Top 10 Odd And Bizarre People You Won't Believe Actually Exist #3

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[Music] here are some people in this world who somehow managed to baffle the mind and send us all into deep thought as to how they can simply exist in the same world and yet be so incredibly bizarre some people in the world with hidden talents or mutants that makes you think that superheroes really do exist in the world they prove that you can always change to improve your life however they seem to be more than happy and today we present to you a brand new episode top 10 odd and bizarre people you won't believe actually exist before we begin make sure you hit that subscribe button to get notified every day for more amazing content zah Shushan que a 34 year old man in China has been trapped in a child's body due to brain injuries he had when he was six farmers there hu shin case from the province of Hubei he claimed his body stopped growing after he was hit in the head by a stone in his childhood he said he was often mistaken for a boy by the others due to his childlike voice and looks for Z hu Sheng ke a man from a rural area in Zion tayo city troubles began at the age of six when he was hit in the head with a stone while playing with the other children there was no bleeding but according to Zed H used parents he had a fever for three days straight he said he was told by doctors that he sustained injuries in the pituitary gland part of the brain which releases hormones that control growth in the body but when he was nine years old he discovered that he had not grown taller in addition his body had remained the same as that of his six-year-old self after visiting bigger hospitals he was informed that his pituitary gland had been damaged he followed doctor's orders and took medicine for five years but no changes were observed he never went through puberty mr. Zed hu now makes a living by planting crops he has also opened a hair salon to cut hair for his neighbors Mariah's Instagram models are a dime a dozen these days but few have the visually striking appearance of Mariah's a young a crane visual artist and model with unusually large eyes most of Mariah's 117,000 Instagram followers are convinced that she has the world's largest eyes that makes sense considering Mariah Rose is a self-described visual artist who sometimes posts edited photos of herself either with an extremely long neck or with differently colored eyes however when it comes to her eyes she reportedly claims they really are that large in real life her skills gradually improved she started posting pics and videos on Instagram and people took notice she does point out that success didn't happen overnight it came gradually Craig galius edge enormous 350 pounds body builder has set his sights on becoming the biggest in the world great galius spent ten years training six days a week for an hour and a half at a time to transform his body after he didn't like what he saw in the mirror as a child Craig who resides in Las Vegas works out 5 to 6 days a week and eats 5 big meals a day with a diet consisting of red meat chicken and complex carbs due to his colossal size Craig now struggles to tie his own shoelaces and finds himself having to squeeze into tight spaces like toilet cubicles however he admitted that his training regime made him addicted to the gym and obsessed with his appearance Craig's size has often been questioned in the past with regards to steroid use Craig admitted that he takes supplements to maintain his size but his secret his dedication hard work and a healthy diet due to his giant stature Craig turns a lot of heads in the street he said I'm very proud of the journey I've been on dang van kieu Ian this is heartbreaking story of a ten-year-old boy in rural Vietnam who refuses to be adopted after losing his whole family instead living by himself and working in the fields all day has melted the hearts of millions around the world he has nothing to worry about but going to school and enjoying their childhood dan van Quyen spends his day slaving in the fields around his modest home in a remote village in Vietnam planting vegetable and foraging for things to fill his stomach with his life has never been easy losing his mother at a very young age and having to live with his grandmother while his father went away to find the job in construction however things got dramatically worse after his father died in an accident at work and his grandmother remarried in another village as he was left with no support whatsoever the boys shown planting vegetables in the fields around his home and harvesting bamboo shoots to cook ever since Kui Ann's teacher shared his story online and Vietnamese media started writing about his admirable courage support has been pouring in from all over the country one of the most impressive things about this brave ten-year-old is that despite his hardships he has never missed a day of school and then returns home to do his daily chores Steph Hammerman Steph Hammerman from Knightdale North Carolina was diagnosed with cerebral palsy shortly after birth undeterred by her condition Steph defied the odds and became the world's first level 204 Cross Fit trainer with cerebral palsy in May 2016 Steph was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma an uncommon cancer that affects the lymphatic system after 29 weeks of chemotherapy Steph went into remission and moved to North Carolina with her boyfriend to achieve her goal of opening a gym Hammerman who has a twin that doesn't have cerebral palsy was born prematurely unsure the cause of the discomfort after several hospital visits in New York Steph was diagnosed with stage 3b Hodgkin's lymphoma a cancer of the lymphatic system sufferers usually had poor muscle tone overly tight muscles and problems with balance and coordination Hammerman currently uses both crutches and a wheelchair to get around which she says have helped her retain a lot of Independence Steph hopes that her gym will continue to motivate others and give people the tools they need to stay driven mr.zhang a soon-to-be father in China recently made international news headlines after using 2000 packets of expired instant noodles to build a playhouse for his unborn son photos of the unusual playhouse went viral online quickly after being posted on social media by the Builder a certain mr. Zhang from who ardian County in North East China's Jilin province he was swiftly tracked down by Chinese reporters and revealed that he had spent four days building the edible structure out of thousands of of out-of-date noodle packets fixed together with glue the Playhouse features windows to let the light in as well as an accent wall made out of rounded packets of noodles the noodle house comes complete with an accent wall created entirely out of rounded packets of noodles whereas the other supporting walls are made of more traditional brick shaped noodle blocks the inside of the house features a comfy bed tucked against one of the noodle walls the only glaring issue with the viral noodle hacks is that they become soft when wet at Tsubaki tamami a 39 year old former hostess and model from Japan recently went on national television and revealed that she spent over two hundred and eighty thousand dollars on cosmetic procedures in the last 21 years after becoming traumatized that her mother had never been satisfied with her looks growing up but Tsubaki tamami had her first plastic surgery when she turned 18 right after graduating high school by the time she turned 20 she had already fixed her teeth had I shaping surgery and gotten breast implants although Tsubaki claims to have embraced plastic surgery as a way of keeping herself looking youthful she says that her obsession with it started in her childhood but she wanted to change her appearance so much that she didn't care what anyone thought or said about it at Tsubaki timoni still works as a model and is also an aspiring influencer Aaron Fotheringham Aaron Fotheringham is born with spina bifida a birth defect of the spinal cord and has been wheelchair-bound since he was a child a aro n back quote wheels Fotheringham is unable to control his legs but that hasn't stopped him achieving six World Records and becoming a sporting superstar Aaron was born with spina bifida a rare congenital defect of the spine that often causes paralysis of the lower limbs Aaron twenty-seven years old got his first wheelchair when he was just three years old and soon began his journey into the world of wheelchair motocross his natural skating ability became more obvious and by the time he turned 14 he was the first ever person to land a backflip in a wheelchair since then Aaron has built a successful career in the sport amassing more than 500,000 followers on Instagram he has made a home for himself in Las Vegas with his wife charlie and thanks riding for giving him everything Graham car accident survivor with a huge skull no neck and massive ribs that quote Graham might not be pretty to look at but he can survive a high-speed crash his huge chest and extra nipples are designed to act like airbags while his fat face provides padding for his nose and ears but his peculiar features aren't just deigned to protect him inside a car but also if he is struck as a pedestrian his knees can bend in more than one direction while his legs are strong enough to propel him above oncoming cars as you can see Graham doesn't have a neck because these snap easily in car accidents he also has a flat fleshy face to protect his ears and nose also if you're wondering about all those extra nipples they are to protect his ribs like a natural set of airbags all these modifications are needed for a human body to survive a car crash so what'd you think about Graham is a real person or he is made out of fiberglass silicone and human hair what do you guys think is real or is it a hoax let me know your thoughts in the comments section Gabrielle hurry dear when faced with hardships in their lives many people find them too challenging and give up especially on their life dreams but not for Gabrielle hurry dear Gabrielle is a 21 year old Argentinian barber who was born without hands despite his handicap he was able to grow up happy and independent he also always had the support of friends and family never feeling discriminated at all by his schoolmates in fact his inspiration for such a line of work his mother who is a hairdresser at the tender age of 14 he started working as a barber and learned all the techniques to perfecting both haircuts and beard trimmings although he first saw it as a hobby Gabrielle quickly determined that this was the profession he wanted to work in Gabrielle's story shows us the obstacles we face in life are almost never completely insurmountable before we begin make sure you hit that subscribe button to get notified every day for more amazing content with this being said let's begin
Channel: Top10 videosworld
Views: 1,614,715
Rating: 4.6966715 out of 5
Keywords: Top 10 Odd And Bizarre People You Won't Believe Actually Exist #3, top10 videosworld, weird people, amazing people, shocking, world, super interesting people, real life, incredible, strange, BE AMAZED, born different, illness, genetic disorders, odd medical conditions, female, crazy, insane, mutation, health, DNA, surgery, fashion model, interesting facts, disease, bodybuilder
Id: R-JdnvRcEGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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