Top 10 Secrets About How The Saw Traps Were Filmed

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these are practical effects at their finest welcome to oast intricate and ingenious to create from designing them to filming them also a spoiler is now in effect number 10 the steam room saw six whereas many saw sets are dark grimy dungeons the steam room was one of the most elaborate they've ever created we have two layers in a catwalk on top catwalk on bottom tunnel and different obstacles and hot steam and hot boilers full of criss crossing pipe spread across two levels this tricky set with the location of a fast-paced action sequence between two survivors the hardest part was getting the look of the steam just right since obviously you can't blast hot steam which is about 212 degrees Fahrenheit at people even actors for the stove elements we were fortunate enough to find a new product that's a flexible neon and we were able to bend it into the shape of the stove elements and it gave off the correct colour some scheme did still make it onto the set for atmospheric effect but for the rest they used a smoke machine and increased the velocity of the smoke to make it look like it was pressurized number nine the shotgun trap jigsaw is your key to freedom this trap proves that simplicity is best having only one ingredient a shotgun it's got a key inside one of the shells and they need to take it out in order to free themselves but rather than work together one survivor Ana takes matters into her own hands and tries to shoot Ryan the shotgun however backfires and kills her which also at the same time ends up destroying the keys how was this accomplished without actually rigging a shotgun to backfire it's easy enough they used two props one with a hole blown in it and one without and the key props within were designed to look like they've been destroyed in the blast number eight the cube trap saw five initial ideas for the cube trap came from the writers Patrick and Markus if they had this great idea of capturing someone's head in a box and and then having them try to escape sometimes actors go through hell to bring us a great scene and that is exactly what happened when Scott Patterson who played strom had to film the waterboxx trap it's one thing to hold your breath for more than 30 seconds and sometimes he held his breath for almost a minute but then to actually emot-- and to act and hit all the right cues I was blown away there were very few special effects needed for this one all they had to do was make sure the box could hold water but also that it could be emptied at a moment's notice when Patterson was no longer able to hold his breath I know they ran through various scenarios of what to fill that box with but ultimately came down to the fear of drowning while they always have plenty of medics on set for saw it was still a very real element of danger to Patterson and because it was all close-up shots there was no chance of getting a stunt double number seven the coffin trap saw five rather than drowning Strom finally met his demise in this classic booby trap a crushing room where the walls slowly closed in and killed him this is actually unique because it's a crushing room but it's the first time in history that anyone will actually get crushed in the crushing room usually you have someone stick a pipe between the walls or they escape out the door at the last minute but I think that this is the first time on film that someone's actually gonna get crushed to accomplish this they built an incredibly complex set it had to be suspended a few feet off the ground so that Hoffman's glass box could sink beneath the floor and the walls needed to actually move those walls the way we rigged them you couldn't push them they would crush you they have that much force that much pressure the special effects supervisor Jeff Scott Joe said that it was one of the most dangerous traps they ever built to create the moment where strahm's arm gets snapped they made a fake arm that could be broken as many times as necessary I didn't know the ending and they started doing a cast of my arms I said no what are you doing a cast of my arms for use oh well they didn't tell you they're killing you off number six the ice block trap saw four you jump off that block you electrocute him if that I said nothing more he'd be fry how did they make all those blocks of ice looks so convincing well all the ice in this trap was actually real which made it an incredibly difficult shoot for continuity he can't have ice blocks thawing and freezing over and over again in one scene after all even the blocks used to decapitate Eric's head were real no his head certainly wasn't practically just figuring it all that was a nightmare blocks of ice alone were 300 pounds a huge challenge for the special effects team just to handle the ice they used a bag of fake blood suspended right where his head would be to get the final shot of the blocks crushing it and to get the remains seen by Hoffman later on a realistic cast of Donnie Wahlberg's face was created number 5 the angel trap saw 3 the angel trap is is one of the more elegant and beautiful traps I think in the saw universe while it's gruesome and while the aftermath is horrific it's beautiful to look at here our detective Kerry has to either put her hand in a jar of acid to retrieve a key to unlock her harness or have her ribs and chest torn apart by this metal contraption right before the cylinder fires the magnets to let go so that these are just kind of dangling and then like the split second later the cylinder will fire and then these wings will spread out like that and pull the ribs apart more complex than the mechanisms however were the prosthetics dina meyer had to wear she had three separate layers of prostheses attached to her body that could be torn apart by the machine on camera including replicas of her skin muscles internal organs and of course lots of blood the result is certainly convincing and especially gruesome it is as violent as it is clever I think when you're watching the footage of it you're really captivated by it it's pretty in the same in the same way that it's horrific number four the needle pit trap saw two nobody likes getting shots and this fear was taken to its extreme in this relatively simple concept but while the idea was easy enough the execution was particularly challenging it's one thing for me to write it until we're gonna put a bunch of needles and it'll be easy he'll jump in it not that many people had processed it far enough to really understand what was gonna be involved here during pre-production the crew severely underestimated how many needles they would need to create a pit whereas they originally thought they would only need 20,000 needles they actually needed 120,000 and it took four people four days to replace all the metal tips with fake ones the initial concept where she'd be neck deep in needles wasn't going to work because a person would not actually sink in this needle pit and to get the footage of Amanda pulling out the needles later on a replica of Shaunie Smith's arm was made and stabbed with real syringes you hire the best special effects guy you can and you say I want to see 14 needles sticking out of Shaunie Smith's body and they go away and do whatever like voodoo they do and they come back and they show it to me and I go oh that's really cool number three the hair trap saw for the hair trap developed from stories and urban myths of people having their their scalp ripped off in industrial accidents and the pain that that would cause this infamous trap saw another of jigsaws victims have their hair slowly pulled off by a heavy gear system ripping off not only the hair but also scalping them from a technical aspect it was actually very difficult to accomplish however we had a lot of trouble with it at first because making it look real was very difficult because we couldn't really pull on the scalp very hard or else it would just separate and the whole gag would be over in about two seconds serene Boylan had an entire fake forehead faked scalp and wig attached owing to her having much shorter hair in real life they also had to use a body double who had longer natural hair for some shots where her face wasn't visible to make it look more convincing ultimately it was Boylan's performance that made the scene so compelling she definitely gave it her all number two the pig that saw three one of the grossest traps to ever grace the big screen the pig that entailed pig carcasses moving through a meat grinder creating a gruesome gray pulp used to drown somebody trapped below a special effects team had a heck of a time mixing up enough blood and guts and and pig entrails to really make it look effective the pigs and the Pope aren't one in the same however they only had four rotten pig props to use which had to be repeatedly moved to give the illusion that there were many more on the conveyor belt the construction of the pigs was incredible but just the amount of abuse that they were taking during shooting was unbelievable and they were designed to do that but we really put them through the test the pulp was a mixture created by the filmmakers and dumped on the actor but the maggots seen on the pig carcasses were 100% real they were sterile and shipped in from a laboratory to make sure they were safe so it if someone by some strange chance had one get in their mouth or anywhere else and they they were to consume the thing it was completely edible like edible maggots these behind-the-scenes secrets of scary movie moments make me feel better when I find out how they're done because then I can focus on that instead of getting freaked out well anyway there's one saw trap that is iconic to the series as well as terrifying so let's look through some honorable mentions and then we'll find out how it was filmed a stuntman was actually set on fire inside a specially designed furnace saw - I was quite surprised to see our stuntman literally crawl up to his neck into the flames and that flames off of his leg which was on fire was completely on fire with covering fire gel of course the box had to hide the blade so Addison would realistically reach in saw to our prop builders ingeniously came up with this idea of a cuff that simply lifts up pushing the blades back allowing us to get out of the out of the trap and dropping the blades down again a prosthetic body of the actor was made so they could rip him apart saw for the face stitches are fake the winch pulling the chain is real soft for there's a big issue between making it look dangerous and it actually being dangerous and sometimes it's a fine line as long as I've got my finger on the off button we should be pretty safe both actors were cutting into prosthetics not themselves obviously saw six large padded stomach it was all foam and plastic Simone we had to build a prosthetic arm because she chops her arm off we built the prosthetic though she could actually cut into so it's not just a blood rig on a knife before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one the Venus flytrap saw two [Applause] the first movies reverse beartrap was iconic but since Amanda escaped we never got to see it in action luckily the sequel was there to deliver by revamping the original head trap into the Venus flytrap an iron face mask full of rusty nails that would clamp closed in a matter of minutes we had to wait to cast the head because we didn't want to start building a prop that complicated without the actors dimensions otherwise that you know could slice off in the air the first thing needed to create this trap was a face cast of the actor know'm Jenkins head to make sure it fit nice and snug when it was closed and the spikes themselves were simply made of rubber this is so they can get the shot of its snapping shut without having to remove the spikes or risk injuring Jenkins they wanted a mask that was pretty form-fitting so his head had to be in a fairly locked-off position when the thing closed it was made so that it fit tight on it do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from watch mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos you
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Keywords: saw franchise how the traps were filmed, saw franchise, saw horror, horror movie, horror movie traps, horror movie franchise, saw movies, saw traps, most intricate saw traps, john kramer, jigsaw, jigsaw's best traps, jigsaw killer, serial killer, best saw traps, scariest saw traps, scariest horror movies, horror movies, saw ii, saw iii, saw iv, saw v, venus fly trap, Horror, Film, Movies, Zombie, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
Id: A-rpLLUjfTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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