Top 10 Reasons Ancient Rome was a Perverts Paradise

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Top Ten Reasons Ancient Rome was a Perverts Paradise 10. Slave Sex It's no secret that Roman society ran on slavery. Men and women captured during military conquests were shipped all over the Empire and auctioned off to the highest bidder -- at which point they became the property of some aristocrat or other. And those aristocrats usually had one thing on their minds when buying a young slave: sex. See, slaves were absolutely devoid of rights in Roman law. They were part of the furniture, no better than the objects surrounding them. And just as it's technically impossible to have an affair with your bookcase, Roman law didn't consider slave-sex to be infidelity. So when Augustus outlawed adultery in 31BC, the horny Romans did what any sex-addict would do and started molesting their slaves at an unprecedented rate. Looks, gender and even age were no barrier: the Warren Cup, for example, is a Roman goblet dated to 5 AD that sports an image of a guy casually molesting a child. In essence, being a slave in ancient Rome basically meant being a walking sex aid -- speaking of which... 9. Public Pornography If you think top shelf 'lad's mags' and saucy billboards are rude, just be thankful you're not living in Roman times. Step out of a time machine in, say, 50BC and you'd find yourself completely surrounded by penises. Literally every available surface in the Empire was imprinted with images of penises. Don't believe me? There is a Roman coin featuring some sodomy and a statue that used to be displayed in the open, of the God Pan having sex with a goat. Thanks to their complicated ideas of Gods and fertility, the Romans had literally no problem with the sight of one another's wieners -- and that's just as well, really. Housewives would use tiny metal penises as wind chimes (see image), well-endowed slaves would be forced to keep theirs on show at all times; and images of the fertility God Priapus weighing his own gigantic member would appear over the entrance of houses as a form of good luck. And that's before we even get onto the murals that filled the Public Baths, depicting all sexual couplings imaginable. But it wasn't just frescos and statues. The Romans were also masters of... 8. Lewd Graffiti Next time you get bored and scrawl a massive dong on the wall of a public toilet, you should know that you're simply carrying on an ancient tradition that stretches back to Roman times. That's right: the Romans were no more high-minded about this sort of thing than you or me. When they dug up Pompeii, one of the first things everyone clocked was the sheer amount of graffiti defacing every wall. And you better believe it was rude. One example reads: "Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men's behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!" Believe it or not, that's one of the tamer ones. There's a fairly comprehensive list, but the best ones feature advice on oral sex, bizarre opinions on people's privates and boasts along the lines of: "Floronius, privileged soldier of the 7th legion, was here. The women did not know of his presence. Only six women came to know, too few for such a stallion." Hey, at least it makes a change from 'Andre the Giant has a Posse'. 7. X-Rated Gravestones As you may have gathered, no aspect of Roman life was far removed from thoughts of coitus -- and that included death. Unlike our sparse epitaphs, Roman men and women would include whole biographies on their tombstones, detailing every little moment of their lives. And since their lives were often pretty bawdy, that made for some X-Rated tombstones. For example, one is known to have read: "Put on your party hats and don't say no to sex with pretty girls, as you won't get a chance when you're dead." Wow, interesting advice, huh? Others, marking the spot where husbands have buried their wives, describe the first night of copulation -- with one memorable one boasting about how the 'wife' was first seduced aged seven. One in particular is famous for describing in great detail a three-way relationship between two men and a woman; including complimentary passages on the woman's nipples and how punctual she was at dealing with body hair. What a trait to be remembered for. 6. Obscene Literature If you thought 50 Shades was dirty, wait till you hear about Roman literature. As with everything else in their lives, it revolved strictly round sex -- and not just regular sex: weird, kinky, messy fetish sex. Take Sa tyricon, one of only two surviving Roman novels. The plot focuses on the adventures of a Roman man and his child lover as they navigate a world of orgies, flagellation and dildo-wearing priestesses. Sound a little, uh, extreme? Buddy, you ain't seen nothing yet. The poet Juvenal routinely wrote about animal sex, violent rape and sodomy; while Martial churned out 'epigrams' along the line of: "With your giant nose and cock I bet you can with ease When you get excited Check the end for cheese." In short, their books were like their lives: rude, sex-obsessed and very-much X-Rated. 5. Pederasty When talking about an ancient culture, it's important to remember their standards are always going to vary wildly from ours. So when I say the Romans practiced pederasty, bear in mind that it was totally acceptable back then. It's only when you look back on it from our own cultural standpoint that it all seems a little, well, eww. See, in Rome, there wasn't exactly an age of consent. If you were going to engage in a homosexual relationship with a free-born male, you had to wait until they were at least 12. But, as far as slaves were concerned, anything went -- and it usually did. Aside from the Warren Cup, we have the writings of Juvenal and Quintilian; both casually informing us that schoolmasters liked to groom young boys. Then there are the numerous laws issued on the subject -- preserved to this day -- to stop the practice spilling over into 'regular' life. So pervasive, in fact, was this pederasty that Romans who didn't fancy young boys were generally considered a little odd -- a belief that only vanished when Christianity finally took hold. 4. Religious Sex Parties Imported from Greece, the Bacchanalia were 'fertility festivals' that really took hold in modern South Italy. And with good reason: they were devoted almost exclusively to shagging as many people as humanly possible. Writing about these 'festivals' in the Augustan era, the historian Livy breathlessly described scenes of unimaginable debauchery. These 'festivals' were alleged to be a place where people met, danced themselves into ecstasy, then fell into frantic copulation with no regard for who or what they might be screwing. This isn't just Livy going on a fantasy-trip, either. By all accounts, the authorities were so troubled by the practice that they outlawed them, with punishments of severe torture imposed on anyone who continued to practice. Remember this is Rome, at the height of its decadence -- so anything they want to ban as 'immoral' has gotta be pretty extreme. Yet, for all the threat of torture lingered over its followers, the cult of Bacchus survived for centuries -- along with its pervy, orgiastic rites. 3. Mass Infanticide Here we get to one of the bleaker sides of Roman culture. Reading this list of debauchery, some of you may have been wondering how the Romans managed so much sex in the days before the pill. Well, according to historian Mary Beard they simply redefined the term 'abortion' to a terrifying degree. And I mean terrifying. Since we now know virtually all Roman contraception methods were useless, all the unwanted pregnancies must have gone somewhere: and that somewhere was apparently the rubbish dump. No joke: there's plenty of evidence to suggest that Roman mothers just casually tossed newborn babies away. From ancient letters advocating the practice, to clues that discarded babies may have been a major source of slaves (the popular slave name Corpeus translates as 'found on the dung-heap'); the signs all indicate a culture totally at-home with mass infanticide. Chew on that next time someone describes our civilization as 'violent'. 2. Perverted Justice When we talk today about a 'perversion of justice', we mean it metaphorically. It's a way of describing how outraged we are, how unfair the trial was. In Roman times, the phrase would have been scarily literal. According to historian Vicki Leon, both the Romans and Greeks were fans of 'unusual' punishment. Not all the time, but in the case of adultery -- very much so. Basically, if you were Roman and someone slept with your wife, you would be legally entitled to sodomize them in return; with an audience if you so desired. It's not as far-fetched as it sounds. Despite their, well, 'love' of boy-love, the Romans were a deeply masculine bunch. There was literally nothing more shameful for a man to do than take the 'feminine' role in homosexual sex -- so to sodomize someone would be the ultimate act of revenge: branding them 'unmanly' for life. But even within the context of Roman society, this punishment sometimes took a weird turn. Apparently, it was not-unusual for the offended party to sodomize his rival with a radish, as opposed to his own equipment. Why that might be, I've no idea. But next time you cheat on someone, just be glad you're not doing so in Ancient Rome. 1. The Emperors No article on Rome would be complete without mentioning its crazy rulers. Almost every single Emperor to rule Rome was categorically insane -- to the point that it often seems like they're trying to outdo each other in the 'lunatic' stakes. Nero, for example, had his favorite boy castrated and attempted to turn him into a woman. Caligula made his horse a senator, converted the palace into a brothel and pimped out his sisters; while Elagabalus spent more time cruising Rome's red light district dressed in drag than anything else -- pausing only to invent the whoopee cushion. Now, most of what has been written about Rome's Emperors is probably exaggerated -- Tacitus and Suetonius both liked to belittle their enemies ruthlessly -- but, if even ten percent of it is true, they were some messed-up people. Perhaps it's not surprising, then, that your average Roman was a little crazy too.
Channel: TopTenz
Views: 2,780,524
Rating: 4.6756043 out of 5
Keywords: top ten, top10, top 10, toptenz, Reasons Ancient Rome was a Perverts Paradise, Ancient Rome, Perverts Paradise, Paradise, The Emperors, Perverted Justice, Mass Infanticide, Religious Sex Parties, Pederasty, Obscene Literature, X-Rated Gravestones, Lewd Graffiti, Public Pornography, Slave Sex, toptenzvids3, awesome, didn't know, Ancient History (Field Of Study)
Id: NhP-OUt1Eos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 03 2014
Reddit Comments

And for those of you with a strong stomach, go to Google, and type in "Warren Cup."

Then click on the Wikipedia entry and read the entire article.

Also, take notice that the University of Nottingham's puff piece says absolutely nothing about side 'B' and the image depicted being that of a young male child.

This was Rome prior to the influences of Christianity.

A Rome (and, in fact, a world) that many here on Reddit claim would have been better off without the influences of.

So, that tells me one of two things...

Either these people know nothing of history before saying something so breathtakingly ignorant and biased; or, they want to see history repeat itself.

You cannot examine Western culture without admitting Christianity's influence.

And while I am not a Christian, I recognize what Rome was like before it.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/reptiliandude 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

I also now understand more and more that message of all being the son of god, and that inherent equality laced within, and how damn important it is.

This is what happens when people are tools.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ACuriousHumanBeing 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

Good Morrow, my White Dragon Prince… Thank you for exposing the atrocities of mankind and our unbalanced thirst for lust, especially the sexual acts against children. It is no wonder that Anu, the God of the all Christian/Orthodox/Roman Catholic/Protestant/Jehovah Witness version of Bibles, will encourage a bunch of “lulus” aka Primitive Monkeys to feed him our children.

I, a proud creation of En.Ki/Ea-Satya-Shiva-Ptah-Dionysus- Prometheus, declare that humanity is Innocent And there is NO audit for our ascension towards Godhood, to become a "little Shiva" for men or "little Parvati" for women. The Great Flame will ignite on it's own for all to see and I hope you will enjoy the show.

Matthew 19:14

But Jesus said, "Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Disgusting, downgrading and a flat-out lie. Jesus, a thought-form used to lure gullible humans that need the warmth of a fake love, "carry the cross", and suffer to gain a ticket to heaven and play harps all day long. Children are not wise, and humans are not born with Wisdom. It takes millions if not billions of human years to attain the true power of wisdom, which exists in my Creator Ea/En.KI.

It is the accumulation of age, time, and experience to attain true Godhood and it is only known through EA/

Anu-Jehovah-Jesus-Allah-Yahve-Yahweh-Buddha also enjoys the suffering of innocent children and our primitive monkey race. Don’t believe me? Bring out the limited-edition Bible of Anu, The Reptilian Lord.

1 SAMUEL 15:3"Now go and smite Amalek and utterly destroy all that they have and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.’” End quote

Thanks to En.Ki, we have Knowledge and Truth can be found within our DNA.

The Satya, the Truth, cannot be restricted forever, my White Dragon Prince.

Guess I’m just a “lulu” that doesn’t deserve to know the icing flavour on your birthday cake haha 😊

All pedophilia stems from Anu-Jehovah-Allah-Yahve-Jesus-Buddha. It is evident through the Music Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Homosexual Agenda, Porn Agenda, even the School Agenda. It is obvious that His Reptilian sect and the Saturn Matrix are feeding off our emotions and souls. Yes, soul is a source of energy and energy can be a form of “food”.

You did an excellent job on declaring that your species cannot ingest energy as “food”. There are many instances within T.V shows, Movies, Fiarytales, and even our mundane Staurn Matrix control program, where energy can be absorbed and accumulated to empower oneself.

Anu and his lizard sect are jealous and afraid of humanity’s potential to become like EA/En.Ki, Prince of the Earth. Anu, The Reptilian Lord, declared war on En.Ki’s beautiful creation and now, will integrate the Blue Flame within him and usher in a new era of peace on Eden/Eridu/Tiamat/Mother Gaia/Mother Nature.

Humans can integrate the Great Flame within them and become like their parents, the Gods and Goddeses of the past. Simply, our Planet Earth was a paradise called Eden or Eridu, with Gods and Goddesses loving Life along with their children, the Human Race.

Yes, Humans were slaves, whipped and raped beyond their limits. Yet, it is fair that there was another malevolent force in the mix. The Reptilians, Greys, Nordics, Praying Mantis, Insectoids, etc… are most likely despising mankind, EA/Enki’s creation.

Anu, his Lizard clique, and their synthetic robot Greys, hope to destroy the Great Flame that exists within every human, animal, and plant.

Philosopher Pico Della Mirandola stated that we can find a “grain of truth in everything”.

Life, as a conscious loving entity, will empower Shiva during His return to free Humanity of its shackles to the YHVH thoughtform program that feeds on human suffering such as sexual misery, loneliness, disconnection from our True Creator and Father, and false guilt.

Humans do not have to suffer to attain Love, Truth, and Wisdom.

By the way, En.Ki-Ea-Satya-Ptah was the first one to proclaim, “I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life”. Satya means "Truth".

Jesus Christ never existed and is a rip-off of EA-En.Ki-Ptah-Dionysus-Satya-Shiva. The thoughtform Jehovah-Jesus, operated by Reptilians coming from Saturn, is a program that feeds on human suffering. The “Christian God” Anu has gone too far…

This is a simple tale of Father versus Son and the Son is defending Humanity while the Father despises humanity by his stupid “baptisms”, fake “Holy Spirit”, useless “10 Commandments”, and the most mundane/boring “Genesis” story ever known.

You mentioned that the Bible has over “1001” uses and that it is Humanity’s downfall for not giving it a second thought, a second read. Well, Shiva has “1008” names, 1+0+0+8= 9.

Being the number 9, Shiva is the epitome of Life, Immortality thanks to the Lingam, His phallus. The Blue Flame will not be extinguished. The Satya Yuga is in his favor.

Now, What the hell is Real Time? To communicate with beings that can’t even master their sexual energy and understand the basics of transmuting the “Light” within them. Please stop downgrading Humanity by calling us “Chimps”.

You are the one that wishes to harness what I have, a gift that is Irreplaceable, Divine, Priceless, and Royal by Nature, by Life.

Again, Life is a conscious entity that creating the “script” of humanity’s upcoming sovereignty, The Golden Age is returning. Let us enjoy our planet in peace and enough of the “false guilt” that you regurgitated on us, force-feeding a creed that we have to wait our turn to be Gods and Goddesses!

There is no audit for the ascension of humanity! It is an illusion, to trick to lure in gullible primitive monkeys that have the memory of a goldfish. Fortunately, there are humans that know how to put two and two together, thanks to Archaeology, Symbology, Etymology, Philosophy and countless writings and books of “chimps”.

Throughout world history, it was just a drama skit between angels and demons, which are aliens using advanced technology and Terrible powers of epic proportions. Thanks for clarifying, Reptiliandude.

Always remember, the winner, even of a battle, always re-writes History for its own glory, destroys the temples of the vanquished to rebuild their own places of worship.

Never forget it, always remember this fact. Only the “winners” write History.

Every time you find a basilica, a cathedral, a church or any religious building, think that underneath, that most of the time, the vestiges of OUR temples remain.

Humanity’s beautiful idols of Gods and Goddesses are frowned upon by Anu and his 10 commandments. Divide and Conquer is the motto.

Sorry for the verbal diarrhea again but seriously….

What gods and goddesses of the past did you meet, fight, or at least were alive to witness their “front page story”?

I probably don’t deserve to know since I have the memory of a goldfish, right? I only live to about 100 years, if I’m lucky.

How many eons old are you and what do you really want from us, humanity?

Is there a cosmic war that the Reptilians are waiting for and are in hopes of winning it against En.Ki-Shiva’s army of Gods and Goddesses?

Can The Reptilian Lord, Anu-Jehovah-Jesus-Allah-Buddha-YHVH and His Reptilian minions, Angels, and robotic Greys really defeat the Mighty Gods of Atlantis, from Planet Venus, The Black Sun under Kristos Lucifer?

Thanks for reading, my friendly neighborhood Reptilian and I hope you can answer my questions 😊

Humans have survived all your pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, diseases, world wars, junk nourishment, and of course, your "Reptilian manure" of a doctrine that preaches that we have to suffer to attain our Godhood.

I LOVE YOU, HUMANITY. In memory of the "first son" of Mankind, Adapa.

Adapa, as the prototype of the priesthood, nevertheless retains the privileges of the priesthood — admittance to the divine house, contact with the gods, knowledge of the rituals and rules of purity, and the exorcising power of words.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PhilosophicalMonocle 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

I think the throwing of newborns into shit; that really got to me. Well...all of it got to me.

The fact any woman would be so callous, that any man would be so callius about it...its...I don’t even know the word

Its beyond the pale.

I see so many men starting to celebrate prechristian rome. How it was a bastion of masculinity.

It like saying a cardboard cut out of a car is the actual thing.

Masculinity isn’t so weak. Its enduring, and supportive.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ACuriousHumanBeing 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

I found something online last night that reminds me too much of what you have been warning us about ..

The Roman men took young boys ‘under their wing’ to teach them things and also to sleep with ...


The Institute proclaims its belief that the vocation of male religious should be better known to raise a revival among younger generations who too often think of brothers as "people who failed to become priests." This is obviously wrong, they rightly say, because the brothers are souls who are chosen of God to serve His Church and by the evangelical counsels of obedience, poverty and chastity who are, like the Lord, giving their lives for the glory of God and the salvation and sanctification of souls. Thus, the image of the friar "tuck" in Robin Hood and other images having a similar purpose to destroy the real meaning of the gift of self through various ministries in which the brothers can thrive from any point of view.

What the heck ..

The more I read the more red flags I see

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Firstladytree 📅︎︎ Feb 02 2019 🗫︎ replies
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