match between you and the AI in trying to maximize the amount of actions and the efficiency of those actions as possible before the game timer ends it's not easy I can tell you that I mean that the the apprentice level of stuff that you do is like seriously half the time I don't get that sort of thing in a normal game against multiplayer and I'm supposed to be just the apprentice in solo mode so suffice to say I'm not an expert at this by any means but it's a fun way to play the game and it's certainly a very good to learn the rules cuz apart from a few tweaks for the AI we're pretty much doing exactly what you did before discovering artists you're promoting them you're going to the international market you're selling are you're doing 90% of the things you do in the normal game just with a couple of twists thrown in so it's a good learning tool and with this one this is the best written rule book out of all the surgeons games by far so it's not even a difficult solo mode to get into it's a solid one probably the meatiest er solo mode I have on here yeah I probably say this is the heaviest game on this list and like I say for a heavy game as this to have a solo mode on a play that's pretty good high praise so number 10 there gallerist and then my 9 is a true solo game and I think there's gonna be yeah it's gonna be two of these on this list they're you know games that can only be played solo this is one of them it's a dice game with a little bit of a controversial theme but you know if you just get into the game and just have fun with it it's not that you know nasty of theme it's not something that you couldn't say get some like teenagers to play or something that it kind of depends how you view the whole sort of terrorism and you know style of act it's obviously if you take it very seriously then this might put you off and you know in the warning there but if you're just gonna get into it except it's only a game at the end of the day then this one hostage negotiator is a solid solo game to play there's a lot of luck in it yes you're rolling dice basically you have a scenario where a certain type of adversary and it could be just your typical gung-ho yes I've got hostages give me lots of money or it could be you know a traumatic you know father trying to get medical bills for his daughter could be a cult could be a CEO boss who's just flipped and lost his lid after a deals gone bust or something there's all sorts of these different scenarios they've taken a certain amount of hostages and what you're doing is you're rolling dice in order to have conversations of with the abductor and the better you roll on certain cards the more positive the effects but if you roll badly they can have negative effects so essentially you're doing what you see in some those movies I mean what some my favorite ones a phone call phone boo for camp member the guys like in a phone booth for the entire movie talking to a hostage negotiator so it's quite a cool film and there's some other films in that sort of regard I like hostage negotiations and films because I've always really tense you know if they're acted well they is and with these you these cards allow you to either us or decrease the threat level of the villain so it's kind like alright maybe I don't want to do this fine you can have a hostage no that's fine but you roll badly or if things go wrong and there are event decks where if you take too long it will eventually get bad the guy who starts getting really worked up it's like alright don't don't push me don't put me both you know takes out hostage or you know demands more stuff you know I don't want the money I now want a helicopter and a bitter and Barbados on a note but strange requests I suppose but it's a it's a very for a dice game is wonderfully formatic and how the scenario plays out if you just immerse yourself in the theme there's a lot of luck yes it's a dice game but it's a short game doesn't take too long to set up the scenario you play it you roll some dice mix around some cards you're trying to be efficient with the car so it's not just simply grab whatever cards you can you want the cards that suit your particular strategic half and of course you know the events and the various tarot cards can throw a bit of a spanner and it works this is crime wave which is a standalone version of it you can get the original version as well I think somewhere but this is the newest one it has a box that stores everything there's little booster packs for additional abductors and different scenarios I've got all of them I think I've got everything there is for this game in this one box and hopefully they're still releasing more content because I haven't played everything in this box but eventually I will and soon it's like come on give me more abductors commit some more ideas so what's this negotiator if you don't mind the theme it's a solid dice game you get into now when number 8 is a bit of a cheat yeah oh sorry sorry there's two games on this number right but when I was thinking about them I just thought these games are so similar they give me the same sort of feel but we have a different set in a different context I just couldn't really split them apart and have them separate items on the same list especially when when I didn't consider which one I like better than the other it's a very tight margin between them these are from Portal games and they represent some incredibly formatic survival games and when it comes to survival games from Porto audacity likes to remind us that he has no qualms and making everything very difficult for you these are exceptionally hard games to succeed that particularly one of them but they're wonderfully formatic they they just immerse you in the setting they've got multiple scenarios one even has a legacy style campaign it's just they're just really good to get your teeth into but they are quite complex and not for the everyday gamer the first one is the super hard one Robinson Crusoe oh yes everybody who's played this knows how stupidly hard this one is but the other one that I want to give some raise to is this one first Martians now this one didn't get as much buzz as Robinson Crusoe granted the app was a bit buggy to start with and the rulebook was atrocious it just was but the rule books been updated with an almanac which is a lot easier to read there's a watch it played video from rot from Rodney Smith and the app has had a lot of bug fixes and now works perfectly fine for me so I do urge people to give this another try if you have a chance but this one and Robinson Crusoe they are so similar to each other I just could not split them apart but they're wonderful to play solo yeah you can play this with two for your four players and that's all well and good but the more players you have the longer it takes you've got more discussion to go on and it just gets a little bit unwieldy particularly I think we're Robinson Crusoe it just gets like insane with that many players you know I prefer to play Robinson Crusoe with a maximum of hmm occasionally you might convince me to play free player but I'd rather just one or two with this and the same goes to first Martians I've had a lot of fun with just one or two players here but certainly from a solo perspective these games have been really solid I mean I can just play them they're all set out and then the game just froze all sorts of different problems at me like you know the Tigers coming to eat you the rains coming in so will you know have you got shelter you know in Mars you know your oxen it just broken down you gotta fix it oh you you need to get out and that probe and go find something on the Mars service because you know my Playstations not working or whatever it's there's some great stuff it throws at you and the fact that there's multiple scenarios means that the replay value of these is off the charts you know this one has now got something like seven or eight scenarios now because I've got the six that were in the game I've got King Kong as well and I think there's another one I've just printed out recently with poachers it was a bgg promo first Martians here has got a legacy style campaign it's got some it's got about six or seven I think you know actual normal scenarios and I printed off epidemic which appetit yet to try actually I need to try that at some point you know a disease-ridden scenario for the Mars one Robinson Crusoe is literally like playing a survival Robinson Crusoe the board game and first Martians is exactly like playing the Martian the board game as in the Matt Damon film which is actually really good go check it out like it was better than I thought it would be so I couldn't really split these games but I loved them both they are fantastic they're this close on my top 100 you know they're just really cool and playing them solo is an absolute joy number eight goes to Robinson Crusoe and first Martians equally my number seven is the other solo only game on this list you can only play it so though there is no other way this is a hard-to-find game though and I apologize that if you live in the States or in the UK you're gonna struggle particularly to find this game however hope is at hand well sort of if you've got a lot of money you can order direct from I forget where in his career or somewhere or Japan where the game is made but if you're going to Essen this year or no one want anyone who's going to Essen I almost guarantee that the publisher who made this game or this a distributor for them is going to be there and they will more than likely have copies of this game if it's still in print so you could ask someone you know to go bring one back that would be a good tip for me but this is a game with a weird theme that I just fought why am I so interested in this I don't even drink the stuff this is just about brewing Kaffee really that's a female act on two especially when I'm a tea drinker but I gotta say Kaffee roaster was a huge surprise for me the first time I heard about it was when I think Eric's summer I mentioned it on a diced our live show Essen that's like you're going really gaga for this coffee making game I finally go and have a look went over to the publisher Stan a lovely luncheon lady you know showed me the game I went through and did a solo playthrough I think I was wrapped up in about 20 minutes because I was learning the rules to the game I was hooked all it instantly this is a highly enjoyable yet simple bag building solo game you are brewing Kaffee and you can do one on its own or three in a row at multiple different difficulties but they have lots of different starting setups and lots of different requirements for what star rating you know how how much do you want to roast this coffee but the way this works is that you put a load of these tokens in the bag and you pull so many out as this turn counter moves which is basically the coffee roasting machine the longer you take though the more tokens you pull out but then the coffee machine gets hotter and hotter and hotter and the more smoke appears and these are tokens that go into your bank clogged it up what you're trying to do is you're trying to have lots of these different beams from levels 0 to 4 and when they're on a lower level if they survive to the end of a round they level up what you're trying to do is get as many of these high beans as possible well maybe not it depends what coffee you're making in order to say right I'm done roasting that's brewed as coffee you then pull ten tokens out of the bag you felt this mug and you see what level you've got your roast rating app by adding up all the beans you've got in it as well as any other weird things you were going for like flavors and maybe some negatives for certain bad tokens that you play at the back but it's such it it's very well produced I wish the insert could hold this game up there when I was storing it vertically it's the only annoying thing but you know it's good production they're high-quality and it's just a nice zen-like sort of feeling game really because it's not just simply Oh any beans right leave them out no you've got water tokens to do if you got burnt beans you've got hard beans which take a little bit extra to roast up you might be going for extra points by getting the flavor and acidity and aroma you know tokens on the coffee as well and some of the coffee's are just harder than others you know they give you less tokens to work with but you have to make good use of these various special abilities that you can trigger which allow you to like you know draw and redraw or trash tokens or you know stabilize the coffee for an extent or add more leeway for the final round like pull out 12 13 tokens instead of 12 you know that kind of thing and it's just a very nice enjoyable simple game takes no more than 10 to 30 minutes to play and that's assuming you're doing one or free you know different menus so it's basically 10 minutes per coffee that you brew particularly when you're used to the game it's expensive I know unless you're going to Essen but I highly recommend it if you have a means to grab this game and you like solo games you should definitely give this one a look number 7 Kaffee rooster number six is another meteor Oh an array Rosenberg you're in fact now this one used to only be playable with one to two players it can now be played with up to free and I must admit this would probably be higher on the list if it weren't for the expansion because the expansion making it free player with some of the rules if frozen means that I now really enjoy playing this would free player but predominantly I will still play this with just myself yeah rather than even a two-player in fact and this is one of my probably my favorite or a row is it my favorite yeah it is my favorite Yuri Rosenberg game I believe from my top 100 you know I like caverna it's great I like other early Rosenberg games they're great but this one feels about the ultimate sandbox gyro game from Rosenberg this is pure sandbox yo farm building you have a sort of an area and I believe like North Germany area and you've got the die coast but you can do you can farm wheat you can farm a reed you know and I think it's weed yeah like a different plan for clothing in that you can raise animals you can push the dyke barriers back and expand your field you can get properties you can upgrade your tools you can you know do well in terms of animals you've got sheep you've got cows you got hey yeah everything you can think of you can do in this game it's such a glorious sandbox game to play and the recent expansion tea and trade like I say has made it more enjoyable for me with free players now but it's added some extra cool stuff in the game like the tea tokens that allow you to do cool stuff in your turn like double the potency of your action or just increase the you know the value of your tools and essentially you're doing what you do in a lot of arrows number games you're building up your little farm or you know your little settlement village way if you want to call it and you basically try and get victory points but this is a big point salad and there's a one player game it's a great one to say you know what I just feel like building a farm I don't care about good versus evil or don't care about with of beatin someone on victory points or even done so well myself about two points I just feel like building a farm and trying something different because there's so many past evict during this game it's unreal so I can just say you know what I feel like doing max clothing this round fine I am gonna build up my farm in such a way that I am just getting leather and wool and you know cotton coats or whatever they are and just going with that fine next game I decide I'm gonna do a ton of animal rearing so I try and get animals all over my park next game I decide I'm just going to dehydrate my mores expand all the way out to the edge and fill it up with wheat yeah I can literally decide what I want to do every game and I love love love love love sandbox style games know all of them I mean some of them can go on too long and be overly complex but this is the idea that I can pick my own path do what I want to do and if it doesn't win me the game so what I had fun doing my choice not having a game dictate it to me I hate it when a game dictates things to me like that so fields of our free player is still really good fun and I still enjoy it with two but I really get a kick at playing this one solo and certainly before this expansion came out I was predominantly doing this solo fantastic sandbox yura game fields of are number six my number five is a game that you probably thought was gonna be my number one but I'm sorry I can't have you know the entire box on my lap right now as I'm talking to you this is the game that you figured it would be my number one it's my number one game of all time and it is the perfect superhero co-op game that there is and that is sensible z' of the multiverse the reason another one that grabbed it is because it's in a giant collectors box on top of my calyx in the other room and I just didn't feel like going and grabbing it and holding it in my hand like a child or sorry as I'm trying to explain things to you if you want to check out my recent review for oblivion on the expansion and the collectors case itself go check out my recent review but otherwise you know go watch my ten through one that's my top 100 and I'll explain it more then sends those in the multiverse is what I really want in a superhero gangster love superheroes it's my favorite theme I watched loads of TV shows and movies on the matter at Marvel TC whatever love them both and by ok Marvel a lot better in DC but still and with this one with some of these superhero games it's like oh like Marvel legendary you've Dec build and spoiler alert it's a Marvel legendary it was a shortlisted woman make my top ten but with that one your dick building from pool of cards so you end up with this mishmash of heroes this one you are this hero I want to be expatriate good here's your deck here's your character your special ability your unique deck go and with solar mode I just pilot free decks you know I choose free of my favorite heroes will try a combo I've never done before put them together choose a villain and environment and go at it with the Oblivion scenario I can get through that and do it like the most epic infinity war style like game I've ever played of sentinels although has a lot of bookkeeping and it takes me a long time so there is that caveat but even just getting the game and that's not even including the app the app for the Sentinels multiverse is fantastic but I'm not even including them a penis I will happily take the physical game get free heroes environment villain and go and I will have a great time doing it the replay value with all the stuff I've got everything from start to finish is off the charts I've got variants for all the heroes loads of environments all the villains all the heroes all it's just a fantastic co-op game I love it so much so why is it not number one on this list well as much as I like playing it solo I do really get a kick out of playing at multiplayer as well you know I like to be able to show new people what I keep raving about this game so much and let them make their own decision as to whether they enjoy it or not but there are friends of mine who really enjoyed this game as well and then I'd like to just play the game and we can have a you know big we can like ham it up you know do silly voices where our heroes or really go you know typical cheesy nineties superhero style if catchphrases and that but we get into the theme and it's just fun to have like two or three mates who are into superheroes really get immersed and enjoy the game and there's a co-op it really does teach teamwork because you cannot be a lone ranger in this game you might be doing really like huge amounts of damage like punching the villain like constantly but if you haven't got the healing from the other book or the support from that person or the backup from the other one you're not gonna do so well so it's just such a fun co-op I play it with multiplayer and I enjoy it but as a solo game you know just being able to pull out some decks I've got to the point now where I can handle all the admin and bookkeeping pilot all free and I have a whale of a time sends those in the multiverse my number one game but only number five on the solo list so what possibly overtook it my number four is one that again I can't really get the box for you because it is in that giant legendary vault yes I mentioned Marvel legendary didn't make my top ten but one of the legendaries did this is my personal favorite legendary game to play and he just won the showcase this is simply well I was gonna show a matching yeah let me just show you this little clip get away from her you got that moment isn't it anyway it is legendary encounters alien the best way to sort of showcase it is just by having the play map yes the original play map for legendary encounters which plays very much like the marble version except that there's a few key differences cards come out of the encounter deck face down which is very fitting for the agent theme because you don't know where the aliens are or what's there so you've got to scan them first you have all the iconic characters from the film's you have the four films as the scenarios and with the expansion and you can play as the Queen as a you know player against the others and you have two other custom scenarios which are unique you know they're not their base maybe on some alien lore but it's not based on movie so six scenarios and the ability to just interchange all the objectives willy-nilly but Wow with this one it's so much fun playing it solo and typically I can play it solo with just one deck or typically I will pilot it with two decks I will put two decks err build each one of them and go at it because when you got a lot of players in the legendary games you're kind of asking to lose really you know four or five players in something like Marvel legendary and you will pretty much lose nearly every game because there's just too many players too many villain cards coming out and not enough time for people to build up although a legendary encounters agent does have a way of combating that in its rules but that's a sight thing but three players is fine two players I really enjoy but it's sometimes easier for me to just grab this game from the vault especially since you've box and just play out two decks in solo mode with alien legendary you can still use the coordinate keyword which allows you to give cards to other players granted upon piloting two decks on can coordinate with the other so I can do a little bit analogous with that but just I love the alien universe granted the films have kind of steamrolled over its since the second Asian film unfortunately I can just about what's the director's cut evading free but resurrection on was rubbish but you can't get a better horror film than you originally and you can't get a better action horror film than aliens and you can't get a better horror themed computer game an alien isolation oh yes the alien universe is one that I do like a lot and this is one of the most formatic deck builders I've ever played with this yeah you've got chess bursting as a potential way to die one of the best ways you can die in any deck ball or any game to be honest the fact that you can get a chest burster and die instantly the tension is that ramps up when you know it's in your deck and it's gonna come out it's gonna come out it's gonna go instantly but with one player it's so easy for me to just say look I feel like these two avatars they work together nicely I'd like to have this combo of characters typically what I like to do is I like to play the movies as per the movie so if I'm playing let's say aliens then that means my characters I choose is gonna be people like were Hicks and Hudson and oh my god why am i briefing on that one Bishop you know and so it's been a while since I've watched agents movie I should go watch it actually but yeah you know I can have the iconic characters and obviously Ripley for example so it just it's an easy one for me to put out so load than it is for me to pull out multiplayer especially as I can't carry this huge box to a game night really any more so most of the legend games are only played solo now by myself unless I invite people around in which case we can play at them about all the legendary games and they all made my short list I like Marvel you know I love Marvel I like the predator and I kind of like the Serenity Firefly one as well but you just can't beat aliens love it alien legendary number four my number three is an LC g LC g format i really like now in some respects they were good with the competitive side but with competitive games you tended to you know if you didn't keep up with it fast enough then you got left behind and all the expert players look down on you for not having the right cards yeah the community for some of those competitive lcg's is a little bit ho-hum really but I still enjoyed them the coop ones though are they are great and this one is a recent LCD in a co-op genre that basically you know takes the like the Cthulhu universe and makes a really good immersive and highly narrative storyline with it of course you know what it is I don't really I'm not getting the whole box down but no these get the folders yeah Arkham Horror the living card game investigators player cards and all the encounter card and the big wooden box up there but this is still loads of fun to play yeah I'm worried that halfway through the bottom half way through the Forgotten Age cycle now cycle-free it's been going strong I've enjoyed it ever since it started coming out and I have very rarely played this with more than just myself you know I try to four play a campaign of it we actually went for the entire Dunwich saga in one day we did it as a 24 hour thing whoo it took a while and it was quite Bane Bernie but when I played it I thought okay four player is fine but I'd rather only play it two players max I think two players is the maximum I ever want to play this game with but even then that's super rare I have played this game predominantly solo only and I mean I've got more to play it is you know this is the the deck for city of archives I think it's called oh yeah city of archives so the newest mythos pack you know that the instruction sheet here from the from the pack of unwrapped it I just haven't had a chance to SWAT the card yet but if I get time tonight I might roll through that scenario cuz I've heard really good things but it's such a good narrative storyline you know theme in a game is a hard thing to represent but here everything that you've got with is your personal investigator with their various cards feels formatic it ties into the Arkham's our law but the storylines that develop through the campaign's are fantastic during the quest a quest during a scenario or after a scenario in between like the one you're doing in the next one you have to make choices story based choices like do you follow so-and-so character or do you get too suspicious and deny your help and then later on you get to another campaign or another storyline scenario and then the repercussions of your decision come back in a positive or a negative way and it's just such a great thing you know you've got a log that you can update like the various keywords that you found all the various decision choices that you've made you record like your assets your physical trauma mental trauma and you can the campaign can end in lots of different ways there's different resolutions to every scenario different outcomes to the campaign depending on how well you're doing the last one and all the investigators I mean there's so many now I mean skids Agnes Wendy Daisy Jim Rowland Rex Matthew Yorick cashy Thin Mint a panic an actual name Calvin right Leo Anderson Lola Jenny Barnes Zoe Ashe campy dog there's so many of them now and I don't even own all of them lucky you people in America you get to go to Arkham Horror Nights and get all the promo investigators and get the books and stuff and I hate you I want to get these sites organized FFG events in Britain and we just don't get them so I don't get to have all these cool like Arkham Horror Nights you know I want them in UK if only but we even without that solo I get to play this game a lot you know as a new pack comes out I get the patek new cards yes let's play for the scenario I want to do it and then when it's done I think come on I'm gonna wait for the next scenario but then I could just go back and grab the the other scenarios and play for with a different investigator I've even done two handed at times but typically I like to just play one deck and yeah they're now bringing out these are kind of up dates to the encounter cards it's not the most cost-effective thing I must admit because they give you a storage box yes but I've got a giant wooden storage box up there in two folders I don't really need extra storage boxes and pay the money for them but the idea of improving some of the earlier quests with new cards and new variety is tempting so maybe I will start investing in them when the Dunwich one comes out on me I had to get returned tonight as ell or whatever is maybe I'll start investing them just to get the cards you know it's more player cards more encounter cards as the Box might go to waste I have to find a use for it but like I say I digress Arkham Horror at the living card game a number free solar game predominantly like 98% played solo love it and most people out there do as well it's a solid game at great community my number two game is a getting a bit of stir and look for me because I've just spent a lot of money my own personal money on acquiring a new case for it the case is currently being built by op laser and it's gonna be an antique case I could get them for some of the lcg's but this antique case is gonna look like a kind of leather-bound briefcase honest finally going to store this particular game for me which is a bit of a beast to store particularly when all the miniatures go into bags and the tiles are like so much a number that it's hard to organize them all this will allow me to organize my collection of this game finally but it cost me a pretty penny I paid the extra to get the antique version and also so that I don't have to build excite as much as I like inserts it's annoying having to spend the time to build them this however is a game that I have played solo all the time except I think twice whoever played it with other players it can take far too long with other players though and I would rather just beam the the app which is fantastic to my TV screen there have the soundbar play the audio for ambience and just set it up and go through a scenario by myself maybe controlling free investigators yes we're still in the caffeine universe and it is the utterly fantastic manages the madness this is just one of the expansion boxes because we've got the other one in a big box there and it is a nightmare to store this at the moment get it into an efficient manner so I'm invested in a briefcase storage system for this from up laser and let's hope it's good I won't see it for at least another four weeks I think but certainly you'll see pictures on my Instagram and Twitter and that when I get it but poor this game you know bunches of madness was okay it was easily brokered it was all over the place with the expansions it clearly needed a lot of work but this one the 2.0 version is just amazing wonderfully formatic wonderfully immersive the app is the best integration of an app into any board game bettered and x-com better than even like the first martians and all that law no this is the best app it creates on the ambient sound it gives you narrative descriptions of the combat moves you're doing and the storyline and all the horror events it's not just simply you walked into a room make a horror check no it's you walked into a room and this girl that you've not seen since she died when she was 5 years old approaches you in the room and suddenly her jaw drops and he goes black in terms of just would leave this you know it's like yoga comes Slenderman it's so wonderfully immersive and the act just handles the bookkeeping for you it keeps track of various things and all you've got to do is set up the map tiles and move the little miniatures around to say where your investigators are and keep track of their items and that there's loads of scenarios for this because the expansion's it's FFG you know big shock horror you know they're pumping out expansions and pumping them out and pumping them out which means more tiles more monsters but importantly more scenarios you can even download scenario straight off the net you know a few quid think of it like an in-app purchase and these are cool scenarios as well but there's so much content of going this because I've got every expansion I've got the the first edition conversion kits that gave me more scenarios I haven't even played every scenario in this game yet and it's just you know it's hard to obviously find the time but every time I do get it out oh yes I love it it's a wonderful game that plain solo is just a dream you know it's late at night you know close the curtains have the sound on and play a very spooky Cthulhu game and to be honest we're getting into October getting into Halloween so I think it's time to bring out this game a little bit more often as we approach Halloween so mansions old manners 2.0 my second favorite solo game [Music] so by number one that so get yeah you call it you knew this one was coming if you've paid attention to my tap turns in tap 100 you know that this game was coming this game I have never played other than solo I'm I'm almost positive on that at most maybe I got toy as a two-player I'm not sure but even then I think I bought it and played it solo you know I can't remember any time I've played this other than solo this is my favorite LCG it's hard to decide between this and the Arkham Horror one I did before but wow I love the IP this is based on I love the variety in the quests I love all the encounter cards I love all the different types of decks I can make when I play this game I put the play map out which is PO harm I might get a different play map one that's less about having functional areas and just one that has a cool map or something and this is another one of those occasions where everybody in the space is on fellowship event since I want to go to a fellowship event like Cox it's all in the States and not Brynn but you know all the stuff I miss that even the collector's edition that fantasy flight did for this game and I can't get it because I'm here it's like not fair maybe I should move to the state yeah I'm sorry I got too much to do here I can't move to the States but I need to visit it more often I think but this is my LCG of choice it is the wonderful alright yeah Lord of the Rings LCG you called it it's the LCG that I rave on about a loads I've only played it solo it's in another wooden box up there which is actually starting to get to full point I might need to invest in something for that maybe get an antique case for that one and it won't got money but you know this one is two folders I've got here holding loads of different player cards if all these different player cards I can use and I've just been going through lots of scenarios for this game like in rapid succession because I'm behind you know I haven't done every scenario because there was just so much content when I start getting into it it's finding the time to do it but in the quests I love all the encounter cards I love all the different types of decks I can make when I play this game I put the play map out which is PO harm I might get a different play map one that's less about having function areas just one that has a cool map or something and this is another one of those occasions where everybody in the states is on fellowship events it's like I want to go to our fellowship event like conks it's all in the States and not Bryn but you know all the stuff I miss that even the collector's edition that fantasy flight did for this game and I can't did it because I'm here it's like not fair maybe I should move to the state yeah I'm sorry I got too much to do here I can't move to the States but I need to visit it more often I think but this is my lcd of choice it is the wonderful yeah Lord of the Rings LCG you called it it's the LCG that I rave on about a loads I've only played it solo it's in another wooden box up there which is actually starting to get to full point I might need to invest in something for that maybe get an antique case for that one it won't got money but you know this one is two folders I've got here holding loads of different player cards if all these different player cars that I can use and I've just been going through lots of scenarios for this game like in rapid succession because I'm behind you know I haven't done every scenario because there was just so much content when I started getting into it and it's finding the time to do it but I've just completed the Howard cycle which is all about the deserts and that and I'm working through the new row vein Ian's as a Romanian Dale quest which are really good so far really loving this new cycle were on both and player cards and encounters they're really good FFG seem to have slowed down their output speed with this which is a bit of a shame because it's like come on I mean waiting ages just to get a second pack in the cycle it's taking forever stop announcing new packs and just give us the packs that I want now so they're a bit slow with this which is a bit annoying but I've got so much content to get through what does it matter this game just gives me Lord of the Rings in a card game I will put the app on the screen and I will listen to the soundtrack of the entire laws of the Rings trilogy as I play this game it's so immersive to be going for a quest where say you know I want my biggest fears or something you know I'd be going under the desert sands to rescue my friends I've been captured by giant spiders to go kill the Queen and all the while that TV screen there playing the bridge of Qasr doom music or something or Shelob attacks and that and I mean I love the blow the Rings movies I loved up I liked The Hobbit movies as well not as much as all the Rings but still I love the soundtrack I love the I just love a lot of stuff about Lord of the Rings so an LLC G based on it that is solo and cooperative is just amazing and not to say I won't play it to player ever I don't want to play it for really but to play I would play this with but because there's a co-op thing an AI room solo game from the omniverse universe really good feast for Odin not an interesting solo mode but I usually prefer to play this with a couple of players really caverna but as well solo but again I prefer the multiplayer aspect and I sure like comms could something detective this would probably mean 11 12 13 you know I can play that one year really easily the new detective by a portal and the one behind me just there you know I can play it with other players fine but I really enjoy playing it solo as well so that was quite high up Pursuit of Happyness and nack ranee Valley of the Kings got a nice little solo mode Friday another soul already go card game really cool sigh siphon viticulture would probably be a bit lower on the list I'm not a fan of the way the autumnal works in those games so those didn't really Frank that highly guy a project it's good good solo mode but it's quite fiddly there's a lot of rules to comprehend at any one time in Geier project and some of those enemies you fight in the solo mode are just ridiculously hard but I'm not exactly a guard project experts probably why otice even has a solo mode which I know I will hopefully do that as a solo walkthrough at some point just showcase what it's like XCOM you know so about gold my god is as tense as all get-out when you play that one with all four stations by yourself LG Tora yeah it's good to play that one solo play with pre investigators and that's it further shortlist yep so there was quite a lot of games that I still enjoy playing solo and like I say as much as I love playing games with other people and socializing running a games Club of all things and teaching games and dice events and stuff I do like to just check out a game I enjoy play for it solo and good time with a cider or a cup of tea on you know a cold a hot or cold yeah weekday evening or even on the weekend you know it's you know we're coming up to Halloween I mentioned I'll get matches of madness out I've been playing a lot of Lord of the Rings LCG lately I've got a scenario just there for Arkham Horror I'll probably play that tonight even so there's a lot to be said about solo gaming I you know whether if you don't like it fine but don't you know don't look down on it a lot of people like to play a game solo the fact that I'm even going to do solo walkthroughs in the future is testament to the fact that the main reason I'm doing it as much as I will enjoy doing the videos is because the feedback that I got when I asked about on the FAQ was just overwhelming like I think everybody who commented on the solo water who said we want to see it great so that many people who like comment on my videos want to see solo walkthroughs means that solo gaming is here to stay it is very popular and more publishers need to start putting solo modes in their games if possible because they are very popular in fact there are some games I don't actually enjoy that much that I might play solo terraforming miles is a good example not the biggest fan of that game is a bit overrated for me but the most fun I ever had with terraforming Mars is when I played it solo so yeah it'll be pretty sweet to get the app when that's out and played through that solo maybe so you know there are solar boat can help games in such a way but before I wrap up the show I can't forget my patreon supporters yes as the top 10 so therefore what's the patreon choice for solo games it's an odd one the best suggestion I got given when I asked my patreon crowd was the Manhattan Project energy Empire that was an unusual one it's got a solo mode in it and it's decent but it's not much different from the actual two-player game in this you have neutral workers that block spaces you're restricted on certain how many structures are there and basically what you're doing is you're trying to complete free objectives get all the way up the united nations track have a certain amount of points from achievements that kind of thing and get at least a hundred victory points or something like that and then it ranks you based on how far you get beyond that aside from that it just basically tweaks up you rules where when it references other players it has a slight variation because obviously you're playing by yourself but done about this one I mean you can play it solo and it will take you about an hour an hour to do there's a decent enough solo mode so I'm glad it's in here but I'll admit I didn't you can come to my mind I was thinking on my short list i I know it has a solo mode but it just never popped into my head you know I've only played it I think once or twice and like I said it's decent I mainly used it as a rules teaching tool just to get over the basics of the game but yeah I mean it's a decent Sole Mio don't think it's bad I just didn't they didn't blow my mind either as being like really really good but in the Empire as a game is really really good and I think the main reason that this one didn't pop to my head as much is because with energy Empire I prefer to play this with more players not necessarily like the full count but I want that interaction with everybody like making the dice you want making the space as you want the timing or when people with workers come off on the board that that interplay is so much more varied and you know profound when you have multiplayer games of this rather than solo so yeah it's a cool game I like it and the solo mode works but it's not the first one I would take myself but that's what the patreon say so kudos to them so enough rabbiting for me anyway it's time for me to get on with some dinner and some more videos so regardless of whether you want to play with other people or you just want to sit in your Batcave and play a game solo remember to come out at the end of the day and you know be social with all your friends and family because you know at the end of the day they're the most important thing so remember it's only a game and I'll see you on the next top ten video which will be the top 10 games that I love but spend way too much money on see you soon and take care [Music] [Applause] [Music] you you
Channel: The Broken Meeple
Views: 43,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Board Games, Luke Hector, Broken Meeple, Blog, Podcast, Dice Tower, Tom Vasel, Solo, Games, Card Games, Top 10
Id: FEB6-1oAuqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 58sec (3058 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 30 2018
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