Top 10 People With The Most Beautiful And Unusual Eyes

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[Music] it is true that the eyes are the reflection of the soul we use our eyes to take in our environment on identity familiar and strange things and to connect to other people but even more specifically is the beauty of the eye itself its intricacies are infinite and every single eyes unique from another there are some eyes in the world so fascinating that they are downright mesmerizing today we'll take a look at top 10 people with the most beautiful and unusual eyes before we begin make sure you hit that subscribe button to get notification every day for more amazing content red eyes girl this Araki little girl who has red eyes and white hair is trending on social media her video has already earned thousands of views comments shares reactions it is very rare to see a person with such extraordinary eye color like her it is also believed that she is suffering from albinism a very rare genetic condition wherein people are born with it don't have enough melanin and their entire bodies the girl has red eyes which has turned his bloodshot eye a sight from her pale skin an obvious sign of albinism it is important to know that people with this kind of very rare genetic condition also develop an unusual eye color according to the nonprofit group National Organization for albinism and to profit mentation Albi know people usually have blue eyes however in some cases their eyes might appear brownish pinkish and even reddish cat eye boy night vision a young Chinese boy who was born with brilliant blue eyes like those of a Siamese cat claims to have the ability to see in pitch darkness non Yasu from death has eyes which it is claimed reflect neon green when when a light is shined on them Nong who enjoys playing outside with his schoolmates but struggles with in bright sunlight claims he can see perfectly clearly even in complete darkness to test his abilities a Chinese journalist recently prepared a set of questionnaires which he was able to finish in a pitch-black room the footage of the youngster whose current age has not been revealed first emerged in 2009 but has only recently been picked up online however many experts remain highly skeptical in animals night vision is made possible by the existence of the thin layer of cells called the tapper - lucidum and for such a feature to occur in a human would require multiple mutations to happen at once [Music] morgan Boyd and Megan Boyd on June 6 2011 - future stars were born in Philadelphia Pennsylvania Megan and Morgan Boyd caught the world's attention at the tender age of 4 when their mom started posting pictures of a unique look on social media today the girls are 8 years old and fast becoming famous from precocious little girls - bonafide internet sensations the Boyd twins have taken to the attention they get like ducks to water Megan and Morgan are undeniably cute but a rare physical tray has garnered fans from far and wide while the twins of beautiful dark skin due to their african-american heritage they also have unusually piercing light blue eyes the twins fame is setting a very important precedent the difference is beautiful Megan has two blue eyes and Morgan has one blue eye and one deep brown a rare and stunning combination the condition is known as heterochromia radium and it is not dangerous nor does it affect how well the girls can see it simply gives the IRS a different color in hollering part silver colored eyes a five-year-old girl born with a rare silver colored eyes disorder that left her in excruciating pain has made a miraculous recovery after having them removed primrose Austin is now learning to walk again after medics removed the optic tissue that left her in agony the little girl suffered a buildup of pressure and a retinal detachment in one eye while the other had shrunk to half its size Chris and Erin Austin were drawn in by their daughter primroses striking eyes when they adopted her from an orphanage in China in 2016 but she is beautiful even with her eyes looking different they were told that is why her eyes were a silver color and were advised that she was also potentially deaf Primrose had been neglected at the orphanage and learned basic things like how to hold her head up or even drink from a bottle Primrose is now starting to walk again as well as learn a touch-based form of sign language to communicate they hope primroses biological parents can one day be at ease knowing their daughter is safe happy and in a loving home little African girl this little girl who lives in the Sudan has beautiful eyes they are a gorgeous color that is a combination of green and blue the shape of her eyes makes her look like a living doll she is going to be a real heartbreaker when she grows up Sarah McDaniel a 25 year old Sarah McDaniel has a lot of things going for her she's a model actress filmmaker social-media influencer and female entrepreneur but she's got one unique feature that's always threatened to define her her two different colored eyes one is a warm chocolate brown and the other is a brilliant blue green and her gorgeous eyes definitely stand out Sarah's white eyes yellow brown while the left one is a lovely body blue not only is it back quote groovy it is also downright stunning and slightly hypnotic and for an aspiring model in a highly competitive field its potential gold since the models pictures on Instagram became a talking point she has 1.5 meter followers trolls refuse to believe that her eyes are differently colored Dominica motiva four years ago the attractive Dominica mark have managed to win the title of the most beautiful woman in Slovakia and I would like to say that she was not awarded for her beautiful eyes but partly because of them the minica is a successful model who loves her family very much which is immediately evident from her Instagram account the girl not only uploads pictures of herself as a beloved but very often publishes group photos with her family with her sister father grandfather and of course with a lover even during the beauty contest everyone noted her run usual eye color which makes her look piercing Dominica herself always claimed that she had it from her parent on her father's side the Menaka did not begin to argue she just published a photo with her father and all the questions from the critics and fans of the girl disappeared because the father also had the same soulful look little girl with unique eyes florence vimeo and her daughter chanter are from ghana Chaotica was born with a rare genetic disorder called Waardenburg syndrome which means that she has ice blue eyes but is also deaf Waardenburg syndrome is a rare genetic disorder most often characterised by varying degrees of deafness minor defects in structures arising from the neural crest and pigmentation changes Florence worked hard to raise funds to get a daughter a cochlear implant in the hopes that helping her here would help get her ahead in life she successfully raised the money needed and they traveled to South Africa for the operation what she did not know is that the pictures used in her crowdfunding campaign were being shared with a different message on Ghana social media school hearing loss heard about chatas story and immediately offered her a fully funded place in their school where she will learn to speak they joined forces with the Oaks collective to create a video to tell her story and change the idea behind the girl with blue eyes Chaka's mother was grateful for what had happened to her daughter after seeing her daughter reacting to sounds for the first time Bengali girl with green eyes Tilly the Bengali girl with green eyes had been popular with people all over the world she has appeared in photography magazines such as digital camera world photo Review Australia and is on display and for purchase in book and postcard format the travel photographer of the Year exhibition and shop in London I thought I'd share the story behind meeting her and taking her portrait he said I only wanted a quiet moment to sit down and rest after a day of exploring and meeting people in a small rural town in Bangladesh I sat down on a grassy hill which overlooked a group of small houses where the neighbors were outdoors talking and playing games together so when I realized that I was going to be the new center of attention I got up and started to interact and joined in a bull game that was going on Julia's green colored eyes beautiful girl famous all around the world violet eyes colored the rare genetic mutation called Alexandria's Genesis is characteristic a beautiful violet eyes and little to little biological disturbances most scientists saying they don't however research shows that there are at least 600 people on the planet that would disagree purple eyes are also known as alexandria's Genesis the myths been evolved in 1015 in ancient Egypt said to have links to the supernatural it's easy to see why people are skeptical legend has it that a light appeared in the night sky leaving those who looked at it with both purple eyes and pale skin medically however the first recorded confirmation of purple eyes wasn't until 13 29 in England when Alexandria Augustine was born with violet eyes her mother suspicious her child was under a spell brought her to a priest and from there the condition was known as Alexandria's Genesis but usually associated with women the disorder causes no menstruation but normal fertility no body hair growth high immunity ideal body shape above average fitness levels and an extended life expectancy and scientists proving that fertility without menstruation is impossible it's safe to say that this disorder is a mess purple eyes are simply a beautiful accident thanks for watching be sure to give us a thumbs up if you enjoyed this video also don't forget to subscribe to always be in the top 10 videos world
Channel: Top10 videosworld
Views: 2,442,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top 10 People With The Most Beautiful And Unusual Eyes, top10 videosworld, RAREST EYE COLORS In Humans, Unusual People With Unique Features, Most Unusual Kids in the World, child, Top 5 Best, rare human traits, dark blue eyes, amber eyes, violet eyes, genetics green eyes, cat eye syndrome, weird genes, unusual humans, Unique Body Features Almost No One Has, Facts Verse, Genetics, contact lens, natural beauty, Rare Eye Colors That Are More Than Real
Id: bl5qoa0duEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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