Top 10 Phrasal Verbs for the Office in English

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wanna speak real English from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at English class hi everybody welcome back to top words my name is Alisha and today we're going to talk about 10 phrasal verbs for the office these are 10 phrasal verbs that I hope you can use at work and in your conversations about business let's go kick off the first word is kick off kick off to kick off means to start something it usually has the nuance of something big like a big project like we're going to kick off a new project next year or let's kick off this new policy in January or what time should we kick off the party as well we can use it for parties too but for business it means to start a project to start something new and it sounds like the beginning to something big so kick off to kick off something means to start something set out the next phrasal verb is set out set out means decide or determine or choose something so we usually use set out to mean to decide something within a project for example we need to set out some guidelines for this project or we need to set out some rules for dress code in the company or what do you think about setting out some new guidelines for company parties for example so set out means to decide something and determine something usually like a policy rule a guideline check in the next phrasal verb is check in so check in means update or give a status report to share new information check in about something we usually say to check in about bla bla bla so for example what time should we check in about the project or do you have time to check in about this later or when can I check in with you we can also use it to refer to a person so can I check in with you about this later or will you check in with me later we usually say check in with please be careful this is different from check in to Hotel totally different meaning here at work check in with someone or check in about something so check in with someone means to give someone an update to share new information with them check in about means to share new information probably with someone like in a meeting about a specific project so you can use check in with or check in about something go through go over the next one is go through or go over we can use go through or go over these both mean to review something like I want to go through your essay with you or I want to go over the latest draft with you I want to go through our new policies with everyone in the company I want to go over some changes that are going to happen so it means review usually like review plus maybe explain it means to do this in detail usually - so introduce some new ideas review some old ideas perhaps and have a chance to discuss things so to go through or to go over is sort of to examine to review to look at some information with somebody so we can also say I want to go over this with you later or can we go through this together later so it means to look in detail to examine something clock in clock out the next pair of expressions really is clock in and clock out clock in is to check in at your office to clock in means to begin your workday officially to register the time you begin work and to clock out is the opposite to register the time when you leave work when you finish work for the day so when you you may be depending on your office you have to clock in in other words register or record the time you begin work or arrive at your office and clock out so record the time you leave your office so in a sentence we could say I always forget to clock in to work or what time did I clock out yesterday I totally forgot or it's a important to clock in and clock out at the same time every day start up okay so the next phrasal verb is start up start up means begin to begin something please be cautious start up something like start up a new policy or start up a new project means to begin a new project however you may see the noun expression no space between start and up start up maybe you can hear the slight difference in pronunciation when I say the phrasal verb start up there's a disconnect between the words like we need to start up a new project for example however startup is a little bit different start up as a noun means a usually small new company it's big in the news these days startups so startup companies are very small companies they are just beginning that's the nuance of a startup company that's the noun phrase a startup however to start up something sounds a little bit different like we should start up some new projects this year it's more used for like policies projects maybe a new product launch we should start up some new things for example but it means to begin to begin something call back the next phrasal verb is call back call back call back means to return a phone call to return a phone call is call back so some common examples are just I'll call you back later or please call me back when you have time you can separate a call and back like I just said please call me back when you have time you can separate the person receiving the call you can separate call and back and put the person receiving the call between call and back so please call me back when you have time or I'll call you back so this person between call and back is the person receiving the call so you should call her back later or why don't you call your mother back tonight for example you can separate these two that's fine one more example sentence would be I need to call my clients back this afternoon send over the next expression is send over send over means to email or to physically mail something to send over it means to send to someone else's office or to send to someone else's computer send it over there is the idea sending it away from you over to a different building or to a different department please send this over when you have a chance so again just as with callback we can use the expression send over separately we can separate these two words please send this over please send the files over please send the documents over or please send over the documents both are fine we can use both of them here so send over just means mail or send something in another example sentence hey can you send over the updated files clean up clean out the next phrasal verb is really a pair it's clean up or clean out we can use clean up and clean out these are a little bit different but I put them together because they both use the word clean so to clean up something means to tidy or to make it nice again to clean up something like you need to clean up your house we can also use this at home meaning like to wash windows or to to wash dishes or to to make something tidy and clean to get rid of germs to keep germs away to clean up your house to clean up your office to clean up your desk there's a similar phrasal verb however clean out to clean out means to remove everything from some location so if I say I'm cleaning out my desk it has the nuance if I'm removing everything from my desk maybe I'm leaving my job for example maybe I've quit or maybe my desk just has a lot of things I don't need but clean out has the nuance of removing a lot of things we can also use this phrasal verb at home like clean out your closet I'm cleaning out my closet so it cleaning out my closet in that case it means remove everything from your closet the same nuance applies to your desk so to clean out your desk at work means to remove everything you can also use this further refrigerator like I need to clean out the refrigerator it smells really bad so meaning take everything out clean it and maybe put some things back so clean up is just to tidy clean out is like a deep clean of something make up for the next phrasal verb is make up make up usually make up for please be careful not make up as in like things that we put on our face to change our appearance makeup but make up for something so to make up for it means to compensate to compensate so if there has been a problem in a project for example like a delay or a schedule change or some some unexpected thing happens and you need to compensate for that you need to make some changes to fix that problem you can use the phrasal verb make up for so for example our project was delayed because our president got sick for example we need to make up for lost time so we follow make up for with the item that is the problem so in my example sentence we need to make up for lost time lost time is the problem we lost time it should be a noun phrase we lost time on the project we need to compensate for it so we need to make up for lost time or we need to make up for the mistake that we made last week or we need to make up for lost sales last quarter for example alright so those are ten phrasal verbs that you can use in the office I hope that those are useful for you like I said some of them you can use at home as well if you have any questions or any comments please be sure to let us know in the comment section below this video if you liked this video please make sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel if you have not already check us out at English class for more good stuff too thanks very much for watching this episode of top words and I will see you again soon bye [Music] yeah yeah she always forgets to clock in and clock out [Music]
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Keywords: EnglishClass101, learn, English, fun, easy, video, speak, vocabulary, class, vocab, study, lesson, how, to, Lessons, School, Teacher, Student, Education, Students, Teachers, Free, educational, culture, tutorial, practice, example, examples, speaking, talk, talking, yt:cc=on
Id: bOg36QdimwA
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Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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