Top 10 Sodas

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you can call it pop soda or Fizz but don't be a jerk about it and action cut please just pick up the can no no just pick it up no no a problem I'm sorry an old habit welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 sodas with special Sparkle Citrus crisp Orchard fresh Lively with pin Point carbonation for this list we're looking exclusively at carbonated drinks and are ranking them based on Flavor popularity and sales canned juices and other non- bubbling soft drinks are a list for another day they're ready folks number 10 crush I said Gramps no offense I don't think you're ready this is Major orange taste it's totally outrageous this popular zesty drink was first developed in 1906 but really gained ground in 1916 with the creation of the Orange Crush company fresh fruit flavor that's for me it tastes better naturally Orange Crush Orange Crush get first named Wards Orange Crush after one of the company's Founders the business has changed hands a number of times throughout the century and is currently owned by the Dr Pepper Snapple Group notable because it originally contained contained orange pulp Crush was initially only available in Orange however additional flavors have popped up over the years including pineapple strawberry and the ever popular grape Crush you want your first crush to land number nine root beer o root beer this is A&W Root Beer it's got that Frosty mug taste it's special it's not just a clever name as it's brewed from a mixture of herbs roots and sugars root beer is technically a beer however owing to its shortened fermentation process the actual alcohol content tends to top out at 5% while the drink has Origins as far back as 1265 in ancient Britain it wasn't really developed or mass marketed until 19th century American pharmacist Charles hirers developed his blend from the bottle Fountain and The Keg too it's real oldtime hires root beer for pleasure and thirst that was followed by a host of other brands including barks mug dads and A&W with A&W it's good to be thickheaded number eight seven up the uncola the UN that's always smooth never harsh or irritating without a hint of aftertaste this widely popular lemon lime uncola was first marketed by Charles lier Grigg in 1929 mere weeks before that Year's stock market crash it was first sold under the name bib Lael lithiated lemon lime soda which in addition to being a mouthful was accurate as the soda did contain lithium the beverage's name eventually morphed into seven up possibly due to the seven natural flavors that blended into a Savory flavory drink with a real wallup and when you put it all together it's uncola and that seven up everybody knows and it became the Third bestselling soda in the world however the mood altering lithium was removed in 1950 hey make seven of yours man them up oh we going global with this baby number seven ginger ale somebody saw the shot and she's got a cold drink for you this brown and bubbly champagne standin was first crafted in its golden ale form by American Doctor Thomas Cantrell later Dry Ginger was developed by Canadian pharmacist John McLaughlin who patented the drink in 1907 and marketed it as Canada Dry Ginger Ale this variant became popular during the prohibition era as it proved to be an excellent mix with alcoholic drinks bathtub Jin and ginger anyone one gulp is for thirst the other gulps are for kicks both dry and golden alses are available from a range of Brands including scheps and seag gums and it's often used as a home remedy for nausea Canada Dry Ginger Ale so good it hurts number six Fanta now there's a soft drink from the Coca-Cola company that makes it fun to be [Music] thirsty FL tsty possibly the best thing to come out of deut land since Johan Sebastian Bach this fun-loving Pop drink was developed for Coca-Cola in Germany by cokan Max Keith born out of necessity during World War II the German Coke plant was cut off from the rest of the world forcing them to create a new drink out of pomus whey and any other food stuff the plant could obtain following the war the beverage whose name is taken from the German word for Fantasy was marketed globally and is now available in over 100 flavors new Fanta raspberry and passion fruit special edition how far would you go to taste it number five Pepsi burn up your energy work up a mighty thirst then belt down a cold pepsicola it puts back your energy and tastes better Cal than any other soft drink in the world pharmacist Caleb bradam first introduced the refreshing bane of Coke's existence in 1893 as Brad's drink an energy booster and digestion Aid 5 years later bradam hit the spot when the drink was rebranded as Pepsi Cola after its Chief ingredients pepsin and cola nuts although Pepsi has never quite topped Coke sales numbers preference for the blue label Cola in taste tests was enough to make its Red Label rival rework its classic recipe in the 1980s birthing the much loathed New Coke they changed my Coke something wrong with it I know they sure changed it could have asked but could have I stuck with him through three Wars and a couple of dust storms but this is too much number four Mountain Dew it'll tickle your ra this citrusy drink will tickle your innards give me something simple and all I need is sunshine a smooth refreshing Mountain Dew yeah give me a river give me a give me my good friends although now marketed to would be Daredevils the de was actually created by Brothers Barney and Ali Hartman to mix perfectly with um locally sourced untaxed Hooch Mountain Dew tickle your inard call up banging every bottle in fact the drink's name itself is a slang term for Moon even with its rustic Beginnings Mountain Dew's been owned by Pepsi since 1964 the yellow green stuff May face competition from mellow yellow and Sundrop but in the category of things that taste like Mountain Dew the real deal boasts 80% of market sales what is that it's m [Music] call that's way better than my duck do number three Sprite it will not make me more attractive to the opposite sex though I wish it would you're beautiful if I need a badge I'll become a security guard welcome to the if I need a refreshing drink I'll obey my thirst the go-to soda for those who obey their thirst this lemony limey or as they say lmon drink was first developed in Germany as clear lemon Fanta in 1961 it was first marketed as Sprite in the United States and elsewhere with Germany following suit in 1968 in the 1980s the beverage began targeting teens with their advertising and has been a hit with the Walkman and bball crowd ever since so I can play even harder what's my thirst stand on top what's yours owing to the strength of its parent company Coca-Cola's distribution Network this Citrus soda has beaten rival 7even up since 1989 can I Trad in this 7even up for a Sprite gee I don't know something the matter yeah Sprite te better in 7even up come on really spread even beat 7even up on a taste test number two Dr Pepper BR do pepper do Dr Pepper cuz it never let you down Frosty man Frosty this Indescribable blend of 23 flavors was first brewed in 1885 by pharmacist Charles alderton and like most sodas in those days it was promoted as a brain tonic and a sort of energy [Music] drink get again with theer the do for alderton and partners formed what would become the Dr Pepper company in 1891 making them the oldest pop manufacturer in the United States attempts to rival the drink have been hardfought with Coke twice being successfully sued for their alternative to the doctor Mr formerly Dr pib they're salting peppers pepp pepp would [Music] youpp before we pop the top on our number one pick here are a few honorable mentions just one sip made me whack so nostalgic I invited all my childhood buddies to Hollywood hi [Music] buddies Tango with orange [Music] intensity we got the juice we got a hit we got the spren seven up Miss fresa tastes like fresa is splashy bouncy bold comes out fighting roaring fresa tastes like fresa is different number one [Music] Coca-Cola available anywhere in the world except North Korea and Cuba our top pick has been one of the top pops for many since 1886 developed by pharmacist and injured Civil War Colonel John pton he was searching for an alternative to Morphine due to his own addiction and first sold Coke as a tonic and yes until 1903 Coca-Cola did actually contain cocaine about 9 Mig of glass it's bracing too Coca-Cola gives you a bit of quick energy that brings you back so refreshed so quickly though it's an icon today Coke sales in its first year total just $50 which represented a 20 bck loss for the company sales since have been significantly higher makes me feel good makes me feel nice way be like to see world smiling with me coca thanks me joile do you agree with our list what's your favorite sod [Music] pop W for more bubbly top 10 published every day be sure to subscribe to [Music] Coca-Cola
Views: 2,623,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soda, sodas, beverages, soft drinks, pop drinks, carbonated drinks, fizzy drinks, drinks, Coke, Coca-Cola, Dr Pepper, Sprite, Mountain Dew, Pepsi, Fanta, Ginger Ale, 7UP, Root Beer, Orange Crush, A&W, Barq's, brands, Canada Dry, Schweppes, John Pemberton
Id: 88OF0nmGko4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 03 2014
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