Top 10 Restaurants Where You Have To Sign a Waiver

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when visiting these fine institutions you dine at your own risk welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top ten restaurants where you have to sign a waiver before we begin we publish new content every day so be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos for this list we're looking at restaurants that either require a waiver on entry or before a customer orders a certain dish from the menu we've also included restaurants that host food challenges that pose a risk however small to a person's health to just say the word antidote number 10 smoke eaters San Jose California [Music] this happens when you sign up for a challenge dubbed Hellfire you know you're potentially subjecting your tastebuds to torture in order to successfully complete the challenge customers need to down 12 absurdly hot wings in just 10 minutes time well that doesn't sound too daunting you might reconsider your decision to sign up after hearing about the second condition in order to win you need to go five minutes without access to any form of relief so you can really feel the afterburn I reached the last wave [Music] [Applause] before the challenge Hellfire hopefuls have to sign a waiver releasing the restaurant from any and all liability [Music] [Applause] thanks but we'll stick to our standard buffalo wings and smokeeaters man would number nine pearl cafe Florissant Missouri when you have to prove your mettle before the restaurant will actually serve you the dish in question you know you're in trouble first a waiver is sign then your epically hot Odyssey of eating begins you can then order whatever dish you like but in order to try their level 100 spicy seasoning you'll need to polish off three incrementally hotter plates of food first for an extra fee you can space these plates out over a few visits but if you fail to finish a level 25 50 or 75 dish you start over I know I get a video game it's a true gauntlet of heat and few make it through number eight sol toro tequila grill Montville connecticut at this mexican eatery owned by michael jordan and located in the Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut you're actually facing two challenges in one not only do you have to overcome such serious levels of spice you'll also have to fit a whopping three pounds of burrito into your stomach before taking on the Cinco chiles burrito challenge customers have to sign a waiver releasing the restaurant of liability should they experience any health issues after the fact it's never advisable to eat three pounds of food let alone of the super spicy variety so maybe try one of the safer Gamble's elsewhere in the casino number seven East Coast Grill Cambridge Massachusetts it's time to see how I fare against the spiciest pasta in the world [Music] when the restaurant was open this was only available once a year requiring a signed waiver this plate was aptly named the pasta plate from hell this is the hottest thing ever on the former restaurants annual hell night customers who wanted to test their taste buds against the tiny but mighty Naga pepper used to flavor the dish had to sign a release acknowledging that the food they're about to eat is dangerous and may cause bodily harm signing this document you are expressing your willingness and foolishness to eat what should not be eaten and it's no joke one year a man attempting to finish the plate of pasta passed out on the way to his car requiring an ambulance and medical attention no I'm just thinking of something really sad number 6 Bear Grylls Congleton England bacon first the average North American adult consumes between 1778 and 3000 calories a day so how about 8,000 in one sitting choosing the Samas good Bear Grylls a small English cafe with a punny name boasts a mighty breakfast appropriately dubbed the hibernator consisting of seven pounds of food though it sounds like a multi-course an hour's long affair in order to be deemed a winner the contestant must clean the platter in a single hour before letting anyone dig in the cafe asks the customers release them from any quote injury received or incurred while trying to get down the whopping pile of food by having them first sign you guessed it a waiver this is bibley stood and this is how to gain half a stone in less than an hour number five Bushido Charleston South Carolina [Applause] [Music] before being allowed to order this special spicy tuna roll brave eaters must prove their over 18 years of age and sign a contract clearing bushido of all consequences resulting from the consumption of the fiery dish on the restaurants web site it's made very clear that this roll isn't for everyone during the Bushido super cool challenge contestants are prohibited from using ice cream avocado or milk to help quench the burning sensation overtaking their palate because a special blend of sauces is used the rolls have to be ordered 24 hours in advance so you'll want to plan ahead you know what probably best to clear the rest of your day to number 4 chunkies burgers San Antonio Texas when the host of man vs. food calls a burger the hottest on the planet you know it must really bring the heat on a Pinos wonderful serrano pepper and three explosively hot ghost chilies are all combined into a spicy sauce egg topped with a mixture of jalapeno serrano and ghost peppers coated in a habanero sauce this burger comes with a generous 25-minute window in which it must be completed to win the challenge an emergency bucket is provided but if a participant can't keep the burger down it means disqualification before sinking your teeth into the four horsemen a waiver must be signed releasing the restaurant from any injuries that occur while consuming forget the fries the only side order this thing comes with his gastrointestinal distress this is the four horsemen steering assault is inside number three brick lane curry New York City New York alright let's do it I'm terrified I have to wear protective gear to have food the hottest fall curry in New York doesn't just cause some physical damage apparently it can leave some emotional scars too before taking on the hottest curry available at this restaurant customers don't just have to sign a waiver they have to make a recorded verbal disclaimer that they will not hold the restaurant liable for any physical or emotional trauma that occurs either during or after the challenge described does quote more pain and sweat than flavor this is not a challenge for the faint of heart or weak of tongue there's so much of it it's beating me it's pretty freakin hot number two flying pie Pizza Boise Idaho a dish that requires special training in order to be safely made or even handled the flaming habanero pizza offered at this restaurant can only be enjoyed before you can call it that without a waiver if kept inside the restaurant before a customer chooses to walk out with the pizza a waiver has to be signed acknowledging that they understand what they've signed up for and that though it's gonna burn he'll be fine after a little while only available in August to maximize the spiciness of the habanero peppers this pizza is perfect if you find yourself craving just a little more of that summer heat number one Jake Melnick's corner tap Chicago Illinois settled innocently among other less life-threatening wings the XXX wings at Melnick's require a signed waiver and are known to cause intense coughing occasional choking and some consistently intense pain served with a fireman's hat in a little milk that's about as useful as a garden hose on a forest fire these wings are coated with habanero the Scorpion and ghost chilies or the boot Jolokia the world's hottest pepper in 2007 a pound of the wings have to be conquered in one sitting in order to claim a place on the wall of flame do you agree with our picks check out these other great clips from WatchMojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Views: 941,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spicy wings, spiciest wings, waiver, food waiver, food agreements, spiciest food, spiciest restaurants, food challenges, food challenge, internet challenge, WatchMojo, top 10, top 5, list, best, worst
Id: Fh_X2WD3ZsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 02 2019
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